Sanders's Whiners

His supporters are close minded idiots. None of his proposals are even remotely feasible. He’s just a weirdo. When Sanders is gone somebody else, maybe AOC, will fill the void and become the new leader of morons. She’s equally as talented as Sanders, which is to say she isn’t talented at all.
AOC and/or Tulsi will fill the socialist void.
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

I told you there was a civil war brewing within the Dem party.
Sanders is the counter-balance to Trump. They both rose out of the frustration of the American people who are tired of being ripped off.

Trump appeals to the old, Sanders appeals to the young.

Which Beggin’ Bernie supporters have been “ripped off” and how were they ripped off?
The entire country has been getting ripped off for a very long time.

That's the tagline of both Trump and Sanders.

The American people have been raped, they just don't know exactly how or by who. So when someone comes along and points the finger at Mexicans and Muslims (Trump) or at billionaires (Sanders) the rube herd buys it, depending on how they are bent.

The same way Hitler took advantage of a bad situation and blamed the Jews. Just a watered down version.

Got it...everybody in touch and even half sane knows America has been fucked over by Mexicans and Muslims...I guess I’d like to hear how billionaires have held lowlife beggars back and fucked them?
Enlighten us please.
Sanders made it as far as he did because there were so many contenders.

If the race has started with just Biden and Sanders, Sanders would be toast.

That's a fact, and it was proven yesterday.

Sanders is just pissed that the moderate vote wasn't diluted by more candidates staying in the race. That was his only chance of winning, just like it was Trump's only chance of winning the GOP nomination.
Exactly. And his "base" didn't come out. I'm still not convinced Warren and Bernie truly share the same agenda. Warren actually understands the use of private capital to fuel an economy. But she wants limits on the gambles that can be taken with other people's money. That presents problems for Wall St that are not all just based on greed and lies. But if Biden gets elected, she actually could be a constructive part of reforming Dodd Frank in the post McConnell Presidency.
This is only the beginning. Once Biden secures the nomination he will make a hard right turn and abandon the lefts agenda for the general. Progressive butthurt is coming.
Biden will not abandon Obamacare. Nor will he abandon abortion, debt-free college, taxing the rich more, fighting climate change, labor unions, amnesty for illegals, or an assault weapons ban.
This is only the beginning. Once Biden secures the nomination he will make a hard right turn and abandon the lefts agenda for the general. Progressive butthurt is coming.
Biden will not abandon Obamacare. Nor will he abandon abortion, debt-free college, taxing the rich more, fighting climate change, labor unions, amnesty for illegals, or an assault weapons ban.

He'll fold like a cheap lawn chair to win.
Sanders made it as far as he did because there were so many contenders.

If the race has started with just Biden and Sanders, Sanders would be toast.

That's a fact, and it was proven yesterday.

Sanders is just pissed that the moderate vote wasn't diluted by more candidates staying in the race. That was his only chance of winning, just like it was Trump's only chance of winning the GOP nomination.
Exactly. And his "base" didn't come out. I'm still not convinced Warren and Bernie truly share the same agenda. Warren actually understands the use of private capital to fuel an economy. But she wants limits on the gambles that can be taken with other people's money. That presents problems for Wall St that are not all just based on greed and lies. But if Biden gets elected, she actually could be a constructive part of reforming Dodd Frank in the post McConnell Presidency.
Warren is all in on Medicare for All and free college. She wants a national firearm registry. She wants to break up Amazon and agribusinesses. She wants to ban fracking everywhere. She wants to "study reparations" (yeah, probably just pandering on that one).

I think you would find it difficult to find where Warren departs from Sanders. In most cases, she departs by going even further to the extreme. I think she's more red than Sanders, actually. She just hides it better.
This is only the beginning. Once Biden secures the nomination he will make a hard right turn and abandon the lefts agenda for the general. Progressive butthurt is coming.
Biden will not abandon Obamacare. Nor will he abandon abortion, debt-free college, taxing the rich more, fighting climate change, labor unions, amnesty for illegals, or an assault weapons ban.

