Sanctuary Cities Get What they Deserve

Take Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco, for example. Here's a recent headline:

"Car burglaries are at epidemic levels in San Francisco"

Does placing a 'no valuables inside' sign in a car window deter break-ins?

"This year a total of 17,970 vehicle break-ins were reported from Jan. 1 to July 31, a 28 percent increase over the same period in 2016. In August, a police shakeup eliminated a citywide task force focused on the epidemic in favor of assigning dozens more cops to walk neighborhood beats.

{It was} "suggested that car owners...simply leave the car doors unlocked. But that prompted stories of homeless people sleeping in vehicles overnight, doing drugs and/or having sex in them, and even using backseats as a toilet."

The more you see of such nonsense, the more you have to believe that Liberalism is truly a Mental disease.



says a mentally deranged trumptard
Yes.....we cannot assume that when a state acts as a magnet to millions of poor illegals and allows them to enter their state, we cannot assume that the huge spike in crime is due to this ridiculous policy.

I think we need to build a wall to keep California out of the rest of America.
States rights, move, vote.

states rights died when the south lost the civil war.

you are aware of the supremacy clause, no?
Muddy wants what he wants.

luckily for us he has no power to impose what he wants on normal people. :thup:
Americans are THE most scared little whiney bitches on the planet. All the research show you folks are totally full of shyte, but don't let that hamstring your caterwauling.

What "research" are you referring to?
Are you referencing this?:
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
Your donor/"job creator" class is where you should direct your arguments pard, the "illegals" have always been here at their behest and due to their lobbying efforts, for reasons obvious to even the most casual of observers.

Why, it's almost like Walmart's drain on US taxpayers ain't it.
Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Wow! You mean Walmart passed law that gives their workers taxpayer money? I didn't think they had that kind of power. No wonder those people have no inclination to better themselves.
It is what it is, and you're obviously down with it as the kids say. That's on you.

says a mentally deranged trumptard
Yes.....we cannot assume that when a state acts as a magnet to millions of poor illegals and allows them to enter their state, we cannot assume that the huge spike in crime is due to this ridiculous policy.

I think we need to build a wall to keep California out of the rest of America.
States rights, move, vote.

states rights died when the south lost the civil war.

you are aware of the supremacy clause, no?
Muddy wants what he wants.

luckily for us he has no power to impose what he wants on normal people. :thup:
Better look again.
Americans are THE most scared little whiney bitches on the planet. All the research show you folks are totally full of shyte, but don't let that hamstring your caterwauling.

What "research" are you referring to?
Are you referencing this?:
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
Your donor/"job creator" class is where you should direct your arguments pard, the "illegals" have always been here at their behest and due to their lobbying efforts, for reasons obvious to even the most casual of observers.

Why, it's almost like Walmart's drain on US taxpayers ain't it.
Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

It's been said a million times before and you pretend you've never heard it...why? Here goes....AGAIN!
Anyone who is for the eradication of illegals is also for aggressively hammering down on employers of illegals. Cracking down on employers may remove the incentive for Carlos to go to work....BUT what about the illegals presenting employers with fraudulent documents to gain employment? What about the incentive for Guadalupe to drop her five anchors here and collect welfare, EBT, housing assistance, health care, schooling etc etc? Will Carlos simply stay at home, not try to work...and leech on Guadalupe's taxpayer funded goodies?
In a feeble attempt to spin the issue and decriminalize illegals many have tried to sell that employers are the root cause....who's more the criminal the drug dealer or the drug manufacture? It's a retarded argument as both sides are pieces of shits. The bottom line is illegals still have plenty of motivation to come here and steal from American's even if employers aren't hiring.
The problem has to be dealt with at its source and point of origin....the border and Mexico...TA-DA!
With that said....Where do you go with your spin from here?

I don't think I need to add anything, you showed your "concern" for taxpayers was bogus and that this is about something entirely different for you. Thanks. How's that wall coming? Nieto's check show up yet?

You and your fucking retarded circle talk. You really need to stick with your "Goldman Sachs all up in D.C." conspiracy bullshit...every time you step away from that you make yourself look like an even bigger fool.
The wall is moving right along...have you saw the prototypes? They're fucking awesome!
Oh Nieto and his filthy beaners are definitely paying for it directly or indirectly and third graders can see how.
Let me know if you need it explained to 11 year old nephew is here today, I'll log him in to outline the details for the ignorant.
Americans are THE most scared little whiney bitches on the planet. All the research show you folks are totally full of shyte, but don't let that hamstring your caterwauling.

