Sanders's Whiners

It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Yeah, a link to this would be good.

How much money or ads did the DNC throw Biden while he was twisting on thevine? None, nada, zilch.

They were waiting to see if the others could create some excitement or a movement like Bernie.

. . . . they didn't. There was no knock-out punch that excited everyone like Obama did.

Folks have the internet now, and they are more savvy. They can do the background checks that the corporate media refuses to do. I'm not even sure Obama would have such an easy time if folks discovered while he was running the truth about USAID and his little sojourn to Pakistan.

It was just much easier for the CIA to plant a conspiracy theory birth story, and a fake birth certificate, to distract everyone so the corporate media could paint folks that questioned his foggy past a racist. . .

It was supposed to be Mayor Pete, he was supposed to crush everyone. That didn't work out once folks found out the truth.

I guess the corporate media forgot to call folks that questioned HIS past homophobes, eh? :71:


In other words if somebody wrote it, you'll believe it if you want it to be true.

That's how cults work.
Not exactly.

But tell me.

If the corporate media, or government do that, I guess Statism qualifies as a cult then too, isn't that what you are saying?

What makes those who you listen to and trust any different? :dunno:
Folks have the internet now, and they are more savvy. They can do the background checks that the corporate media refuses to do.
"More savvy"? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Most people use the internet to confirm their biases. They use the internet to get unadulterated piss straight from their propagandists' bladders.

"Mmmmmm, it's still warm!"

I'm not sure how the corporate media or government sources are any different. . . .

You just have a problem with different stake holders.
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Yeah, a link to this would be good.

How much money or ads did the DNC throw Biden while he was twisting on thevine? None, nada, zilch.

so, you think it was just blind coincidence the two people that he shared votes with both quit the day before Super Tuesday?
The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Yeah, a link to this would be good.

How much money or ads did the DNC throw Biden while he was twisting on thevine? None, nada, zilch.

They were waiting to see if the others could create some excitement or a movement like Bernie.

. . . . they didn't. There was no knock-out punch that excited everyone like Obama did.

Folks have the internet now, and they are more savvy. They can do the background checks that the corporate media refuses to do. I'm not even sure Obama would have such an easy time if folks discovered while he was running the truth about USAID and his little sojourn to Pakistan.

It was just much easier for the CIA to plant a conspiracy theory birth story, and a fake birth certificate, to distract everyone so the corporate media could paint folks that questioned his foggy past a racist. . .

It was supposed to be Mayor Pete, he was supposed to crush everyone. That didn't work out once folks found out the truth.

I guess the corporate media forgot to call folks that questioned HIS past homophobes, eh? :71:


In other words if somebody wrote it, you'll believe it if you want it to be true.

That's how cults work.
Not exactly.

But tell me.

If the corporate media, or government do that, I guess Statism qualifies as a cult then too, isn't that what you are saying?

What makes those who you listen to and trust any different? :dunno:

Not exactly? No, exactly.

For example. I am actually inclined to like Medicare for all and think that would drastically improve our healthcare system. However I believe the reporting that when it's described to people what it is it's not that popular and therefore a better way to go would be to bulk up the affordable care act and provide a viable public option. Not my first choice but I'm not going to read some goofball idiot who can barely put a website together and agree with them that Medicare for all is loved by the masses only because that's what I want to be true.

You on the other hand read something about Obama being in the CIA and with no evidence what so ever belive it. Why not just cut your balls off and wait for the next meteor?
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Sanders can’t beat Trump – Democrats know that.

Biden has the best chance to beat Trump – Democrats know that as well, hence the results from yesterday.

Neither can likely beat Trump barring a sudden downturn in the economy. The Dems really should be caring more about taking back the Senate, they have a much better chance of that than beating Trump
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Yeah, a link to this would be good.

How much money or ads did the DNC throw Biden while he was twisting on thevine? None, nada, zilch.

so, you think it was just blind coincidence the two people that he shared votes with both quit the day before Super Tuesday?

No, it's obviously not a coincidence. It appears to me and pretty much everyone that Buttegeig and Klobuchar had no chance in winning the nomination and both have stated that they did not want the Democratic party to be represented by a Socialist. They knew with so many moderates in the race it was giving Sanders, somebody who doesn't even have 30% support in the party even though there is almost no one in his lane was going to walk away with the nomination. Klobucahr especially who flat said she wouldn't support him. Buttegeig clearly had reservations as well. What would realistically be the ideal thing for them to do?
The young kids who support Bernie just hear ‘free stuff” and gravitate to that. Their parents understand that there’s no such thing as ‘free” and that their taxes will be going up, up, up to pay for this “free” stuff. These kids may want to look into the future. Once they have to work for a living, they’ll soon discover that now they’re getting soaked to pay for somebody else’s “free” stuff. It doesn’t look quite so good then.

