San Francisco Issues Grants to Try to Fill Vacant Stores

The real estate in SF is through the roof. I can see the reason for the investment.

All they issue you in a red state is a pink slip and an order to vacate before Bubba padlocks your shop.
Who is "they?" Under what circumstances?
Gee, sounds like the rates are through the roof.

Exactly what I said.

Uh, no, you said
I said the rents are through the roof...all you've done was confirm it. Thanks again.
Tsk Tsk Tsk, You blew it all by resorting to lying. You said "The real estate in SF is through the roof" not rents. Are you in habit of lying? Not an admirable trait.
Supply and demand at work. The market will sort itself out. Is this a new concept to you?
Yeah, the market is sorting itself out as SF has turned itself into shithole Democrat run Detroit.

Uh, no, you said

Tsk Tsk Tsk, You blew it all by resorting to lying. You said "The real estate in SF is through the roof" not rents. Are you in habit of lying? Not an admirable trait.
I literally had to laugh out loud at your attempt at finding a distinction there. Thanks for the chuckle.
I literally had to laugh out loud at your attempt at finding a distinction there. Thanks for the chuckle.
You're welcome. To the rest of us, words do have meaning.

Please don't be offended, but I don't think we will be having any further discussions. On the basis of our two interactions, it seems clear that you are not a serious poster and it doesn't appear that any further debates would run any differently.

Have a blessed life.
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And of course I never said it was "great". I said the rates are through the roof.

And PS: brain dead is two words; not one stupid.

You little liar you! You make the bidens look honest!

If you had said "in the basement" THAT, would have been truthful, but no. Yiu LIED!

Because that's all your tiny little brain is capable of.
You little liar you! You make the bidens look honest!

If you had said "in the basement" THAT, would have been truthful, but no. Yiu LIED!

Because that's all your tiny little brain is capable of.
Gee disgraced ex still can't quote me saying it was great. Cope and seethe.
Gee disgraced ex still can't quote me saying it was great. Cope and seethe.

Ahhh, look at you, the liar, suddenly you desire to change the meaning of words.

Poor little cornholio, caught LYING, yet again.

But hey, that's what you do.

Ahhh, look at you, the liar, suddenly you desire to change the meaning of words.

Poor little cornholio, caught LYING, yet again.

But hey, that's what you do.

Boy, you really hate it when I point out that you're a disgraced ex-mod. I'm sure it hurt being deposed like that.

Anyway; you can't quote me. You're not any better at debating than you were at moderating skippy.
Boy, you really hate it when I point out that you're a disgraced ex-mod. I'm sure it hurt being deposed like that.

Anyway; you can't quote me. You're not any better at debating than you were at moderating skippy.

I do? Where? You hurl insults in a vain effort to deflect away from the fact that you are a lying piece of horse poo.

I can care less what you call me. So call me anything you like, cornholio.

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