Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

Bernie Sanders Free Vacation For Everyone - Daniel Davis

Bernie Sanders has introduced legislation that would take America one large step closer to European social democracy. The bill would require all businesses with 15 or more workers to provide two weeks of paid vacation for all employees that have been employed for over one year. The requirement would even apply for part-time workers who work an average of 24 hours per week.

"This is already done in almost every other major country on earth," said Sanders in remarks on the Senate floor Thursday. "If families are overworked and if husbands and wives do not even have the time to spend together with their least for two weeks a year, people can come together under a relaxed environment and enjoy the family."

Of course, Bernie has plans for those workers who get squeezed out of the private sector. He has massive infrastructure-building plans that make FDR look like a fiscal hawk, which would balloon the public sector to unprecedented levels.


The funny thing is how things like this will work on the gullible and the useful idiots, and we all know who that is.
Paid vacations and sick time have been shown to not only retain employees, but improve their job performance. Without these benefits, morale is low and productivity suffers. You also run the risk of spreading illness in the food industry without them.

Why you morons don't see the need to fix our infrastructure system absolutely blows my mind.
Venezuela was doing alright until the falling oil prices, and you can deny facts all you want, but after Hugo, extreme poverty was reduced, literacy increased, infant mortality decreased, housing increased, food intake increased, etc, etc..


Are you sure?

I ask because that's literally impossible. You see socialist government reduce production, reduced production reduces product, which reduces that which stems from production, that pays the expenses intrinsic to education, medical, housing and food.

A recent experiment in individual liberty over government control of production, thus the government receiving the coin, trickling what they rationalize is sufficient down to the serfs... The Education level of the individuals responsible for their freedom, shot beyond anything ever believed possible by the communist clowns, medical care, housing, and average income was... similarly well beyond the communist scale.
Venezuela was doing alright until the falling oil prices, and you can deny facts all you want, but after Hugo, extreme poverty was reduced, literacy increased, infant mortality decreased, housing increased, food intake increased, etc, etc..


Are you sure?

I ask because that's literally impossible. You see socialist government reduce production, reduced production reduces product, which reduces that which stems from production, that pays the expenses intrinsic to education, medical, housing and food.

A recent experiment in individual liberty over government control of production, thus the government receiving the coin, trickling what they rationalize is sufficient down to the serfs... The Education level of the individuals responsible for their freedom, shot beyond anything ever believed possible by the communist clowns, medical care, housing, and average income was... similarly well beyond the communist scale.
Keep ignoring facts and spewing unfounded bullshit I've had to address all to many times.
Poverty Reduction in Venezuela ReVista
Do we really want to pattren ourselves after Cuba and Venezuela? I'm thinking if these countries were really that wonderful people there wouldn't be trying leave them and come here.
No one wants to pattern themselves off of Cuba and Venezuela, almost every other country has paid vacation days, for some reason, people want to have a moronic, unfounded circlejerk over cuba and venezuela.
You do realize you were the first one to bring Cuba and Venezula into the conversation right?
Do we really want to pattren ourselves after Cuba and Venezuela? I'm thinking if these countries were really that wonderful people there wouldn't be trying leave them and come here.
No one wants to pattern themselves off of Cuba and Venezuela, almost every other country has paid vacation days, for some reason, people want to have a moronic, unfounded circlejerk over cuba and venezuela.
You do realize you were the first one to bring Cuba and Venezula into the conversation right?
Simply by mentioning their paid leave, which exists, like almost every other industrialized country. Others decided to start talking about moronic bullshit, although I love addressing it and making people realize they're wrong.
No... LOL! I wouldn't The two terms are synonymous.

Look clown... socialism does not promote production... it discourages it. Reduced production reduces the 'product', which reduces the resources that stem from such, which increases poverty.

It's not a complex equation, just one which is beyond your starkly limited intellectual means.
Capitalism only promotes innovation if it's profitable, if it's not profitable to innovate, it doesn't happen,

Yeah... and that's because if it's not profitable, there's no demand for it, which means no one needs it.

So... it's a stretch to apply the word 'innovate' for those things that have no reason to exist.

But, in reality, communism didn't innovate shit. They bought or stole products from the US... and copied them... poorly.

socialism does promote production, why would it discourage it?

It's not a 'why' as much as how... communism discourages production by removing the reward for having produced.