What "research" are you referring to?
Are you referencing this?:
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
Your donor/"job creator" class is where you should direct your arguments pard, the "illegals" have always been here at their behest and due to their lobbying efforts, for reasons obvious to even the most casual of observers.

Why, it's almost like Walmart's drain on US taxpayers ain't it.
Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

It's been said a million times before and you pretend you've never heard it...why? Here goes....AGAIN!
Anyone who is for the eradication of illegals is also for aggressively hammering down on employers of illegals. Cracking down on employers may remove the incentive for Carlos to go to work....BUT what about the illegals presenting employers with fraudulent documents to gain employment? What about the incentive for Guadalupe to drop her five anchors here and collect welfare, EBT, housing assistance, health care, schooling etc etc? Will Carlos simply stay at home, not try to work...and leech on Guadalupe's taxpayer funded goodies?
In a feeble attempt to spin the issue and decriminalize illegals many have tried to sell that employers are the root cause....who's more the criminal the drug dealer or the drug manufacture? It's a retarded argument as both sides are pieces of shits. The bottom line is illegals still have plenty of motivation to come here and steal from American's even if employers aren't hiring.
The problem has to be dealt with at its source and point of origin....the border and Mexico...TA-DA!
With that said....Where do you go with your spin from here?

I don't think I need to add anything, you showed your "concern" for taxpayers was bogus and that this is about something entirely different for you. Thanks. How's that wall coming? Nieto's check show up yet?

You and your fucking retarded circle talk. You really need to stick with your "Goldman Sachs all up in D.C." conspiracy bullshit...every time you step away from that you make yourself look like an even bigger fool.
The wall is moving right along...have you saw the prototypes? They're fucking awesome!
Oh Nieto and his filthy beaners are definitely paying for it directly or indirectly and third graders can see how.
Let me know if you need it explained to 11 year old nephew is here today, I'll log him in to outline the details for the ignorant.

Go look into who is always populating your white house hon, I'm sorry, your partisanshithead rants make no sense. You enjoy in this society "two" political parties that represent the donor/"job creator"/Wall Street bankster class and none that represent the people. If you do not figure this out you will pass this on to your poor lost and purposely befuddled 11 year old nephew.
Americans are THE most scared little whiney bitches on the planet. All the research show you folks are totally full of shyte, but don't let that hamstring your caterwauling.

What "research" are you referring to?
Are you referencing this?:
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
Your donor/"job creator" class is where you should direct your arguments pard, the "illegals" have always been here at their behest and due to their lobbying efforts, for reasons obvious to even the most casual of observers.

Why, it's almost like Walmart's drain on US taxpayers ain't it.
Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Wow! You mean Walmart passed law that gives their workers taxpayer money? I didn't think they had that kind of power. No wonder those people have no inclination to better themselves.
It is what it is, and you're obviously down with it as the kids say. That's on you.

Oh, I know exactly what it is. It's this never ending war on Walmart because they are not union, and liberals blaming them instead of their politicians for their drain on society.
Take Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco, for example. Here's a recent headline:

"Car burglaries are at epidemic levels in San Francisco"

Does placing a 'no valuables inside' sign in a car window deter break-ins?

"This year a total of 17,970 vehicle break-ins were reported from Jan. 1 to July 31, a 28 percent increase over the same period in 2016. In August, a police shakeup eliminated a citywide task force focused on the epidemic in favor of assigning dozens more cops to walk neighborhood beats.

{It was} "suggested that car owners...simply leave the car doors unlocked. But that prompted stories of homeless people sleeping in vehicles overnight, doing drugs and/or having sex in them, and even using backseats as a toilet."

The more you see of such nonsense, the more you have to believe that Liberalism is truly a Mental disease.



says a mentally deranged trumptard
Yes.....we cannot assume that when a state acts as a magnet to millions of poor illegals and allows them to enter their state, we cannot assume that the huge spike in crime is due to this ridiculous policy.

I think we need to build a wall to keep California out of the rest of America.

where are you going to get your welfare payments from then, nutty muddy?


You appear to be poorly educated and possibly a child. All I ever see you do in responses is called others names, as above. You are useless as a poster.

Plus, you spam the board with this nonsense. No post amounts to a contribution. They are only name-calling, as in this thread.

My rule, not that you are interested, is that when a loon like you reaches 100,000 posts of such silliness....they go to INGORE. You are almost there. I am going to make an exception for you, and pull the trigger now. Goodbye.
Americans are THE most scared little whiney bitches on the planet. All the research show you folks are totally full of shyte, but don't let that hamstring your caterwauling.

