Sandman vs Rittenhouse: Which one wins the most lawsuit money?

Who will Rittenhouse sue? The dead men had nothing.. Or will he sue the police or the city on Kenosha?
The opening post that you are evading asks which one you think will win more. This is the question that you are evading.
I think the police should arrest looters, vandals and arsonists and crack pot militias should stay home instead of making matters worse.
then why didn't the police arrest anyone on August 24, 2020? 2.5 million to one car dealer. Cops sat and watched a mob destroy cars right before Kyle was cornered by rosenbaum.
Yep, $250 million per media outlet (4) doesn't buy quite as much as it use to.
There are also Lawyer fees.Anythere from 33 % - 50 %.
Sandmann had a first class attorney.The same guy who helped
clear Richard Jewell { a fantastic Movie was made of }.
Lin Wood In the Jewell case we have a near firsthand account of how
our F.B.I. Handles business.They Lie,cheat and frame americans to make their
Agency seem Important.In the Jewell case it was the fact that the FBI was
Incompetent.It was their Incompetence that resulted in the bomb going off
at the Centennial Olympic Park.And it was Jewell who dramatically helped
to save lives.The FBI could not allow that to stand.To make a Hero out of
a regular American just being Patriotic and caring about others.
Like Kyle Rittenhouse.
It took a few years for Jewell to receive any compensation for what he
underwent.Eventually settling successfully with New York Post { $15 Million lawsuit }
who portrayed in cartoonish fashion as an " Aberrant person " with a bizarre
employment history.
No Bizarre employment history would also fit career pols like Joe Biden,
Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama.
Never had a job that in any way reguired use of their hands,or strong back or
sweat.Just their Mouths.
then why didn't the police arrest anyone on August 24, 2020? 2.5 million to one car dealer. Cops sat and watched a mob destroy cars right before Kyle was cornered by rosenbaum.

Exactly.. I don't think much of the Kenosha police. How many cars were destroyed?

Kenosha car dealership sustained $1.5M in damage after ...

Aug 25, 2020 · kenosha car dealership targeted by rioters during overnight protest More than 50 cars were reported to have been damaged in the early Monday morning blaze, …

There are also Lawyer fees.Anythere from 33 % - 50 %.
Sandmann had a first class attorney.The same guy who helped
clear Richard Jewell { a fantastic Movie was made of }.
Lin Wood In the Jewell case we have a near firsthand account of how
our F.B.I. Handles business.They Lie,cheat and frame americans to make their
Agency seem Important.In the Jewell case it was the fact that the FBI was
Incompetent.It was their Incompetence that resulted in the bomb going off
at the Centennial Olympic Park.And it was Jewell who dramatically helped
to save lives.The FBI could not allow that to stand.To make a Hero out of
a regular American just being Patriotic and caring about others.
Like Kyle Rittenhouse.
It took a few years for Jewell to receive any compensation for what he
underwent.Eventually settling successfully with New York Post { $15 Million lawsuit }
who portrayed in cartoonish fashion as an " Aberrant person " with a bizarre
employment history.
No Bizarre employment history would also fit career pols like Joe Biden,
Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama.
Never had a job that in any way reguired use of their hands,or strong back or
sweat.Just their Mouths.

Lin Wood stole the money for Kyle.
I think the police should arrest looters, vandals and arsonists and crack pot militias should stay home instead of making matters worse.
No you don't. You vote democrat who all defend those who you supposedly think should be arrested. Does it bother you in any way shape or form how not one leftist on this site show their disgust for the violence, mayhem, brutality, murders of people, murders of cops, the fire bombing cities, businesses and occupation of cities?

Does it bother you?
Exactly.. I don't think much of the Kenosha police. How many cars were destroyed?

Lin Wood stole the money for Kyle.
well the car dealership did care about their business. Whether the mayor or governor did. That's why Kyle was there. So, your disdain should be at those two people who told their department to stand down and refused national guard support.
Sandmann could have received nothing in the settlements. I doubt he got much because he didn't have much of a case.

Rittenhouse is being sued. He'll end up like George Zimmerman if he gets off.
The opening post that you are evading asks which of the two you think will win more.
He sued for $250 million. He didn't get jack shit.
Keeping in mind { The Shining } 1980.
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy
No you don't. You vote democrat who all defend those who you supposedly think should be arrested. Does it bother you in any way shape or form how not one leftist on this site show their disgust for the violence, mayhem, brutality, murders of people, murders of cops, the fire bombing cities, businesses and occupation of cities?

Does it bother you?

I don't know a single Democrat or Republican who defends looters, arsonists and vandals. Try again. Those people are despicable..

Did you champion the Jan 6th mob who stormed the Capitol?

Do you champion the militia movements?
Sandmann could have received nothing in the settlements. I doubt he got much because he didn't have much of a case.

Rittenhouse is being sued. He'll end up like George Zimmerman if he gets off.
Oh, we're certain the left wing hate squad will hound him as much as they can his entire life because they love to attack anonymously in large numbers when they can hide behind their keyboards. He would be completely justified to assume a new identity.
Oh, we're certain the left wing hate squad will hound him as much as they can his entire life because they love to attack anonymously in large numbers when they can hide behind their keyboards. He would be completely justified to assume a new identity.

Do you champion Boogaloo Bois, Proud Boys and the mob that stormed the Capitol? Do you defend looters, arsonists and vandals? Do you think they should have hung Pence? How about vigilantes..You support vigilantes and armed militias?
The opening post that you are evading asks which of the two you think will win more.
That is what one should consider as a Conundrum.
The Left and the Right have two entirely different views on that question.
The Left sees it as an opportunity to make a case against Republicans
and therfore Gun rights and Trump.
The Right see's it as a bona fide constitutional given.Part of our Bill of
Rights.The 2nd Amendment and also guaranteeing Due Process and the Rule
of Law.Also a narrative that If Men of honor and the Rule of Law were not such
weenies there would be no need for some kid to act like a True Blue American
Patriot and Do The Right Thing.That being to Protect Property and injury from
lawless Gangs run amuck.Night after Night.All Summer long.
I don't know a single Democrat or Republican who defends looters, arsonists and vandals. Try again. Those people are despicable..

Did you champion the Jan 6th mob who stormed the Capitol?

Do you champion the militia movements?
then why are you backing the looters, arsonists and rioters?
That is what one should consider as a Conundrum.
The Left and the Right have two entirely different views on that question.
The Left sees it as an opportunity to make a case against Republicans
and therfore Gun rights and Trump.
The Right see's it as a bona fide constitutional given.Part of our Bill of
Rights.The 2nd Amendment and also guaranteeing Due Process and the Rule
of Law.Also a narrative that If Men of honor and the Rule of Law were not such
weenies there would be no need for some kid to act like a True Blue American
Patriot and Do The Right Thing.That being to Protect Property and injury from
lawless Gangs run amuck.Night after Night.All Summer long.
what it can't answer is why Joseph Rosenbaum chased Kyle Rittenhouse?
The thing is that Rittenhouse pointed his gun first. He life was not threatened. People generally don't rush at people who are armed.
Don't get how the last one could be self defence... He may have been armed but he had his hands in the air... He was running beside him rather than at him... He has very little defence there...

As for Skateboarder, he might get away with that... The skateboarder wasn't a criminal and actually spent the day washing off graffiti... He came on to Kyle as he was waving a gun against a crowd... Even if this was a good guy with a gun, how the hell was he supposed to know... He was told he shot someone and he was highly agitated... Kyle looked like a mass shooter in that position...

This why vigilantism is a bad idea, how do you know who is good guy and who is the bad guy? Skin Colour????

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