Sandman vs Rittenhouse: Which one wins the most lawsuit money?

The police should probably arrest or shoot arsonists and crazed militia who interfer.
I agree. But if arsonists attack others, that's the one's to arrest first. Whatever happens during that is not on the person being attacked. Why do you think they're all bashing in cars? cars can't defend themselves. It takes a human to do that.
LOLOL.. They testified under oath.. That may not mean anything to you and the Trumpies, but most Americans take that seriously.
I know what they testified, I heard four people say they spoke to them and they hired them. There wouldn't have been a need for the picture Sal with the group. Right? The pictures prove them liars
37 I believe at Sal and Sam's. Who knows around the rest of the place. might be 100 who can say. someone keeping track of the violence? Any reason why it takes destruction of cars to protest? it really only shows how out of control demofks are. They've lost all sense of morality.

Funny how you think that burning insured cars is a loss of "all sense of morality", but the graft, corruption, bribery and extortion of the Trump regime was all fine and dandy for you. You have an odd sense of morality.
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Funny how you think that burning insured cars is a loss of "all sense of morality", but the graft, corruption, bribery and extortion of the Trump regime was all fine and dandy for you. You have an odd sense of morality.
We know what Trump has been accused of. A 4 year politician while we have a potentate installed who has been doing what you accused Trump of for 50 years. and so many more politicians. Nancy and Feinstein and others. We need a tribunal on all of these people. These are the arbiters of Drumhead accusations. They need to be held accountable also, for they have gotten away with so much. They will disappear when we are attacked. Leaving us with the turmoil and pain to survive. And we will turn on each other because of these corrupted demons before we grow again.
I agree. But if arsonists attack others, that's the one's to arrest first. Whatever happens during that is not on the person being attacked. Why do you think they're all bashing in cars? cars can't defend themselves. It takes a human to do that.

If the vigilante points his weapon at an arsonist, which Kyle Rittenhouse admitted on the stand that he did that, then Kyle is the aggressor and the arsonist has a greater right to defend himself against the lethal threat than Kyle does.

Rittenhouse had no right to be there. No right to be armed there. And was, at all times the aggressor.
We know what Trump has been accused of. A 4 year politician while we have a potentate installed who has been doing what you accused Trump of for 50 years. and so many more politicians. Nancy and Feinstein and others. We need a tribunal on all of these people. These are the arbiters of Drumhead accusations. They need to be held accountable also, for they have gotten away with so much. They will disappear when we are attacked. Leaving us with the turmoil and pain to survive. And we will turn on each other because of these corrupted demons before we grow again.
A potentate??? Trump was the autocratic dictator who answered to no one.

Biden has governed by the Constitution, achieving consensus and compromise. He's not running a "pay for play" scheme nor is he openly pilfering from the public purse like Trump has been doing throughout his Presidency.

Last but least, Biden hasn't surrounded himself with grifters, criminals and those willing to profit off public office, the way Trump did. No one has left or been fired from the Biden White House for corruption, incompetence, or malfeasance. 25% of Trump staffers left within the first year.

Biden is getting all of the shit done, that Trump ignored for 4 years - while he spent nearly one year of those 4 years playing golf.

Sandmann could have received nothing in the settlements. I doubt he got much because he didn't have much of a case.

Rittenhouse is being sued. He'll end up like George Zimmerman if he gets off.

He could have received nothing, in the same way that you COULD have Martians landing in your backyard. Unfortunately for your delusions, legal experts like Cornell law professor William Jacobson estimate it was a seven-figure settlement from CNN alone. They and their lackeys like to dismiss it as a "nuisance fee", knowing that low-class peons like you will interpret that as them handing him bus fare and a coupon for a McDonald's hamburger. The truth is that a 7-figure settlement would qualify as a "nuisance fee" to a company like CNN compared to having their business practices analyzed in court. The same would be true of the Washington Post, from whom he also collected a settlement.

Also, those little green men you saw weren't Martians; they were just a result of your dementia.
Funny how you're saying that you heard something in the media that the media isn't going to be telling us. In fact, Fool, this is ALL OVER THE MEDIA.

Trump did NOTHING to reduce the deaths. Not one damn thing. He was far too busy trying to prosecute the FBI, the CIA, and Democrats who opposed him.

That brief dip in 2018 was the result of work done by the Obama Administration years earlier.

You really are too stupid to be one person. Corporations settle law suits all of the time when the Plaintiff has no case. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to hold a civil trial. Even the cost of holding the trial and having the case tossed, could run to a quarter of a million dollars, easily. Better to pay the Plaintiff off to go away.

Both CNN and WAPO invested considerable time and money on the first trial which Sandmann lost and the case was tossed. The second attempt had hardly any more merit than the first but if Sandmann settled for legal fees, that would be a win for him.

Believe what you will. CNN and other outlets were guilty of libel as they knowingly manipulated a video that damaged Sandman. Read the definition below. There is no doubt

"Libel is the publication of writing, pictures, cartoons, or any other medium that expose a person to public hatred, shame, disgrace, or ridicule, or induce an ill opinion of a person, and are not true."

"The video shown by CNN and others was a deceptively edited video that only showed a portion of the ‘confrontation.’ This was done despite the full video being available on YouTube. The smaller clip spread like wildfire and appeared to show Sandmann and his classmates who attended a March for Life event as harassers of Phillips and other activists, but the full clip proved the opposite was true.

This is the “viral video” CNN so casually refers to.

Both the Washington Post and CNN settled lawsuits from Sandmann, and the Post even issued a correction to their coverage six weeks after the fact."