What "research" are you referring to?
Are you referencing this?:
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
Your donor/"job creator" class is where you should direct your arguments pard, the "illegals" have always been here at their behest and due to their lobbying efforts, for reasons obvious to even the most casual of observers.

Why, it's almost like Walmart's drain on US taxpayers ain't it.
Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Wow! You mean Walmart passed law that gives their workers taxpayer money? I didn't think they had that kind of power. No wonder those people have no inclination to better themselves.
It is what it is, and you're obviously down with it as the kids say. That's on you.

Oh, I know exactly what it is. It's this never ending war on Walmart because they are not union, and liberals blaming them instead of their politicians for their drain on society.
They don't need to be union, tax payers subsidize one of the wealthiest families in america.
Take Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco, for example. Here's a recent headline:

"Car burglaries are at epidemic levels in San Francisco"

Does placing a 'no valuables inside' sign in a car window deter break-ins?

"This year a total of 17,970 vehicle break-ins were reported from Jan. 1 to July 31, a 28 percent increase over the same period in 2016. In August, a police shakeup eliminated a citywide task force focused on the epidemic in favor of assigning dozens more cops to walk neighborhood beats.

{It was} "suggested that car owners...simply leave the car doors unlocked. But that prompted stories of homeless people sleeping in vehicles overnight, doing drugs and/or having sex in them, and even using backseats as a toilet."

The more you see of such nonsense, the more you have to believe that Liberalism is truly a Mental disease.



says a mentally deranged trumptard
Yes.....we cannot assume that when a state acts as a magnet to millions of poor illegals and allows them to enter their state, we cannot assume that the huge spike in crime is due to this ridiculous policy.

I think we need to build a wall to keep California out of the rest of America.

where are you going to get your welfare payments from then, nutty muddy?


You appear to be poorly educated and possibly a child. All I ever see you do in responses is called others names, as above. You are useless as a poster.

Plus, you spam the board with this nonsense. No post amounts to a contribution. They are only name-calling, as in this thread.

My rule, not that you are interested, is that when a loon like you reaches 100,000 posts of such silliness....they go to INGORE. You are almost there. I am going to make an exception for you, and pull the trigger now. Goodbye.

Can I get on that list too please? Thanks.
All illegals should migrate to the liberal promised land California. CA has free housing, free food, free healthcare, free school, race based hiring, race based college admissions, plenty of gangs to join.....[/QU


Even unlocked cars to shit in!

says a mentally deranged trumptard
Yes.....we cannot assume that when a state acts as a magnet to millions of poor illegals and allows them to enter their state, we cannot assume that the huge spike in crime is due to this ridiculous policy.

I think we need to build a wall to keep California out of the rest of America.
States rights, move, vote.

states rights died when the south lost the civil war.

you are aware of the supremacy clause, no?
Muddy wants what he wants.

luckily for us he has no power to impose what he wants on normal people. :thup:
Normal people?
You mean people from other countries?
Or do you mean people that can't tell which sex they are?
Or people that hate the country they live in?
Or people that enjoy fucking other people over?
Oh.....I know.....people who think Republicans are a bigger threat than ISIS and al Qaeda.
Take Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco, for example. Here's a recent headline:

"Car burglaries are at epidemic levels in San Francisco"

Does placing a 'no valuables inside' sign in a car window deter break-ins?

"This year a total of 17,970 vehicle break-ins were reported from Jan. 1 to July 31, a 28 percent increase over the same period in 2016. In August, a police shakeup eliminated a citywide task force focused on the epidemic in favor of assigning dozens more cops to walk neighborhood beats.

{It was} "suggested that car owners...simply leave the car doors unlocked. But that prompted stories of homeless people sleeping in vehicles overnight, doing drugs and/or having sex in them, and even using backseats as a toilet."

The more you see of such nonsense, the more you have to believe that Liberalism is truly a Mental disease.



says a mentally deranged trumptard
I see the op left you at a loss for words. Completely unable to articulate a rational rebuttal so you revert to childish memes.
Progressives support contrary behavior and decay. Couldn't tell you why exactly, though I do know they're delusional and confused.
What "research" are you referring to?
Are you referencing this?:
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
Your donor/"job creator" class is where you should direct your arguments pard, the "illegals" have always been here at their behest and due to their lobbying efforts, for reasons obvious to even the most casual of observers.

