Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Except you still haven't posted what he is talking about. Because it means so much to you. You libs prefer to discuss flame bait. Because you know that talking issues never works out for you.

Vague shit like "other countries do it", yeah, that is more your speed. Now run away.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
Tell me how Britain’s 95% tax rate doesn’t promote Socialism.
A House of a Lords and Commons?
Are you kidding me?
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
Tell me how Britain’s 95% tax rate doesn’t promote Socialism.
A House of a Lords and Commons?
Are you kidding me?

Tell me that Britain is failing since all socialist countries fail. Then show me where they are begging us for help when they have money in our financial systems and a whole lot of it.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Socialism is government ownership of more and more private enterprise.
Before long, we will have corrupt Communism dictating what you need to give and receive.
Who do you trust to implement your vision other than yourself?
That's as far as it goes you dumbass fear-mongers brainwashed functional morons. Look at every other modern country they're not turning communist and they're not doing any more nationalizing either. Just tinkering with their healthcare systems which we don't have including mental illness is a disgrace Joe. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. No sacrifice is too great to protect your greedy idiot mega-rich heroes from being tax their fair share or more like it anyways Jesus. What a scam and you people don't even know about it. Poor America
They are begging us for help.
Bulshit they're paying contributing what they're supposed to be in a deal they had with Obama and has nothing to do with the orange propagandizing clown, brainwashed functional moron. Also they have 7 million refugees from areas that the GOP has ruined, the middle East and sub-Saharan Africa with the great depression of 2008 you don't know about. Jesus we're screwed.
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And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
Tell me how Britain’s 95% tax rate doesn’t promote Socialism.
A House of a Lords and Commons?
Are you kidding me?

Tell me that Britain is failing since all socialist countries fail. Then show me where they are begging us for help when they have money in our financial systems and a whole lot of it.
Do you ever watch those international economic summits where ever country on earth is pissed that we’re not giving them more money?
Even if he was all those things I still wouldn't vote for a socialist.
No you will vote for a dictator instead.

The word of the week. Doesn’t Trump collusion, obstruction, or abuse of power. You are very gullible and sad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not the gullible one. You think it's great that he has the DOJ put on his opposition just exactly like a dictator would use the police against their opposition.
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Socialism is government ownership of more and more private enterprise.
Before long, we will have corrupt Communism dictating what you need to give and receive.
Who do you trust to implement your vision other than yourself?
That's as far as it goes you dumbass fear-mongers brainwashed functional morons. Look at every other modern country they're not turning communist and they're not doing any more nationalizing either. Just tinkering with their healthcare systems which we don't have including mental illness is a disgrace Joe. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. No sacrifice is too great to protect your greedy idiot mega-rich heroes from being tax their fair share or more like it anyways Jesus. What a scam and you people don't even know about it. Poor America
They are begging us for help.
Bulshit they're paying contributing what they're supposed to be in a deal they had with Obama and has nothing to do with the orange propagandizing clown, brainwashed functional moron. Also they have 7 million refugees from areas that the GOP has ruined, the middle East and sub-Saharan Africa with the Great Depression of 2008 you don't know about. Jesus we're screwed.
Any nation fuck dumb enough to absorb millions of Muslims deserves to starve.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
Tell me how Britain’s 95% tax rate doesn’t promote Socialism.
A House of a Lords and Commons?
Are you kidding me?
European countries and Australia and New Zealand and Canada and Japan all do pretty well considering they don't have our natural resources. They get screwed up every once in a while when the GOP starts another great depression like 1929 and 2008. I can't believe you think Britain has a 95% tax rate. Not since the Beatles. You are truly always wrong. Nighty night. Glad you're good businessman
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
Tell me how Britain’s 95% tax rate doesn’t promote Socialism.
A House of a Lords and Commons?
Are you kidding me?

Tell me that Britain is failing since all socialist countries fail. Then show me where they are begging us for help when they have money in our financial systems and a whole lot of it.
Do you ever watch those international economic summits where ever country on earth is pissed that we’re not giving them more money?

