Sandman vs Rittenhouse: Which one wins the most lawsuit money?

No need to go into why.It was Rittenhouse who was being chased.
He was running away from those who wasted little time in attacking him.
That's the gist.No need to create some weeds in order to compound a
very simple fact.Rittenhouse was Fleeing while being chased.

What was that nincompoopdoing there to begin with?



Here are five extremist groups or movements to be worried about in the months to come.

1. The Boogaloo Bois

According to NBC News, some of the Wolverine Watchmen arrested in connection with the alleged terrorist plot against Whitmer are also supporters of the Boogaloo movement — which has been calling for a civil war as well as a race war and seeks the violent overthrow of the U.S. government. Boogaloo members also openly advocate killing police officers. In Northern California, Boogaloo supporter Steven Carrillo was arrested in connection with an armed attack on a federal courthouse in Oakland on May 29. That attack left a security officer from the Federal Protective Service dead.

Trump's claim that Antifa is a terrorist movement is laughable. For all their militant rhetoric, Antifa do not engage in terrorist activities like the alleged plot against Whitmer or the drive-by attack in Oakland. But far-right white nationalist groups do.

2. QAnon

The QAnon movement has been identified by the FBI as a possible source of domestic terrorism, and its sympathizers are making their way to the U.S. House of Representatives. In Georgia, QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene won a congressional primary on August 11, and given how deeply Republican her district is, it is entirely possible that she will win the general election in November and be sworn into the U.S. House of Representatives in January 2021 — which is incredibly disturbing when one considers what QAnon believes. According to the QAnon conspiracy theory, the U.S. government has been infiltrated by an international ring of pedophiles and Satanists, and Trump was put in power to combat the ring. According to QAnon, an anonymous figure named Q is giving them updates on Trump's battle.

As ludicrous as QAnon's beliefs are, supporters take them quite seriously. And if Trump loses to former Vice President Joe Biden in November and QAnon members feel a sense of desperation, that could make them even more dangerous and unhinged.

3. The Proud Boys

During Trump's debate with Biden on September 29, moderator Chris Wallace (one of the more reasonable conservatives at Fox News) gave Trump every chance to condemn white nationalism and white supremacy. Instead, Trump expressed his solidarity with the far-right Proud Boys — a group of self-described "western chauvinists" who openly advocate violence and have been carrying out violent attacks against members of Black Lives Matter at anti-racism demonstrations. After Trump's endorsement, members of the Proud Boys expressed their feelings of empowerment and declared that they were ready to carry out acts of violence on the president's behalf.

Proud Boys organizer Joe Biggs, following that debate, posted, "Trump basically said to go fuck them up! This makes me so happy." By "them," Biggs was referring to Antifa. And Biggs also posted, "President Trump told the proud boys to stand by because someone needs to deal with ANTIFA...well sir! we're ready!!"

4. The Three Percenters movement

The Three Percenters aren't one specific group, but rather, a movement of far-right militias. Three Percenters are well-armed and engage in military-like training, and they have made it clear that they are fully prepared for armed struggle. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, "Percenterism is one of three core components within the anti-government militia movement, along with the Oath Keepers and traditional militia groups. The reference to '3 Percent' stems from the dubious historical claim that only 3% of American colonists fought against the British during the War of Independence.

5. The Wolverine Watchmen

The Wolverine Watchmen are among the many militia groups that believe that liberals and progressives and anti-Trump conservatives do not hold power legitimately and that it is their duty to wage armed struggle against their enemies. According to the FBI, the Wolverine Watchmen believed that Whitmer had violated the U.S. Constitution by promoting social distancing restrictions in Michigan in response to the coronavirus pandemic — and after kidnapping her and putting her on "trial" for treason, they would execute her if found guilty. But the group's activities, the FBI said, went way beyond their alleged plot to kidnap Whitmer: they also hoped to kidnap other officials in Michigan, overthrow the state government and ignite a civil war.
Yeah Righto Ringo.We have Antifa examples en masse.Same with BLM.
Both are Not Protesting.Protestors carry placards and do so in the Daylight.
Protestors don't cover their faces.Or protest after dark.
The Whitmer Kidnapping case was Found out.It was heavily Micromanaged
by undercover FBI implants used as " Informants " as many as 12.
Yeah Righto Ringo.We have Antifa examples en masse.Same with BLM.
Both are Not Protesting.Protestors carry placards and do so in the Daylight.
Protestors don't cover their faces.Or protest after dark.
The Whitmer Kidnapping case was Found out.It was heavily Micromanaged
by undercover FBI implants used as " Informants " as many as 12.

