Sanders's Whiners

let the sanders crowd whine -

as much bitching the country puts up with from Trump and his asskissing collective, the change is welcome.
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

You're literally celebrating the fact that money is really the only decider in our elections. Awesome. I guess in your world, that's something to take pride in.

Sanders has had WAY more campaign cash than Biden.

Exactly. We celebrate that fact now. Mo' money will give us perfect candidates. And BTW: Don't you ever call me a retard again, retard. I like to believe you're better than punching below the belt. But, I've been wrong before.
bernie commie millionaire anger.png

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