Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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What crimes are the children you abort convicted of, Comrade Gnat?

Only fucked up, FOX watchers would call an aborted embryo "children"......BTW, how many abandoned kids have you adopted?

Oh right, that's why the hildabitch was all excited about having a grandchild just as soon as she found out her spawn was preggos. Too much Fox news I guess, ROFLMFAO.
Wrong moron....our violent crime rate is going more Americans own and actually carry are a liar...which is why we do not trust you anti gun morons........nothing you say can be trusted....

not one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment.....those days are over ...we are going to fight you at each step....moron.

Guy, we had 4 people killed and 38 wounded in Chicago over the weekend. This comes after your boy Scalia struck down our common sense gun laws.
I would also like to point out who the President of the US has been for the past 7 1/2 years now? Where is that Hope and Change? The lowering of the oceans and the healing of the planet? Boy did he pull the wool over your eyes.
Guns are manufactured virtually SOLELY for the purpose of killing....

You are one sick fuck. No, the primary use of guns is to not kill. And not be killed.

Unless you're talking about hunting. You a vegetarian? Or you just have someone else slaughter your animals for you before someone else cuts them up or shreds them and serves them on a bun to you?

Hey Nat, remember this question you ran away from? Are you a vegetarian? Or are you a civilized liberal who has other people kill your food for you?
The issue is not the second amendment nor the ownership of guns, it is and always will be mental health. One can outlaw, confiscate, and legislate all they want and it will never stop the flow of guns into the hands of the unbalanced, terrorist, and or criminal element.
Some claim the time has passed, and what time is that? Police are unable to maintain the safety of its citizens from criminal elements, random gang shootings occur on a daily basis, terrorism is on the increase, and its time has passed? Commit a murder in the US today and you will in most cases plead to a lower charge and be back on the streets in 10 years. Come now its time to get a grip on reality, until such time we execute those engaged in gun violence the trend will continue, and unless you have a way to defend yourself you are begging to become just another statistical victim.
Given right wingers' "logic", is there ANY reason why someone could not sell an atomic bomb?
If when the 2nd amendment was written we were talking about a militia with muskets and THAT is now being interpreted as legally owning an AR-15 to whomever wants it......then why NOT a nuclear bomb?

The second amendment says government can't restrict your right to own firearms. It does not say government has to arm you. The ridiculousness that is liberalism
So you have no legal precedent to quote that says people do not have a right to own firearms but I have a Federal Appeals court decision that says they do

If I were you I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the Supreme Court to shit can the second amendment. But I do encourage you to try

Again, the Second Amendment is an idea whose time has come and gone.

Now, in 1787, before we had professional armies and police forces, when hunting was necessary for survival, when you still had roaming bands of Native Americans we hadn't gotten around to genociding yet, the Second Amendment might have been a good idea.

Does it make sense in 2015? Not even a little tiny bit. The thing is, you don't want Joker Holmes or Adam Lanza to have an AR15 any more than I do. But once you say, "You can't have that", it's no longer a "right", it then becomes a privilege.

s0n........well Id say its about time for you to move to Australia or France!!:banana: We're talking about the United States of America might have about 274 people who agree with your sentiment. Know what that means? That means politically, the issue is irrelevant. Three out of four Americans is against a handgun ban!! Would you like me to post up the poll???!! :2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. In fact, only a k00k would make a statement THAT much off the reservation. It would be like me saying, "Hamburgers are unhealthy and have outlived their usefulness in the American diet, thus, should be banned.:spinner:
Nope, but his facination with mass shootings and his reclusive behavior would maybe make a person nervous about leaving guns laying about.

what evidence is there that she kept guns laying around

hint-GUN SAFES protect your weapons when you are away

YOU protect your weapons when you are present

fact-IF I AM WILLING to kill someone to get their weapons, I am probably willing to do something SHORT OF KILLING to get them to open a gun safe

Other then how you feel about it, how do you know they weren't on a rack on the wall? And still, how did he get the .22 he shot her in the head with 6 times ?

The following is a complete accounting of all the firearms, magazines, and ammunition that was available to Adam Lanza on December 14, 2012. All of this material had been legally purchased by Nancy Lanza.


