Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

now that 70% of the country live paycheck to paycheck thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Before Reagan regular people used to save 7% of their pay on average. Nowadays more like - 7%. Great job
How many people do you know who make 400K?
From my prep School named the Hotchkiss School lots and lots from New York City Wall Street types and old money. Turn into real swine after high School LOL. God I hated that place all boys boarding school. Meanwhile out here in Trump country none. Lovely people totally misinformed.
I’m not uninformed and about 1/3rd of the people I know make 400K+.
They went to school and work 80+ hours/week.
They have tremendous mortgages and spend a lot of that money making sure their children don’t get degrees in history.
I hope they are not ignorant and misinformed like you are. I hope they take some courses in history and political science and sociology. History is damn good thing to know. And I'm not sure I believe you. You know what liars the GOP breeds or at least dupes. I did very well in business with a history degree. Better than I did teaching. I was mainly teaching French and Spanish and they don't want to do it. No disciplinary gene it all. So do you know we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? That none of the GOP phony scandals have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. The only people that agree with you in media are Rupert Murdoch properties. End of story brainwashed functional moron.I as I have said before I was more interested in my late aunt's bar Casablanca in Spain. Which you cannot do unless you're married to a European.
Here’s a fact...
History is a requirement for hard science and math degrees.
It’s obvious you don’t know anyone who has a successful career.
That’s not an insult, it’s a fact.
Very happy to hear everyone has to take some history... My best friend owned 6 Banks he inherited. I'm out in the country here it's 73% Trump in New York. I know lots of people a lots of people all over the world okay I don't know how much they make but they're doing fine I have no idea. Here there are More cows than people I don't think anybody made $400,000 around here except for the bankers.

Where are you and are these people in your industry what industry whatever it's interesting I'm glad they all took some history but if they're Republicans they need more LOL. Whatever, the GOP propaganda machine is a real scary thing. This too shall pass someday. We desperately need a Democrat with 60 votes without being in a corrupt GOP economic meltdown. Do you think Nazis were socialists or Communists are socialists?
How many people do you know who make 400K?
From my prep School named the Hotchkiss School lots and lots from New York City Wall Street types and old money. Turn into real swine after high School LOL. God I hated that place all boys boarding school. Meanwhile out here in Trump country none. Lovely people totally misinformed.
I’m not uninformed and about 1/3rd of the people I know make 400K+.
They went to school and work 80+ hours/week.
They have tremendous mortgages and spend a lot of that money making sure their children don’t get degrees in history.
I hope they are not ignorant and misinformed like you are. I hope they take some courses in history and political science and sociology. History is damn good thing to know. And I'm not sure I believe you. You know what liars the GOP breeds or at least dupes. I did very well in business with a history degree. Better than I did teaching. I was mainly teaching French and Spanish and they don't want to do it. No disciplinary gene it all. So do you know we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? That none of the GOP phony scandals have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. The only people that agree with you in media are Rupert Murdoch properties. End of story brainwashed functional moron.I as I have said before I was more interested in my late aunt's bar Casablanca in Spain. Which you cannot do unless you're married to a European.
Here’s a fact...
History is a requirement for hard science and math degrees.
It’s obvious you don’t know anyone who has a successful career.
That’s not an insult, it’s a fact.
Very happy to hear everyone has to take some history... My best friend owned 6 Banks he inherited. I'm out in the country here it's 73% Trump in New York. I know lots of people a lots of people all over the world okay I don't know how much they make but they're doing fine I have no idea. Here there are More cows than people I don't think anybody made $400,000 around here except for the bankers.

Where are you and are these people in your industry what industry whatever it's interesting I'm glad they all took some history but if they're Republicans they need more LOL. Whatever, the GOP propaganda machine is a real scary thing. This too shall pass someday. We desperately need a Democrat with 60 votes without being in a corrupt GOP economic meltdown. Do you think Nazis were socialists or Communists are socialists?
Brooklyn and Nassau County.
I’m not a Republican or Democrat, I’m a MAGA.
After Trump it’s highly unlikely I will ever vote for President again.
And the bottom line is it’s a shit load easier to study history than physics or chemistry.
Yeah, Trump the racist!


