Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

What you geniuses fail to get is that it you complete against slaves you will become one. Didn't Lincoln teach you guys anything?
This is fantastic.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) wants to give Americans a paid vacation, as part of a "family values" agenda he outlined Thursday.

Sanders, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, said he is introducing a bill, the Guaranteed Paid Vacation Act, that would give 10 days of paid vacation to every employee that had worked for an employer for at least one year. The legislation would apply to employers with at least 15 employees.

"What family values are about is that at least for two weeks a year, people can come together under a relaxed environment and enjoy the family," Sanders said from the Senate floor. "That is a family value that I want to see happen in this country."

The legislation is part of the senator's "family values agenda." As part of the agenda, he also backed legislation that would give an employee 12 weeks of paid leave if they have a child or serious medical condition, as well as a separate bill that would give workers up to seven paid sick days.

On his support for paid sick leave, Sanders added, "I am not crazy about the idea of somebody who is sick coming to to work, preparing the food that I eat in a restaurant."

While Republicans had previously discussed "family values," Sanders said that "generally speaking, what they mean by family values is opposition to a woman's right to choose, opposition to contraception, opposition to gay rights."
Continued here:
Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation TheHill

Wow!!! Seems like the cost of buying votes has gone way down these days.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

If there is one right that leftists will not negotiate it is their right to decide what is best for you.
Venezuela: Workers are entitled to enjoy 15 days of paid annual leave in the first year plus one day for each year of service with the same employer up to a maximum of 15 extra days.[5]
United states: There is no statutory minimum.

Woo ... you sure can pick 'em:
As recently as 2013, the socialist gov't of Venezuela was unable to deliver milk, flour and other staples to its people despite the country's vast oil wealth and as of December 2014, Venezuela's inflation rate was 68.5%. The solution? Plenty of "free" money for everyone! WooHoo!
All I'm doing is showing the workers leave, that's it, I can just throw up Norway/the uk/etc if you want.

What I'm saying is there is no free lunch and all socialist gov'ts become far less attractive once they run out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to spend on YOUR favorite freebies. I guess next you'll tout the virtues of Greece and Syriza. Wait ... maybe not, eh?
Oh come on, you're truly pathetic, and great job ignoring my point on haiti, nice to see how you are. Honey, the whole "socialism" and other peoples cash is a fucking joke, how much debt is the united states in? Money circulates, and I'm pretty sure if we count the USSR as socialist it was stable. "Freebies" OH LORD, FOOD PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY? NUUUUUUU, I'D RATHER BUILD STEALTH BOMBERS. LOL. Greece was hardly going to the left, tell me, what caused the collapse?
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

If there is one right that leftists will not negotiate it is their right to decide what is best for you.
How the hell is this even remotely related to that? All this does is ensure that workers for employers with more then 15 employees get some paid vacation leave, does that scare you? Oh yeah, keep ignoring my point on haiti/somalia, make yourself feel better since you'll realize your own stupidity.
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed
I absolutely agree.
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed

Apparently not - we can just watch thousands of men, women, and children killed every day on CNN without lifting a finger.
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed

Apparently not - we can just watch thousands of men, women, and children killed every day on CNN without lifting a finger.
Sad result of a world consumed with materialistic, first world bullshit.
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed

A noble thought but I reject your right to determine how I express my concern for my fellow man (and woman). Do not impose your notions on others.
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed

A noble thought but I reject your right to determine how I express my concern for my fellow man (and woman). Do not impose your notions on others.
Jesus christ, everything is some sort of "oppression" to you, isn't it? Also, good job continually ignoring my point on haiti/cuba/somalia, etc... .-.
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed

Apparently not - we can just watch thousands of men, women, and children killed every day on CNN without lifting a finger.
Sad result of a world consumed with materialistic, first world bullshit.

There is no greater bullshit than that of "free lunch" socialists. Meanwhile, in Europe - that great bastion of "democratic socialism" - Greece is getting hammered for taking that whole OPC (Other People's Cash) thing a bit too literally.
Where is the money gonna come from? I don't know but if I am judged to be worth fifth an hour, I wish, aren't I supposed to judge back,? You people just let the top take as much as they want as if it doesn't matter or won't affect you. Lol. Talk about foolish. You think the starving dying people will go away easily and you can escape the wrath of the demons you let out greed create? Not anymore in the nuclear bio error I cant believe how stupid you college grads are. Better build you bunkers deep and have crops and stuff etc.. Even that won't save you
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed

A noble thought but I reject your right to determine how I express my concern for my fellow man (and woman). Do not impose your notions on others.
Jesus christ, everything is some sort of "oppression" to you, isn't it? Also, good job continually ignoring my point on haiti/cuba/somalia, etc... .-.

