Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

Talk about taxation without representation.... American pharoahs have the triple crown. Who among you "men" wants to take it from them or at least make them earn it?
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

And where would that be? North Korea?
Scandinavia, britain, canada, etc.. Quit spewing bullshit. Measuring many different things, of course, and using context, we can throw in alot of others. Healthcare? Happiness? Education? Literacy? Etc, Etc..
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

And where would that be? North Korea?
I also fail to understand why you would even bother mentioning North korea. List of statutory minimum employment leave by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
We don't give a fuck what the world does, has it ever occured to you some people don't even like vacations? I personally have not taken a day off in 29 days now.
This is fantastic.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) wants to give Americans a paid vacation, as part of a "family values" agenda he outlined Thursday.

Sanders, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, said he is introducing a bill, the Guaranteed Paid Vacation Act, that would give 10 days of paid vacation to every employee that had worked for an employer for at least one year. The legislation would apply to employers with at least 15 employees.

"What family values are about is that at least for two weeks a year, people can come together under a relaxed environment and enjoy the family," Sanders said from the Senate floor. "That is a family value that I want to see happen in this country."

The legislation is part of the senator's "family values agenda." As part of the agenda, he also backed legislation that would give an employee 12 weeks of paid leave if they have a child or serious medical condition, as well as a separate bill that would give workers up to seven paid sick days.

On his support for paid sick leave, Sanders added, "I am not crazy about the idea of somebody who is sick coming to to work, preparing the food that I eat in a restaurant."

While Republicans had previously discussed "family values," Sanders said that "generally speaking, what they mean by family values is opposition to a woman's right to choose, opposition to contraception, opposition to gay rights."
Continued here:
Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation TheHill

Right Wingers will scream he is a big Controllist for making a new model for American life. Bernie Controls Nothing.

Time to put on big brains America.
There is a torn topic.

The "happiest" area's are only happy because the Industrial Human Sabotage is the least, generally speaking. China still has
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
Yep, so it's written.
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

And if they try to leave the island for that vacation they are executed........limits your travel opportunities.....if you are praising cuba you are a moron.....
One of the favorite vacation pass times of Cubans is dodging rifle fire and grenades.....

Cuba refuses to tear down its wall Miami Herald Miami Herald

As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the collapse of the infamous Berlin Wall this month, a deadlier replica almost twice in age remains in Communist Cuba.

Barbed wire, high fences, mine fields, watch towers, ferocious dogs, and sharpshooters firing at unarmed civilians...the tropical version of the Berlin Wall prevents escapees from reaching the U.S. naval base in Guantánamo. Cuba’s distinctive version of the barrier extends into Guantánamo Bay, where border guards fire from patrol boats or throw grenades at anyone trying to swim to the base.

In the mid-1990s, Cuba built a sea wall, visible on Google Earth. Its movable net allows authorized maritime traffic but is manned by guards trained to trap swimmers trying to get to the base.

During the 28-year existence of the Berlin Wall (1961-1989), 227 people were killed attempting to cross to West Berlin. In the 55 years of the Cuban version, countless thousands have paid with their lives, their limbs, or years of prison for attempting the crossing.

Successive U.S. administrations, although granting refuge to those who make it to the base, have kept largely silent on the systematic killings to avoid provoking the Castros and having the base overrun by asylum seekers. U.S. anti-personnel and anti-tank land mines in the buffer zone with Cuba since 1961 — reportedly a Cold War necessity — were removed in 1996 to uphold international agreements banning land mines.
Bernie Sanders Free Vacation For Everyone - Daniel Davis

Bernie Sanders has introduced legislation that would take America one large step closer to European social democracy. The bill would require all businesses with 15 or more workers to provide two weeks of paid vacation for all employees that have been employed for over one year. The requirement would even apply for part-time workers who work an average of 24 hours per week.

"This is already done in almost every other major country on earth," said Sanders in remarks on the Senate floor Thursday. "If families are overworked and if husbands and wives do not even have the time to spend together with their least for two weeks a year, people can come together under a relaxed environment and enjoy the family."

Of course, Bernie has plans for those workers who get squeezed out of the private sector. He has massive infrastructure-building plans that make FDR look like a fiscal hawk, which would balloon the public sector to unprecedented levels.


The funny thing is how things like this will work on the gullible and the useful idiots, and we all know who that is.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

And if they try to leave the island for that vacation they are executed........limits your travel opportunities.....if you are praising cuba you are a moron.....
Compare cuba to capitalist haiti, I do hold strong critique's of cuba, but I respect the achievements.
They should get more than paid vacation time but actual paid vacations. A cruise maybe.
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]
Bingo! Cuba is the model for modern Progressive Democrats. Total equality (except the big shots of course). Everyone is poor and miserable and is guaranteed the same shitty 3rd world health care. They drive 50 year old cars and their technology basically stopped in the 1960s. Their biggest exports are cigars, sugar, and communist revolution.
That's what we need more of here!
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.
Only by fatheads like you. Get out of mom's basement and get a job, slacker.

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