Hey now, don't be so hard on the guy. He defied the government (twice) for the right to keep black people out of his apartments, told the investigator during the first trial "come on Elise, you don't want to live with them either", declared "black guys counting my money --- I hate it", called dark-skinned nations "shithole countries", completely forgot who David Dookey was, then took orders from him, declared Mexicans "rapists" and then demanded they pay for a wall, whined about the black guy that preceded him for three years and counting, slurred Native Americans with "Pocahontas" as well as "they don't look like Indians to me", paid for a full-page ad demanding the death penalty for innocent black people .... so he's trying.

But I'll take your word for it that he groped a black woman, I don't even know about that.

And oh by the way "Jew" is not a race. But neither is "Mexican". Or "Nazi".

You're one desperate puppy!

Took orders from David Duke! You're just being desperate and foolish.

Trump called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five. All convicted rapists and murderers.

Are those nations s***holes or not? They are.

He was a Democrat until Obama. They shouldn't go after Trump personally oh, they should go after his policies which are racist homophobic sexist and based on garbage propaganda. he doesn't care about anything except cutting taxes on himself and running the GOP, in other words doing what the propaganda and the brainwashed Base says to do.

Wealthy I would define as income over $400,000 a year. Who pay the same percentage in taxes as you do thanks to this scumbag lying brainwashing corrupt GOP.
The spectrum of people who spend money in our society.
now that 70% of the country live paycheck to paycheck thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Before Reagan regular people used to save 7% of their pay on average. Nowadays more like - 7%. Great job
How many people do you know who make 400K?
From my prep School named the Hotchkiss School lots and lots from New York City Wall Street types and old money. Turn into real swine after high School LOL. God I hated that place all boys boarding school. Meanwhile out here in Trump country none. Lovely people totally misinformed.
I’m not uninformed and about 1/3rd of the people I know make 400K+.
They went to school and work 80+ hours/week.
They have tremendous mortgages and spend a lot of that money making sure their children don’t get degrees in history.
I hope they are not ignorant and misinformed like you are. I hope they take some courses in history and political science and sociology. History is damn good thing to know. And I'm not sure I believe you. You know what liars the GOP breeds or at least dupes. I did very well in business with a history degree. Better than I did is mainly teaching French and Spanish and they don't want to do it. No disciplinary gene it all. So do you know we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? That none of the GOP phony scandals have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. The only people that agree with you and media are Rupert Murdoch properties. End of story brainwashed functional moron.I as I have said before I was more interested in my late aunt's bar Casablanca in for angular ola. Which you cannot do unless you're married to a European.
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Maybe Sanders said this and maybe not, in-any-event, I don’t believe Sanders is trying to take credit for being the first to see trump’s inner motivations.

Anyone who has kept up with this pathological lying demented narcissist knows full well what kind of person trump is.

he has not done a damn thing worst deal maker in history lost a billion dollars in the 80s absolute idiot and narcissist. I find him amusing except as president for crying out loud. Everything you know about him and reality is wrong LOL.
The spectrum of people who spend money in our society.
now that 70% of the country live paycheck to paycheck thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Before Reagan regular people used to save 7% of their pay on average. Nowadays more like - 7%. Great job
How many people do you know who make 400K?
From my prep School named the Hotchkiss School lots and lots from New York City Wall Street types and old money. Turn into real swine after high School LOL. God I hated that place all boys boarding school. Meanwhile out here in Trump country none. Lovely people totally misinformed.
I’m not uninformed and about 1/3rd of the people I know make 400K+.
They went to school and work 80+ hours/week.
They have tremendous mortgages and spend a lot of that money making sure their children don’t get degrees in history.
I hope they are not ignorant and misinformed like you are. I hope they take some courses in history and political science and sociology. History is damn good thing to know. And I'm not sure I believe you. You know what liars the GOP breeds or at least dupes. I did very well in business with a history degree. Better than I did is mainly teaching French and Spanish and they don't want to do it. No disciplinary gene it all. So do you know we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? That none of the GOP phony scandals have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. The only people that agree with you and media are Rupert Murdoch properties. End of story brainwashed functional moron.I as I have said before I was more interested in my late aunt's bar Casablanca in for angular ola. Which you cannot do unless you're married to a European.
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Maybe Sanders said this and maybe not, in-any-event, I don’t believe Sanders is trying to take credit for being the first to see trump’s inner motivations.