I have and thanks to me playing rugby, I actually met people from all over the world and things just aren't the way Rush Limbaugh tells you it is.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Socialism is government ownership of more and more private enterprise.
Before long, we will have corrupt Communism dictating what you need to give and receive.
Who do you trust to implement your vision other than yourself?
That's as far as it goes you dumbass fear-mongers brainwashed functional morons. Look at every other modern country they're not turning communist and they're not doing any more nationalizing either. Just tinkering with their healthcare systems which we don't have including mental illness is a disgrace Joe. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. No sacrifice is too great to protect your greedy idiot mega-rich heroes from being tax their fair share or more like it anyways Jesus. What a scam and you people don't even know about it. Poor America
They are begging us for help.
Bulshit they're paying contributing what they're supposed to be in a deal they had with Obama and has nothing to do with the orange propagandizing clown, brainwashed functional moron. Also they have 7 million refugees from areas that the GOP has ruined, the middle East and sub-Saharan Africa with the Great Depression of 2008 you don't know about. Jesus we're screwed.
Any nation fuck dumb enough to absorb millions of Muslims deserves to starve.
The only people starving in the modern world art America dumbass dupe. I caramba you people are absolutely nuts and know absolutely nothing.
you missed my reply. He wants to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America for the first time since Reagan. Living wage $15 healthcare for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country except here where we have the worst inequality benefits happiness stress. And worst upward mobility anywhere by far. Because of the lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Christ if you want to know the issues look him up Jesus....
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.

You are totally controlled by Donnie. He obsesses your every thought. Can you remember all the things you want to post about him, or do you have to write them down? Does he disturb your sleep? And just think, you only get one vote. Is it worth the obsession. You are actually gay for Don.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wrong. I just oppose the shit he's doing.
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
Tell me how Britain’s 95% tax rate doesn’t promote Socialism.
A House of a Lords and Commons?
Are you kidding me?

Tell me that Britain is failing since all socialist countries fail. Then show me where they are begging us for help when they have money in our financial systems and a whole lot of it.
Do you ever watch those international economic summits where ever country on earth is pissed that we’re not giving them more money?

I have and thanks to me playing rugby, I actually met people from all over the world and things just aren't the way Rush Limbaugh tells you it is.
Thanks to my job I also meet people from around the world and they are proud to be successful without sucking at the American tit.
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
Tell me how Britain’s 95% tax rate doesn’t promote Socialism.
A House of a Lords and Commons?
Are you kidding me?
European countries and Australia and New Zealand and Canada and Japan all do pretty well considering they don't have our natural resources. They get screwed up every once in a while when the GOP starts another great depression like 1929 and 2008. I can't believe you think Britain has a 95% tax rate. Not since the Beatles. You are truly always wrong. Nighty night. Glad you're good businessman

Canada and Australia don't have our natural resources? LOL!!!!

Hell, Plenty of European countries have some serious resources still. Ever hear of North Sea Oil?
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
Tell me how Britain’s 95% tax rate doesn’t promote Socialism.
A House of a Lords and Commons?
Are you kidding me?
European countries and Australia and New Zealand and Canada and Japan all do pretty well considering they don't have our natural resources. They get screwed up every once in a while when the GOP starts another great depression like 1929 and 2008. I can't believe you think Britain has a 95% tax rate. Not since the Beatles. You are truly always wrong. Nighty night. Glad you're good businessman

Canada and Australia don't have our natural resources? LOL!!!!

Hell, Plenty of European countries have some serious resources still. Ever hear of North Sea Oil?
They’ll catch on to toilets soon enough.
And that is what we call Socialism phasing into Communism.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
Tell me how Britain’s 95% tax rate doesn’t promote Socialism.
A House of a Lords and Commons?
Are you kidding me?
European countries and Australia and New Zealand and Canada and Japan all do pretty well considering they don't have our natural resources. They get screwed up every once in a while when the GOP starts another great depression like 1929 and 2008. I can't believe you think Britain has a 95% tax rate. Not since the Beatles. You are truly always wrong. Nighty night. Glad you're good businessman
Britain has a 45% tax rate on those making over 150.000 pounds and you think that’s cool?!
You’re fucking crazy.
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not

Deregulation, years back, has given you how many companies to choose from for your telephone. internet, and your TV viewing?

