Sanders supporters furious

Sanders sending a message to the country he hates that Fat blob of Orange shit, and has been obsessed since his campaign began to make sure that Orangutan loses in November which he will very badly..

Fuck Trump, he has no ground game, can't raise the money she can because most hate his guts, folks in his own party hate him and won't even show up to his pathetic convention..

Only ? now is what crusty fat old white fuck will that Ape choose as his running mate, Gingrich will be a dream come true:deal:

Sanders like most folks hate that fat bloated Orange fucker with the cheap rug, :piss2:Trump...
Dump the Bern: Dems Revolt After Bernie Endorses Hillary

Welcome to the Trump train folks! Or the Green Party as some said

What did they expect exactly? They support someone who stood for the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.... are they stupid or something?
Do what Ron Paul did in 2012...not support/endorse anyone. That's called standing on ones principles. Sanders sold out and fucked over his supporters. That was his intention all along no matter the outcome

Sanders sold out when he went to be a Democratic candidate. Principles are for others.

Sanders perhaps is like Corbyn in the UK. A guy who manages to get a lot of grassroots support, but where it actually matters, he doesn't have much at all.
Dump the Bern: Dems Revolt After Bernie Endorses Hillary

Welcome to the Trump train folks! Or the Green Party as some said

I don't know why he bothered. Just a couple weeks ago he was still out there saying she was unfit to be president and now have the nerve to ask people to support her.

I guess, like most people, he sees a choice between her and Trump. So he's gone for what he sees the lesser of two absolute evils.
Doubtful. He was probably offered something in return.
Just watched in on the tube.
Bernie said he was proud to support her even though last month he said he thought she was a POS.

Funny how that works doncha know??

Loads of people supported Bernie cause they didn't like Hitlery. Wonder if those same folks will be supporting Hitlery or vote for Trump??

Should be interesting.

Hillary just got approximately 3,000,000 more votes than she had yesterday. Drumpf could save us a lot of trouble if he gave his concession speech in Cleveland
Dump the Bern: Dems Revolt After Bernie Endorses Hillary

Welcome to the Trump train folks! Or the Green Party as some said

I don't know why he bothered. Just a couple weeks ago he was still out there saying she was unfit to be president and now have the nerve to ask people to support her.

I guess, like most people, he sees a choice between her and Trump. So he's gone for what he sees the lesser of two absolute evils.
Doubtful. He was probably offered something in return.

I think most people will be voting negatively at this election. Who do they NOT want to be President next year, rather who they do. Maybe Sanders was offered something, his supporters should see how easily bought he is.
One mustn’t confuse a Sanders supporter with a Sanders voter.

Sanders supporters were actually a small minority of democrats and democratic-leaning independents.

The larger majority were Sanders voters, expressing a preference, but having no problem voting for Clinton:

'From the perspective of Democratic Party unity, Trump's march to the nomination is great news: Sanders's supporters have made a lot of noise about going "Bernie or bust," but a poll out from CNN on Wednesday finds they prefer Clinton to Trump by an 86-to-10 margin.'

Bernie Sanders fans may not love Hillary Clinton. But they won't vote for Donald Trump.
Dump the Bern: Dems Revolt After Bernie Endorses Hillary

Welcome to the Trump train folks! Or the Green Party as some said

I don't know why he bothered. Just a couple weeks ago he was still out there saying she was unfit to be president and now have the nerve to ask people to support her.

I guess, like most people, he sees a choice between her and Trump. So he's gone for what he sees the lesser of two absolute evils.
Doubtful. He was probably offered something in return.

I think most people will be voting negatively at this election. Who do they NOT want to be President next year, rather who they do. Maybe Sanders was offered something, his supporters should see how easily bought he is.

2016 will be the election when no one voted for anyone – only against.

And a majority of Americans will be voting against Trump.

As for Sanders, he was successful in getting a number of his issues made part of the Party’s platform.
Dump the Bern: Dems Revolt After Bernie Endorses Hillary

Welcome to the Trump train folks! Or the Green Party as some said

I don't know why he bothered. Just a couple weeks ago he was still out there saying she was unfit to be president and now have the nerve to ask people to support her.

