San Juan Mayor Refuses To Meet With FEMA Offering Help. What's Wrong With This Bitch?

She's been infected with Democrat 'Fuckin Asshole' disease. She's very close to Hillary Clinton. One of Clinton's miserable lackeys. I did some research on her. She's definitely closely aligned with the US Democratic Party. So knowing that, who can really be surprised by her despicable behavior? Fuck her.

She's just another racist left wing asshole who thinks PRs should be the Center of The Universe in all things, never mind sharing resources with Texas and Florida or the rest of the Caribbean, PR's matter far more, 'everybody else' is unimportant in her world view, i.e. she's just like many black and brown 'activists' and their fellow narcissists that make up the Democratic Party base ; if it weren't for those evul white Xian people still in the way of these vermin and their sociopathic agendas the U.S. would be making Zimbabwe and Somalia look like paradises because the would then turn on themselves. South Chicago is nothing compared to what these sick animals will create here.

It's pretty simple; next time she whines and lies just cut the place off until the sane PR's toss her out of office, and hopefully onto an inner tube with a map to Cuba.
Trump likes foreign women with huge hooters. You'd think this could be a win win.
More misogyny. Picking on women is all your candy assed Trumpettes can do.

View attachment 152526

Leaked Democrat personal e-mails reveal they are sexists.
- 'Nothing to see here.'

Hillary runs the worst Presidential campaign in US history - refuses to go to Wisconsin and a few other states, which costs her the election. She was under multiple FBI Investigations for crimes she DID commit days out from the election, which means she should have been forced out of the race. She goes on a world-wide 'This is who I blame for my loss' book tour while her own party members finally get enough of her and say 'STFU already' (Schumer and others).
- Point any of this out and the Libtards scream 'Misogyny'

San Juan Mayor engages in intentional Trump-Bashing while standing in front of a warehouse filled with supplies, brought to her and placed in the warehouse by approx. 5 USN Ships, hundreds of military members, and FEMA workers - a team that engaged in rescue of civilians, providing medical care, opened up / are opening up sea ports / roads / airports, and are working to get the power back on while fully stocking their gasoline and diesel supplies.
- Point any of this out and the Libtards scream 'Misogyny'

Snowflakes have become WAY too predictable ... yet still so entertaining.

More of the same syupid Hillary the criminal bullshit from a person who is sofa king stupid he voted for the biggest liar in the campaign.

Wjat crimres?

Did she cheat business associates? Did she defraud students in her university? Was she asccused of child raspe? Did she collude with the Russians? Did she grope men? Did she marry a person whoi entered this country illergally?


Tell me What crime?

So your orange hero gets his cronies to report ow things are going great in Puerto Rico. The Mayor of Sn Juan reports how it isn't. And you jackasses attack the mayor. This is how fucking stupid you are.

And furthermore you stupid shit, when you van't attack the action without bring in their gender, you are a misogynist. Go fuck yourself & your orange buddy too.
RD, snowflakes never cease to amaze. When reminded of the facts they go into their whole Lie / Deny / justify' and 'Stupid' schtick.

Snowflakes are so childish and immature they can not stop calling the President names - 'the orange hero', which btw, does nothing to diminish the President but, as mentioned, just makes you look immature - a by-product of 'post-election butt-hurt'.

As far as the 'ignorant' game goes, especially since it has been explained to continuously reality-denying snowflakes as yourself, I'm not playing your game. I will just remind you that more than 15,000 official documents / e-mails that were never turned in as required by the FOIA and the Federal Records Act represent more than 30,000 criminal charges from which Hillary was protected.

Have a nice day. I hear the weather is beautiful there is 'LaLa Land'. :p
Seems like a good place for a golf course. Low wage Spanish speaking "legals" and all the trees are already down
Seems like a good place for a golf course. Low wage Spanish speaking "legals" and all the trees are already down

Ok, that's just wrong...funny as hell...but wrong. :p

(The 'water hazards' - found on every hole - are a bit@h!)
It's a wonder we have any resources left. Houston, Florida, War footing in NK and we still have resources left for PR. That I think is amazing.
She's been infected with Democrat 'Fuckin Asshole' disease. She's very close to Hillary Clinton. One of Clinton's miserable lackeys. I did some research on her. She's definitely closely aligned with the US Democratic Party. So knowing that, who can really be surprised by her despicable behavior? Fuck her.
She is not a member of the Democrat party. Her beluefs align more with Democrats than you asshole Republicans.

