Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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it also exists in the minds of those who blindly put corporate profits over concerns for public safety.

And THAT is what this is really all about. Its why the NRA has paid so much money to R congress slime.

It is astounding that all these people put corporate profit over the lives of children but that's what they care about.
Have you always believed in fairytails?? Lol
No, I'm suggesting that feel good gun control laws won't prevent maniacs from killing people. You want to punish innocent people for the crimes of others. There's also the fact that gun control won't prevent people from getting those guns for the same reason drug laws don't prevent people from getting drugs. All it will do is create a boon for the black market. Criminals will profit rather than legitimate businesses that employ people and pay taxes. Your solution doesn't fix the problem; it just makes other problems worse.

Your example actually works AGAINST you......Following your logic, marijuana and opiates SHOULD BE legalized so that there won't be a black market on such drugs.....

Gun manufacturers sought and got (paid for) laws to prevent them being sued.....there must have been a "reason" for such preventive insurance, don't you think?
Gun violence is an nonissue in this country... Now criminal behavior, that's a problem. Dumbass
Societies that do not allow guns have a much smaller problem with criminals getting guns.

That's a lie. Give us one such society, and I'll educate you on how a black market works, because you can't regulate them with gun laws. People will still get guns regardless.

You can keep repeating that tired talking point, but doing so doesn't make it so.
If this is a case where gun manufacturers and gun sellers become open to civil suits every time someone is killed by a gun, then we have a big problem. On the other hand, if lawsuits are limited to cases where there was true negligence on the part of the seller or manufacturer, then this would make sense.

That's flawed reasoning. Because from where I'm sitting, any murder, any mass killing is a reason for a gun manufacturer to be sued. They make the guns, the have no control over who sells their products.
Inevitably, gun proponents and the NRA will claim that the latest ruling allowing families of the Sandy Hook massacre of children, is a ridiculous ruling.....They will follow up with various scenarios that were someone to be killed by a knife or a rope, that knives and rope manufacturers could ALSO be sued....but when making such comparisons they show both their prejudices and downright stupidity.

Guns are manufactured virtually SOLELY for the purpose of killing....whereas knives or ropes have much different purposes and the flooding of some high-crime areas with weapons whose main purpose is killing of maiming is totally unacceptable.

This ruling is a small but necessary first step toward restoring sanity. The Sandy Hook massacre could not have been as lethal with knives or ropes. Let us join the rest of the sane, and progressive world community where those weapons (mostly made for military purposes) do NOT make their way into deranged and evil hands.
The anti-Constitutional stance of the left on clear display for all to see.

Anyone with a double digit IQ or the ability to think for themselves knows what this is about.

"The anti-Constitutional stance of the left on clear display for all to see."

Not true at all.

The only people who talk about banning are the gun nutters.

They are instructed to do that as a smoke screen to hide the real issues - which are being discussed in this thread.
Any form of "gun registration" is the banning of firearms. Anyone talking about "reasonable" gun regulation deserve to have their teeth knocked down their throats... They can never be trusted.
What would the plaintiff's case be? How are firearms manufacturers in any way responsible for Sandy Hook?

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