Sanders And O'Malley Smile As "Douche Waters" Polls Fall.


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Hillary may long regret not locking the door to the nursing home when she left.
Fellow nursing home resident Sanders has got to be giddy as her polls start their downward dive.

These numbers from the Pew Research Center.... Hillary Clinton Favorability Timeline Pew Research Center


(Oct. 2013) For the first time in years, Clinton was out of government. But she acknowledged she was contemplating a second bid for the White House. In an Oct. 2013 speech to a business group on Long Island, Clinton said she wanted to “think seriously” about a 2016 campaign, but said she wouldn’t begin thinking about a possible second run until the following year.

(May 2015) Hillary Clinton’s favorability rating has fallen since last August, when 58% had a favorable impression of her and 41% held an unfavorable view. Today, views of Clinton are divided: 49% have a favorable opinion of the former secretary of state; 47% have an unfavorable opinion. Clinton announced her 2016 presidential candidacy on April 12, 2015.

It would seem even democrats are now seeing her more and more as lacking honesty and ethics.

Source.... Republicans Early Views of GOP Field More Positive Than in 2012 2008 Campaigns Pew Research Center

And to top it off more and more people hate Biden

Same Source...

Douche Water has even managed to pull down HER husbands numbers!

Everything she has touched is LOSING.

And while HER numbers have fallen AND those of HER husband AND Biden.
Someones numbers are stable...
"George W. Bush’s ratings have been relatively stable since early 2011. Currently, nearly three-quarters (73%) of Republicans and Republican leaners, along with just 23% of Democrats and Democratic leaners have positive opinions of the former GOP president."
Same source..

I can see Hillary "Douche Water" Clinton right now. Her clown posse riding high and having a party. Hell, here they come now.

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Mat, before you consider that, consider 90% of your paycheck going to a socialist president. Sanders thinks a 90% tax is the way to go.
Anybody BUT Douche Water is a good start!

Not so sure about that. That's how we ended up with Obama. Soros picked him over Hitlery. It's her turn now.
If he wants to vote democrat in the primary then anybody but Hillary works fine. After that WE can show him just what on going failures and fraud are promoted by democrats. It's a step by step issue of changing minds. And starting WITHOUT Hillary is a solid first step.
Fred Thompson
20 mins ·
The Clinton campaign asked donors to send $1 so that she'll know "you have my back - just like I'll have yours."

Apparently our ambassador in Benghazi didn't send his dollar in.
The depressing thing about Hillary's support among Democrats is that it varies based on her perceived electability, not her honesty or character.

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