Sandman vs Rittenhouse: Which one wins the most lawsuit money?

I don't know where you get that nutty idea. They are all troubled people, including the killer Rittenhouse.
How is Rittenhouse troubled? Explain it. Would your husband kill a few men if they had you down, brutally beating you and about to rape you?

Would your be troubled? I would think so.

Now, explain what is troubling Rittenhouse.
Why is it again coyote and the rest of them that think like her have this concern over this person who had a confirmed 11 counts of child molestation including anal with boys, and is more concerned with an underage (17) being allowed to defend himself from being murdered by the confirmed child molester?

No concern whatsoever over the children the confirmed child molester molested. None.

Only virtue signaling from her and her types as they live safely behind guarded walls in her private upper class community.

Probably along an ocean that is rising at an astonishing rate and may even be Candycorns neighbor.
So, because some one is unsavory, it is ok to kill them?

I live in a log cabin in the mountains jackass :lmao:
How is Rittenhouse troubled? Explain it. Would your husband kill a few men if they had you down, brutally beating you and about to rape you?

Would your be troubled? I would think so.

Now, explain what is troubling Rittenhouse.
Are you claiming that is what was being done to Rittenhouse? Attempted rape? This gets weirder and weirder. Should I bring some popcorn?
We don't really know how much Sandman won from the fake news, other than that he won millions, but I bet Rittenhouse winds up winning more. Who do you think winds up with the biggest jackpot?
Rittenhouse won’t win a lawsuit
We don't really know how much Sandman won from the fake news, other than that he won millions, but I bet Rittenhouse winds up winning more. Who do you think winds up with the biggest jackpot?
Sandman likely won very little.

Rittenhouse would be INSANE to sue for a penny, if he's even able.
Why is it again coyote and the rest of them that think like her have this concern over this person who had a confirmed 11 counts of child molestation including anal with boys, and is more concerned with an underage (17) being allowed to defend himself from being murdered by the confirmed child molester?

No concern whatsoever over the children the confirmed child molester molested. None.

Only virtue signaling from her and her types as they live safely behind guarded walls in her private upper class community.

Probably along an ocean that is rising at an astonishing rate and may even be Candycorns neighbor.
That’s funny. Especially the ocean rising at an astonishing rate nonsense.
That’s funny. Especially the ocean rising at an astonishing rate nonsense.
Ask them. Their tart aoc said 4 years ago the earth has 4 years left. According to virtue signaling hypocrites like coyote and the others, it's true.

So, why do so many leftists live along the coasts around the world?

Can you explain that? According the candycorn (proud board leftist) they can afford to. As though she didn't get the point at all.


Meanwhile they cry over a child molesting child molester being shot while attempting to commit brutal murder on someone.

That is out world. Lord have mercy on us.
So, because some one is unsavory, it is ok to kill them?

I live in a log cabin in the mountains jackass :lmao:
I don't get it. All of these progs doing the Daniel Boone act and then promoting birth to grave benefits for all with pure equity. By equity standards, one that move to an area like yours would be a Daniel Boone because Progs said so. But what if that person is not? What if you hunt and forage well, but the other through equity becomes a parasite on others but darn it, it is Diversity and so what that person was one hundred thousandth on the list of Daniel Boone type hearty people that needed ten thousand people? That is our system now in more and more work fields. And we are falling behind.
Rittenhouse deserves more. Sandman was merely humiliated and mocked in front of the entire country for supporting the President of the United States, but Rittenhouse has been in jail for months at this point, has been defamed as a white supremacist for defending himself against (white) BLM rioting thugs, and has been made he target of the Left’s attack against people who don’t let BLM rioters destroy, burn, threaten to murder, and actually murder, throughout dozens of cities over the course of an entire summer.
Yes it does. It means he went looking for trouble and when he "found" it, he then claimed he feared for his life. He was underage, possessed an illegal weapon he took accross state line, he was out past curfew and neither the city gpvernment or state government had called for extra security. Even if they had, Rittenhouse was not a member of the national guard. Everything here stinks of a person who was looking for a reason to shoot people who might very well get away with a double murder.
He did not cross the state line with a weapon.

No one had the right to attack him and he only fired in self defense those are established facts
He did not cross the state line with a weapon.

No one had the right to attack him and he only fired in self defense those are established facts
Amazing how all fury comes down on this white kid, and nothing for the BLM savages burning and destroying their own city - and ready to kill anyone who tries to stop their spree of terror.

He was probably the only decent human being there that nIgnt.
We don't really know how much Sandman won from the fake news, other than that he won millions, but I bet Rittenhouse winds up winning more. Who do you think winds up with the biggest jackpot?

Who will Rittenhouse sue? The dead men had nothing.. Or will he sue the police or the city on Kenosha?
Amazing how all fury comes down on this white kid, and nothing for the BLM savages burning and destroying their own city - and ready to kill anyone who tries to stop their spree of terror.

He was probably the only decent human being there that nIgnt.

Most of the protestors had gone home by dark.. Who was left? anarchists, Boogaloo Bois and a bunch of braindead militia types?

OMG! Absolute savages! Where is the televised trial for these sub-humans? We are not going to solve racism if we are ready to fry a white kid for self-defense and go easy on savages beating a white kid’s brain in simply because the savages are black.

Any idea if the white victim survived? That was horrific.
Most of the protestors had gone home by dark.. Who was left? anarchists, Boogaloo Bois and a bunch of braindead militia types?
No doubt the protesters had left....all that seem to be left were the DNC brownshirts.

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