For instance, here's my rule: I will bring my substantial experience and skills to solve your problem for which you will pay me confiscatory levels of cash. It's a very simple equation.... Remove the confiscatory rewards and I tend to lose interest in your problem... INSTANTLY.

See how that works?
Do we really want to pattren ourselves after Cuba and Venezuela? I'm thinking if these countries were really that wonderful people there wouldn't be trying leave them and come here.
No one wants to pattern themselves off of Cuba and Venezuela, almost every other country has paid vacation days, for some reason, people want to have a moronic, unfounded circlejerk over cuba and venezuela.
You do realize you were the first one to bring Cuba and Venezula into the conversation right?
Simply by mentioning their paid leave, which exists, like almost every other industrialized country. Others decided to start talking about moronic bullshit, although I love addressing it and making people realize they're wrong.
If your going to bring them into the debate then you can't simply cherry pick the parts about them that you feel support your position and ignore everything else by calling it moronic bullshit.There are reasons people leave those countries to come here despite them having paid vacations there.
No... LOL! I wouldn't The two terms are synonymous.

Look clown... socialism does not promote production... it discourages it. Reduced production reduces the 'product', which reduces the resources that stem from such, which increases poverty.

It's not a complex equation, just one which is beyond your starkly limited intellectual means.
Capitalism only promotes innovation if it's profitable, if it's not profitable to innovate, it doesn't happen,

Yeah... and that's because if it's not profitable, there's no demand for it, which means no one needs it.

So... it's a stretch to apply the word 'innovate' for those things that have no reason to exist.

But, in reality, communism didn't innovate shit. They bought or stole products from the US... and copied them... poorly.

socialism does promote production, why would it discourage it?

It's not a 'why' as much as how... communism discourages production by removing the reward for having produced.

For instance, here's my rule: I will bring my substantial experience and skills to solve your problem for which you will pay me confiscatory levels of cash. It's a very simple equation.... Remove the confiscatory rewards and I tend to lose interest in your problem... INSTANTLY.

