Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Fine......just a few questions:

True or False about the U.S. having more guns than actual people.

Not known, but probably false.

True or False about the U.S. having more gun deaths than any industrialized country

True, but less knife and blunt object murders than most.

True or False about U.S. gun manufacturers having the ONLY law to protect them from being sued

False, a complete and utter lie.

True or False about the U.S. having more people in prison over murder and homicide charges


True or False about the U.S. having more children killed by guns than anywhere else on this planet.

False, a complete and utter lie
A suit filed by a party without standing to show a tort by the plaintiff is summarily dismissed.

Close, but not quite. A lack of standing is grounds for dismissal upon motion by a defendant. Summary judgement is something different. That's a motion that asks for judgement on legal grounds when there is no material fact in dispute between the parties.

In any event, this was not hearing on a motion for dismissal for lack of standing. Nor was it a hearing for a motion for summary judgement. So like I said....get an education so that you don't have any more accidental abuses of ideas that you don't actually understand how to apply. Neither standing nor summary judgement were questions in this particular hearing.

Well alrighty then sparky..

Motion to Dismiss Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes
Gnat, where did you fly off to?

I want to hear about how auto manufacturers are no protected from suits when people die in crashes?

Gnat, you lied: True or False about U.S. gun manufacturers having the ONLY law to protect them from being sued

So tell us how GM can be sued by the survivors of a hit and run by a Blazer? Come on Gnat, don't run from your filthy lies!
False. There are around 100 million gun owners, registered gun owners. The population of the U.S. is 318.9 million.

No, dimwit.......Many of those gun owners have way more than just one weapon...Reading comprehension issues?
False. Honduras has a rate of 67.18 gun deaths per 100,000 population. The U.S has 10.54 gun deaths per 100,000 population. Those figures all include homicides, suicides, and unintentional deaths related to firearms

Sorry, I did NOT know that Honduras has recently joined the "industrialized" fraternity....LOL
Of course, you right wingers and gun rights proponents are missing the point.....either purposefully or by stupidity. At Sandy Hook, first graders were not "just killed" but torn into pieces by a maniac with a gun intended to be used in military combat..Such guns should NOT be sold to common citizens. The only purpose to sell such guns are either to kill as many people in the shortest number of minutes....OR to satisfy the "machismo" of morons.i

I would be sympathetic to your argument but I believe it should be more like a car, you want one insure it... It is about personal responsibility... You take responsibility for the gun until you report it stolen...

Look at Sandy Hook situation, this woman had a small arsenal in her basement... No lock or gun safe with a son who was very mentally unstable...

Simple insurance would at least forced the woman to have proper security or pay very large premiums...

She paid with her life but her gross negligence cost so many more... Insurance company would pay out in this case...

What's wrong with that... Government just regulate the insurance business like they do today... Have a gun you need the right insurance(gun size, CCC, training...), your choice, your price. Government can keep away from any intrusive regulation.

What you think?

She did not have an arsenal...she had 7 guns......that even earn the name "Collection"...and at least two of them were .22, a bolt action rifle and a pistol......

Any attempt to mandate insurance would be would be the same thing as when the democrats placed a poll tax and literacy tests on the right to vote, in order to prevent blacks from voting.

It would violate the 14th can't mandate fees that keep the poor from exercising a right....

Please.......tell us the link where it said the guns were know he was planning this for about 2 any lock or safe she might have had wasn't going to stop him...right?
Then you would know an "ar" is not a military grade weapon? It's just a sporting rifle...
Get your out of your ass and educate yourself... Lol

Sure, the AR15 is a "sporting rifle" if you want to either have instant deer ground meat, OR kill as many people as possible just for "sport"......
what stupidity. do you know why so many people own these rifles?

1) because they were trained on similar weapons in the military

2) because parts and service are easily available

3) ammo is cheaper due to military surplus

4) most police departments use them

given less than TWO PERCENT of all mURDERS involve ALL rifles, your claim is just coming out of your colon

Let me repeat some of that in English for him.....

"out of your colon" What Turtledude actually said are speaking out of your ass.......and not in a funny way like Jim Carrey........
Fine......just a few questions:

True or False about the U.S. having more guns than actual people.

Not known, but probably false.

