Sandman vs Rittenhouse: Which one wins the most lawsuit money?

That is complete horse shit. The state's own witness said that Rosenbaum tried taking Rittenhouse's gun. The state's medical examiner testified that there was gunpowder residue on Rosenbaum's hand, which could only happen if his hand was in close proximity to the barrel, and thus confirming the witness testimony.

What the hell trial have you been watching?

She hasn't. She's been reading her talking points memos from her masters, and "knowing" whatever they tell her. Facts and reality only get in the way.
At this point Rittenhouse is getting some high powered legal and professional advice...where at the moment he is concerned and focused on the trial and probably doesn't want to even think about the's a coming.

He is a clean cut kid...still suffering from PTSD from that night and the subsequent incarceration. Also a gen z...
He isn't exactly that quick on the uptake...

And at the moment he is watching (as well as everyone else) all the players going forward with their lawsuits like Grosskreutz. (10 million)

He doesn't want to be anywhere near any of those guys or confused with them.

But he does have some money to pay back to some people that loaned him some to pay lawyers and get out of jail. So I think that eventually he will get some good offers from some good litigators to crush some of the people who have attacked him in the media. (Joe Biden, Senators, and news commentators)

Speaking as a mother, I'm willing to bet that his parents are going to be encouraging him to rip some new assholes, legally speaking.
We don't really know how much Sandman won from the fake news, other than that he won millions, but I bet Rittenhouse winds up winning more. Who do you think winds up with the biggest jackpot?
Sandmann won BiG on account of Big Press All Falling Down.
Suing arguably The Most Powerful and now wealthy { bought by mega Billionaire
Jeff Bezos } the Washington Post has it's rewards.Not released was how much of
the $ 250 Million lawsuit he got in just the Washington Post lawsuit.
He also settled with CNN for an undisclosed amount.
But yes,CNN is also very culpable in this case { Kyle Rittenholuse vs. CNN }
Or even more so with { Kyle Rittenhouse vs. MSNBC }.
But Not or never { Kyle Rittenhoude vs. President Biden } .
For too many reasons to even bother over.But when you have already The Most
or largest number of Democrats already making public they will not run in 2022
then that's Very Interesting.The latest being Jackie Speier,a Democrat House
Pol from California.She's as cocky proud as they come.No longer apropos.
The Country has virtually Had It with these Overtly " Cocky Proud " Dimocrats.
No need to even read the Memo{s}.
Yes, this is exactly what would have happened and the left would have applauded it because he was not one of theirs.

By the way, what ultimately happened to this guy? Was he knocked out or dead?
I asked the same question: did the white kid whose brains the savages beat into the concrete survive?

I also asked why these savages didn’t have their trials televised for all the world to see. Unlike Kyle, they weren’t defending themselves - they piled up en masse to bludgeon a white boy until he was dead or permanently disabled. Just because they were black, venting their racism on a white kid, is not enough to excuse them.

We are in trouble when the progressives have so turned this country upside down that a white boy defending himself from thugs ready to kill him is facing a life sentence, with his trial televised so as to show ”see? We don’t let no white boy get away with shit” while blacks murder in the most savage manner possible and we don’t hear a peep.
Speaking as a mother, I'm willing to bet that his parents are going to be encouraging him to rip some new assholes, legally speaking.
I hope Kyle gets enough in compensation for this witch hunt to either cover a college education or buy a franchise so he can run a business. I’d really like to see him recover from the progressive witch-hunt and go on to have a good life.
We don't really know how much Sandman won from the fake news, other than that he won millions, but I bet Rittenhouse winds up winning more. Who do you think winds up with the biggest jackpot?

Sandmann could have received nothing in the settlements. I doubt he got much because he didn't have much of a case.

Rittenhouse is being sued. He'll end up like George Zimmerman if he gets off.
So nobody threatened his life or hit him in the head with a skateboard twice or pointed a gun at him point blank?

Because that all happened.

