Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

You are misinformed.what do you have against always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net?
What tax bracket are you in?
Rwtards don't have a tax bracket
Why are brainwashed GOP morons unable to carry on a political discussion? As an American non rich person, I paid too much in taxes. End of story thank you GOP
We cannot determine your actual burden if we know nothing about you.
What do you consider doing well vs wealthy?
Wealthy I would define as income over $400,000 a year. Who pay the same percentage in taxes as you do thanks to this scumbag lying brainwashing corrupt GOP.
The spectrum of people who spend money in our society.
What tax bracket are you in?
Rwtards don't have a tax bracket
Why are brainwashed GOP morons unable to carry on a political discussion? As an American non rich person, I paid too much in taxes. End of story thank you GOP
We cannot determine your actual burden if we know nothing about you.
What do you consider doing well vs wealthy?
Wealthy I would define as income over $400,000 a year. Who pay the same percentage in taxes as you do thanks to this scumbag lying brainwashing corrupt GOP.
The spectrum of people who spend money in our society.
now that 70% of the country live paycheck to paycheck thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Before Reagan regular people used to save 7% of their pay on average. Nowadays more like - 7%. Great job
Commie Bernie has as much credibility as the Man in the Moon. Who gives a shit what that asshole says?
The Dems' litany of insults (which distill into "Trump is a Poopyhead") long ago passed their expiration date. Normal people just don't give a damn.
Commie Bernie has as much credibility as the Man in the Moon. Who gives a shit what that asshole says?
What happened to the do you have any ever lied about anything? Meanwhile you support a Non-Stop liar scumbag fraud con man. I don't mind that except in the president for crying out loud.
And that’s his good qualities!

okee dokey.

Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump is… a Racist, a Sexist, a Homophobe, a Xenophobe and a Religious Bigot’

View attachment 306707

Lucy: Do you think you have Pantophobia, Charlie Brown?
Charlie: I don't know, what is pantophobia?
Lucy: The fear of Everything.
Charlie: THAT'S IT!!!
What childish rhetoric... can people honestly come with anything better than that or anything that hasn't been done to death so much that's its more or less the laughing stock of pretty much every well-adjusted normal person on social media; even those who don't care about Trump, so much as just laughing at the sheer idiocy and social devolution of his most virulent "opponents", the likes of whom would have made PT Barnum's circus a much more financially successful enterprise than it was during it day...
And that’s his good qualities!

okee dokey.

Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump is… a Racist, a Sexist, a Homophobe, a Xenophobe and a Religious Bigot’

View attachment 306707

Lucy: Do you think you have Pantophobia, Charlie Brown?
Charlie: I don't know, what is pantophobia?
Lucy: The fear of Everything.
Charlie: THAT'S IT!!!
What childish rhetoric... can people honestly come with anything better than that or anything that hasn't been done to death so much that's its more or less the laughing stock of pretty much every well-adjusted normal person on social media; even those who don't care about Trump, so much as just laughing at the sheer idiocy and social devolution of his most virulent "opponents", the likes of whom would have made PT Barnum's circus a much more financially successful enterprise than it was during it day...

Interesting that you should mention P.T. Barnum.

That's literally what his own sister calls him.
Rwtards don't have a tax bracket
Why are brainwashed GOP morons unable to carry on a political discussion? As an American non rich person, I paid too much in taxes. End of story thank you GOP
We cannot determine your actual burden if we know nothing about you.
What do you consider doing well vs wealthy?
Wealthy I would define as income over $400,000 a year. Who pay the same percentage in taxes as you do thanks to this scumbag lying brainwashing corrupt GOP.
The spectrum of people who spend money in our society.
now that 70% of the country live paycheck to paycheck thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Before Reagan regular people used to save 7% of their pay on average. Nowadays more like - 7%. Great job
How many people do you know who make 400K?
Sanders and the rest of the socialist-communist Democrats will always trash everyone who puts our country first. Freedom loving Americans believe government should work for the people. Sanders and his fellow commies believe the people should work for the government.
Communism is a dictatorship where the government owns all business and industry, brainwashed functional moron. Nobody is for that socialism is simply faire capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net oh, and you are brainwashed dupes are absolutely chumps of the greedy idiot a****** Rich GOP. After 35 years of your crap, we have the worst inequality in upward mobility ever anywhere and 70% of the country lives paycheck-to-paycheck and on credit. No matter how many $8 an hour jobs there are. We have to tax the rich their fair share and invest in regular Americans again. And we have to have some kind of fairness doctrine so that you get a break from your fugue state idiocy, brainwashed functional moron.
That's exactly what I expect a communist Stalin lover to say.
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Maybe Sanders said this and maybe not, in-any-event, I don’t believe Sanders is trying to take credit for being the first to see trump’s inner motivations.

Anyone who has kept up with this pathological lying demented narcissist knows full well what kind of person trump is.
Web results
Bernie Sanders' 1972 Essay on Rape 22 September 2015 Fact Check Bernie ...

Sep 22, 2015 · Bernie Sanders wrote an essay in which a woman fantasizes about being "raped by three men simultaneously." ...

Snopes › ... › Politics › Politicians
Bernie Sanders' 1972 Essay on Rape -

Rumor: Bernie Sanders wrote an essay in which a woman fantasizes about being 'raped by three men simultaneously. ... A meme about Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders displayed questionable accuracy and relevance. ... Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign tried to distance him ...