LOLOL.. The protestors had gone home every evening in Kenosha.

So you do have a point.
Nice waddaboutisms there. For the answer, you can search my posting history any time you want. Noticing as well that you didn't cite the armed vigilante (lynch) mob that was attacking him.

Now, back to the topic. I'm quite sure the left wing hate squad will be out in force if Rittenhouse walks because it's what they do. I expect riots by self-righteous leftists ticked off because they didn't get their pound of flesh and who don't care WHAT came out in the trial or WHAT the law says. I also expect them to bombard him and his family and anyone seen defending him with death threats (delivered anonymously of course, they wouldn't want to risk being exposed themselves) and trying to hound him out of existence. I also expect the usual suspect congresscritters to bow their heads in sorrow that he wasn't sent away for life and for them to encourage the ensuing violence as unhinged leftists go berserk.

All this I expect.
He will have to go under the Witness Protection. The left-wing hate squad shoes no mercy to anyone who interferes with BLM riots.
What was that nincompoopdoing there to begin with?

Like he said.He was asked to help out in making sure a business was not
torched.Which of course many were.
I guess how dare some kid get in the way of Rabble-rouswers intent on
destroying whatever they felt like eh. ?
That's the mindset of how Scumbags think.How dare some kid insert
himself in the middle of a Town under attack.
Americans understand all this.As ... Just Move aon along little Buy.
This is our Town tonight.And tomorrow night if need be.
Because we have Protections,little boy.The Presidential candidate and his party
are fully backing us.
What else explains how the August 2020 DNC Convention NEVER Once
mentioned a Summer of Violence.
Whereas the July RNC Convention made a big deal over all the Violence.
He will have to go under the Witness Protection. The left-wing hate squad shoes no mercy to anyone who interferes with BLMd riots.

Your position is that violence is OK for Trump fans but criminal for poor people and blacks. That doesn't work as you should know by now.
Like he said.He was asked to help out in making sure a business was not
torched.Which of course many were.
I guess how dare some kid get in the way of Rabble-rouswers intent on
destroying whatever they felt like eh. ?
That's the mindset of how Scumbags think.How dare some kid insert
himself in the middle of a Town under attack.
Americans understand all this.As ... Just Move aon along little Buy.
This is our Town tonight.And tomorrow night if need be.
Because we have Protections,little boy.The Presidential candidate and his party
are fully backing us.
What else explains how the August 2020 DNC Convention NEVER Once
mentioned a Summer of Violence.
Whereas the July RNC Convention made a big deal over all the Violence.

Kyle lied. He was NOT asked to defend the property as the owners of the car dealership testified under oath.
LOLOL.. The protestors had gone home every evening in Kenosha.

So you do have a point.
They were allowed to Protest until 11 clock or past.
We have the videos of the dark streets.I guess Biden and Kamala
need to hand out medals for such Bravery and Discipline to their
Protesting brethern ... eh.
CNN settled with him. Do you really think they settled for “jack shit.” I can assure you that Sandman is not hurting for cash now.

Yes, I think he settled for jack shit because he didn't have a case, and his lawyer was that incompetent asshole, Lin Woods, who has now been disbarred for his role in the Trump legal challenges. Lying to the courts is really a bad move.

The case got thrown out the first time, and it wasn't going any better the second time. Sandmann wasn't defamed and he had no "damages", lost no income. Quite frankly, it was pure greed and political points that his father filed suit at all.

Sandmann clearly regretted everything that the adults did saying in an interview he wished he had just "walked away". This is a case where his parents made a lot of bad decisions on his behalf.

