Sanctuary cities

Citizen Militia to apprehend try and execute, Done in a month, with massive self repatriation.
675 Sanctuary Cities Wouldn't Turn Over Criminal Aliens to ICE...

Sanctuaries: 675 Jurisdictions Wouldn't Turn Over Criminal Aliens to ICE
January 26, 2018 | Law enforcement agencies in approximately 675 jurisdictions around the United States declined to comply with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement “detainer” requests and hand over to ICE removable aliens whom those jurisdictions had arrested for violating local laws, according to the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security.
According to the IG, this lack of cooperation from local law enforcement agencies has hindered ICE’s efforts to identify known or suspected foreign terrorists, who are inside the United States. On Jan. 5, 2018, the IG issued a report--“ICE Faces Challenges to Screen Aliens Who May Be Known or Suspected Terrorists”—that discussed the issue. “ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) faces challenges in implementing the Known or Suspected Terrorist Encounter Protocol (KSTEP) screening process, which is used to identify aliens who may be known or suspected terrorists,” the report said.


A section of this report was titled: “Some Local Law Enforcement Agencies Are Not Honoring ICE Detainers.” “Some local law enforcement agencies will not honor ICE immigration detainer requests, which further impacts ERO’s ability to take criminal aliens into its custody and apply KSTEP to identify possible terrorist connections,” this section said. “To bring these aliens into custody, ICE files detainers with the applicable law enforcement agency requesting to detain them upon their release,” it said. “Based on source data provided by ERO’s Law Enforcement Systems and Analysis unit, we determined that approximately 675 jurisdictions nationwide declined to honor more than 29,269 ICE immigration detainers from January 2014 through May 2017,” the report said. “When a state or local law enforcement agency declines to transfer custody of a removable criminal alien to ICE, the released alien may put the public and ERO personnel at risk and requires significantly more resources to bring the individual into ICE custody,” the IG report said.

ICE issues a “detainer” to a law enforcement agency only when an alien has been arrested by that agency and ICE has probable cause to believe the alien is removable from this country. “ICE places detainers on aliens who have been arrested on local criminal charges and for whom ICE possesses probable cause to believe that they are removable from the United States, so that ICE can take custody of the alien when he or she is released from local custody,” says a statement on the ICE website. “When law enforcement agencies fail to honor immigration detainers and release serious criminal offenders, it undermines ICE’s ability to protect public safety and carry out its mission,” says the statement.


An ICE policy document on the issuing detainers makes clear that the ICE officer issuing a detainer on a particular alien must have “probable cause” to believe that alien is removable and the officer can only issue the detainer after the alien has been arrested for “a criminal offense” in the jurisdiction of the law enforcement agency to which the detainer is issued. “Regardless of whether a federal, state, local or tribal LEA [law enforcement agency] cooperates with DHS immigration detainers,” says the policy, “ICE immigration officers shall issue a detainer to the LEA for an alien in the LEA’s custody after the alien is arrested for a criminal offense and the officer has probable cause to believe that the subject is an alien who is removable from the United States.” “ICE immigration officers must establish probable cause to believe that the subject is an alien who is removable from the United States before issuing a detainer with a federal, state, local or tribal LEA,” says the policy. “[A]n ICE immigration officer shall not issue an immigration detainer to an LEA unless the LEA has arrested the alien for a criminal offense in an exercise of the LEA’s independent arrest authority,” says the policy. “ICE immigration officers shall not issue an immigration detainer for an alien who has been temporarily detained or stopped, but not arrested, by another LEA.”

Sanctuaries: 675 Jurisdictions Wouldn't Turn Over Criminal Aliens to ICE

See also:

Experts Say DREAM Act Would Legalize 2.2 Million – Mostly of Mexican Origin
January 24, 2018 – The DREAM Act of 2017 would give conditional permanent residence status to at least two million immigrants, mostly of Mexican origin, according to experts and a new study.
The legislation, proposed by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), is central to the ongoing immigration debate in Congress over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which led to the recent brief government shutdown. Announced by President Obama in 2012, DACA covered a subset of the 2.2 million immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally that would be eligible for residence status under the DREAM Act. The Trump administration ended the program last September. DACA gave approximately 798,900 immigrants who arrived in the U.S. without legal permission as minors – “Dreamers” – temporary work authorization and permission to stay in the US, according to the US Citizenship and Immigration Service. The vast majority of those eligible for DACA were brought to the U.S. by their parents from Mexico, according to analysis by the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, D.C.