Bologna a political treatise to prove a point

Warren told us he is a sexist, so it must be true. Dems don’t lie about this stuff, do they?
Rwtards don't have a tax bracket
Why are brainwashed GOP morons unable to carry on a political discussion? As an American non rich person, I paid too much in taxes. End of story thank you GOP
We cannot determine your actual burden if we know nothing about you.
What do you consider doing well vs wealthy?
Wealthy I would define as income over $400,000 a year. Who pay the same percentage in taxes as you do thanks to this scumbag lying brainwashing corrupt GOP.
The spectrum of people who spend money in our society.
now that 70% of the country live paycheck to paycheck thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Before Reagan regular people used to save 7% of their pay on average. Nowadays more like - 7%. Great job
Who are you kidding? bwhahahaa! The Prog programs ramped up boss. Most people working were going into higher tax brackets and there were a lot of them. All of that inflation getting pay raises that equaled the inflation rate and moving into a higher tax bracket was fun. We all enjoyed it. And when the Fed chief raised interest rates to double digit levels to squeeze the debt out from the Johnson agendas. We partied hearty. We can't even do that today. Our economy would collapse. We have to artificially keep the interest rates low as to not to disturb the markets. That is not Trump's fault. That existed. Cutting the deficit though he did spout. So did a lot of people. If we make real cuts it would make us suffer a bit but we would balance the budget. Are you up for that?
Bernie has 3 multimillion$ houses and is being sued by some of his campaign workers for god knows what.... Is over 70. And HIS supporters call rational folks Nazis and think reeducation camp gulags are just fine. That's exactly WHY people vote for Trump.

Bernie is 78 --- he'll be 79 this September. Am I the only one who thinks that's getting over the hill for prez? that who runs as his VP is the only thing interesting about his candidacy??
How many people do you know who make 400K?
Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Nazi Germany and at the center of World War II in Europe, earned millions of Reichsmarks throughout his political career, mainly through sales of his book Mein Kampf ("My Struggle") and his combined Chancellor's and President's salaries. After coming to power, Hitler moved to make himself tax-exempt.
Adolf Hitler's wealth and income - Wikipedia

I'm sure you know who Hitler was.
You didn’t answer the question.
Why are brainwashed GOP morons unable to carry on a political discussion? As an American non rich person, I paid too much in taxes. End of story thank you GOP
We cannot determine your actual burden if we know nothing about you.
What do you consider doing well vs wealthy?
Wealthy I would define as income over $400,000 a year. Who pay the same percentage in taxes as you do thanks to this scumbag lying brainwashing corrupt GOP.
The spectrum of people who spend money in our society.
now that 70% of the country live paycheck to paycheck thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Before Reagan regular people used to save 7% of their pay on average. Nowadays more like - 7%. Great job
Who are you kidding? bwhahahaa! The Prog programs ramped up boss. Most people working were going into higher tax brackets and there were a lot of them. All of that inflation getting pay raises that equaled the inflation rate and moving into a higher tax bracket was fun. We all enjoyed it. And when the Fed chief raised interest rates to double digit levels to squeeze the debt out from the Johnson agendas. We partied hearty. We can't even do that today. Our economy would collapse. We have to artificially keep the interest rates low as to not to disturb the markets. That is not Trump's fault. That existed. Cutting the deficit though he did spout. So did a lot of people. If we make real cuts it would make us suffer a bit but we would balance the budget. Are you up for that?
Hell no. Tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so that we can invest in America and Americans again. More cuts in services I will be even more of a banana republic like the GOP Masters love. Google the only tax graph you need to know. We have a flat tax system if you count all taxes a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Thanks a lot GOP. We need a healthy working-class and middle-class that would really lift all boats.
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Maybe Sanders said this and maybe not, in-any-event, I don’t believe Sanders is trying to take credit for being the first to see trump’s inner motivations.

Anyone who has kept up with this pathological lying demented narcissist knows full well what kind of person trump is.
He also said at the same time in the link that Trump is a pathological liar and something else that seem obvious really. At any rate I think he should say that he has homophobic policies etc etc policies! All he had to doto take over the GOP was parrot all the hate misinformation character assassination lies garbage propaganda that you people love. Lock her up lock them all up. Turns out he's the one who should be locked up. Mueller call him conspirator number one just like law enforcement does but you brainwashed functional moron think he was totally innocent LOL aaarrrggghhh
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Maybe Sanders said this and maybe not, in-any-event, I don’t believe Sanders is trying to take credit for being the first to see trump’s inner motivations.

Anyone who has kept up with this pathological lying demented narcissist knows full well what kind of person trump is.
He also said at the same time in the link that Trump is a pathological liar and something else that seem obvious really. At any rate I think he should say that he has homophobic policies etc etc policies! All he had to doto take over the GOP was parrot all the hate misinformation character assassination lies garbage propaganda that you people love. Lock her up lock them all up. Turns out he's the one who should be locked up. Mueller call him conspirator number one just like law enforcement does but you brainwashed functional moron think he was totally innocent LOL aaarrrggghhh

The problem you libs have is that Trump is just so outstandingly successful in his feats of excellence since he took over. So you don't have anything to run on except for the goofy lie that "Trump is corrupt".

Of course, that's totally bullshit, no one has ever been investigated more than Trump.

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