. . . . .well, the thing is here, is before Ronald Reagan, everyone understood the basic principle, more borrowing led to more inflation, and less growth. DEFICITS MATTERED!

It was axiomatic.

Now, ever since Reagan, that link has been broken.

None of these Millennials, or the Z gen understand this.

Hell, a good percentage of Gen X doesn't get that this link used to exist.

So. . . a good portion of the voting public just doesn't have the fear of running deficits anymore, why should they? What are the consequences of them, and do we ever need to pay them off?

Who cares, and why should we? The corporate press acts like they don't matter, and the government acts like they don't matter, they certainly can be expanded forever to pay for war and entitlements and corporate and bank bailouts, so convincing the younger generations that they shouldn't have the same lifestyle as their parents and grandparents off of deficit spending. . . they just don't get the corruption that led to deficit spending with no consequences.

. . . eventually. . . there are politicians and pundits that believe, the whole system WILL collapse under this reckless policy though.

I'm glad someone archived this piece.

Why deficits stopped mattering : Magic or Conspiracy ?
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Sanders can’t beat Trump – Democrats know that.

Biden has the best chance to beat Trump – Democrats know that as well, hence the results from yesterday.

Neither can likely beat Trump barring a sudden downturn in the economy. The Dems really should be caring more about taking back the Senate, they have a much better chance of that than beating Trump

They should do both.

Just because you don't have a presidential candidate to vote for, don't start telling Democrats what to do.
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Sanders can’t beat Trump – Democrats know that.

Biden has the best chance to beat Trump – Democrats know that as well, hence the results from yesterday.

Neither can likely beat Trump barring a sudden downturn in the economy. The Dems really should be caring more about taking back the Senate, they have a much better chance of that than beating Trump

They should do both.

Just because you don't have a presidential candidate to vote for, don't start telling Democrats what to do.

Bad sadly they are ensuring they lose both, and likely the House as well.
No, it's obviously not a coincidence. It appears to me and pretty much everyone that Buttegeig and Klobuchar had no chance in winning the nomination and both have stated that they did not want the Democratic party to be represented by a Socialist. They knew with so many moderates in the race it was giving Sanders, somebody who doesn't even have 30% support in the party even though there is almost no one in his lane was going to walk away with the nomination. Klobucahr especially who flat said she wouldn't support him. Buttegeig clearly had reservations as well. What would realistically be the ideal thing for them to do?

They had no chance of winning the nomination long before the night before Super Tuesday.
It seems Sanders's base is young people. Kids seems to like the old codger. Bernie isn't the kind of neighbor who would shout at them to get off his lawn. In fact, he gives them Kool-Aid, and lots of it. And they drank it.

Bernie also thinks that after these kids have lived with their parents for as long as possible, that the rest of the country should carry them on our backs.

Now that it looks like Bernie is not going to get the nomination, they are whining that the primaries are rigged. That somehow Uncle Bernie was "cheated" out of the nomination.

Funny. I don't hear anyone whining that Buttigieg was cheated. I don't hear anyone whining that Klobuchar was cheated.

I especially don't hear anyone whining that Bloomberg was cheated. If anyone has a right to whine, it's the guy who was given only 44 delegates for the price of half a billion dollars! What a ripoff!

Is Bloomberg whining he was robbed? Nope! He's jumping on board and is going to spend even more money to help the guy who beat his pants off.

Now THAT is class!

Sanders and his sheep believe that the voters deciding to choose someone other than him is "cheating". In typical socialist fashion, they believe the septuagenarian soviet symp should be awarded unearned delegates by force.

Get over it, kids. The people listened, and they rejected your solutions.

God. Bless. America.

The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Sanders can’t beat Trump – Democrats know that.

Biden has the best chance to beat Trump – Democrats know that as well, hence the results from yesterday.

Neither can likely beat Trump barring a sudden downturn in the economy. The Dems really should be caring more about taking back the Senate, they have a much better chance of that than beating Trump

They should do both.

Just because you don't have a presidential candidate to vote for, don't start telling Democrats what to do.

Bad sadly they are ensuring they lose both, and likely the House as well.