In fact, your Haiti/Cuba/Somalia silliness is just a lame deflection. If you want out of Haiti or Somalia, just find another country to accept you. If you want to escape the "joy" of life in Cuba or N. Korea, fugetabotit.
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed

Apparently not - we can just watch thousands of men, women, and children killed every day on CNN without lifting a finger.
Sad result of a world consumed with materialistic, first world bullshit.

There is no greater bullshit than that of "free lunch" socialists. Meanwhile, in Europe - that great bastion of "democratic socialism" - Greece is getting hammered for taking that whole OPC (Other People's Cash) thing a bit too literally.
Oh god... please keep talking about Greece like socialism was the cause for its collapse, It's time to educate you. LOOOOL. Democratic socialism doesn't exist, you refer to welfare states, which are a decent model as they do provide better quality of life and such, but none the less, you're a moron. Keep ignoring my point on haiti and somalia, show's how you roll. I address everything, you ignore what displeases your looney narrative.
Where is the money gonna come from? I don't know but if I am judged to be worth fifth an hour, I wish, aren't I supposed to judge back,? You people just let the top take as much as they want as if it doesn't matter or won't affect you. Lol. Talk about foolish. You think the starving dying people will go away easily and you can escape the wrath of the demons you let out greed create? Not anymore in the nuclear bio error I cant believe how stupid you college grads are. Better build you bunkers deep and have crops and stuff etc.. Even that won't save you

And at the end of the day that's about all any of you whiny, sniveling socialist types have to say: Gimme more or I start a class war. There are already plenty of socialist cesspools out there, Princess. Need help packing?
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed

A noble thought but I reject your right to determine how I express my concern for my fellow man (and woman). Do not impose your notions on others.
Jesus christ, everything is some sort of "oppression" to you, isn't it? Also, good job continually ignoring my point on haiti/cuba/somalia, etc... .-.

In fact, your Haiti/Cuba/Somalia silliness is just a lame deflection. If you want out of Haiti or Somalia, just find another country to accept you. If you want to escape the "joy" of life in Cuba or N. Korea, fugetabotit.
It's not a lame deflection. Haiti went the capitalist road, allowing imperialist domination, while cuba went the revolutionary route, it's clear which one is better. Somalia has no taxes, and is virtually free of regulations, a wet dream for right wingers, but yet, if I try to call out capitalism for this, you obviously won't agree, despite both of them accurately fitting the descriptions. When it comes to socialism, or collective ownership of the means of production by the working class, cuba/north korea don't fit this, AT ALL. In fact, north korea took out all references to communism/etc years ago, it's a fucking theocracy, come on now. I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy.
Where is the money gonna come from? I don't know but if I am judged to be worth fifth an hour, I wish, aren't I supposed to judge back,? You people just let the top take as much as they want as if it doesn't matter or won't affect you. Lol. Talk about foolish. You think the starving dying people will go away easily and you can escape the wrath of the demons you let out greed create? Not anymore in the nuclear bio error I cant believe how stupid you college grads are. Better build you bunkers deep and have crops and stuff etc.. Even that won't save you

And at the end of the day that's about all any of you whiny, sniveling socialist types have to say: Gimme more or I start a class war. There are already plenty of socialist cesspools out there, Princess. Need help packing?
Oh please, this is pathetic. Billions are living in poverty worldwide, wages are stagnant, child poverty is rising in the united states, seniors are suffering cuts to welfare programs, income inequality is growing, the environment is being trashed, animals are dying off, rainforests are being plundered, labor bargaining is being destroyed systematically, unions are being crushed... You keep saying people just "want more" You know what most socialists want? Democratic control of production, not for profit, but for the needs of people, that is what I want, and if we can't leave capitalism, I want a strong welfare state like that in Scandinavia. You keep saying "socialist cesspools" like North korea is actually socialist in any way, I don't even think they bother to call themselves communist anymore, read their constitution. Cuba left the revolutionary path long ago, and a repressive government isn't socialism, almost all socialists critique state authoritarianism, although I recognize your stupidity when trying to compare Cuba to the united states, what a hilarious joke. Compare it to a country of similar standing, and realize the empirical improvements that happened under the castro's, while still holding a strong critique. I assume you support little to no regulations and no taxes? Somalia is waiting, pre-labor america is waiting in the time machine, tell me more about all of the fun times that happened before social security, labor unions, medicare, medicaid, the minimum wage, child labor laws, legal abortion, etc.. All of this can be viewed as the government "pushing things" as you would call it, but y'know what? Grow the fuck up. North korea may call itself socialist, but as a democratic socialist, like most modern socialists, and those who throughout history, it's clearly not. Might as well say somalia has a booming free market that inspires innovation .-.
You know these "winners" actually think they deserve to take candy from banks as they do nothing for a living. If all the billionaires died tomorrow we might skip a beat but all the workers would and will soon realize that if we need others to lead us at such a high expense then we will remain lost forever as a species.

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