Sanders says leaked DNC emails don't change his support for Clinton

Newly named Dem Chair IMPLICATED in email scandal: DONNA BRAZILE, CLOSE CLINTON ALLY:


WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks 3h3 hours ago
New interim US #DNC Chair Donna Brazile also implicated #DNCLeak … #FeelTheBern #DNCinPHL

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Last week the RWnuts were attacking Ted Cruz for NOT supporting Trump despite Trump's inexcusable behaviour towards Cruz.

Today they're attacking Bernie for supporting Hillary Clinton.


Not to defend Trump but let's face it, Sanders and Clinton haven't earned Trump's respect like Putin has.

Trump was in on this email thing. Hanged for treason is the RWnut usual call in a case like this.
Good Jesus, is that seriously what is making the rounds in looney tune land?

Careful, those white helicopters are coming for you!
Brazille is a **** ( insert cameltoe )..........and hey............check the top stories on DRUDGE right now............ DRUDGE REPORT 2016®

They lead with a big ass photo of a horses ass!!!!:2up:

Im still laughing my balls off...............:bye1::rofl::rofl::rofl:

And there are some out there who are still stumped as to why only about 283 people watch CNN for coverage of the conventions!!:boobies::boobies:
It looks like this will be a depressing day for Putin and Trump:

"No, no, no," Sanders said in response to a question on NBC's "Meet the Press" about whether the emails affect his support of the presumptive Democratic nominee.

"We are going to do everything we can to protect working families in this country. What a campaign is about is not about Hillary Clinton, it's not aboutDonald Trump. It's about the people of this country."
Sanders says leaked DNC emails don't change his support for Clinton
Then Sanders has sold out to the corporatists that he claimed to revile, which means he's just another POS politician more interested in his personal advancement than in helping the American people. Color me unsurprised.

What personal advancement? How is he enriching himself?

He also said from the beginning that Mrs. Tuzla isn't qualified. What changed?

My guess would be cash. But to change from the position he originally had, to this, is possible in only two ways. He's been bought, or he's insane. That's it.

Oh, so it's a guess, hardly something to hang your hat on.

Also, from the very beginning Sanders said that Trump cannot be president, he's always been consistent on that. No 'change of position' took place.
It looks like this will be a depressing day for Putin and Trump:

"No, no, no," Sanders said in response to a question on NBC's "Meet the Press" about whether the emails affect his support of the presumptive Democratic nominee.

"We are going to do everything we can to protect working families in this country. What a campaign is about is not about Hillary Clinton, it's not aboutDonald Trump. It's about the people of this country."
Sanders says leaked DNC emails don't change his support for Clinton

If Sanders background can be ripped apart by fellow Democrats,
of course the same could be done by opposing Republicans.

They just did the screening in advance to weed out candidates the other party would destroy anyway.

The reason Clinton can't be picked apart and destroyed
is that lawyers like the Clintons and Obamas have already bought out
all the lawyer and judges lobbies and professional campaign donors who cover for each other.

Nobody can get past that. The legal lobbies and interests
have bought out not just federal courts but 80% of govt.

Not to mention the MEDIA and corporate interests that all benefit from
Obama and Clinton putting in their people to dominate govt administration.

That's who gets people elected.

Sanders and Trump don't have those connections to play that game.
Sanders was already fully aware of how the party bosses were treating his campaign. Somehow he has already come to terms with it. I theorize that the price of his continued support is the hasty exit of Wassermann-Shultz from the party leadership.
what did the actually do that treated his campaign badly?
Last week the RWnuts were attacking Ted Cruz for NOT supporting Trump despite Trump's inexcusable behaviour towards Cruz.

Today they're attacking Bernie for supporting Hillary Clinton.


Not to defend Trump but let's face it, Sanders and Clinton haven't earned Trump's respect like Putin has.

Trump was in on this email thing. Hanged for treason is the RWnut usual call in a case like this.
Last week the RWnuts were attacking Ted Cruz for NOT supporting Trump despite Trump's inexcusable behaviour towards Cruz.

Today they're attacking Bernie for supporting Hillary Clinton.


Not to defend Trump but let's face it, Sanders and Clinton haven't earned Trump's respect like Putin has.