You evidently aren't too bright so I forgive your complete ignorance regarding this case and frankly all your other off-the-wall, ignorant, indoctrinated political opinions.
A potentate??? Trump was the autocratic dictator who answered to no one.

Biden has governed by the Constitution, achieving consensus and compromise. He's not running a "pay for play" scheme nor is he openly pilfering from the public purse like Trump has been doing throughout his Presidency.

Last but least, Biden hasn't surrounded himself with grifters, criminals and those willing to profit off public office, the way Trump did. No one has left or been fired from the Biden White House for corruption, incompetence, or malfeasance. 25% of Trump staffers left within the first year.

Biden is getting all of the shit done, that Trump ignored for 4 years - while he spent nearly one year of those 4 years playing golf.

Biden is surrounding himself with Marxists. Check out his latest appointee for comptroller. Cheez, how can you be so blinded?
Biden is surrounding himself with Marxists. Check out his latest appointee for comptroller. Cheez, how can you be so blinded?
Is she the one talking about killing off private banks and having Americans deposit their money with the Fed? It would be more efficient for the government to redistribute money that way. They could just go directly into your accounts and give some of your money to the welfare mothers, street thugs, whoever.
If the vigilante points his weapon at an arsonist, which Kyle Rittenhouse admitted on the stand that he did that, then Kyle is the aggressor and the arsonist has a greater right to defend himself against the lethal threat than Kyle does.

Rittenhouse had no right to be there. No right to be armed there. And was, at all times the aggressor.

And we value the opinion of a Canadian who treasures her status as an obedient sheep because why? I keep waiting for someone to ask you for your "expertise" on the laws and customs of a country that wouldn't allow you to be buried in it, let alone live in it, and it just never happens. But for some reason, you continue to think you have something to say.

I don't know how it works in Canada - because no one cares - but in the United States, we don't have regions where citizens "have no right to be". Also, despite your "I'm proud to be robbed, raped, and killed when my government orders me to" Canadian attitude, that's not how it works in our country. Citizens DO have a right to be armed, and even to carry those arms . . . possibly because our Founding Fathers didn't want us to be sniveling would-be victims like you.

And finally, couch cow, "aggressor" is not defined as "someone my masters ordered me to dislike". As always, everything out of your mouth was a waste of oxygen. Congratulations on your consistency, at least.
If the vigilante points his weapon at an arsonist, which Kyle Rittenhouse admitted on the stand that he did that, then Kyle is the aggressor and the arsonist has a greater right to defend himself against the lethal threat than Kyle does.

Rittenhouse had no right to be there. No right to be armed there. And was, at all times the aggressor.

Good Lord you are dense.

Rosenbaum said he was going to kill Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse pointed his gun at him but did not shoot. Rosenbaum then charged Rittenhouse and got shot. Are you saying charging a man that you just said you were going to kill is self-defense?
Is she the one talking about killing off private banks and having Americans deposit their money with the Fed? It would be more efficient for the government to redistribute money that way. They could just go directly into your accounts and give some of your money to the welfare mothers, street thugs, whoever.

Yep, that's her. Don't worry, DragonLady will have some excuse as to how she really didn't mean it or it would be a good thing for the US. I swear these people were all dropped on their heads when they were babies.
Disagree. There is a reason why there are age restrictions on firearms. Just like there is on voting. The dismissed charge is that judges opinion only and he has shown pretty clear evidence of bias. Also, buying a gun through a straw buyer is illegal.

There are also reasons why the law doesn't provide age restrictions for 17-year-olds, as much as you enjoy continuing to pretend that it does simply because you think the law is created by your own wishes. The dismissed charge is NOT the judge's opinion; it's actually down in black and white in the law itself, as much as we all know you hate those pesky "actual written law" things. I also find it hilarious that NOW you suddenly don't think law is created by judicial decisions, when you've always championed that very thing in the case of decisions you like.
The dismissed charge is that judges opinion only and he has shown pretty clear evidence of bias.

No, it is clear in the statute that it only applies to short-barreled firearms. If you don't like the statute, argue it, but the judge is in no place to just change it on the spot to appease folks like you. I guess you want judges to start circumventing the law when they feel it is appropriate?
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Actually, Sandmann probably didn't get $250 million. That's what he was suing CNN for, but he accepted a settlement, which means it was somewhere less than his suit.

Yes, it was certainly less than his suit, but I would be willing to bet it was a significant amount.
Sandman likely won very little.

Why do you think this? He had a very solid case of libel.

Rittenhouse would be INSANE to sue for a penny, if he's even able.

Do you mean because lefties would try to kill him? Biden implying on a TV ad that he is a white supremacist is certainly defaming.

… Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden released a digital ad on his official Twitter account that included President Donald Trump’s debate remarks about white supremacists. As the debate transcript plays, images from Charlottesville, Virginia, are shown. Thirty-seven seconds into the ad, as debate moderator Chris Wallace is discussing white supremacy and mentions Kenosha, Wisconsin, an image of 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse is displayed.

Biden’s tweet explains, “There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night.”

Several media outlets also did their normal spin job in an attempt to defame him by framing a false narrative that is still believed to this day by many leftists on this board who didn't bother to actually watch the trial and videos but instead listen to the left-wing talking heads tell them what they want to hear.
Sued for what? Is this by the guy that was shot in the arm after coming at him with a pistol with a hollow point in the chamber?

Yeah, that should be a fun lawsuit. "All I did was advance on him and point a gun at his head, and he shot me for it! How DARE he?!"

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