Here are five extremist groups or movements to be worried about in the months to come.

1. The Boogaloo Bois

According to NBC News, some of the Wolverine Watchmen arrested in connection with the alleged terrorist plot against Whitmer are also supporters of the Boogaloo movement — which has been calling for a civil war as well as a race war and seeks the violent overthrow of the U.S. government. Boogaloo members also openly advocate killing police officers. In Northern California, Boogaloo supporter Steven Carrillo was arrested in connection with an armed attack on a federal courthouse in Oakland on May 29. That attack left a security officer from the Federal Protective Service dead.

Trump's claim that Antifa is a terrorist movement is laughable. For all their militant rhetoric, Antifa do not engage in terrorist activities like the alleged plot against Whitmer or the drive-by attack in Oakland. But far-right white nationalist groups do.

2. QAnon

The QAnon movement has been identified by the FBI as a possible source of domestic terrorism, and its sympathizers are making their way to the U.S. House of Representatives. In Georgia, QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene won a congressional primary on August 11, and given how deeply Republican her district is, it is entirely possible that she will win the general election in November and be sworn into the U.S. House of Representatives in January 2021 — which is incredibly disturbing when one considers what QAnon believes. According to the QAnon conspiracy theory, the U.S. government has been infiltrated by an international ring of pedophiles and Satanists, and Trump was put in power to combat the ring. According to QAnon, an anonymous figure named Q is giving them updates on Trump's battle.

As ludicrous as QAnon's beliefs are, supporters take them quite seriously. And if Trump loses to former Vice President Joe Biden in November and QAnon members feel a sense of desperation, that could make them even more dangerous and unhinged.

3. The Proud Boys

During Trump's debate with Biden on September 29, moderator Chris Wallace (one of the more reasonable conservatives at Fox News) gave Trump every chance to condemn white nationalism and white supremacy. Instead, Trump expressed his solidarity with the far-right Proud Boys — a group of self-described "western chauvinists" who openly advocate violence and have been carrying out violent attacks against members of Black Lives Matter at anti-racism demonstrations. After Trump's endorsement, members of the Proud Boys expressed their feelings of empowerment and declared that they were ready to carry out acts of violence on the president's behalf.

Proud Boys organizer Joe Biggs, following that debate, posted, "Trump basically said to go fuck them up! This makes me so happy." By "them," Biggs was referring to Antifa. And Biggs also posted, "President Trump told the proud boys to stand by because someone needs to deal with ANTIFA...well sir! we're ready!!"

4. The Three Percenters movement

The Three Percenters aren't one specific group, but rather, a movement of far-right militias. Three Percenters are well-armed and engage in military-like training, and they have made it clear that they are fully prepared for armed struggle. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, "Percenterism is one of three core components within the anti-government militia movement, along with the Oath Keepers and traditional militia groups. The reference to '3 Percent' stems from the dubious historical claim that only 3% of American colonists fought against the British during the War of Independence.

5. The Wolverine Watchmen

The Wolverine Watchmen are among the many militia groups that believe that liberals and progressives and anti-Trump conservatives do not hold power legitimately and that it is their duty to wage armed struggle against their enemies. According to the FBI, the Wolverine Watchmen believed that Whitmer had violated the U.S. Constitution by promoting social distancing restrictions in Michigan in response to the coronavirus pandemic — and after kidnapping her and putting her on "trial" for treason, they would execute her if found guilty. But the group's activities, the FBI said, went way beyond their alleged plot to kidnap Whitmer: they also hoped to kidnap other officials in Michigan, overthrow the state government and ignite a civil war.
Your position is that violence is OK for Trump fans but criminal for poor people and blacks. That doesn't work as you should know by now.
Yeah, right. Out with the racist card, right on cue.

Your position is that thugs - whose intent is to burn, loot, and set on fire as much property as possible should be able to proceed without being interfered with. Clearly, violence is OK as long as it’s a BLM riot. Did you contribute to to Kamala’s fund to bail thugs out of jail?

