Sanders Leaves the Democratic Party in Disgust

I can see now, how everybody who was for Bernie, will vote Trump too!

NOT ONE Sanders supporter will vote for Trump. Not one. Trump is completely antithetical to everything Sanders supporters stand for. You're living in a fantasy world.

...and you are just another sheeple.....:dunno:
Sanders is right on at least one issue, IMO.

With the advancing Robotic Revolution and the decreasing job opportunities it brings, we will have to move toward some form of Nordic Model Socialism.

That are have a bloody revolution. People are not going to agree to peacefully starve in t he streets.
Find a direct quote from Sanders himself that says anything like this, or understand that he is simply returning to his lifelong status as an independent.
Of course he wont openly state this, just like DC politicians never say that they are about to fire someone; instead they tell the press how valuable a member of the team they are and they have no plans to let them go.

A week later they are looking for a job.
LOL - this non-story is so lame.

Bernie endorsed her multiple times. Then read the roll count for Vermont.

What a total fail you right-wing pig f***ers are.

Fuck off you racist piece of shit......this story is hilarious....a non democrat almost beat the greatest de emocrara in fucking hilarious
This is hardly any surprise.

The only way a politicians would be walking away from the leadership of one of the largest factions within that party is if he feels he must to avoid doing irreparable harm and causing Trump to get elected.

Democratic Party Unity my ass.

Bernie Sanders Leaves the Democratic Party

Sanders, who considers himself, officially, an Independent in Congress because his views lean further left than the Democratic party’s platform, caucuses with Democrats. But until declaring an intention to run for the presidency in 2015, he had rarely, if ever, identified as a member of the Democratic Party (he’s been in politics since 1979).

And now, despite pleading with his base to support Hillary, even though they’re concerned that she’s too moderate, Sanders will return to Vermont and to his seat in the Senate, and he’ll do it with no official party affiliation....

Sanders has struggled all along with whether to call himself a Democrat, evenducking the question of his party affiliation, raised by local Vermont media, just days after he declared. He later tried to reinforce that he was, indeed, a Democrat. But Sanders certainly wasn’t a party player—and that’s exactly the concern Wasserman Schultz voiced in the Wikileaks document dump.
And Jillian thinks that Sanders leaving the Dhimbocrat Party in disgust is funny, just like she thinks her face is funny, and I agree.
Sanders ego was bruised and reacted with appropriate bitching. An honorable thing to do.
Sanders ego was bruised and reacted with appropriate bitching. An honorable thing to do.
Because he got cheated.

The fact that you Dimbocrats daily demonstrate that you have no concept of what fairness and even handed competition is, is a huge warning to the rest of us that you should not have ANY power in this Republic.
Sanders ego was bruised and reacted with appropriate bitching. An honorable thing to do.
Because he got cheated.

The fact that you Dimbocrats daily demonstrate that you have no concept of what fairness and even handed competition is, is a huge warning to the rest of us that you should not have ANY power in this Republic.

Nobody cheated Sanders out of anything, he did it to himself.
If that's how Hillary treats the second biggest vote-getter in the Democrat Party, image what she'll do to everyone else
Neither Sanders nor Trump actually represent their parties, but they both pushed their way in to leverage party apparatus.

The Democrats weren't going to let that happen, but the GOP bought into it hook, line & sinker and let Trump wreck the party.

Both should have run as Independents, but the lure of party infrastructure was too strong.
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