True or False about the U.S. having more gun deaths than any industrialized country

True, but less knife and blunt object murders than most.

True or False about U.S. gun manufacturers having the ONLY law to protect them from being sued

False, a complete and utter lie.

True or False about the U.S. having more people in prison over murder and homicide charges


True or False about the U.S. having more children killed by guns than anywhere else on this planet.

False, a complete and utter lie

I am addressing the guy you addressed....I didn't want to have to find his original post......this is directed at the gun grabbing ninny....r

You realize that more children are killed by guns in countries where law abiding citizens cannot legally own guns.....right..?

Accidental gun deaths of children in U.S. in2013....69

Gun murder of children in 2013....129

Other methods of murder of children...over 700
Some perspective on kids and death by guns....from 2013....the actual stats from the CDC...

In 2013 there were over 320,000,000 guns in private hands......

Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703
Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69

How many kids in America in 2010......74.2 million.......
Fuck you. Fuck you big mother fucking time.


First, she facilitated the murder of all those children by making the gun avaliable to her sick offspring. In most states had she not been shot she would have had charges brought and rightfully so. So fuck yo, fuck you big time. She is just as guilty for those dead kids as her with it.

Made it available? He stole the guns and killed her. There's not a state in the Union that would prosecute her even if they COULD prosecute a dead person. It's not like she handed him the gun and then stood there reloading for him.

Can't say for sure anyway else, but it can and has happened here. And the feds can make a case if they wanted to. Adam Lanzas mom is probubly pretty lucky she ain't around to find out, oh, and seeing that she did not properly secure the guns, she would have been the one who should have been held liable monitarily, not the gun companies.

Really? Your state prosecuted someone for being so "irresponsible" as to be murdered and subsequently robbed?

Not as dramatic as all that. A hood rat was taking a nap and two kids were playing with his gun. One shot the other. All this talk about the guns being in a safe, sooo, where did he get the gun to shoot his mom and steal her guns? And if he was crazy, why were they so easy to get to? The mother at a minimum was grossly negligent.

Yeah, do you see the difference between guns locked in a gun safe, and a gun lying out for kids to play with?

Where did he get the gun to shoot her? He stole the key, Mensa Boy.

Can't say for sure anyway else, but it can and has happened here. And the feds can make a case if they wanted to. Adam Lanzas mom is probubly pretty lucky she ain't around to find out, oh, and seeing that she did not properly secure the guns, she would have been the one who should have been held liable monitarily, not the gun companies.

I doubt it. she had no warning he was going to commit capital murder. He had not been adjudicated mentally incompetent nor did he have a criminal record nor was he a fugitive or under indictment

And he was her son. Do we comprehend at ALL how hard it is for a mother to believe that her own son is going to kill her? Not saying it's not possible; just saying it takes a LOT to come to that conclusion.
Or not being able to get a gun for that matter. One thing I read said Lanza was intrested in mass shootings an such. No guns ? Maybe he makes a bomb. Who knows.

Could be. He was fascinated with Columbine, and the Columbine killers DID have explosives as well as guns.
How the hell would a gun manufacturer 5 states over have any idea who you are selling guns to in Chicago? Do you think the cattle rancher knows who is eating his steak at your restaurant? What is it with liberals and a general lack of logic?

Speaking of "logic".......Do you not comprehend that a gun manufacturer that sells assault weapons are selling those weapons UNAWARE that such a weapon may be used to kill as fast and as many people as possible?

in some cases that is proper


1) They are weapons of war and have no place on our streets.
2) The police aren't military.
3) The police need military firepower.

I would be sympathetic to your argument but I believe it should be more like a car, you want one insure it... It is about personal responsibility... You take responsibility for the gun until you report it stolen...

Look at Sandy Hook situation, this woman had a small arsenal in her basement... No lock or gun safe with a son who was very mentally unstable...

Simple insurance would at least forced the woman to have proper security or pay very large premiums...

She paid with her life but her gross negligence cost so many more... Insurance company would pay out in this case...

What's wrong with that... Government just regulate the insurance business like they do today... Have a gun you need the right insurance(gun size, CCC, training...), your choice, your price. Government can keep away from any intrusive regulation.

What you think?

Excellent point regarding needed insurance....But of course, the majority of posters on this thread alone will bitch and moan that its yet another MANDATE.....

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