Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

And Batshit Bernie is a Stalinst.

No, more like a Wannabe Trotsky after reading Trotsky for Dummies...
Lol, lefties have been trying to paint Trump as a racist from day 1, but no lefty has EVER been able to produce a shred of evidence that proves that he is.

Read his tweets.
Listen to his speeches.
Trump is a racist.

Trump also is mentally ill.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump is not a racist, and all TDS morons like you are mentally ill.
Maybe he isn't but his base is majority racist and he does everything for the base and the propaganda machine
Yeah, Trump the racist!


Hey now, don't be so hard on the guy. He defied the government (twice) for the right to keep black people out of his apartments, told the investigator during the first trial "come on Elise, you don't want to live with them either", declared "black guys counting my money --- I hate it", called dark-skinned nations "shithole countries", completely forgot who David Dookey was, then took orders from him, declared Mexicans "rapists" and then demanded they pay for a wall, whined about the black guy that preceded him for three years and counting, slurred Native Americans with "Pocahontas" as well as "they don't look like Indians to me", paid for a full-page ad demanding the death penalty for innocent black people .... so he's trying.

But I'll take your word for it that he groped a black woman, I don't even know about that.

And oh by the way "Jew" is not a race. But neither is "Mexican". Or "Nazi".
Since I know a number of these claims are outright lies, I'll just assume they are all outright lies. Why should anyone believe what a TDS moron says?
And Batshit Bernie is a Stalinst.

No, more like a Wannabe Trotsky after reading Trotsky for Dummies...
Lol, lefties have been trying to paint Trump as a racist from day 1, but no lefty has EVER been able to produce a shred of evidence that proves that he is.

Read his tweets.
Listen to his speeches.
Trump is a racist.

Trump also is mentally ill.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump is not a racist, and all TDS morons like you are mentally ill.
Maybe he isn't but his base is majority racist and he does everything for the base and the propaganda machine
63 million people are racists? Do you ever wonder why people say your ilk hates America?
Slander is the Comfort Zone for people who lack the evidence and intellectual horsepower to make a coherent case for what they intend to say. These slanders against Trump are not only boring but unjustified, ab initio.

Hence, no one in the United States gives any credence to that elderly twit who has never been gainfully employed in his life.
And Batshit Bernie is a Stalinst.

No, more like a Wannabe Trotsky after reading Trotsky for Dummies...
Lol, lefties have been trying to paint Trump as a racist from day 1, but no lefty has EVER been able to produce a shred of evidence that proves that he is.

Read his tweets.
Listen to his speeches.
Trump is a racist.

Trump also is mentally ill.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump is not a racist, and all TDS morons like you are mentally ill.
Maybe he isn't but his base is majority racist and he does everything for the base and the propaganda machine

Sorry, asshole, but only morons like you believe that.

And Trump is not. Nor is he any of the stupid claims that Sanders made.

Funny how Sanders is working so hard to avoid the issues, huh?
Actually that is all he talks about. Too bad you don't get to hear any of it....t

Really? Good for him. Then it is funny that his partisans on this site, don't post that for discussion, and instead post this flame bait shit.

Almost like they know that his policies can't stand up to scrutiny.
Every other modern country manages what he is talking about, the only reason we can't is because of the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Flame that LOL

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And Trump is not. Nor is he any of the stupid claims that Sanders made.

Funny how Sanders is working so hard to avoid the issues, huh?
Actually that is all he talks about. Too bad you don't get to hear any of it....t

Really? Good for him. Then it is funny that his partisans on this site, don't post that for discussion, and instead post this flame bait shit.

Almost like they know that his policies can't stand up to scrutiny.
Every other modern country manages what he is talking about, the only reason we can't is because of the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Flame that LOL

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Actually that is all he talks about. Too bad you don't get to hear any of it....t

Really? Good for him. Then it is funny that his partisans on this site, don't post that for discussion, and instead post this flame bait shit.

Almost like they know that his policies can't stand up to scrutiny.
Every other modern country manages what he is talking about, the only reason we can't is because of the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Flame that LOL

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Really? Good for him. Then it is funny that his partisans on this site, don't post that for discussion, and instead post this flame bait shit.

Almost like they know that his policies can't stand up to scrutiny.
Every other modern country manages what he is talking about, the only reason we can't is because of the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Flame that LOL

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Socialism is government ownership of more and more private enterprise.
Before long, we will have corrupt Communism dictating what you need to give and receive.
Who do you trust to implement your vision other than yourself?
Slander is the Comfort Zone for people who lack the evidence and intellectual horsepower to make a coherent case for what they intend to say. These slanders against Trump are not only boring but unjustified, ab initio.

Hence, no one in the United States gives any credence to that elderly twit who has never been gainfully employed in his life.
Certainly not the brainwashed misinformed GOP voter.
Really? Good for him. Then it is funny that his partisans on this site, don't post that for discussion, and instead post this flame bait shit.

Almost like they know that his policies can't stand up to scrutiny.
Every other modern country manages what he is talking about, the only reason we can't is because of the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Flame that LOL

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not

First time for everything. And who's to say there won't be a lot of violence? Not like you don't already have your street soldiers.

Every other modern country manages what he is talking about, the only reason we can't is because of the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Flame that LOL

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Socialism is government ownership of more and more private enterprise.
Before long, we will have corrupt Communism dictating what you need to give and receive.
Who do you trust to implement your vision other than yourself?
That's as far as it goes you dumbass fear-mongers brainwashed functional morons. Look at every other modern country they're not turning communist and they're not doing any more nationalizing either. Just tinkering with their healthcare systems which we don't have including mental illness is a disgrace Joe. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. No sacrifice is too great to protect your greedy idiot mega-rich heroes from being tax their fair share or more like it anyways Jesus. What a scam and you people don't even know about it. Poor America
Really? Good for him. Then it is funny that his partisans on this site, don't post that for discussion, and instead post this flame bait shit.

Almost like they know that his policies can't stand up to scrutiny.
Every other modern country manages what he is talking about, the only reason we can't is because of the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Flame that LOL

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.
Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Socialism is government ownership of more and more private enterprise.
Before long, we will have corrupt Communism dictating what you need to give and receive.
Who do you trust to implement your vision other than yourself?
That's as far as it goes you dumbass fear-mongers brainwashed functional morons. Look at every other modern country they're not turning communist and they're not doing any more nationalizing either. Just tinkering with their healthcare systems which we don't have including mental illness is a disgrace Joe. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. No sacrifice is too great to protect your greedy idiot mega-rich heroes from being tax their fair share or more like it anyways Jesus. What a scam and you people don't even know about it. Poor America
They are begging us for help.
Every other modern country manages what he is talking about, the only reason we can't is because of the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Flame that LOL

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Socialism is government ownership of more and more private enterprise.
Before long, we will have corrupt Communism dictating what you need to give and receive.
Who do you trust to implement your vision other than yourself?
That's as far as it goes you dumbass fear-mongers brainwashed functional morons. Look at every other modern country they're not turning communist and they're not doing any more nationalizing either. Just tinkering with their healthcare systems which we don't have including mental illness is a disgrace Joe. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. No sacrifice is too great to protect your greedy idiot mega-rich heroes from being tax their fair share or more like it anyways Jesus. What a scam and you people don't even know about it. Poor America
They are begging us for help.

Not exactly.

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