Sandman vs Rittenhouse: Which one wins the most lawsuit money?

You don't think the families of those that Rittenhouse murdered won't sue? :heehee:
Read the opening post again. It asks which of the two people in the title of this thread do you think will win more. Stop evading.
How dare this arrogant, entitled little asshole take his illegal weapon to a demonstration to intimidate and frighten the libs.

Then I notice you refer to the protestors as "scumbags". How unbiased of you. It pretty much negates everything you've posted you lying, biased piece of shit.
You got that right.In the best of scenarios these " Protestors "
are Protesting basically Lies.Misfacts.Trumped up gobbledegook.
This is a case of Protestors Going down for the Cause.The Revolution.
Not for Better pay,less taxes or american issues like God,Country and
some Rule of Law.But for basically Race.
By use of dishonest groups as in BlackLivesMatter.
Demonstrable LIE.Blacks kill other blacks in record number.
Blacks commit over 50 % of all Homicides in the U.S. Black Females
have 5 times the number of Abortions as White Females.
So why not Indoctrinate impressionable youth in Public school.
With Critical Race Theory.With gender studies.Ridding use of the
words Mother and Father.No Sex Bathrooms.Mocking the Nuclear Family.
Just Gaslight the hell out of Americans.But that takes a partner.
The Left has that Partner in the " scumbag " MSM and Unfree Press.
They used it to lie about and frame Trump & co,.
All that needs to be said. Any leftists who insist on bleating and yammering any further about this need to start scheduling about twice as many sessions with their therapists. They are the ones, you know, that take the lion's share of the psychotropic drugs.
I just heard about a new frightening fact out yesterday.
That in the past year the U.S. surpassed 100,ooo deaths from Overdose.
Yer not gonna hear too much about that from this scumbag media.
Trump made a big stink about it as Potus.His Fight over Drug deaths
and drugs flooding into the Country.
Biden don't give 2 shits.Because He's a shit personified.
I just heard about a new frightening fact out yesterday.
That in the past year the U.S. surpassed 100,ooo deaths from Overdose.
Yer not gonna hear too much about that from this scumbag media.
Trump made a big stink about it as Potus.His Fight over Drug deaths
and drugs flooding into the Country.
Biden don't give 2 shits.Because He's a shit personified.
The Defecator In Chief works for the people who want to see as many as possible of the useless eaters dead. He LOVES it when someone he considers a lowlife offs himself with the drugs that the government gave him, just for that purpose.
I believe "worried" was the word you used? IMHO, you choose to be worried about a lot of things that amount to very little. You might want to check that worrying obsession before you have a heart attack.

Or something.

In other words, you want to deny that right wing extremism is a problem because YOU'RE not "worried" about it. What an utterly idiotic response.

"What me worry?"
I think the police should arrest looters, vandals and arsonists and crack pot militias should stay home instead of making matters worse.
But the police wasn‘t arresting or doing their job because Leftist Biden voters were setting the city on fire and Democrat mayors had told the police to stand down and let them do it. The bigger question is why did individual businesses have to ask civilians to come and protect their livelihoods from violent Democrat animals hell bent on looting and destroying their city as if they have a right to do it.
Kyle lied. He was NOT asked to defend the property as the owners of the car dealership testified under oath.
I get it.LIke this Prosecutor creepzoid.Make sure and say " LIE ".
As loud and as often as Poss-eee-Bow.
So then Rittenhouse was not washing off grafitti.Not Patroling
the grounds of a business.Was not offering help to those who
needed being bandaged.I didn't hear from one owner saying under oath
that he Never asked for Rittenhouse's help.
PLus this B.S. About crossing state lines.Rittenhouse lived somewhere
outside Chicago [ Antioch ].{ about 45 minutes from Kenosha }.
In other words, you want to deny that right wing extremism is a problem because YOU'RE not "worried" about it. What an utterly idiotic response.

