Sandman vs Rittenhouse: Which one wins the most lawsuit money?

He sued for $250 million. He didn't get jack shit.

Couch cow, I realize that logic is about as familiar to you as having other human beings care if you live or die, but see if you can follow this: Sandmann was under no obligation to accept any settlement, even though he was suing your masters, whom you believe to control all creation by right of their towering virtue. If they hadn't offered him a substantial amount, he would have continued the lawsuit.

The fact that he accepted it means that they offered him more money than YOU will ever see in multiples of your lifetime, albeit it probably wasn't a huge amount to them.
CNN settled with him. Do you really think they settled for “jack shit.” I can assure you that Sandman is not hurting for cash now.

I'm sure they'd have liked to settle for jack shit, but there's no reason whatsoever that Sandmann would have accepted such an offer rather than continuing his suit. For him to have accepted it means they had to have offered enough to convince him to accept it.
Sure, CNN and the Washington Post would disagree.

No, I'm sure to companies the size of CNN and WaPo, it probably wasn't a huge amount of money . . . particularly in comparison to having their business practices analyzed in court and potentially having to pay $250 and $275 million, respectively.
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Yeah, that should be a fun lawsuit. "All I did was advance on him and point a gun at his head, and he shot me for it! How DARE he?!"

The next thing you will hear from lefties is that your self-defense shot must be fired while the assailant's bullet is still airborne to qualify as being in imminent danger. It has almost become that silly.
I'm sure they'd have liked to settle for jack shit, but there's no reason whatsoever that Sandmann would have accepted such an offer rather than continuing his suit. For him to have accepted it means they had to have offered enough to convince him to accept it.

Exactly. His lawyers wouldn't have accepted a cut of "jack shit" from a $250 million lawsuit.
If the vigilante points his weapon at an arsonist, which Kyle Rittenhouse admitted on the stand that he did that, then Kyle is the aggressor and the arsonist has a greater right to defend himself against the lethal threat than Kyle does.

Maybe you should watch the high-res video that the prosecution downgraded for evidence. Notice Rosembaum chasing Rittenhouse. That is not someone who is attempting to defend themselves but is instead the aggressor. You have been lied to and you want so desperately to believe the lie because it fits the narrative you wish to project.

Maybe you should watch the high-res video that the prosecution downgraded for evidence. Notice Rosembaum chasing Rittenhouse. That is not someone who is attempting to defend themselves but is instead the aggressor. You have been lied to and you want so desperately to believe the lie because it fits the narrative you wish to project.

I heard Kyle Rittenhouse admit that he pointed his gun at one of the protestors who was lighting a dumpster fire, or trying to. Rosenbaum chased Kyle AFTER Kyle pointed his gun at a protestor starting a fire. Kyle ran because Rosenbaum tried to take his gun. Rittenhouse admitted to pointing his gun at a protestor starting a dumpster fire in his cross examination.

Then there was also Kyle's admission that he routinely drove a car to work without a driver's license or insurance. And the video of him punching a girl. A real hero this kid.
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Don't get how the last one could be self defence... He may have been armed but he had his hands in the air... He was running beside him rather than at him... He has very little defence there...

As for Skateboarder, he might get away with that... The skateboarder wasn't a criminal and actually spent the day washing off graffiti... He came on to Kyle as he was waving a gun against a crowd... Even if this was a good guy with a gun, how the hell was he supposed to know... He was told he shot someone and he was highly agitated... Kyle looked like a mass shooter in that position...

This why vigilantism is a bad idea, how do you know who is good guy and who is the bad guy? Skin Colour????

What fucking story have YOU been following, to think that Grosskreutz was shot with his hands up? Hell, the basic physics of where and how he was hit don't even allow for that. Furthermore, the pictures and videos and Grosskreutz' own testimony negate the narrative you built in your head to save you the effort of actually knowing anything.