And upthread, you asked what the “nincompoop” was doing there in the first place? Why no outrage for the thugs who were there to burn the place down?

As usual, leftists always defend the wrong people.
If there are 4 or more liberals on the jury in the civil lawsuit, it's bad news for Rittenhouse. You know how liberals feel about Rittenhouse.
That just means a hung jury. I can’t see how the leftists on the jury can persuade normal jurors to go along with a conviction.

If that occurs, the judge can dismiss with prejudice.

Here are five extremist groups or movements to be worried about in the months to come.

1. The Boogaloo Bois

According to NBC News, some of the Wolverine Watchmen arrested in connection with the alleged terrorist plot against Whitmer are also supporters of the Boogaloo movement — which has been calling for a civil war as well as a race war and seeks the violent overthrow of the U.S. government. Boogaloo members also openly advocate killing police officers. In Northern California, Boogaloo supporter Steven Carrillo was arrested in connection with an armed attack on a federal courthouse in Oakland on May 29. That attack left a security officer from the Federal Protective Service dead.

Trump's claim that Antifa is a terrorist movement is laughable. For all their militant rhetoric, Antifa do not engage in terrorist activities like the alleged plot against Whitmer or the drive-by attack in Oakland. But far-right white nationalist groups do.

2. QAnon

The QAnon movement has been identified by the FBI as a possible source of domestic terrorism, and its sympathizers are making their way to the U.S. House of Representatives. In Georgia, QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene won a congressional primary on August 11, and given how deeply Republican her district is, it is entirely possible that she will win the general election in November and be sworn into the U.S. House of Representatives in January 2021 — which is incredibly disturbing when one considers what QAnon believes. According to the QAnon conspiracy theory, the U.S. government has been infiltrated by an international ring of pedophiles and Satanists, and Trump was put in power to combat the ring. According to QAnon, an anonymous figure named Q is giving them updates on Trump's battle.

As ludicrous as QAnon's beliefs are, supporters take them quite seriously. And if Trump loses to former Vice President Joe Biden in November and QAnon members feel a sense of desperation, that could make them even more dangerous and unhinged.

3. The Proud Boys

During Trump's debate with Biden on September 29, moderator Chris Wallace (one of the more reasonable conservatives at Fox News) gave Trump every chance to condemn white nationalism and white supremacy. Instead, Trump expressed his solidarity with the far-right Proud Boys — a group of self-described "western chauvinists" who openly advocate violence and have been carrying out violent attacks against members of Black Lives Matter at anti-racism demonstrations. After Trump's endorsement, members of the Proud Boys expressed their feelings of empowerment and declared that they were ready to carry out acts of violence on the president's behalf.

Proud Boys organizer Joe Biggs, following that debate, posted, "Trump basically said to go fuck them up! This makes me so happy." By "them," Biggs was referring to Antifa. And Biggs also posted, "President Trump told the proud boys to stand by because someone needs to deal with ANTIFA...well sir! we're ready!!"

4. The Three Percenters movement

The Three Percenters aren't one specific group, but rather, a movement of far-right militias. Three Percenters are well-armed and engage in military-like training, and they have made it clear that they are fully prepared for armed struggle. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, "Percenterism is one of three core components within the anti-government militia movement, along with the Oath Keepers and traditional militia groups. The reference to '3 Percent' stems from the dubious historical claim that only 3% of American colonists fought against the British during the War of Independence.

5. The Wolverine Watchmen

The Wolverine Watchmen are among the many militia groups that believe that liberals and progressives and anti-Trump conservatives do not hold power legitimately and that it is their duty to wage armed struggle against their enemies. According to the FBI, the Wolverine Watchmen believed that Whitmer had violated the U.S. Constitution by promoting social distancing restrictions in Michigan in response to the coronavirus pandemic — and after kidnapping her and putting her on "trial" for treason, they would execute her if found guilty. But the group's activities, the FBI said, went way beyond their alleged plot to kidnap Whitmer: they also hoped to kidnap other officials in Michigan, overthrow the state government and ignite a civil war.
I believe "worried" was the word you used? IMHO, you choose to be worried about a lot of things that amount to very little. You might want to check that worrying obsession before you have a heart attack.

