Sanders can't handle Republican talking points.

He answered the question. It was more nonsense, but he answered it.

"Health Care is a right, not a privilege."

My responses is:


You don’t think people have a right to healthcare?
No-they have a right to PAY for their OWN healthcare. We are tired of paying for 14 year olds who get knocked up or smokers or alcoholics. Vet coverage is fine with me.
Or even those who decided that the new IPhone, nights out or a new SUV was more impotrtant then medical insurance until they were diagnosed with a major medical problem.
You don’t think people have a right to healthcare?
Not a constitutional right.

Do you think people have a right to food, shelter, clothing?Free transportation to get those rights? How about free job training and placement? Free marriage counseling? Free motivational instructions?

The only people in America to live in your Socialist Utopia were set free by Lincoln and the Republican Party many years ago.
He answered the question. It was more nonsense, but he answered it.

"Health Care is a right, not a privilege."

My responses is:


You don’t think people have a right to healthcare?

Sure they do they can get a job and pay for it like everyone else. I've been paying healthcare premiums for all my life. And still have deductibles and co=pays. why should anyone get free healthcare at someone else's expense. I'll send you my next Doctor bill and the Premium payment bill. I'm sure you will be forthcoming with the remittance. I give you the right to pay my bills.
Translation: Hell yes your taxes are going up! By about 50%!
The problem that no matter what ne has bothered to also explain that is only federal taxes. It does not exclude state and local taxes
Oh hell yeah. By the time the feds dump a bunch of expenses on the states they will increase too.

Within 5 years your “free” healthcare will be costing you every dime you make.
He referrers to any criticism of his insane ideas as Republican talking points.
...which is insulting to me, because I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN!!!


I was talking to a friend the other day about all the hubbub over gender. Obviously, it's not on the same kind of personal issue, but in a way I get it. As a Libertarian, people are constantly trying to cram me into their binary political mindset.

You don't need to be Libertarian to get that treatment. Everybody these days gets that treatment.
He answered the question. It was more nonsense, but he answered it.

"Health Care is a right, not a privilege."

My responses is:



The question was whether he supports raising taxes on the middle class.

I don't particularly care about the answer. I just thought it was a ridiculous response. The Democrats really need to nominate someone who is eager to address Republican talking points.
And medicare has co-pays, which is why oldsters have to buy "supplemental policies," but perhaps he thinks some mythical being will pay for those as well.

But yeah, the reason we have elections is to that one candidate can explain why his ideas are better than another candidate's.

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