Anyone who has kept up with this pathological lying demented narcissist knows full well what kind of person trump is.

he has not done a damn thing worst deal maker in history lost a billion dollars in the 80s absolute idiot and narcissist. I find him amusing except as president for crying out loud. Everything you know about him and reality is wrong LOL.
Both parties play the game and anyone can study history.
Get back to me in 2 years with a BS in Math and I’ll pay attention to your “superior” knowledge.

In the meanwhile I’ll pay my bills while you keep wishing I would pay your bills.

And Trump is not. Nor is he any of the stupid claims that Sanders made.

Funny how Sanders is working so hard to avoid the issues, huh?
Actually that is all he talks about. Too bad you don't get to hear any of it....t

Really? Good for him. Then it is funny that his partisans on this site, don't post that for discussion, and instead post this flame bait shit.

Almost like they know that his policies can't stand up to scrutiny.
Every other modern country manages what he is talking about, the only reason we can't is because of the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Flame that LOL

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
Yeah, Trump the racist!


Hey now, don't be so hard on the guy. He defied the government (twice) for the right to keep black people out of his apartments, told the investigator during the first trial "come on Elise, you don't want to live with them either", declared "black guys counting my money --- I hate it", called dark-skinned nations "shithole countries", completely forgot who David Dookey was, then took orders from him, declared Mexicans "rapists" and then demanded they pay for a wall, whined about the black guy that preceded him for three years and counting, slurred Native Americans with "Pocahontas" as well as "they don't look like Indians to me", paid for a full-page ad demanding the death penalty for innocent black people .... so he's trying.

But I'll take your word for it that he groped a black woman, I don't even know about that.

And oh by the way "Jew" is not a race. But neither is "Mexican". Or "Nazi".

You're one desperate puppy!

Took orders from David Duke! You're just being desperate and foolish.

Trump called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five. All convicted rapists and murderers.

Are those nations s***holes or not? They are.

He was a Democrat until Obama. They shouldn't go after Trump personally oh, they should go after his policies which are racist homophobic sexist and based on garbage propaganda. he doesn't care about anything except cutting taxes on himself and running the GOP, in other words doing what the propaganda and the brainwashed Base says to do.

From my prep School named the Hotchkiss School lots and lots from New York City Wall Street types and old money. Turn into real swine after high School LOL. God I hated that place all boys boarding school. Meanwhile out here in Trump country none. Lovely people totally misinformed.
I’m not uninformed and about 1/3rd of the people I know make 400K+.
They went to school and work 80+ hours/week.
They have tremendous mortgages and spend a lot of that money making sure their children don’t get degrees in history.
I hope they are not ignorant and misinformed like you are. I hope they take some courses in history and political science and sociology. History is damn good thing to know. And I'm not sure I believe you. You know what liars the GOP breeds or at least dupes. I did very well in business with a history degree. Better than I did teaching. I was mainly teaching French and Spanish and they don't want to do it. No disciplinary gene it all. So do you know we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? That none of the GOP phony scandals have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. The only people that agree with you in media are Rupert Murdoch properties. End of story brainwashed functional moron.I as I have said before I was more interested in my late aunt's bar Casablanca in Spain. Which you cannot do unless you're married to a European.
Here’s a fact...
History is a requirement for hard science and math degrees.
It’s obvious you don’t know anyone who has a successful career.
That’s not an insult, it’s a fact.
Very happy to hear everyone has to take some history... My best friend owned 6 Banks he inherited. I'm out in the country here it's 73% Trump in New York. I know lots of people a lots of people all over the world okay I don't know how much they make but they're doing fine I have no idea. Here there are More cows than people I don't think anybody made $400,000 around here except for the bankers.

