Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Then you would know an "ar" is not a military grade weapon? It's just a sporting rifle...
Get your out of your ass and educate yourself... Lol

Sure, the AR15 is a "sporting rifle" if you want to either have instant deer ground meat, OR kill as many people as possible just for "sport"......
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A lot of leftists actually do propose banning guns, read the threads.

But as for the rest of you, when guns are at home in safes because they aren't allowed to be carried, what good does that do you?

NO, one except your ilk is saying to "ban guns".....We are talking here about assault weapons that are manufactured ONLY to kill in short time as many people as possible,

You right wingers are either idiots or are lying to yourselves.
NO, one except your ilk is saying to "ban guns".....We are talking here about assault weapons that are manufactured ONLY to kill in short time as many people as possible,

You right wingers are either idiots or are lying to yourselves.

And how/why are the manufacturers of these weapons civilly liable for the actions of those who misuse them?
At Sandy Hook, first graders were not "just killed" but torn into pieces by a maniac with a gun

A maniac with a gun, not a gun with a maniac. Get it?

The above will prove of real "comfort" to those Sandy Hook families....
Why not deliver your cute message personally and see how well you'd be received?

You know, it's quite sad that you're using those families and their dead children as tools to further your argument.

I doubt you truly care about them.
What would the plaintiff's case be? How are firearms manufacturers in any way responsible for Sandy Hook?

Simple......Such weapons of mass murder should NOT be manufactured......Aren't you within the same ilk that gets all pissy about N. Korea wanting to sell nuclear know-how to Iranians.
You know, it's quite sad that you're using those families and their dead children as tools to further your argument.

I doubt you truly care about them.

You can"doubt" all you want, but I both know one of those poor families and I've had friends killed needlessly by asasalt weapons.
They make the guns, the have no control over who sells their products.

Hey, with that "rationale" you could get a job defending Colombian and Mexican drug cartels.....


Read up on Fast and Furious. All those guns run across the border, being used by those drug cartels to murder hundreds and/or thousands of innocents, and not one word from liberals like you.
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Simple......Such weapons of mass murder should NOT be manufactured......

But how/why would firearms manufacturers be responsible for Sandy Hook?

Aren't you within the same ilk that gets all pissy about N. Korea wanting to sell nuclear know-how to Iranians.

Not that I'm aware of, no, you presumptuous douche.
You can"doubt" all you want, but I both know one of those poor families and I've had friends killed needlessly by asasalt weapons.

You're lying.

In the off chance that you aren't, I'm sure they don't appreciate you using their tragedy to bash someone over the head with in an obscure internet forum. I will also reiterate that I seriously doubt you know any of the families whose children were killed in the shootings.
Read up on Fast and Furious. All those guns used by those drug cartels to murder hundreds and/or thousands of innocents and not one word from liberals like you.

Cite where any of us are "defending" the federal government with the "fast and furious" debacle....and, BTW, the same gun manufacturers that you seem to love, made lots of profit with that little program.
In the off chance that you aren't, I'm sure they don't appreciate you using their tragedy to bash someone over the head with in an obscure internet forum. I will also reiterate that I seriously doubt you know any of the families whose children were killed in the shootings.

I really don't give a crap what you believe....I really don't care.....but any sane person would have to judge for him/herself WHICH SIDE of the argument ........mine or yours and your ilk .....are more in line with what those families believe to be justice......
Cite where any of us are "defending" the federal government with the "fast and furious" debacle

Silence can be construed as defense. And I never said you were defending anything, I'm simply pointing out that while you're crying crocodile tears over the corpses of those children, demanding the gun manufacturers be sued and/or put out of business, you've ignored the shenanigans that went on during Fast and Furious. All those guns that were run across the border, responsible for scores of deaths, and not a word from you.
Silence can be construed as defense. And I never said you were defending anything, I'm simply pointing out that while you're crying crocodile tears over the corpses of those children, demanding the gun manufacturers be sued and/or put out of business, you've ignored the shenanigans that went on during Fast and Furious. All those guns that were run across the border, responsible for scores of deaths, and not a word from yo

You your other half of the brain was functioning, you'd realize that "fast and Furious" was lobbyed by the same gun manufacturers that you're defending.
So you are for the only thing standing between us and a room full of dead pre-schoolers is the judgement of a woman like Nancy Lanza, a prepper nut who was stocking weapons and food like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming?

I think I want better assurances than that.

Make the gun companies pay a shitload of money, and we will get those assurances.

better idea-put the assholes who filed the lawsuit into the poor house and bankrupt the ass wart attorneys who filed that crap.
You have been exposed as a liar. How dare you lie about something like that?

The ONLy thing exposed here is your biased stupidity....and like a cat who gets tired of playing with a dead mouse, I've got better things to do then read your imbecility.

Go play with your guns......
Silence can be construed as defense. And I never said you were defending anything, I'm simply pointing out that while you're crying crocodile tears over the corpses of those children, demanding the gun manufacturers be sued and/or put out of business, you've ignored the shenanigans that went on during Fast and Furious. All those guns that were run across the border, responsible for scores of deaths, and not a word from yo

You your other half of the brain was functioning, you'd realize that "fast and Furious" was lobbyed by the same gun manufacturers that you're defending.

Bullshit. Link me to any such lobby.

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