Or something.
Your position is that violence is OK for Trump fans but criminal for poor people and blacks. That doesn't work as you should know by now.
Name the acts of Violence by Trump fans.Yes,there was a storming of
the Capitol Bldg. but who helped that along.
We have Videos of many who entered the Capitol Bldg. with little flags
and acting as if casually walking around at some Museum.
We have a Videographer who gave statements as to what he Video'd.
Tucker Carlson interviewed him.There was some rowdy behavior as
parts of the crowd managed to storm into the Capitol.
Obviously Inspired by Agent Provocateurs like the guy { Ray Epps }
a Potential FBI guy who was video'd the day of the - Insurrection " and
the day before walking around stirring up those in the Trump crowd
to amass some kind of attack.Obviously a classic use of an Agent Provocateur.
His name and picture were up on the FBI most Wanted List.
Until a news source wrote a story about him.Then his Most Wanted
Identity was taken down.The very day after a story was written about him.
He never faced a day in jail,I believe.
Like he never existed.Can't be Located.
Don't Get Stooged.
Like Covid the - Insurrection - is used as a way to Control,Harrass and Dominate
America and Americans.
Last edited:
Like he said.He was asked to help out in making sure a business was not
torched.Which of course many were.
I guess how dare some kid get in the way of Rabble-rouswers intent on
destroying whatever they felt like eh. ?
That's the mindset of how Scumbags think.How dare some kid insert
himself in the middle of a Town under attack.
Americans understand all this.As ... Just Move aon along little Buy.
This is our Town tonight.And tomorrow night if need be.
Because we have Protections,little boy.The Presidential candidate and his party
are fully backing us.
What else explains how the August 2020 DNC Convention NEVER Once
mentioned a Summer of Violence.
Whereas the July RNC Convention made a big deal over all the Violence.

How dare this arrogant, entitled little asshole take his illegal weapon to a demonstration to intimidate and frighten the libs.

Then I notice you refer to the protestors as "scumbags". How unbiased of you. It pretty much negates everything you've posted you lying, biased piece of shit.
That just means a hung jury. I can’t see how the leftists on the jury can persuade normal jurors to go along with a conviction.

If that occurs, the judge can dismiss with prejudice.
All it takes is just One Juror to hold out.It takes a unanimous Jury for a
decision.Haven't any y'all watched the classic movie :
- Twelve Angry Men - { 1957 }
A sterling cast.Where one stubborn Juror whose
skeptical caution has the others Jurors on edge.
That just means a hung jury. I can’t see how the leftists on the jury can persuade normal jurors to go along with a conviction.

If that occurs, the judge can dismiss with prejudice.
I was talking about possible civil lawsuits in the future. In most states 9 of the 12 jurors must agree on civil judgments.
Name the acts of Violence by Trump fans.Yes,there was a storming of
the Capitol Bldg. but who helped that along.
We have Videos of many who entered the Capitol Bldg. with little flags
and acting as if casually walking around at some Museum.
We have a Videographer who gave statements as to what he Video'd.
Tucker Carlson interviewed him.There was some rowdy behavior as
parts of the crowd managed to storm into the Capitol.
Obviously Inspired by Agent Provocateurs like the guy { James Epps }
a Potential FBI guy who was video'd the day of the - Insurrection " and
the day before walking around stirring up those in the Trump crowd
to amass some kind of attack.Obviously a classic use of an Agent Provocateur.
His name and picture were up on the FBI most Wanted List.
Until a news source wrote a story about him.Then his Most Wanted
Identity was taken down.The very day after a story was written about him.
He never faced a day in jail,I believe.
Like he never existed.Can't be Located.
Don't Get Stooged.
Like Covid the - Insurrection - is used as a way to Control,Harrass and Dominate
America and Americans.
All that needs to be said. Any leftists who insist on bleating and yammering any further about this need to start scheduling about twice as many sessions with their therapists. They are the ones, you know, that take the lion's share of the psychotropic drugs.

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