Where are you and are these people in your industry what industry whatever it's interesting I'm glad they all took some history but if they're Republicans they need more LOL. Whatever, the GOP propaganda machine is a real scary thing. This too shall pass someday. We desperately need a Democrat with 60 votes without being in a corrupt GOP economic meltdown. Do you think Nazis were socialists or Communists are socialists?
Brooklyn and Nassau County.
I’m not a Republican or Democrat, I’m a MAGA.
After Trump it’s highly unlikely I will ever vote for President again.
And the bottom line is it’s a shit load easier to study history than physics or chemistry.
I started out pre-med but change to French and history after Kent State. The 70s were a little different early seventies must say. We actually caught the only I don't provocateur for the FBI.
now that 70% of the country live paycheck to paycheck thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Before Reagan regular people used to save 7% of their pay on average. Nowadays more like - 7%. Great job
How many people do you know who make 400K?
From my prep School named the Hotchkiss School lots and lots from New York City Wall Street types and old money. Turn into real swine after high School LOL. God I hated that place all boys boarding school. Meanwhile out here in Trump country none. Lovely people totally misinformed.
I’m not uninformed and about 1/3rd of the people I know make 400K+.
They went to school and work 80+ hours/week.
They have tremendous mortgages and spend a lot of that money making sure their children don’t get degrees in history.
I hope they are not ignorant and misinformed like you are. I hope they take some courses in history and political science and sociology. History is damn good thing to know. And I'm not sure I believe you. You know what liars the GOP breeds or at least dupes. I did very well in business with a history degree. Better than I did is mainly teaching French and Spanish and they don't want to do it. No disciplinary gene it all. So do you know we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? That none of the GOP phony scandals have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. The only people that agree with you and media are Rupert Murdoch properties. End of story brainwashed functional moron.I as I have said before I was more interested in my late aunt's bar Casablanca in for angular ola. Which you cannot do unless you're married to a European.
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Maybe Sanders said this and maybe not, in-any-event, I don’t believe Sanders is trying to take credit for being the first to see trump’s inner motivations.

Anyone who has kept up with this pathological lying demented narcissist knows full well what kind of person trump is.

he has not done a damn thing worst deal maker in history lost a billion dollars in the 80s absolute idiot and narcissist. I find him amusing except as president for crying out loud. Everything you know about him and reality is wrong LOL.
Both parties play the game and anyone can study history.
Get back to me in 2 years with a BS in Math and I’ll pay attention to your “superior” knowledge.

In the meanwhile I’ll pay my bills while you keep wishing I would pay your bills.
history is not that easy maybe in the introductory stage. I meant physics and chemistry I didn't like. I didn't like math either. But I could certainly do it I just don't like it. At high school at the Hotchkiss school one of the three best private schools in the country, I refusee to do any homework in math so by the end of the year they would say you have to get the highest grade in the class or you flunked and all three years I took math before stopping senior year, I got the highest grade in the class after studying just one night. So screw you LOL. Politically you are an idiot that's what we're talking about here you're missing the whole reality thing. Trump's economy is worse than Obama's as far as jobs and gross Co. His tax cuts for the rich are getting ridiculous they have been ridiculous for years GOP tax rates. Worst inequality and upward mobility ever. Wake up sleeping beauty brainwashed functional moron. His tariffs and trade wars have been disastrous for farmers and he got no advantage. Everybody's laughing at him around the world and you. I don't care how much money you make means nothing as far as I'm concerned.... doesn't make you smarter just an arrogant s******* LOL. And with the Republican record you are probably lying LOL
The spectrum of people who spend money in our society.
now that 70% of the country live paycheck to paycheck thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Before Reagan regular people used to save 7% of their pay on average. Nowadays more like - 7%. Great job
How many people do you know who make 400K?
From my prep School named the Hotchkiss School lots and lots from New York City Wall Street types and old money. Turn into real swine after high School LOL. God I hated that place all boys boarding school. Meanwhile out here in Trump country none. Lovely people totally misinformed.
I’m not uninformed and about 1/3rd of the people I know make 400K+.
They went to school and work 80+ hours/week.
They have tremendous mortgages and spend a lot of that money making sure their children don’t get degrees in history.
I hope they are not ignorant and misinformed like you are. I hope they take some courses in history and political science and sociology. History is damn good thing to know. And I'm not sure I believe you. You know what liars the GOP breeds or at least dupes. I did very well in business with a history degree. Better than I did is mainly teaching French and Spanish and they don't want to do it. No disciplinary gene it all. So do you know we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? That none of the GOP phony scandals have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. The only people that agree with you and media are Rupert Murdoch properties. End of story brainwashed functional moron.I as I have said before I was more interested in my late aunt's bar Casablanca in for angular ola. Which you cannot do unless you're married to a European.
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Maybe Sanders said this and maybe not, in-any-event, I don’t believe Sanders is trying to take credit for being the first to see trump’s inner motivations.

Anyone who has kept up with this pathological lying demented narcissist knows full well what kind of person trump is.

he has not done a damn thing worst deal maker in history lost a billion dollars in the 80s absolute idiot and narcissist. I find him amusing except as president for crying out loud. Everything you know about him and reality is wrong LOL.