See how that works?
Tell me more about catalonia, the free ukraine, and if we count the USSR as communist, tell me more about the most rapid industrialization and productivity gains ever witnessed. Yeah, yeah, I know you want to believe that, but empirical evidence is against you.
Do we really want to pattren ourselves after Cuba and Venezuela? I'm thinking if these countries were really that wonderful people there wouldn't be trying leave them and come here.
No one wants to pattern themselves off of Cuba and Venezuela, almost every other country has paid vacation days, for some reason, people want to have a moronic, unfounded circlejerk over cuba and venezuela.
You do realize you were the first one to bring Cuba and Venezula into the conversation right?
Simply by mentioning their paid leave, which exists, like almost every other industrialized country. Others decided to start talking about moronic bullshit, although I love addressing it and making people realize they're wrong.
If your going to bring them into the debate then you can't simply cherry pick the parts about them that you feel support your position and ignore everything else by calling it moronic bullshit.There are reasons people leave those countries to come here despite them having paid vacations there.
I only called out the "moronic bullshit" that truly is moronic bullshit. If you refer to people leaving for America, yes, many people from many countries do this, including many capitalist countries that are way worse off, the majority of people who left cuba in earlier decades were the land owners, the capitalists, the losers in the revolution, funny how that works. America is better then cuba, which is obvious, but let's make a honest comparison. Cuba to haiti, or another capitalist state not backed by imperialist powers.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.
Actually, it's called 'none of your business'. 'Wage slavery' is just another jingoistic creation to stir up disputes and trouble.
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.
Actually, it's called 'none of your business'. 'Wage slavery' is just another jingoistic creation to stir up disputes and trouble.
Tell that to the sweatshop workers, the miners in africa, the factory workers in china.. You either work to get food, or suffer.
Do we really want to pattren ourselves after Cuba and Venezuela? I'm thinking if these countries were really that wonderful people there wouldn't be trying leave them and come here.
No one wants to pattern themselves off of Cuba and Venezuela, almost every other country has paid vacation days, for some reason, people want to have a moronic, unfounded circlejerk over cuba and venezuela.
You do realize you were the first one to bring Cuba and Venezula into the conversation right?
Simply by mentioning their paid leave, which exists, like almost every other industrialized country. Others decided to start talking about moronic bullshit, although I love addressing it and making people realize they're wrong.
If your going to bring them into the debate then you can't simply cherry pick the parts about them that you feel support your position and ignore everything else by calling it moronic bullshit.There are reasons people leave those countries to come here despite them having paid vacations there.
I only called out the "moronic bullshit" that truly is moronic bullshit. If you refer to people leaving for America, yes, many people from many countries do this, including many capitalist countries that are way worse off, the majority of people who left cuba in earlier decades were the land owners, the capitalists, the losers in the revolution, funny how that works. America is better then cuba, which is obvious, but let's make a honest comparison. Cuba to haiti, or another capitalist state not backed by imperialist powers.
If you want an honest take on Cuba talk to people who live there when they don't have some government official standing next to them. Somehow I don't think they would have all that positive take on life and the conditions in Cuba despite having paid leave when you get right down to it there is no great or standout country in Centeral America just varying degrees of bad.
No one wants to pattern themselves off of Cuba and Venezuela, almost every other country has paid vacation days, for some reason, people want to have a moronic, unfounded circlejerk over cuba and venezuela.
You do realize you were the first one to bring Cuba and Venezula into the conversation right?
Simply by mentioning their paid leave, which exists, like almost every other industrialized country. Others decided to start talking about moronic bullshit, although I love addressing it and making people realize they're wrong.
If your going to bring them into the debate then you can't simply cherry pick the parts about them that you feel support your position and ignore everything else by calling it moronic bullshit.There are reasons people leave those countries to come here despite them having paid vacations there.
I only called out the "moronic bullshit" that truly is moronic bullshit. If you refer to people leaving for America, yes, many people from many countries do this, including many capitalist countries that are way worse off, the majority of people who left cuba in earlier decades were the land owners, the capitalists, the losers in the revolution, funny how that works. America is better then cuba, which is obvious, but let's make a honest comparison. Cuba to haiti, or another capitalist state not backed by imperialist powers.
If you want an honest take on Cuba talk to people who live there when they don't have some government official standing next to them. Somehow I don't think they would have all that positive take on life and the conditions in Cuba despite having paid leave when you get right down to it there is no great or standout country in Centeral America just varying degrees of bad.
Many cubans still support the castro's, although support dropped after the special period, and I heavily critique the dictorial nature of Cuba, no one wants to emulate that, certainly not democratic socialists. I don't care about the paid leave point, the point is, it exists, that's all I wanted to put forward, not analysis of central american states.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.
You're a moron, it's called the free market.
You do realize you were the first one to bring Cuba and Venezula into the conversation right?
Simply by mentioning their paid leave, which exists, like almost every other industrialized country. Others decided to start talking about moronic bullshit, although I love addressing it and making people realize they're wrong.
If your going to bring them into the debate then you can't simply cherry pick the parts about them that you feel support your position and ignore everything else by calling it moronic bullshit.There are reasons people leave those countries to come here despite them having paid vacations there.
I only called out the "moronic bullshit" that truly is moronic bullshit. If you refer to people leaving for America, yes, many people from many countries do this, including many capitalist countries that are way worse off, the majority of people who left cuba in earlier decades were the land owners, the capitalists, the losers in the revolution, funny how that works. America is better then cuba, which is obvious, but let's make a honest comparison. Cuba to haiti, or another capitalist state not backed by imperialist powers.
If you want an honest take on Cuba talk to people who live there when they don't have some government official standing next to them. Somehow I don't think they would have all that positive take on life and the conditions in Cuba despite having paid leave when you get right down to it there is no great or standout country in Centeral America just varying degrees of bad.
Many cubans still support the castro's, although support dropped after the special period, and I heavily critique the dictorial nature of Cuba, no one wants to emulate that, certainly not democratic socialists. I don't care about the paid leave point, the point is, it exists, that's all I wanted to put forward, not analysis of central american states.
Yes it exist but you also need to consider why they gave it to the workers was it because they really cared about the welfare of the Cuban workers or were they just tossing them a bone to lessen the chances of an uprising?
Vacation is a fringe benefit. If you don't like the benefits offered by the job, don't take it
Your infrastructure funds are now Obamacare funds. Your medicaid funds are now Obamacare funds, your tax dollars are now Obamacare funds, and it's still underfunded....

Bernie Sanders wants 90% of your paycheck. You're not going anywhere.

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