She's a typical hateful entitled Democrat asshole. She can go to hell. Nuff said.
I'm delighted to see that in our 21st century America, misogyny has disappeared.
She's been infected with Democrat 'Fuckin Asshole' disease. She's very close to Hillary Clinton. One of Clinton's miserable lackeys. I did some research on her. She's definitely closely aligned with the US Democratic Party. So knowing that, who can really be surprised by her despicable behavior? Fuck her.

She's just another racist left wing asshole who thinks PRs should be the Center of The Universe in all things, never mind sharing resources with Texas and Florida or the rest of the Caribbean, PR's matter far more, 'everybody else' is unimportant in her world view, i.e. she's just like many black and brown 'activists' and their fellow narcissists that make up the Democratic Party base ; if it weren't for those evul white Xian people still in the way of these vermin and their sociopathic agendas the U.S. would be making Zimbabwe and Somalia look like paradises because the would then turn on themselves. South Chicago is nothing compared to what these sick animals will create here.

It's pretty simple; next time she whines and lies just cut the place off until the sane PR's toss her out of office, and hopefully onto an inner tube with a map to Cuba.

Yeah, obviously Puerto Rico has been infected with the Democrat 'Entitled Asshole' disease. Look who's running the country currently. The current Government is closely aligned with the US Democratic Party. So is it really so surprising Puerto Rico is a bankrupted Third World hellhole? Just think Detroit/Chicago in the US. That's what Democrats do to all once great places. They destroy everything they touch.

That being said, lets help them as much as possible. And then lets write Puerto Rico off. Grant it full Independence and cut it loose once and for all. It's only a massive drain on the US at this point. We're $21 Trillion in Debt, we just don't have the resources to coddle another Democrat-decimated Welfare State. So i'm all for helping them out this time, but after this, lets cut Puerto Rico loose.
Let's be real, this is the kind of shitty behavior we've come to expect from Democrats. Take a look at Florida and Texas. They've been decimated too. Yet you see very little bitchin & whinin. No accusing the President of 'Not caring about people and doing nothing.' No screeching about the President being a 'Racist.'

Once again you're seeing the big difference between being a Republican and being a Democrat. Florida and Texas are run by Republicans, most folks there were prepared and don't believe the Government should run their lives for them. They're behaving with class and dignity. It's only Democrat-run areas that react the way this idiot Mayor has. Republicans are better folks in general. Sorry Dems, but it is the truth.
She's been infected with Democrat 'Fuckin Asshole' disease. She's very close to Hillary Clinton. One of Clinton's miserable lackeys. I did some research on her. She's definitely closely aligned with the US Democratic Party. So knowing that, who can really be surprised by her despicable behavior? Fuck her.
She is not a member of the Democrat party. Her beluefs align more with Democrats than you asshole Republicans.

She's a typical hateful entitled Democrat asshole. She can go to hell. Nuff said.

"You're doing a heck of a job, Donnie" Said Trump to himself/ And you assholes believe it. Funny chit.
More misogyny. Picking on women is all your candy assed Trumpettes can do.

View attachment 152526

Leaked Democrat personal e-mails reveal they are sexists.
- 'Nothing to see here.'

Hillary runs the worst Presidential campaign in US history - refuses to go to Wisconsin and a few other states, which costs her the election. She was under multiple FBI Investigations for crimes she DID commit days out from the election, which means she should have been forced out of the race. She goes on a world-wide 'This is who I blame for my loss' book tour while her own party members finally get enough of her and say 'STFU already' (Schumer and others).
- Point any of this out and the Libtards scream 'Misogyny'

San Juan Mayor engages in intentional Trump-Bashing while standing in front of a warehouse filled with supplies, brought to her and placed in the warehouse by approx. 5 USN Ships, hundreds of military members, and FEMA workers - a team that engaged in rescue of civilians, providing medical care, opened up / are opening up sea ports / roads / airports, and are working to get the power back on while fully stocking their gasoline and diesel supplies.
- Point any of this out and the Libtards scream 'Misogyny'

Snowflakes have become WAY too predictable ... yet still so entertaining.

More of the same syupid Hillary the criminal bullshit from a person who is sofa king stupid he voted for the biggest liar in the campaign.

Wjat crimres?

Did she cheat business associates? Did she defraud students in her university? Was she asccused of child raspe? Did she collude with the Russians? Did she grope men? Did she marry a person whoi entered this country illergally?


Tell me What crime?

So your orange hero gets his cronies to report ow things are going great in Puerto Rico. The Mayor of Sn Juan reports how it isn't. And you jackasses attack the mayor. This is how fucking stupid you are.