"The skateboarder", aka Anthony Huber, was most certainly a criminal, and not even remotely there to "wash off graffiti", however much you'd like to paint him as a little saint. It was Rittenhouse who spent the day washing off graffiti, shitforbrains. Anthony Huber held a butcher's knife to his brother's throat and threatened to "gut him like a pig". He threatened to burn down the house and kill his entire family. And that was just ONE incident in his long rap sheet. Read it and weep, dumbass:

But yeah, I'm totally sure THAT guy suddenly decided to play hero. You betcha.

Finally, fucknuts, why don't you stop trying to project your own racism onto everyone so that you can feel better about being such a bigot?
2 of the 3 victims have no criminal records and were just trying to stop a person who had already shot someone from shooting more...

Do you enjoy believing and repeating lies, or is your head just so far up your masters' asses that you don't even realize they're deliberately sending you out to make a joke of yourself?
No, I'm sure to companies the size of CNN and WaPo, it probably wasn't a huge amount of money . . . particularly in comparison to having their business practices analyzed in court and potentially having to pay $250 and $275 million, respectively.
CNN has a net worth of about $6 billion, so the $250-275 million may not seem to be a lot, 4-5 % of the company would certainly leave a huge black eye.
We don't really know how much Sandman won from the fake news, other than that he won millions, but I bet Rittenhouse winds up winning more. Who do you think winds up with the biggest jackpot?

I think Rittenhouse in the end.
In other words, you want to deny that right wing extremism is a problem because YOU'RE not "worried" about it. What an utterly idiotic response.

"What me worry?"
Prove Right-Wing Extremism.? Not just yer bumper sticker tale of Woe.
We have more than Gobs upon gobs of Left-wing Extremism.An entire
summer of it in 2020.Historically yer talking like The Old Jim Crow Democrats
of the 40's and 50's. As written about and witnessed firsthand by Thurgood
Marshall in the Pulitzer Prize book { non-fiction } :
- Devil in the Grove - { 2012 } by
Gilbert King
Why do you think this? He had a very solid case of libel.
I don't agree that he had a solid case.
Do you mean because lefties would try to kill him?
Seems unlikely.
Biden implying on a TV ad that he is a white supremacist is certainly defaming.
Perhaps, but he is profoundly self-damaged goods.

He'd be wise to vanish if he prevails.
… Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden released a digital ad on his official Twitter account that included President Donald Trump’s debate remarks about white supremacists. As the debate transcript plays, images from Charlottesville, Virginia, are shown. Thirty-seven seconds into the ad, as debate moderator Chris Wallace is discussing white supremacy and mentions Kenosha, Wisconsin, an image of 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse is displayed.

Biden’s tweet explains, “There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night.”

Several media outlets also did their normal spin job in an attempt to defame him by framing a false narrative that is still believed to this day by many leftists on this board who didn't bother to actually watch the trial and videos but instead listen to the left-wing talking heads tell them what they want to hear.
Biden's gotta Biden...
If you have any evidence that he won a substantial sum, I'd love to see it.

Do you have evidence that he didn't receive a substantial sum? Keep in mind, "substantial" could still be considerably less than the $250 million for which he was suing. If he settled for only 1% of what he was seeking, which is highly unlikely, that is $2.5 million. Even that is considered substantial where I come from.
Do you have evidence that he didn't receive a substantial sum? Keep in mind, "substantial" could still be considerably less than the $250 million for which he was suing. If he settled for only 1% of what he was seeking, which is highly unlikely, that is $2.5 million. Even that is considered substantial where I come from.
I just heard that Sandman won $215 million.
Kyle should sue Joe Biden for slander because he called him a white supremist and basically said Kyle was guilty. Same goes for MSN, CNN, MSNBC and any other nattering hair on fire idiot that went on the airways and set themselves up as judge and jury. That being said, the law tends to favor the 1st amendment so right now it's a gray area in some of these cases. The ones that called Rittenhouse a murderer, could face defamation lawsuits though.
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