History ends at Armageddon so what good is It to those who do not learn from it or heed God’s Warnings of Judgment?
Yeah, Trump the racist!


Hey now, don't be so hard on the guy. He defied the government (twice) for the right to keep black people out of his apartments, told the investigator during the first trial "come on Elise, you don't want to live with them either", declared "black guys counting my money --- I hate it", called dark-skinned nations "shithole countries", completely forgot who David Dookey was, then took orders from him, declared Mexicans "rapists" and then demanded they pay for a wall, whined about the black guy that preceded him for three years and counting, slurred Native Americans with "Pocahontas" as well as "they don't look like Indians to me", paid for a full-page ad demanding the death penalty for innocent black people .... so he's trying.

But I'll take your word for it that he groped a black woman, I don't even know about that.

And oh by the way "Jew" is not a race. But neither is "Mexican". Or "Nazi".

You're one desperate puppy!

Took orders from David Duke! You're just being desperate and foolish.

Trump called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five. All convicted rapists and murderers.

Are those nations s***holes or not? They are.

He was a Democrat until Obama. They shouldn't go after Trump personally oh, they should go after his policies which are racist homophobic sexist and based on garbage propaganda. he doesn't care about anything except cutting taxes on himself and running the GOP, in other words doing what the propaganda and the brainwashed Base says to do.

I’m not uninformed and about 1/3rd of the people I know make 400K+.
They went to school and work 80+ hours/week.
They have tremendous mortgages and spend a lot of that money making sure their children don’t get degrees in history.
I hope they are not ignorant and misinformed like you are. I hope they take some courses in history and political science and sociology. History is damn good thing to know. And I'm not sure I believe you. You know what liars the GOP breeds or at least dupes. I did very well in business with a history degree. Better than I did teaching. I was mainly teaching French and Spanish and they don't want to do it. No disciplinary gene it all. So do you know we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? That none of the GOP phony scandals have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. The only people that agree with you in media are Rupert Murdoch properties. End of story brainwashed functional moron.I as I have said before I was more interested in my late aunt's bar Casablanca in Spain. Which you cannot do unless you're married to a European.
Here’s a fact...
History is a requirement for hard science and math degrees.
It’s obvious you don’t know anyone who has a successful career.
That’s not an insult, it’s a fact.
Very happy to hear everyone has to take some history... My best friend owned 6 Banks he inherited. I'm out in the country here it's 73% Trump in New York. I know lots of people a lots of people all over the world okay I don't know how much they make but they're doing fine I have no idea. Here there are More cows than people I don't think anybody made $400,000 around here except for the bankers.

Where are you and are these people in your industry what industry whatever it's interesting I'm glad they all took some history but if they're Republicans they need more LOL. Whatever, the GOP propaganda machine is a real scary thing. This too shall pass someday. We desperately need a Democrat with 60 votes without being in a corrupt GOP economic meltdown. Do you think Nazis were socialists or Communists are socialists?
Brooklyn and Nassau County.
I’m not a Republican or Democrat, I’m a MAGA.
After Trump it’s highly unlikely I will ever vote for President again.
And the bottom line is it’s a shit load easier to study history than physics or chemistry.
I started out pre-med but change to French and history after Kent State. The 70s were a little different early seventies must say. We actually caught the only I don't provocateur for the FBI.
How many people do you know who make 400K?
From my prep School named the Hotchkiss School lots and lots from New York City Wall Street types and old money. Turn into real swine after high School LOL. God I hated that place all boys boarding school. Meanwhile out here in Trump country none. Lovely people totally misinformed.
I’m not uninformed and about 1/3rd of the people I know make 400K+.
They went to school and work 80+ hours/week.
They have tremendous mortgages and spend a lot of that money making sure their children don’t get degrees in history.
I hope they are not ignorant and misinformed like you are. I hope they take some courses in history and political science and sociology. History is damn good thing to know. And I'm not sure I believe you. You know what liars the GOP breeds or at least dupes. I did very well in business with a history degree. Better than I did is mainly teaching French and Spanish and they don't want to do it. No disciplinary gene it all. So do you know we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? That none of the GOP phony scandals have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. The only people that agree with you and media are Rupert Murdoch properties. End of story brainwashed functional moron.I as I have said before I was more interested in my late aunt's bar Casablanca in for angular ola. Which you cannot do unless you're married to a European.
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Maybe Sanders said this and maybe not, in-any-event, I don’t believe Sanders is trying to take credit for being the first to see trump’s inner motivations.

