Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Inevitably, gun proponents and the NRA will claim that the latest ruling allowing families of the Sandy Hook massacre of children, is a ridiculous ruling.....They will follow up with various scenarios that were someone to be killed by a knife or a rope, that knives and rope manufacturers could ALSO be sued....but when making such comparisons they show both their prejudices and downright stupidity.

Guns are manufactured virtually SOLELY for the purpose of killing....whereas knives or ropes have much different purposes and the flooding of some high-crime areas with weapons whose main purpose is killing of maiming is totally unacceptable.

This ruling is a small but necessary first step toward restoring sanity. The Sandy Hook massacre could not have been as lethal with knives or ropes. Let us join the rest of the sane, and progressive world community where those weapons (mostly made for military purposes) do NOT make their way into deranged and evil hands.

So you're all for federal law being supreme, except when you're not. Freaking hypocrite.
Federal Assault Weapons Ban Expires
September 13, 2004 at 12:00 AM EDT

JIM LEHRER: Now, the assault weapons ban. The ten-year-old law expires at midnight tonight. It outlaws 19 types of military- style semiautomatic assault weapons, as well as ammunition clips holding more than ten rounds.

Republican congressional leaders declined to bring reauthorizing legislation to the floor for debate or vote, saying there were not enough votes to pass it.

We get reaction to the end of the ban now from two very different perspectives. Gil Kerlikowske is chief of the Seattle Police Department. Wayne LaPierre is executive vice president and chief executive officer of the National Rifle Association. Chief Kerlikowske, first, what is your reading of what the impact of the failure to extend this ban is going to be?

GIL KERLIKOWSKE: Well, I think it sends a terrible signal to America’s law enforcement officers. This was a ban that ten years ago was put into place because of chiefs and sheriffs and the legitimate organizations that represent line officers and deputies.

I think it also sends a terrible message to America’s communities. The last thing we need are more military-style assault weapons on the streets of this country.

JIM LEHRER: Is there any question in your mind, Chief, that the lifting of the ban will in fact cause that to happen? There will be more of these weapons going on the streets?

GIL KERLIKOWSKE: There’s no question that there will be more weapons on the streets. Right now, the companies are taking orders in advance of the sunset provision.

We know that people will buy them and that unfortunately they will get stolen from their homes and out of their cars. And they are going to proliferate on our streets.

JIM LEHRER: And the end result of that proliferation would be what in your opinion?

GIL KERLIKOWSKE: A couple of things: One is that our law enforcement officers, my officers in Seattle, the others around this country, face enough danger right now.

They do not need to face the additional danger of additional weapons. We also know that when the family gun becomes an assault weapon, then that’s the gun that’s going to be stolen and will get out on our streets.

Federal Assault Weapons Ban Expires

guess what-the Banoid assholes claimed that crime would go up as a result of the ban dying

THEY WERE WRONG. They are lying assholes . Gil Douchebag has no business holding office since he is crapping over the constitution he took an oath to protect
So you are for the only thing standing between us and a room full of dead pre-schoolers is the judgement of a woman like Nancy Lanza, a prepper nut who was stocking weapons and food like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming?

I think I want better assurances than that.

Make the gun companies pay a shitload of money, and we will get those assurances.

better idea-put the assholes who filed the lawsuit into the poor house and bankrupt the ass wart attorneys who filed that crap.

That's why we need a law that loser pays when it comes to lawsuits.
August 9, 2004-States United to Prevent Gun Violence gathers a list of over 1,900 police chiefs, sheriffs, and county prosecutors who support “renewing and strengthening” the federal Assault Weapons Ban. Some of the names on the list include Chief John Wilson of Montgomery, Alabama; Chief Randy Henderlite of the Glendale, Arizona Police Department; the Greenwood, Arkansas Police Department; Cam Sanchez, president of the California Police Chiefs Association; the Daytona Beach, Florida Police Department; the Cicero, Illinois Police Department; Baltimore City, Maryland Police Commissioner Kevin Clark; Colonel Tadarial Sturdivant of the Michigan State Police; the East Rutherford, New Jersey Police Department; the Nassau County, New York Police Department; the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police Department; and San Antonio, Texas Police Department Chief Albert Ortiz.

June 2004-A study commissioned by the Department of Justice finds, “Attacks with semiautomatics-including assault weapons and other semiautomatics equipped with large capacity magazines-result in more shots fired, more persons hit, and more woundeds infliced per victim than do attacks with other firearms.” The study also reports, “Assault weapons account for a larger share of guns used in mass murders and murders of police, crimes for which weapons with greater firepower would seem particularly useful.”

April 27, 2004-Standing with other law enforcement leaders from across the country to demand renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban, Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton states, “There is a reason that these [assault] weapons are so appealing to criminals. They are designed to be easily concealed and kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Congress must act and act now to protect the American public and our police officers from these deadly weapons. This is about public safety and law enforcement.”

May 2003-The Violence Policy Center releases the “Officer Down” report, which finds that at least 41 of the 211 law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 2001, were killed with assault weapons.

1994-In an analysis of assault weapons, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) writes, “Assault weapons were designed for rapid fire, close quarter shooting at human beings. That is why they were put together the way they were. You will not find these guys in a duck blind or at the Olympics. They are mass produced mayhem.” The ATF describes assault weapons as “large capacity, semiautomatic firearms designed and configured for rapid fire, combat use … Most are patterned after machine guns used by military forces.”


any firearm cops can use OTHER civilians ought to be able to own

how many of those are democrats?
We're talking about weapons that are made for war," said Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee. "An AK-47 is a Russian-made weapon that is made for war. An AR-15, which is an answer to the AK-47... these high-capacity [guns]... you can shoot 50 to 60 rounds within a minute. Within a minute you can literally shoot through brick, shoot through steel."