Your, and Socialist Bernie Sanders' ideal country, Venezia started their utopia by nationalizing the oil companies, just as Maxine Waters promised.

How did that work out?
Last edited:
Absolute and total brainwashed bulshit. Communism has never been put in without a huge violent revolution. Know what I've just told you is basically all socialism wants as far as I know maybe after a while nationalized energy wouldn't bother me any. I wish they would nationalize cable what a rip-off. thanks GOP. Deregulation is great. Not
Funny how all those socialize nations want handouts from the US.

All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
Tell me how Britain’s 95% tax rate doesn’t promote Socialism.
A House of a Lords and Commons?
Are you kidding me?
European countries and Australia and New Zealand and Canada and Japan all do pretty well considering they don't have our natural resources. They get screwed up every once in a while when the GOP starts another great depression like 1929 and 2008. I can't believe you think Britain has a 95% tax rate. Not since the Beatles. You are truly always wrong. Nighty night. Glad you're good businessman
Britain has a 45% tax rate on those making over 150.000 pounds and you think that’s cool?!
You’re fucking crazy.

There was a study done a few years back and it showed that we end up paying more for the services covered by socialist governments even as they pay higher taxes. Because once you pay that tax, you don't pay anymore. So I would pay 45 percent tax if I don't have to pay for medical care, transit, education and things of that nature after paying that tax.
All those socialist nations? I don't think so. You don't know anything about socialism but what you heard from Limbaugh. You call totalitarian regimes socialist countries.
Tell me how Britain’s 95% tax rate doesn’t promote Socialism.
A House of a Lords and Commons?
Are you kidding me?

Tell me that Britain is failing since all socialist countries fail. Then show me where they are begging us for help when they have money in our financial systems and a whole lot of it.
Do you ever watch those international economic summits where ever country on earth is pissed that we’re not giving them more money?

I have and thanks to me playing rugby, I actually met people from all over the world and things just aren't the way Rush Limbaugh tells you it is.
Thanks to my job I also meet people from around the world and they are proud to be successful without sucking at the American tit.

That's good, because the whole world isn't sucking at Americas tit and neither are the very large majority of socialist economies.
Even if he was all those things I still wouldn't vote for a socialist.
No you will vote for a dictator instead.

The word of the week. Doesn’t Trump collusion, obstruction, or abuse of power. You are very gullible and sad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not the gullible one. You think it's great that he has the DOJ put on his opposition just exactly like a dictator would use the police against their opposition.

You can’t stop talking about Donnie. You are powerless to clear your mind, and powerless to get him out of office. You are losing your grip on reality.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nice try faggot. Gaslighting don't work on me. This thread is about trump, this thread is in the political section of a forum. So I am going to talk about trump at my leisure. If your bitch ass don't like it, go elsewhere.

Hey! Were you one of the lefties that was talking shit about Trump starting a nuclear war?

If so, do you feel stupid now, or are you still thinking he might just launch, you know, any time now?

And that’s his good qualities!

okee dokey.

Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump is… a Racist, a Sexist, a Homophobe, a Xenophobe and a Religious Bigot’

View attachment 306707

Lucy: Do you think you have Pantophobia, Charlie Brown?
Charlie: I don't know, what is pantophobia?
Lucy: The fear of Everything.
Charlie: THAT'S IT!!!
Make the case that he isn't! Or better still, make any case that Trump is an honorable man. Would you want your dhildr n to comport thems lives in Trump's manner? He is a lout, a boor, a huckster buffoon who has cast a hex on susceptible, weak minded rubes.

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