Anyone who has kept up with this pathological lying demented narcissist knows full well what kind of person trump is.

he has not done a damn thing worst deal maker in history lost a billion dollars in the 80s absolute idiot and narcissist. I find him amusing except as president for crying out loud. Everything you know about him and reality is wrong LOL.
Both parties play the game and anyone can study history.
Get back to me in 2 years with a BS in Math and I’ll pay attention to your “superior” knowledge.

In the meanwhile I’ll pay my bills while you keep wishing I would pay your bills.
history is not that easy maybe in the introductory stage. I meant physics and chemistry I didn't like. I didn't like math either. But I could certainly do it I just don't like it. At high school at the Hotchkiss school one of the three best private schools in the country, I refusee to do any homework in math so by the end of the year they would say you have to get the highest grade in the class or you flunked and all three years I took math before stopping senior year, I got the highest grade in the class after studying just one night. So screw you LOL. Politically you are an idiot that's what we're talking about here you're missing the whole reality thing. Trump's economy is worse than Obama's as far as jobs and gross Co. His tax cuts for the rich are getting ridiculous they have been ridiculous for years GOP tax rates. Worst inequality and upward mobility ever. Wake up sleeping beauty brainwashed functional moron. His tariffs and trade wars have been disastrous for farmers and he got no advantage. Everybody's laughing at him around the world and you. I don't care how much money you make means nothing as far as I'm concerned.... doesn't make you smarter just an arrogant s******* LOL. And with the Republican record you are probably lying LOL


And Trump is not. Nor is he any of the stupid claims that Sanders made.

Funny how Sanders is working so hard to avoid the issues, huh?
Actually that is all he talks about. Too bad you don't get to hear any of it....t

Really? Good for him. Then it is funny that his partisans on this site, don't post that for discussion, and instead post this flame bait shit.

Almost like they know that his policies can't stand up to scrutiny.
Every other modern country manages what he is talking about, the only reason we can't is because of the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Flame that LOL

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
He sounds a lot like Hitler preaching against The German President Hitler had removed after Hitler lost The Presidential Election.

And that’s his good qualities!

okee dokey.

Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump is… a Racist, a Sexist, a Homophobe, a Xenophobe and a Religious Bigot’

View attachment 306707

Lucy: Do you think you have Pantophobia, Charlie Brown?
Charlie: I don't know, what is pantophobia?
Lucy: The fear of Everything.
Charlie: THAT'S IT!!!
You have no idea what are you talkin about as always. Hitler got the most votes. President Hindenburg made him Chancellor a big mistake they thought they could handle him. He kept Hindenburg on as president until he die,d in 1935 I believe.
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

These are the very reasons that Republicans elected him into office in the first place.

these aren’t problems, they’re features for the right.


Because anyone who wants to cut taxes or control the border is a racist, right asshole?
now that 70% of the country live paycheck to paycheck thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Before Reagan regular people used to save 7% of their pay on average. Nowadays more like - 7%. Great job
How many people do you know who make 400K?
From my prep School named the Hotchkiss School lots and lots from New York City Wall Street types and old money. Turn into real swine after high School LOL. God I hated that place all boys boarding school. Meanwhile out here in Trump country none. Lovely people totally misinformed.
I’m not uninformed and about 1/3rd of the people I know make 400K+.
They went to school and work 80+ hours/week.
They have tremendous mortgages and spend a lot of that money making sure their children don’t get degrees in history.
I hope they are not ignorant and misinformed like you are. I hope they take some courses in history and political science and sociology. History is damn good thing to know. And I'm not sure I believe you. You know what liars the GOP breeds or at least dupes. I did very well in business with a history degree. Better than I did is mainly teaching French and Spanish and they don't want to do it. No disciplinary gene it all. So do you know we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? That none of the GOP phony scandals have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. The only people that agree with you and media are Rupert Murdoch properties. End of story brainwashed functional moron.I as I have said before I was more interested in my late aunt's bar Casablanca in for angular ola. Which you cannot do unless you're married to a European.
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Maybe Sanders said this and maybe not, in-any-event, I don’t believe Sanders is trying to take credit for being the first to see trump’s inner motivations.