Police Chiefs Are Right: Ban Assault Weapons

Hey asshole-we aren't talking about MACHINE GUNS-we are talking about the same weapons CIVILIAN COPS CARRY


stupid moron
If I get hit by a drunk driver, you goddamn right I am about to sue Jim Beam and chevy. Their SOLE purposes are to be driven and get drunk.

Ah but it isn't the purpose that they (drinking and driving) be done TOGETHER.

But let's say I own a gun shop. Right outside of Chicago. And my gun shop sells a LOT of guns. Straw buyers, gang bangers everybody knows where to get guns. And the gun manufacturers know of my reputation and they keep selling me guns.

Should that be stopped by suing the gun manufacturers?

If you can prove such a situation exist, it's the feds job to pull their dealers license. Should we sue them for not doing so?
feel free to follow the link i provided, to see the rest of the piece... you're welcome.
Do your own homework.

you should tell that to all those law enforcement and weapons professionals cited in those links you ignore.

i'm certainly not going to do your homework for you. ;)

LOL I am a retired LE professional who is far more knowledgeable than those clowns you quote

and its BS complete bs. Less than 8% of the street cops Janet Reno polled supported the clinton gun ban
He could have walked into that classroom and killed those children with a chef's knife. You're the one missing the point. The people that make weapons are not responsible for the crimes committed by maniacs.

Really ????? REALLY????

Are you suggesting that an automatic weapon is JUST AS lethal as a chef's knife???

Either can make you just as dead.
Of course, you right wingers and gun rights proponents are missing the point.....either purposefully or by stupidity. At Sandy Hook, first graders were not "just killed" but torn into pieces by a maniac with a gun intended to be used in military combat..Such guns should NOT be sold to common citizens. The only purpose to sell such guns are either to kill as many people in the shortest number of minutes....OR to satisfy the "machismo" of morons.i

Those little babies were literally torn in two and unrecognizable as human children.

Why do civilians need that gun and those magazines?

What would the plaintiff's case be? How are firearms manufacturers in any way responsible for Sandy Hook?

Simple......Such weapons of mass murder should NOT be manufactured......Aren't you within the same ilk that gets all pissy about N. Korea wanting to sell nuclear know-how to Iranians.
So, IOW, because you are unable to take the second amendment away you are applauding the effort to do so by other means.

Interesting how much disdain some here have for the constitution and the proper means to address its errors.
Damn, it stinks that this false flag crap just won't die. Whatever. Anyway, that Lanza got the guns was his mother's fault. Had she not been killed she would be the one who should face civil action as well as criminal charges. It was HER fault the boy got the weapon. Period. A law suit against Remington won't do anything but make them charge more for guns. In the end, they will lose. It's a shame that in this country acountability in flat out gone. I'm fat and is someone else's fault, I cut my finger, it's the knife makers fault because they made the knife sharp.

Fuck you. Fuck you big mother fucking time.


First, she facilitated the murder of all those children by making the gun avaliable to her sick offspring. In most states had she not been shot she would have had charges brought and rightfully so. So fuck yo, fuck you big time. She is just as guilty for those dead kids as her with it.

Made it available? He stole the guns and killed her. There's not a state in the Union that would prosecute her even if they COULD prosecute a dead person. It's not like she handed him the gun and then stood there reloading for him.
Inevitably, gun proponents and the NRA will claim that the latest ruling allowing families of the Sandy Hook massacre of children, is a ridiculous ruling.....They will follow up with various scenarios that were someone to be killed by a knife or a rope, that knives and rope manufacturers could ALSO be sued....but when making such comparisons they show both their prejudices and downright stupidity.

Guns are manufactured virtually SOLELY for the purpose of killing....whereas knives or ropes have much different purposes and the flooding of some high-crime areas with weapons whose main purpose is killing of maiming is totally unacceptable.

This ruling is a small but necessary first step toward restoring sanity. The Sandy Hook massacre could not have been as lethal with knives or ropes. Let us join the rest of the sane, and progressive world community where those weapons (mostly made for military purposes) do NOT make their way into deranged and evil hands.
They should be able to sue gasoline companies for refining gas that causes auto accidents.
They should be able to sue cell phone manufacturers that caused so many traffic fatalities it's like driving drunk.

BTW, a gun can't kill. Bullets do. Sue the ammo producers instead of the gun manufacturers.
Damn, it stinks that this false flag crap just won't die. Whatever. Anyway, that Lanza got the guns was his mother's fault. Had she not been killed she would be the one who should face civil action as well as criminal charges. It was HER fault the boy got the weapon. Period. A law suit against Remington won't do anything but make them charge more for guns. In the end, they will lose. It's a shame that in this country acountability in flat out gone. I'm fat and is someone else's fault, I cut my finger, it's the knife makers fault because they made the knife sharp.

Fuck you. Fuck you big mother fucking time.


First, she facilitated the murder of all those children by making the gun avaliable to her sick offspring. In most states had she not been shot she would have had charges brought and rightfully so. So fuck yo, fuck you big time. She is just as guilty for those dead kids as her with it.

Made it available? He stole the guns and killed her. There's not a state in the Union that would prosecute her even if they COULD prosecute a dead person. It's not like she handed him the gun and then stood there reloading for him.

Can't say for sure anyway else, but it can and has happened here. And the feds can make a case if they wanted to. Adam Lanzas mom is probubly pretty lucky she ain't around to find out, oh, and seeing that she did not properly secure the guns, she would have been the one who should have been held liable monitarily, not the gun companies.

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