He'll fold like a cheap lawn chair to win.
Not on those issues, he won't. He never has and never will.
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Yeah, a link to this would be good.

How much money or ads did the DNC throw Biden while he was twisting on thevine? None, nada, zilch.

They were waiting to see if the others could create some excitement or a movement like Bernie.

. . . . they didn't. There was no knock-out punch that excited everyone like Obama did.

Folks have the internet now, and they are more savvy. They can do the background checks that the corporate media refuses to do. I'm not even sure Obama would have such an easy time if folks discovered while he was running the truth about USAID and his little sojourn to Pakistan.

It was just much easier for the CIA to plant a conspiracy theory birth story, and a fake birth certificate, to distract everyone so the corporate media could paint folks that questioned his foggy past a racist. . .

It was supposed to be Mayor Pete, he was supposed to crush everyone. That didn't work out once folks found out the truth.

I guess the corporate media forgot to call folks that questioned HIS past homophobes, eh? :71:

Folks have the internet now, and they are more savvy. They can do the background checks that the corporate media refuses to do.
"More savvy"? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Most people use the internet to confirm their biases. They use the internet to get unadulterated piss straight from their propagandists' bladders.

"Mmmmmm, it's still warm!"
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Yeah, a link to this would be good.

How much money or ads did the DNC throw Biden while he was twisting on thevine? None, nada, zilch.

They were waiting to see if the others could create some excitement or a movement like Bernie.

. . . . they didn't. There was no knock-out punch that excited everyone like Obama did.

Folks have the internet now, and they are more savvy. They can do the background checks that the corporate media refuses to do. I'm not even sure Obama would have such an easy time if folks discovered while he was running the truth about USAID and his little sojourn to Pakistan.

It was just much easier for the CIA to plant a conspiracy theory birth story, and a fake birth certificate, to distract everyone so the corporate media could paint folks that questioned his foggy past a racist. . .

It was supposed to be Mayor Pete, he was supposed to crush everyone. That didn't work out once folks found out the truth.

I guess the corporate media forgot to call folks that questioned HIS past homophobes, eh? :71:


In other words if somebody wrote it, you'll believe it if you want it to be true.

That's how cults work.
Sanders is the counter-balance to Trump. They both rose out of the frustration of the American people who are tired of being ripped off.

Trump appeals to the old, Sanders appeals to the young.

Trump appeals to the old, Sanders appeals to the young.

as my wife mentioned to me earlier, the young Bernie attracts aren't old enough to vote
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Sanders can’t beat Trump – Democrats know that.

Biden has the best chance to beat Trump – Democrats know that as well, hence the results from yesterday.
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.
Sanders has always been an outlier in the Senate.
Making outlandish proposals that go nowhere.

Same with his campaign
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Sanders can’t beat Trump – Democrats know that.

Biden has the best chance to beat Trump – Democrats know that as well, hence the results from yesterday.
Trump knows it, too. That's why he tried to rig the election against Biden at the get-go. Trump is terrified of Biden.
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.
Sanders has always been an outlier in the Senate.
Making outlandish proposals that go nowhere.

Same with his campaign
I have compared him to Ron Paul in that respect.
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Sanders can’t beat Trump – Democrats know that.

Biden has the best chance to beat Trump – Democrats know that as well, hence the results from yesterday.
Luckily, Democrats put a stop to Sanders path to the presidency in the nick of time.
If they allowed a massive field to enter Super Tuesday, they would have ended up with Sanders.......just like Republicans ended up with Trump
Weren't all you experts on government, experts on infectious diseases last week?
The young kids who support Bernie just hear ‘free stuff” and gravitate to that. Their parents understand that there’s no such thing as ‘free” and that their taxes will be going up, up, up to pay for this “free” stuff. These kids may want to look into the future. Once they have to work for a living, they’ll soon discover that now they’re getting soaked to pay for somebody else’s “free” stuff. It doesn’t look quite so good then.
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.
Bernie really is one of the last of the sixties "radicals" who never quite grew out of it. Sure, he has a strong following of young people, but it's certainly possible that many of them WILL grow out of it.

The difference, however, is that many of those sixties radicals became teachers.

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