Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Wanting to save children's lives is "insane" and "evil"?

Pillowbite, you just lied that "no one wants to ban guns."

Yet here you are defending banning guns. I understand that integrity is something you have purged yourself entirely of.

Gnat doesn't want to save "childrens lives," Gnat, like you, wants to end civil rights. Like you, if given the chance to kill these same children in the womb, Gnat would jump at the chance.

You seek to disarm the potential enemies of the party - nothing more or less.

What is insane and evil is is lining the pockets of Repub congress, NRA lobbyists and gun makers at the expense of innocent children.

Thanks Herr Goebbels, mindless demagoguery always improves a conversation.
This is a lie; as your entire argument rests on a lie, it fails.
Well, you're right I missed other reasons for those big guns being manufactured......That is, to make morons feel more "patriotic", "macho" and mitigate the size of their small penises....
Thank you for the admission of your lie and failure of your argument.
Yes, he is intellectually dishonest. The UK doesn't have so many guns, but they have just as many suicides. They just kill themselves other ways

You don't like the stats????? Too fucking bad.......We are a very violent country with a very infantile wish to constantly be at war with one another.
Keep "stoking" your guns, right wingers.....I mean, what could go wrong???
In 2010, guns took the lives of 31,076 Americans in homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings. This is the equivalent of more than 85 deaths each day and more than three deaths each hour.
In the US, for every gun used to commit a murder yesterday, 16,000,000 were not.
Your conclusion: We need more gun control.
Thank you for marginalizing yourself.
Actually, it's always been permissible to sue people who didn't do anything. Anyone can file suit against anyone for anything. The question is whether the suit will be successful.

The ruling that everyone is freaking out about is nothing more than a media created spectacle. It was a procedural matter which the defendants probably didn't even expect to win in the first place. All the court said is that the defense that was raised isn't applicable to pre-trial dismissal.

There is a legal concept known as "standing."

Learn it.
Yes, he is intellectually dishonest. The UK doesn't have so many guns, but they have just as many suicides. They just kill themselves other ways
You don't like the stats????? Too fucking bad.......We are a very violent country with a very infantile wish to constantly be at war with one another.
If by 'we" you mean the animals that live in the inner cities, then you're right.
Actually, it's always been permissible to sue people who didn't do anything. Anyone can file suit against anyone for anything. The question is whether the suit will be successful.

The ruling that everyone is freaking out about is nothing more than a media created spectacle. It was a procedural matter which the defendants probably didn't even expect to win in the first place. All the court said is that the defense that was raised isn't applicable to pre-trial dismissal.

There is a legal concept known as "standing."

Learn it.


I suggest you learn it, so that you don't come in here again and try to abuse the notion to fit your idiotic whims. You are such a dumb sucker. You've taken the liberal bait, and are up in a hissy believing the media bullshit they want you to believe.
Yes, he is intellectually dishonest. The UK doesn't have so many guns, but they have just as many suicides. They just kill themselves other ways

You don't like the stats????? Too fucking bad.......We are a very violent country with a very infantile wish to constantly be at war with one another.

Actually you just said you don't like stats. Let me repeat it for you:

"The UK doesn't have so many guns, but they have just as many suicides. They just kill themselves other ways"
Here's an idea. Protect the children instead of making them convenient targets in gun free zones.

"Brilliant" suggestion....I'm sure no one has ever thought of that.

Intelligent and logical people have, but the hand wringing, bed wetting liberals keep clutching their pearls and fighting it. Imagine, thinking that making children more vulnerable is somehow protecting them.
Keep "stoking" your guns, right wingers.....I mean, what could go wrong???

In 2010, guns took the lives of 31,076 Americans in homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings. This is the equivalent of more than 85 deaths each day and more than three deaths each hour.

73,505 Americans were treated in hospital emergency departments for non-fatal gunshot wounds in 2010.

Firearms were the third-leading cause of injury-related deaths nationwide in 2010, following poisoning and motor vehicle accidents.

Between 1955 and 1975, the Vietnam War killed over 58,000 American soldiers – less than the number of civilians killed with guns in the U.S. in an average two-year period.

In the first seven years of the U.S.-Iraq War, over 4,400 American soldiers were killed. Almost as many civilians are killed with guns in the U.S., however, every seven weeks.

Statistics on Gun Deaths & Injuries

31,076? That's a bargain compared to the 765,651 abortion murders in 2010 as reported by the CDC. Are you as concerned about those innocent children too?
so adam would have got them from someone else....

The guy had no job, no money, and frankly, probably would have looked just seedy enough to make even most gun dealers look at him twice.

But I'd be all for suing whoever gave him a gun.
gun dealer?....the dealer im talking about sells out of the trunk of his car....

Well, that guy we can throw in jail. But again, Lanza had NO MONEY to pay that guy.
were theres a will there is a way joe....but keep on reaching....
Actually you just said you don't like stats. Let me repeat it for you:

"The UK doesn't have so many guns, but they have just as many suicides. They just kill themselves other ways"

Hey, half-brained....Are we talking about suicides on this thread or are we talking about a lawsuit against gun manufacturers for putting out assault weapons to MAXIMIZE the number of mass shootings?
Actually you just said you don't like stats. Let me repeat it for you:

"The UK doesn't have so many guns, but they have just as many suicides. They just kill themselves other ways"

Hey, half-brained....Are we talking about suicides on this thread or are we talking about a lawsuit against gun manufacturers for putting out assault weapons to MAXIMIZE the number of mass shootings?

Since you included suicides in your gun violence stats and they are the #1 source of shootings, we are clearly talking about suicides
31,076? That's a bargain compared to the 765,651 abortion murders in 2010 as reported by the CDC. Are you as concerned about those innocent children too?

No nitwit......You dumb ass right wingers are so predictable......."Innocent children" are NOT being aborted. Stop listening to FOX and get a high school education.
Since you included suicides in your gun violence stats and they are the #1 source of shootings, we are clearly talking about suicides

No, nitwit...Did you notice the bolded part of what I cited ??
We seem to "love" gun deaths more than any other so-called civilized countries, don't we, right wingers?


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