And furthermore you stupid shit, when you van't attack the action without bring in their gender, you are a misogynist. Go fuck yourself & your orange buddy too.
RD, snowflakes never cease to amaze. When reminded of the facts they go into their whole Lie / Deny / justify' and 'Stupid' schtick.

Snowflakes are so childish and immature they can not stop calling the President names - 'the orange hero', which btw, does nothing to diminish the President but, as mentioned, just makes you look immature - a by-product of 'post-election butt-hurt'.

As far as the 'ignorant' game goes, especially since it has been explained to continuously reality-denying snowflakes as yourself, I'm not playing your game. I will just remind you that more than 15,000 official documents / e-mails that were never turned in as required by the FOIA and the Federal Records Act represent more than 30,000 criminal charges from which Hillary was protected.

Have a nice day. I hear the weather is beautiful there is 'LaLa Land'. :p

The misogyny comes into play when you & your butt buddies use terms like "bitch" or about breaking a nail. Claiming you being called misogynists t just because you disagree is a big fucking lie.

There is no requiremrent for personal e-mails to be turned in. NONE. Asshole.

talk about "breaking fingerb-nbails". But hry, keedp lying about
She's been infected with Democrat 'Fuckin Asshole' disease. She's very close to Hillary Clinton. One of Clinton's miserable lackeys. I did some research on her. She's definitely closely aligned with the US Democratic Party. So knowing that, who can really be surprised by her despicable behavior? Fuck her.

She's just another racist left wing asshole who thinks PRs should be the Center of The Universe in all things, never mind sharing resources with Texas and Florida or the rest of the Caribbean, PR's matter far more, 'everybody else' is unimportant in her world view, i.e. she's just like many black and brown 'activists' and their fellow narcissists that make up the Democratic Party base ; if it weren't for those evul white Xian people still in the way of these vermin and their sociopathic agendas the U.S. would be making Zimbabwe and Somalia look like paradises because the would then turn on themselves. South Chicago is nothing compared to what these sick animals will create here.

It's pretty simple; next time she whines and lies just cut the place off until the sane PR's toss her out of office, and hopefully onto an inner tube with a map to Cuba.

The White House said how great everything was in Puerto Rico.

The mayor correct their lying asses.

Did that hurt little Donnie's feelings? Ahhhhhhhhhh poor baby
She's been infected with Democrat 'Fuckin Asshole' disease. She's very close to Hillary Clinton. One of Clinton's miserable lackeys. I did some research on her. She's definitely closely aligned with the US Democratic Party. So knowing that, who can really be surprised by her despicable behavior? Fuck her.

She's just another racist left wing asshole who thinks PRs should be the Center of The Universe in all things, never mind sharing resources with Texas and Florida or the rest of the Caribbean, PR's matter far more, 'everybody else' is unimportant in her world view, i.e. she's just like many black and brown 'activists' and their fellow narcissists that make up the Democratic Party base ; if it weren't for those evul white Xian people still in the way of these vermin and their sociopathic agendas the U.S. would be making Zimbabwe and Somalia look like paradises because the would then turn on themselves. South Chicago is nothing compared to what these sick animals will create here.

It's pretty simple; next time she whines and lies just cut the place off until the sane PR's toss her out of office, and hopefully onto an inner tube with a map to Cuba.

Yeah, obviously Puerto Rico has been infected with the Democrat 'Entitled Asshole' disease. Look who's running the country currently. The current Government is closely aligned with the US Democratic Party. So is it really so surprising Puerto Rico is a bankrupted Third World hellhole? Just think Detroit/Chicago in the US. That's what Democrats do to all once great places. They destroy everything they touch.

That being said, lets help them as much as possible. And then lets write Puerto Rico off. Grant it full Independence and cut it loose once and for all. It's only a massive drain on the US at this point. We're $21 Trillion in Debt, we just don't have the resources to coddle another Democrat-decimated Welfare State. So i'm all for helping them out this time, but after this, lets cut Puerto Rico loose.

The Governor is a member of the conservative party you stupid shit.
The misogyny comes into play when you & your butt buddies use terms like "bitch" or about breaking a nail.
I said 'you can lead a horse to water but you can't make that bit@h drink' - I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE HORSE.

I said 'you can lead a horse to water but you can't make that bit@h drink' - I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE HORSE.


Everybody made a big deal about the 4 pallets of water in the background of the Mayors outcry. She's the mayor of San Juan, so to her 4 pallets of water means having enough to give one half liter water bottle for every 45 people.

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