The institute did not analyze the country of origin for Dreamers, but a spokeswoman for the institute said it’s safe to assume that most would also be of Mexican and Central American origin. “The vast majority of Dreamers who might benefit under any scenario would be from Mexico and the three countries in Central America's Northern Triangle [El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras]. I think you could anticipate parents would have similar origins,” Michelle Mittelstad said in an email. The DREAM Act would provide conditional permanent residence to “undocumented” immigrants, including those covered by DACA, who came to the U.S. before age 18 and who have lived in the U.S. for at least four years prior to the act’s potential passage into law, according to the Center for Migration Studies in New York City. The act sets specific work and education requirements and includes a criminal background check as well as an English requirement.

Dreamers have been living in the U.S. for an average of 14 years, according to a new study just released by the center, which also estimates that 392,500 have U.S.-citizen children. “Eighty-eight percent of Dreamers speak English exclusively, very well, or well,” the study found. “Twenty-nine percent have attended college or received a college degree.” According to the study, American taxpayers have spent $150 billion to educate immigrants who would be eligible for residency under the DREAM Act. Those eligible, if they remain in the U.S., could be expected to contribute $7.6 billion to the U.S. gross domestic product annually. The study concludes that immigrants covered by the DREAM Act represent “a highly productive, integrated group, deeply embedded in the United States and poised to make – with status and time -- even more substantial contributions to the communities that have invested in them.”

Ira Mehlman, media director for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, argues that allowing immigrants covered by the DREAM Act to stay in the U.S. would be “bad policy.” “It’s amnesty and we’ve been down the road on amnesty in the past,” he said. “It rewards past illegal behavior and encourages more illegal behavior and it doesn’t do anything to benefit the American people. They are still left with the same set of broken promises.” Mehlman said the Center for Migration Studies study was trying to make the Dreamers all look like “valedictorians, and it’s simply not true.” “If you look at where the population works it is almost entirely low-skilled service industry kind of jobs.” “It is our position that they should not be given legal status in this country and should be subject to deportation,” he said, but added that “it doesn’t necessarily mean they have to be deported. They might decide [to leave the country] on their own.”

The Texas-based organization Mexicans and Americans Thinking Together conducted a study of Mexicans who had returned to Mexico from the U.S., and found “they went back because of nostalgia, family matters and because parents in Mexico were aging,” said the organization’s executive director Aracely García Granados. “They didn’t blame the U.S. for being deported. They appreciate the rule of law, and they also said they did not receive support upon their return of guidance and how to navigate the Mexican system.” Almost 20 percent of migrants returning to Mexico invested in businesses that were still operating after five years, she said.

Experts Say DREAM Act Would Legalize 2.2 Million – Mostly of Mexican Origin
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Chicken plants raided by ICE 'willfully and unlawfully' hired unauthorized workers: court documents

Handcuffed workers await transportation to a processing center following a raid by U.S. immigration officials at Koch Foods Inc., plant in Morton, Miss. U.S. immigration officials raided several Mississippi food processing plants on Wednesday and signaled that the early-morning strikes were part of a large-scale operation targeting owners as well as employees.

Morton, MISS is not a sanctuary city

Koch Foods is a food processor and distributor in Park Ridge, Illinois that is listed by Forbes Magazine as number 163 on the list of the largest private companies in the US. As of October 2014, the company had a revenue of $3 billion, and approximately 14,000 employees. The company is owned by Joseph Grendys.

Why isn't Joseph Grendys in jail?
I have never supported sanctuary cities. If a person enters the country without following protocol, extra protection from getting deported should not be an option.
it isn't sanctuary cities that are the problem. it is our extra-Constitutional immigration implication by the right wing.
Illegal immigration is not a partisan issue. Both criminal gangs love it. If the Rs really were with Donnie on this issue, it would have been stopped when they had both houses of Congress. It wasn’t stopped because the transnational capitalist class billionaires who own and control both gangs, want open borders.