I guess, like most people, he sees a choice between her and Trump. So he's gone for what he sees the lesser of two absolute evils.
Doubtful. He was probably offered something in return.

I think most people will be voting negatively at this election. Who do they NOT want to be President next year, rather who they do. Maybe Sanders was offered something, his supporters should see how easily bought he is.

2016 will be the election when no one voted for anyone – only against.

And a majority of Americans will be voting against Trump.

As for Sanders, he was successful in getting a number of his issues made part of the Party’s platform.
I'm voting Trump....a majority of Americans will too.
Dump the Bern: Dems Revolt After Bernie Endorses Hillary

Welcome to the Trump train folks! Or the Green Party as some said
Infowars. :lol:

That headline is wishful thinking.

I'm sure most of the people who are furious the Democrats are unifying are Republicans. :lol:

I doubt many voters will be so easy to move to the Hillary camp, especially young voters. You see, the real problem the current administration won't talk about is the result of Obama's hope and change on voters. With Hillary promising to carry on many of the policies Obama has started, democrats would rather attack Trump's rhetoric to keep their eyes off the fact the Democrats don't have an economic plan .... and their current plan hasn't done enough, or even helped nearly half of the U.S. workforce. While touting job numbers are often the democrat's response, it's the QUALITY of work that's produced that's the real issue.

To Hillary and the administration spending most of their time criticizing Trump's rhetoric - IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID !!!

Let's do a little comparison, shall we?

Nearly half of U.S. workers consider themselves underemployed, report says

Three-quarters of those who label themselves as such say they're not working in a job that uses their education and training. One quarter say they are working part time but want full-time work.

Nearly half of U.S. workers consider themselves underemployed, report says

  • The unemployment rate for new college grads is 5.6 percent, compared with 5.5 percent in 2007.
  • Young high school grads have an unemployment rate of 17.9 percent, compared with 15.9 percent in 2007.
  • For recent high-school graduates, about one-third are currently underemployed, compared with roughly 27 percent in 2007
  • Young college grads are suffering from an underemployment rate of 12.6 percent, compared with 9.6 percent in 2007

At the same time, many are entering the workforce with higher levels of debt, thanks to tuition fees that have increased far faster than median family income.

  • Recent grads who are "idled" -- neither enrolled in school nor employed -- is still higher than before the recession. For college grads, the rate is now almost 10 percent, compared with 8.4 percent in 2007. About 15.5 percent of young high-school grads are now idled, compared with 13.7 percent in 2007.
  • People of color are especially hard-hit. Young black college grads have an unemployment rate of 9.4 percent, compared with 8.9 percent in April 2007.
  • Job quality has eroded. In 2001, almost 42 percent of new college grads found jobs with pensions. That declined to just over 29 percent in 2015

Welcome to the job market, class of 2016: It still stinks
Dump the Bern: Dems Revolt After Bernie Endorses Hillary

Welcome to the Trump train folks! Or the Green Party as some said

I don't know why he bothered. Just a couple weeks ago he was still out there saying she was unfit to be president and now have the nerve to ask people to support her.

I guess, like most people, he sees a choice between her and Trump. So he's gone for what he sees the lesser of two absolute evils.
Doubtful. He was probably offered something in return.

I think most people will be voting negatively at this election. Who do they NOT want to be President next year, rather who they do. Maybe Sanders was offered something, his supporters should see how easily bought he is.
They can't really complain about Sander's obvious lack of integrity when they will allow themselves to be lead like sheep to vote for Hillary anyway.
Dump the Bern: Dems Revolt After Bernie Endorses Hillary

Welcome to the Trump train folks! Or the Green Party as some said

I don't know why he bothered. Just a couple weeks ago he was still out there saying she was unfit to be president and now have the nerve to ask people to support her.

I guess, like most people, he sees a choice between her and Trump. So he's gone for what he sees the lesser of two absolute evils.
Doubtful. He was probably offered something in return.

I think most people will be voting negatively at this election. Who do they NOT want to be President next year, rather who they do. Maybe Sanders was offered something, his supporters should see how easily bought he is.

2016 will be the election when no one voted for anyone – only against.

And a majority of Americans will be voting against Trump.

As for Sanders, he was successful in getting a number of his issues made part of the Party’s platform.
That's how every election is.

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