Taken to Sandy Hook Elementary:

Izhmash Saiga 12-gauge semiautomatic shotgun
Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S .223-caliber semiautomatic rifle
Glock 20 10mm semiautomatic handgun
Sig Sauer P226 9mm semiautomatic handgun

Found in Lanza Home:

Savage Mark II bolt-action .22-caliber rifle
Enfield Albian bolt-action .323-caliber rifle
Volcanic .22-caliber starter pistol


The Savage Mark II bolt-action .22-caliber rifle that Adam Lanza used to kill his mother.


Taken to Sandy Hook Elementary:

Two 12-gauge shotgun magazines
10 30-round .223 magazines
6 30-round 9mm magazines
6 30-round 10mm magazines

Found in Lanza Home:

Clear plastic Ramline magazine for an AR-15
Three AGP Arms lnc. 12-gauge shotgun magazines (empty)
One Promag 20 round 12-gauge drum magazine
One MDArms 20 round 12-gauge drum magazine
Two AGP Arms lnc. 12-gauge shotgun magazines, taped together, each with 10 rounds
Surefire GunMag magazine with 8 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge 9 pellet buck
AGP Arms Inc. Gen 2 12-gauge shotgun magazine
Magazine with 10 rounds of .223-caliber bullets


Taken to Sandy Hook Elementary:

20 12-gauge shotgun rounds
301 rounds of .233-caliber ammunition
116 rounds of .9mm ammunition
90 rounds of 10mm ammunition

The Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S .223-caliber semiautomatic rifle that Adam Lanza used to kill 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Found in Lanza Home:

Five Winchester 12-gauge shotgun shells, cut open, with buckshot
White plastic bag containing 30 Winchester 12-gauge shotgun shells
Box with 20 Estate 12-gauge shotgun shells
Four boxes of SB buckshot 12-gauge, 40 rounds
Box of Lightfield 12-gauge slugs
Six “Winchester” 9 pellet buckshot shells (12-gauge)
Two Remington 12-gauge slugs
Winchester 12-gauge 9 pellet buck
10 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge 9 pellet buck
Planters can with numerous .22 and .45 caliber bullets
Wooden box with numerous rounds of Winchester .45-caliber bullets
Two boxes of PPU .45 caliber auto., 100 rounds
Box of “Fiocchi” .45-caliber auto with 48 rounds
Box of Magtech .45-caliber ACP with 30 rounds
Tan bag containing numerous Blazer .45-caliber bullets
Box containing 400 rounds of Winchester Wildcat .22-caliber bullets
Two boxes of .22-caliber long rifle Blazer, 100 rounds
80 rounds of CCI .22-caliber long rifle
31 .22-caliber rounds
Small plastic bag containing numerous .22 caliber bullets
Full box of Blazer .22 caliber long rifle, 50 rounds
Box of 20 Prvi Partizan .30-30 British rifle cartridges
Box of 20 Federal .303 British rifle cartridges
Box of PPU .303-caliber British cartridges with 9 rounds
Box of 20 rounds of Remington .223-caliber
Three Winchester .223-caliber rifle rounds
Six boxes of PMC .223-caliber, 20 rounds each
Three boxes of Blazer 40-caliber S&W, 150 rounds
Two boxes of Winchester 5.56mm, 40 rounds
Two boxes of Underwood 10mm auto, 100 rounds
Box of Underwood 10mm auto with 34 rounds
130 rounds of Lawman 9mm luger in 3 boxes
Box of miscellaneous 9mm rounds, 29 total
Two Win 9mm rounds
Small box of miscellaneous rounds

When Adam killed his sleeping, defenseless mother as she lay in bed, his choice of weapon was the Savage Mark II .22-caliber rifle, a bolt-action firearm that can accept a 10-round magazine. When it came time to travel to Sandy Hook to commit mass murder—and potentially expose himself to harm from responding law enforcement—Lanza discarded the Savage rifle and turned to the Bushmaster XM15-E2S, a semiautomatic rifle that he equipped with 30-round magazines so as to cut down on the number of times he would have to reload.

What Adam Lanza Took, and Didn't Take, to Sandy Hook Elementary

So what? He could have killed those kids with a pump action shotgun, or a handgun........there are millions of people in the country with that and more and they aren't killing isn't the guns or the ammo is the criminal intent and that is damned rare........

Again 3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands...and the year of Sandy Hook.....2 were used to commit mass shootings.....