Amazingly many average Americans go against their self interest in supporting open borders. The power of the billionaire owned MSM, is clearly evident.
it isn't sanctuary cities that are the problem. it is our extra-Constitutional immigration implication by the right wing.
Illegal immigration is not a partisan issue. Both criminal gangs love it. If the Rs really were with Donnie on this issue, it would have been stopped when they had both houses of Congress. It wasn’t stopped because the transnational capitalist class billionaires who own and control both gangs, want open borders.

Amazingly many average Americans go against their self interest in supporting open borders. The power of the billionaire owned MSM, is clearly evident.
You simply don't understand the problem. We don't have an express immigration clause. We do have an express welfare clause, General not Common.

And, we even have an express Commerce Clause to help out, should we be unsure as to which capital direction we should be capitalizing on via public policy.

We should not be losing money on border policy with our express naturalization clause. And, we should have no illegals or illegal underclass because all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general Government and federally identified for civil purposes.

the right wing prefers the Cost of Bigotry to actual Constitutional solutions.
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I feel sorry for american homeless putting up with all these foreigners.
Democrats hate Americans so much, they step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals and make needy homeless Americans compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for Americans.
I feel sorry for american homeless putting up with all these foreigners.
Democrats hate Americans so much, they step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals and make needy homeless Americans compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for Americans.
The left has a solution. Only the right wing has a problem with it because of the of the "social horror" that the Poor may benefit.
I feel sorry for american homeless putting up with all these foreigners.
Democrats hate Americans so much, they step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals and make needy homeless Americans compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for Americans.
The left has a solution. Only the right wing has a problem with it because of the of the "social horror" that the Poor may benefit.
If Democrats had a "solution" to poverty, all the cities and states they run would show it.
I feel sorry for american homeless putting up with all these foreigners.
Democrats hate Americans so much, they step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals and make needy homeless Americans compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for Americans.
The left has a solution. Only the right wing has a problem with it because of the of the "social horror" that the Poor may benefit.
If Democrats had a "solution" to poverty, all the cities and states they run would show it.
the right wing has even less.

And, our solution will solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
I feel sorry for american homeless putting up with all these foreigners.
Democrats hate Americans so much, they step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals and make needy homeless Americans compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for Americans.
The left has a solution. Only the right wing has a problem with it because of the of the "social horror" that the Poor may benefit.
If Democrats had a "solution" to poverty, all the cities and states they run would show it.
the right wing has even less.

And, our solution will solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
Allowing foreign nationals to come and go unchecked and unregulated at will, exploiting them for slave wages, is not good for anyone but globalist who hate America and aim to fundamentally transform it.
I feel sorry for american homeless putting up with all these foreigners.
Democrats hate Americans so much, they step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals and make needy homeless Americans compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for Americans.
The left has a solution. Only the right wing has a problem with it because of the of the "social horror" that the Poor may benefit.
If Democrats had a "solution" to poverty, all the cities and states they run would show it.
the right wing has even less.

And, our solution will solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
Allowing foreign nationals to come and go unchecked and unregulated at will, exploiting them for slave wages, is not good for anyone but globalist who hate America and aim to fundamentally transform it.
The right wing only alleges to subscribe to Capitalism, in socialism threads.

We should have no illegals or illegal underclass, and we should be generating revenue from every foreign national in the US.
Democrats hate Americans so much, they step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals and make needy homeless Americans compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for Americans.
The left has a solution. Only the right wing has a problem with it because of the of the "social horror" that the Poor may benefit.
If Democrats had a "solution" to poverty, all the cities and states they run would show it.
the right wing has even less.

And, our solution will solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
Allowing foreign nationals to come and go unchecked and unregulated at will, exploiting them for slave wages, is not good for anyone but globalist who hate America and aim to fundamentally transform it.
The right wing only alleges to subscribe to Capitalism, in socialism threads.

We should have no illegals or illegal underclass, and we should be generating revenue from every foreign national in the US.

And Democrats can deny being communist...

Do Democrats support foreign nationals coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will? Raise your hand...
We should have no illegals or illegal underclass, and we should be generating revenue from every foreign national in the US.
We should have no illegals or illegal underclass, and we should be generating revenue from every foreign national in the US.
Tell that to Democrats who aid abet and provide sanctuary to foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will.

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