Why, it's almost like Walmart's drain on US taxpayers ain't it.
Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Wow! You mean Walmart passed law that gives their workers taxpayer money? I didn't think they had that kind of power. No wonder those people have no inclination to better themselves.
It is what it is, and you're obviously down with it as the kids say. That's on you.

Oh, I know exactly what it is. It's this never ending war on Walmart because they are not union, and liberals blaming them instead of their politicians for their drain on society.
They don't need to be union, tax payers subsidize one of the wealthiest families in america.

Oh yes, they do need to be union for the Democrats to back off their attacks on them. The taxpayer is subsidizing American citizens who don't possess the talent to make better money, or those who decide they don't want to make better money so they qualify for those benefits. Walmart has nothing to do with that. Walmart could care less if we taxpayers give them everything or nothing. Their business will flourish no matter what taxpayers do.
Take Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco, for example. Here's a recent headline:

"Car burglaries are at epidemic levels in San Francisco"

Does placing a 'no valuables inside' sign in a car window deter break-ins?

"This year a total of 17,970 vehicle break-ins were reported from Jan. 1 to July 31, a 28 percent increase over the same period in 2016. In August, a police shakeup eliminated a citywide task force focused on the epidemic in favor of assigning dozens more cops to walk neighborhood beats.

{It was} "suggested that car owners...simply leave the car doors unlocked. But that prompted stories of homeless people sleeping in vehicles overnight, doing drugs and/or having sex in them, and even using backseats as a toilet."

The more you see of such nonsense, the more you have to believe that Liberalism is truly a Mental disease.



says a mentally deranged trumptard
Yes.....we cannot assume that when a state acts as a magnet to millions of poor illegals and allows them to enter their state, we cannot assume that the huge spike in crime is due to this ridiculous policy.

I think we need to build a wall to keep California out of the rest of America.
States rights, move, vote.

states rights died when the south lost the civil war.

you are aware of the supremacy clause, no?
Are you aware that wealthy Liberal Jews can't live without their cheap, Spanish speaking, slaves?
I am.
And speaking of which, the 3rd generation Mexicans are still slaves.
Take Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco, for example. Here's a recent headline:

"Car burglaries are at epidemic levels in San Francisco"

Does placing a 'no valuables inside' sign in a car window deter break-ins?

"This year a total of 17,970 vehicle break-ins were reported from Jan. 1 to July 31, a 28 percent increase over the same period in 2016. In August, a police shakeup eliminated a citywide task force focused on the epidemic in favor of assigning dozens more cops to walk neighborhood beats.

{It was} "suggested that car owners...simply leave the car doors unlocked. But that prompted stories of homeless people sleeping in vehicles overnight, doing drugs and/or having sex in them, and even using backseats as a toilet."

The more you see of such nonsense, the more you have to believe that Liberalism is truly a Mental disease.



says a mentally deranged trumptard
Yes.....we cannot assume that when a state acts as a magnet to millions of poor illegals and allows them to enter their state, we cannot assume that the huge spike in crime is due to this ridiculous policy.

I think we need to build a wall to keep California out of the rest of America.
States rights, move, vote.

states rights died when the south lost the civil war.

you are aware of the supremacy clause, no?
Are you aware that wealthy Liberal Jews can't live without their cheap, Spanish speaking, slaves?
I am.
And speaking of which, the 3rd generation Mexicans are still slaves.
The notion that america as a society, taken as a whole, has any compunctions whatsoever about abusing human beings for for profit should be laid to rest once and for all. There has never been anything to it, we merely cannot face what we are as a society.
As a Californian I would rather have the sanctuary cities than the increased presence of conservative people and their regressive ideas.

says a mentally deranged trumptard
Yes.....we cannot assume that when a state acts as a magnet to millions of poor illegals and allows them to enter their state, we cannot assume that the huge spike in crime is due to this ridiculous policy.

I think we need to build a wall to keep California out of the rest of America.
States rights, move, vote.

states rights died when the south lost the civil war.

you are aware of the supremacy clause, no?
Are you aware that wealthy Liberal Jews can't live without their cheap, Spanish speaking, slaves?
I am.
And speaking of which, the 3rd generation Mexicans are still slaves.
The notion that america as a society, taken as a whole, has any compunctions whatsoever about abusing human beings for for profit should be laid to rest once and for all. There has never been anything to it, we merely cannot face what we are as a society.
The base of capitalism is paying the least amount while charging the most=indentured servitude.

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