Who should the Democrats run as president? It's crazy I'm asking this question from a guy who isn't going to vote for a Democrat.
Warren and Sanders should publicly commit to grouping their delegates together at the convention in order to ensure that a progressive can win against the establishment
No, it's obviously not a coincidence. It appears to me and pretty much everyone that Buttegeig and Klobuchar had no chance in winning the nomination and both have stated that they did not want the Democratic party to be represented by a Socialist. They knew with so many moderates in the race it was giving Sanders, somebody who doesn't even have 30% support in the party even though there is almost no one in his lane was going to walk away with the nomination. Klobucahr especially who flat said she wouldn't support him. Buttegeig clearly had reservations as well. What would realistically be the ideal thing for them to do?

They had no chance of winning the nomination long before the night before Super Tuesday.

No, you have no chance.
The DNC talked two people into quitting just to help Biden talked Warren into staying just to hurt Bernie.

Bernie is getting fucked again and the DNC will suffer for it.

Come Nov 4th the Dems will likely hold not power in the government

Sanders can’t beat Trump – Democrats know that.

Biden has the best chance to beat Trump – Democrats know that as well, hence the results from yesterday.

Neither can likely beat Trump barring a sudden downturn in the economy. The Dems really should be caring more about taking back the Senate, they have a much better chance of that than beating Trump

They should do both.

Just because you don't have a presidential candidate to vote for, don't start telling Democrats what to do.

Bad sadly they are ensuring they lose both, and likely the House as well.

Who should the Democrats run as president? It's crazy I'm asking this question from a guy who isn't going to vote for a Democrat.

Sanders is the only one that, in my opinion, has a chance to bring out enough people to vote so that they can take back the Senate.

And it is not really that crazy, there is an old saying that those standing closest to the lighthouse can't tell that it is broken.

Sanders can’t beat Trump – Democrats know that.

Biden has the best chance to beat Trump – Democrats know that as well, hence the results from yesterday.

Neither can likely beat Trump barring a sudden downturn in the economy. The Dems really should be caring more about taking back the Senate, they have a much better chance of that than beating Trump

They should do both.

Just because you don't have a presidential candidate to vote for, don't start telling Democrats what to do.

Bad sadly they are ensuring they lose both, and likely the House as well.

Who should the Democrats run as president? It's crazy I'm asking this question from a guy who isn't going to vote for a Democrat.

Sanders is the only one that, in my opinion, has a chance to bring out enough people to vote so that they can take back the Senate.

And it is not really that crazy, there is an old saying that those standing closest to the lighthouse can't tell that it is broken.

Sanders vote totals as compared to 2016 literally went down in every state. If Democrats don't show up to vote for president then those down ballot races will be lost as well. You say Democrats should focus on the house and senate well they are going to have a hard time doing that if say in Orange County people who were used to electing Republicans were going to show up to vote with Sanders on the ticket.
Neither can likely beat Trump barring a sudden downturn in the economy. The Dems really should be caring more about taking back the Senate, they have a much better chance of that than beating Trump

They should do both.

Just because you don't have a presidential candidate to vote for, don't start telling Democrats what to do.

Bad sadly they are ensuring they lose both, and likely the House as well.

Who should the Democrats run as president? It's crazy I'm asking this question from a guy who isn't going to vote for a Democrat.

Sanders is the only one that, in my opinion, has a chance to bring out enough people to vote so that they can take back the Senate.

And it is not really that crazy, there is an old saying that those standing closest to the lighthouse can't tell that it is broken.

Sanders vote totals as compared to 2016 literally went down in every state.

Of course they did, as you so aptly pointed out there were far more people in the race diluting the vote count.
They should do both.

Just because you don't have a presidential candidate to vote for, don't start telling Democrats what to do.

Bad sadly they are ensuring they lose both, and likely the House as well.

Who should the Democrats run as president? It's crazy I'm asking this question from a guy who isn't going to vote for a Democrat.

Sanders is the only one that, in my opinion, has a chance to bring out enough people to vote so that they can take back the Senate.

And it is not really that crazy, there is an old saying that those standing closest to the lighthouse can't tell that it is broken.

Sanders vote totals as compared to 2016 literally went down in every state.

Of course they did, as you so aptly pointed out there were far more people in the race diluting the vote count.

Yes, voting for people who were not politically aligned with Sanders. He got 50% fewer voters in New Hampshire. He barely got a majority of votes in his own state. He's just is not winning the party and his campaign depends on a multi candidate election cycle to dilute the moderate vote.He can't do it any other way.

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