"What me worry?"
The Alfred E. Neuman take du jour.Could use some nice soup
crackers as well.
Damage to the Capitol was $30 million.

From the same Loonies of this Leftist Government saying The Reconcillation
bill won't cost a penny.Not a penny let alone some plumb nickle.
Man are yuz guys such gullible schmucks.
Yes, I think he settled for jack shit because he didn't have a case, and his lawyer was that incompetent asshole, Lin Woods, who has now been disbarred for his role in the Trump legal challenges. Lying to the courts is really a bad move.

The case got thrown out the first time, and it wasn't going any better the second time. Sandmann wasn't defamed and he had no "damages", lost no income. Quite frankly, it was pure greed and political points that his father filed suit at all.

Sandmann clearly regretted everything that the adults did saying in an interview he wished he had just "walked away". This is a case where his parents made a lot of bad decisions on his behalf.

So he had no case and yet CNN decided to settle? Clearly, he had a case, otherwise, CNN wouldn't have been worried about it going to trial and wasting a lot in attorney fees. On top of this, they have staff attorneys that could have handled this if there was no case and it would have been no additional money out of their pockets. You are mistaken, as usual.
then why didn't the police arrest anyone on August 24, 2020? 2.5 million to one car dealer. Cops sat and watched a mob destroy cars right before Kyle was cornered by rosenbaum.

Exactly.. I don't think much of the Kenosha police. How many cars were destroyed?
I just heard about a new frightening fact out yesterday.
That in the past year the U.S. surpassed 100,ooo deaths from Overdose.
Yer not gonna hear too much about that from this scumbag media.
Trump made a big stink about it as Potus.His Fight over Drug deaths
and drugs flooding into the Country.
Biden don't give 2 shits.Because He's a shit personified.

Funny how you're saying that you heard something in the media that the media isn't going to be telling us. In fact, Fool, this is ALL OVER THE MEDIA.

Trump did NOTHING to reduce the deaths. Not one damn thing. He was far too busy trying to prosecute the FBI, the CIA, and Democrats who opposed him.

That brief dip in 2018 was the result of work done by the Obama Administration years earlier.

So he had no case and yet CNN decided to settle? Clearly, he had a case, otherwise, CNN wouldn't have been worried about it going to trial and wasting a lot in attorney fees. On top of this, they have staff attorneys that could have handled this if there was no case and it would have been no additional money out of their pockets. You are mistaken, as usual.

You really are too stupid to be one person. Corporations settle law suits all of the time when the Plaintiff has no case. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to hold a civil trial. Even the cost of holding the trial and having the case tossed, could run to a quarter of a million dollars, easily. Better to pay the Plaintiff off to go away.

Both CNN and WAPO invested considerable time and money on the first trial which Sandmann lost and the case was tossed. The second attempt had hardly any more merit than the first but if Sandmann settled for legal fees, that would be a win for him.
Exactly.. I don't think much of the Kenosha police. How many cars were destroyed?
37 I believe at Sal and Sam's. Who knows around the rest of the place. might be 100 who can say. someone keeping track of the violence? Any reason why it takes destruction of cars to protest? it really only shows how out of control demofks are. They've lost all sense of morality.
Kyle lied. He was NOT asked to defend the property as the owners of the car dealership testified under oath.
nope, Sal and Sam denied their ask on stand. they lied. They don't want the lawsuits. Other people confirmed the ask as did the picture Sal took with the folks hired.
37 I believe at Sal and Sam's. Who knows around the rest of the place. might be 100 who can say. someone keeping track of the violence? Any reason why it takes destruction of cars to protest? it really only shows how out of control demofks are. They've lost all sense of morality.

Fox News says 50. I posted a link.
nope, Sal and Sam denied their ask on stand. they lied. They don't want the lawsuits. Other people confirmed the ask as did the picture Sal took with the folks hired.

LOLOL.. They testified under oath.. That may not mean anything to you and the Trumpies, but most Americans take that seriously.

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