Whatever kind of anti gun drone you are......I can see you guys are getting frisky thinking hilary will make your gun banning dreams come true.......

That will never happen. Too many people realize that all of our rights are precious. Most people in this country would not go for that.
What crimes are the children you abort convicted of, Comrade Gnat?

Only fucked up, FOX watchers would call an aborted embryo "children"......BTW, how many abandoned kids have you adopted?

And there it is folks. The caring liberal qualifying who is worthy of living and dying. An embryo isn't "human". You have to ignore the fact that every human lucky enough to escape the liberal's knife started out as an embryo. Most with names already selected. So tell me Natalie, what difference does it make to a liberal if a doctor murders a baby in the womb or a criminal murders children in the classroom? Either way, the murderer saw the person being killed as unworthy of life. You can't have it both ways. I realize that you don't want to address the left's culture of death and dehumanization of innocents because it doesn't fit in the worldview you've swallowed, but I don't understand why you piss your pants when a gun was used for the same purpose. What an absolute fuckstain you are.
The peoples right to keep (own) and bear arms shall not be infringed

The militia does not have any rights the PEOPLE hold the right to keep and bear arms

Just because you say something doesn't make it so.

in March 2007 the federal appeals court overturned that ruling, striking down the D.C. gun law. Judge Lawrence Silberman wrote for the 2-1 majority:

U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (2007): The Amendment does not protect “the right of militiamen to keep and bear arms,” but rather “the right of the people.” The operative clause, properly read, protects the ownership and use of weaponry beyond that needed to preserve the state militias.

Court precedents can be overridden. Now that Scalia is being ass raped by demons in Hell, we can get this stupidity overturned pretty quickly.

Oops, the Militia Amendment is about Militias again...
Funny how when homosexual marriages(no rights given in the constitution) were decided by the supreme court a liberal didn't call it stupidity, yet when DC protection law(2nd amendment) was decided by the supreme court, as typical of the hypocrites. they call it stupidity. Joe, you definitely need a time out.

Americans , who are FREE PEOPLE, have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to bears arms to defend their lives and for other lawful purposes

The right is protected PRIMARILY by the Constitution because no authority was conferred upon the federal government to regulate firearms. Since no authority was conferred then the right is also protected by the NINTH AMENDMENT. Our right to bear was was EMPHASIZED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.

This distinction is important because the scumbags are acting as if the 2A allows fedgov to regulate firearms - it doesn't. It is also not true that the COMMERCE CLAUSE allows fedgov the authority to criminalize the possession of firearms in certain cases. It doesn't. SCOTUS rulings to that effect are bald face USURPATIONS and must be ignored.

As free people Americans also have a Constitutional (1787) right protected by the main document and the NINTH AMENDMENT to pursue happiness . Therefore adults can consensually agree to get fucked in the ass. To each his own.

We don't want them infringing on our rights so lets not infringe on theirs.

Hey Nat, remember this question you ran away from? Are you a vegetarian? Or are you a civilized liberal who has other people kill your food for you?

Thanks for asking and caring....I've been a vegetarian for over 40 years......
(Now, go on and write a bunch of moronic posts about "vegetables have feelings too")
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So tell me Natalie

I always find it funny, when right wing imbeciles "assume" that I'm a woman because of my progressive values...
Not that it matters to idiots, but I'm an older, retired MALE who doesn't need guns to prove my manhood.
You have to ignore the fact that every human lucky enough to escape the liberal's knife started out as an embryo.

is there a Godwin's Law type term for threads that devolve to abortion..?

if not, there ought to be...

also should be a word for the lame posters who inevitably take just about every topic there.

BTW are you actually claiming republicans don't abort pregnancies..? :lol:
BTW are you actually claiming republicans don't abort pregnancies..?

....and, of course, all right wingers on here have adopted dozen of kids from mothers who wanted an abortion, because...well, because they "care"....and when these kids are older, they want to send them to Iraq....LOL
Not that it matters to idiots, but I'm an older, retired MALE who doesn't need guns to prove my manhood.

That's funny. None of the male gun owners on the board need guns to prove their manhood either, but they need them for self defense. You fail to grasp that concept. Self defense. Not that they want to kill anyone, but they will if push comes to shove.

When someone has a gun held to your head in a robbery, citing gun law, or threatening to sue the manufacturer of the weapon he's holding against your head will not stop him from blowing your brains out.

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