But hey, if all that happens and you're not allowed to defend yourself, give me your address and ensure that you'll stick by your principles and whalaah... I'll have all of your possessions and you'll be broke on the street, a proud leftist.
Remind these Loony Defenders of Protests gone rogue about the Kenosha Riots.
In the 3 days it lasted { or nights } it cost over $ 50 Million in damage to the town.
Rioters weren't choosy.They just randomly beat up people in their path.
Including a 71 yr. old man trying to protect his Mattress store.His jaw and nose broken
by a water bottle being thrown at him.That water bottle was filled with concrete.
Real cutesy eh.Plus do " active shooters " stroll around for hours with a Rifle
and NOT shooting Anyone.As Ann Coulter wrote about.Rittenhous had a gun Not
because he was violent but because the Protestors were.
The Left is now weeping for violent rioters, convicted pedophiles, looters, and arsonists, as long as they’re rioting and burning for their ‘cause”. What a surprise.

I think the police should arrest looters, vandals and arsonists and crack pot militias should stay home instead of making matters worse.
Why was Rittenhouse 20 miles from his home, illegally armed? Why was a KID ALLOWED, ARMED IN A VOLITILE SITUATION LIKE THAT? It isn’t a game. And, no, I don’t believe this judge is acting in good faith. If Grosskreutz was illegally armed…he wasn’t charged. Huber and Rosenbaum on the other hand lived in Kenosha.

Because he had ties to the community and he was concerned about what was happening there. Why were the scumbags you idolize there, CREATING a volatile situation like that? It ISN'T a game, and maybe if assholes like you didn't treat crime and violence like handy political tools, none of this would have happened.

Of course you don't believe the judge is acting in good faith . . . because we all know you think "good faith" means serving your leftist agenda.

Are you suggesting that, "I live in this city, so that makes it okay for me to destroy property and threaten people" is some sort of argument?
I hope Kyle gets enough in compensation for this witch hunt to either cover a college education or buy a franchise so he can run a business. I’d really like to see him recover from the progressive witch-hunt and go on to have a good life.
But that is not a Reality as I write.The Kid is facing Life in Prison.
The Protestors are not sane.This is the exact same method used in
Ferguson { know as the Ferguson effect } helped along by Barack Obama'
and Eric Holder.Then Freddie Gray.Where Obama had it in his power to
address the Country and demand a Stop to any more Protests.
Just as his Buddy { Joe Biden } seems also down for the Revolution.
Protests are just Fine by Him.
Speaking as a mother, I'm willing to bet that his parents are going to be encouraging him to rip some new assholes, legally speaking.
As a dad,
I concur...I'd start at the top and work my way down to the bloggers.
Sandmann could have received nothing in the settlements. I doubt he got much because he didn't have much of a case.

Rittenhouse is being sued. He'll end up like George Zimmerman if he gets off.

Sued for what? Is this by the guy that was shot in the arm after coming at him with a pistol with a hollow point in the chamber?
Sandmann could have received nothing in the settlements. I doubt he got much because he didn't have much of a case.

Rittenhouse is being sued. He'll end up like George Zimmerman if he gets off.

Yep, $250 million per media outlet (4) doesn't buy quite as much as it use to.
I think the police should arrest looters, vandals and arsonists and crack pot militias should stay home instead of making matters worse.
The Governor of Wisconsin was a true-blue weenie.It was His decision that
allowed those Kenosha Protests to get out of control.He was offered assistance
of the National Guard and he outright refused.
Tony Evers was offered help as explained by Trump Chief-of-Staff Mark
Meadows to quell any outbreak of violence.
" We have a National Guard standing by that if the
general for the National Guard needs additional help,
we're there to do it, said Meadows.But today that help
was Denied by the Governor. " { Aug.25,2020 }
-- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
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There were 32 out of town, armed Boogaloo Bois in Kenosha that night, plus Riot Kitchen from Seattle.. Of course Rittenhouse aand his friend were from out of town and so is Maserati Man.
where was Rosenbaum from and the other two? got the courage to write it? Not sure the rabbit hole your in, but you'll still be there after you post.

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