Anyone who has kept up with this pathological lying demented narcissist knows full well what kind of person trump is.

he has not done a damn thing worst deal maker in history lost a billion dollars in the 80s absolute idiot and narcissist. I find him amusing except as president for crying out loud. Everything you know about him and reality is wrong LOL.

History ends at Armageddon so what good is It to those who do not learn from it or heed God’s Warnings of Judgment?
I'm all ready. Today's Republicans etc will have a problem. Willful ignorance is a sin
I loved Trump doing a pace lap in the presidential car at the Daytona 500 today and saying the traditional "Gentlemen, start your engines." That man is just so FUN.

More seriously, as ever he is doing the right thing by Americans and leading the world at the same time: I refer to his already today having picked up all the Americans who could come home from that cursed death trap, the Diamond Princess plague ship sitting off Japan. He negotiated that with Japan and immediately, same day, Canada and Italy announced they were sending planes for their nationals, too.
And Batshit Bernie is a Stalinst.

No, more like a Wannabe Trotsky after reading Trotsky for Dummies...
Lol, lefties have been trying to paint Trump as a racist from day 1, but no lefty has EVER been able to produce a shred of evidence that proves that he is.

Read his tweets.
Listen to his speeches.
Trump is a racist.

Trump also is mentally ill.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump is not a racist, and all TDS morons like you are mentally ill.
And Trump is not. Nor is he any of the stupid claims that Sanders made.

Funny how Sanders is working so hard to avoid the issues, huh?
Actually that is all he talks about. Too bad you don't get to hear any of it....t

Really? Good for him. Then it is funny that his partisans on this site, don't post that for discussion, and instead post this flame bait shit.

Almost like they know that his policies can't stand up to scrutiny.
Every other modern country manages what he is talking about, the only reason we can't is because of the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Flame that LOL

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....

Ok, you did it, when prompted. That puts you ahead of the normal lib curve. Congratulations.

Taxing is not investing. Europe is fucked up. They are not a role model. Except maybe for trade policy. I'm willing to imitate their trade policy. At least for them.
now that 70% of the country live paycheck to paycheck thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Before Reagan regular people used to save 7% of their pay on average. Nowadays more like - 7%. Great job
How many people do you know who make 400K?
From my prep School named the Hotchkiss School lots and lots from New York City Wall Street types and old money. Turn into real swine after high School LOL. God I hated that place all boys boarding school. Meanwhile out here in Trump country none. Lovely people totally misinformed.
I’m not uninformed and about 1/3rd of the people I know make 400K+.
They went to school and work 80+ hours/week.
They have tremendous mortgages and spend a lot of that money making sure their children don’t get degrees in history.
I hope they are not ignorant and misinformed like you are. I hope they take some courses in history and political science and sociology. History is damn good thing to know. And I'm not sure I believe you. You know what liars the GOP breeds or at least dupes. I did very well in business with a history degree. Better than I did is mainly teaching French and Spanish and they don't want to do it. No disciplinary gene it all. So do you know we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? That none of the GOP phony scandals have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. The only people that agree with you and media are Rupert Murdoch properties. End of story brainwashed functional moron.I as I have said before I was more interested in my late aunt's bar Casablanca in for angular ola. Which you cannot do unless you're married to a European.
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Maybe Sanders said this and maybe not, in-any-event, I don’t believe Sanders is trying to take credit for being the first to see trump’s inner motivations.

Anyone who has kept up with this pathological lying demented narcissist knows full well what kind of person trump is.

he has not done a damn thing worst deal maker in history lost a billion dollars in the 80s absolute idiot and narcissist. I find him amusing except as president for crying out loud. Everything you know about him and reality is wrong LOL.
Both parties play the game and anyone can study history.
Get back to me in 2 years with a BS in Math and I’ll pay attention to your “superior” knowledge.

In the meanwhile I’ll pay my bills while you keep wishing I would pay your bills.
I pay my bills just fine no problems thanks very happily retired. You want to know how much iron but I have no idea where you live or anyting probably an arrogant mark from Atlanta or some other dumbass southern city.
Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

These are the very reasons that Republicans elected him into office in the first place.

these aren’t problems, they’re features for the right.


Because anyone who wants to cut taxes or control the border is a racist, right asshole?
He just wants to distract the chumps while the rich laugh all the way to the bank. Super duper. The wall is stupid and won't work and he doesn't even care if it's built really it's all for propaganda isn't it?

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