Trump was in on this email thing. Hanged for treason is the RWnut usual call in a case like this.

No he wasn't. When was the last time Assange ever supported anything close to Trump? The reality is that the DNC sucks ass.

Oh, right, Trump is just a rapist, not a traitor...
It looks like this will be a depressing day for Putin and Trump:

"No, no, no," Sanders said in response to a question on NBC's "Meet the Press" about whether the emails affect his support of the presumptive Democratic nominee.

"We are going to do everything we can to protect working families in this country. What a campaign is about is not about Hillary Clinton, it's not aboutDonald Trump. It's about the people of this country."
Sanders says leaked DNC emails don't change his support for Clinton

Doesn't matter.

Bernie's opinion doesn't matter? LMAO

Let me fix that for you:

Bernie's opinion doesn't matter!
Sanders was already fully aware of how the party bosses were treating his campaign. Somehow he has already come to terms with it. I theorize that the price of his continued support is the hasty exit of Wassermann-Shultz from the party leadership.
what did the actually do that treated his campaign badly?

They scheduled the debates on bad TV days remember? lol
Sanders is a huge disappointment.

I guess he got the message once the DNC set him Scalia's pillow
The answer to what the DNC did is to blame Russia and Trump.

Who wrote the emails? It wasn't Russia and it wasn't Trump. Trump didn't even expose the emails.

Demexit is going to leave the party in the hands of a few, very few, far left lunatics.
It looks like this will be a depressing day for Putin and Trump:

"No, no, no," Sanders said in response to a question on NBC's "Meet the Press" about whether the emails affect his support of the presumptive Democratic nominee.

"We are going to do everything we can to protect working families in this country. What a campaign is about is not about Hillary Clinton, it's not aboutDonald Trump. It's about the people of this country."
Sanders says leaked DNC emails don't change his support for Clinton

Doesn't matter.

Bernie's opinion doesn't matter? LMAO

Let me fix that for you:

Bernie's opinion doesn't matter!

It doesn't matter because he's staying with the party.

If he threatened to kick people out by suing or
threatened to partner with other parties or other party leaders,
that might put some TEETH behind his arguments that make a difference.

Just getting the DNC chair removed is "in house" stuff
and doesn't affect the rest of the machine.
It looks like this will be a depressing day for Putin and Trump:

"No, no, no," Sanders said in response to a question on NBC's "Meet the Press" about whether the emails affect his support of the presumptive Democratic nominee.

"We are going to do everything we can to protect working families in this country. What a campaign is about is not about Hillary Clinton, it's not aboutDonald Trump. It's about the people of this country."
Sanders says leaked DNC emails don't change his support for Clinton

Just shows the world and his supporters he is nothing but a hypocrite. We don't need HIS support its his supporters he is screwing this isn't a political move for them its personal because it affects their lives

Funny how the Right Wing (esp. the Crazy Right Wing) considered Sen. Sanders too far left, and now covet his supporters they considered Marxists, Statists, Stalinists, etc a few weeks ago. Does the RW really believe that former Bernie's supporters will support a neo fascist demagogue? Some will, they are = to the crazy right wing; most however understand HRC and Sen. Sanders have empathy for the many, Trump pretends he does, but all he'll do is express false pathos in an effort to get the vote from the biddable.
Yeah, the dude sure has sold out. My guess is, there's a nice cush job waiting for him if Clinton wins. Just like the deal Hussein and Clinton made last time.
What the f is with all the nutbaggers who talked sht about Bernie day in and out suddenly talking about how he "disapointed" them and what a sold out he is for...supporting Clinton over Trump.

Yes dumbasses, of course now that he has no chance to capture nomination Sanders is going to support Clinton over Trump and do everything in his power to make sure that the orange orangutan doesn't get anywhere near White House.

What did you think was going to happen?
No, just shows the world that Sanders understands the big picture. Trump is not good for America.

Neither is Clinton.

Sanders should have run as an independent.

Not playing the false equivalency game. Trump doesn't even know how government works, doesn't even have a basic understanding of the constitution, demonstrates almost daily that he's in it for himself and himself only.

Clinton is far from perfect, they are always far from perfect. To this day I have not seen a Presidential candidate who wasn't compromised in one way or another and neither have you.

Trump is insane.

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