Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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How the hell would a gun manufacturer 5 states over have any idea who you are selling guns to in Chicago? Do you think the cattle rancher knows who is eating his steak at your restaurant? What is it with liberals and a general lack of logic?

Speaking of "logic".......Do you not comprehend that a gun manufacturer that sells assault weapons are selling those weapons UNAWARE that such a weapon may be used to kill as fast and as many people as possible?

in some cases that is proper


1) They are weapons of war and have no place on our streets.
2) The police aren't military.
3) The police need military firepower.

And that's fine for you. For me, my "assault" weapons are fine right where they are.
and after all're STILL an idiot......go figure....LOL

LOL I am not the one spewing panty crapping idiocy over guns

I am not the guy worshiping a lying bitch who got to where she was only due to her husband.

You're a sheep.
How the hell would a gun manufacturer 5 states over have any idea who you are selling guns to in Chicago? Do you think the cattle rancher knows who is eating his steak at your restaurant? What is it with liberals and a general lack of logic?

Speaking of "logic".......Do you not comprehend that a gun manufacturer that sells assault weapons are selling those weapons UNAWARE that such a weapon may be used to kill as fast and as many people as possible?

in some cases that is proper


1) They are weapons of war and have no place on our streets.
2) The police aren't military.
3) The police need military firepower.

And that's fine for you. For me, my "assault" weapons are fine right where they are.

I agree.

My point is, if assault weapons are weapons of war and have no place on the streets, then police (civilians by the way) have no use for them. If civilian agencies can have them, then so should all civilians.

"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry."
First, she facilitated the murder of all those children by making the gun avaliable to her sick offspring. In most states had she not been shot she would have had charges brought and rightfully so. So fuck yo, fuck you big time. She is just as guilty for those dead kids as her with it.

Made it available? He stole the guns and killed her. There's not a state in the Union that would prosecute her even if they COULD prosecute a dead person. It's not like she handed him the gun and then stood there reloading for him.

Can't say for sure anyway else, but it can and has happened here. And the feds can make a case if they wanted to. Adam Lanzas mom is probubly pretty lucky she ain't around to find out, oh, and seeing that she did not properly secure the guns, she would have been the one who should have been held liable monitarily, not the gun companies.

Really? Your state prosecuted someone for being so "irresponsible" as to be murdered and subsequently robbed?

Not as dramatic as all that. A hood rat was taking a nap and two kids were playing with his gun. One shot the other. All this talk about the guns being in a safe, sooo, where did he get the gun to shoot his mom and steal her guns? And if he was crazy, why were they so easy to get to? The mother at a minimum was grossly negligent.

Yeah, do you see the difference between guns locked in a gun safe, and a gun lying out for kids to play with?

Where did he get the gun to shoot her? He stole the key, Mensa Boy.

Didn't have to the Gun Safe was in his room.

What Adam Lanza Took, and Didn't Take, to Sandy Hook Elementary

And by the way this is what the Yale University said about him after he was presented to them...

It was his father who was pushing for treatment.

So I was wrong there was a gun safe, it was in the mentally disturbed persons room...
Hey douchetard, I know more about this issue than you can fathom. And I am a trial attorney who spent 24 years as a DOJ prosecutor. I also defended the FBI, ATF and DEA in civil suits involving USE OF FORCE and prior to that I was general counsel for everything from major league gun dealers to a Title II machine gun maker

and after all're STILL an idiot......go figure....LOL

Nat you notice how our bastions of individual responsibility want have nothing to do with responsible gun insurance that covers the violence we are talking about.

The whole process is simple before you sell a gun to someone you ask for their insurance and you just transfer ownership...

Why does the right want the government to subsidize gun accidents and incidents like Sandy Hook?
No one wants these things to happen, much like a car accident but you get insurance just in case...

This is about individual responsibility... No gun grabbing, just pay your way...

Nat you notice how our bastions of individual responsibility want have nothing to do with responsible gun insurance that covers the violence we are talking about.

The whole process is simple before you sell a gun to someone you ask for their insurance and you just transfer ownership...

Why does the right want the government to subsidize gun accidents and incidents like Sandy Hook?
No one wants these things to happen, much like a car accident but you get insurance just in case...

This is about individual responsibility... No gun grabbing, just pay your way...

in automobiles, the insurance is apportioned by known risk

good drivers pay far less than members of groups (like teen boys) who have higher rates of claims. Those with lots of accidents or DUI convictions pay much higher rates than say those with 20 years of no claims

more than 80% of gun shot damages are perpetrated by those who cannot even LEGALLY own a gun. Making those who can legally own guns buy insurance means the 20% or so who cause little of the problems are being forced to subsidize the costs imposed by those who cannot be forced and will not buy insurance

Hey douchetard, I know more about this issue than you can fathom. And I am a trial attorney who spent 24 years as a DOJ prosecutor. I also defended the FBI, ATF and DEA in civil suits involving USE OF FORCE and prior to that I was general counsel for everything from major league gun dealers to a Title II machine gun maker

and after all're STILL an idiot......go figure....LOL

Nat you notice how our bastions of individual responsibility want have nothing to do with responsible gun insurance that covers the violence we are talking about.

The whole process is simple before you sell a gun to someone you ask for their insurance and you just transfer ownership...

Why does the right want the government to subsidize gun accidents and incidents like Sandy Hook?
No one wants these things to happen, much like a car accident but you get insurance just in case...

This is about individual responsibility... No gun grabbing, just pay your way...

The whole process is simple before you sell a gun to someone you ask for their insurance and you just transfer ownership...

Great plan

Puts the onus on honest gun owners, and ignoring the criminal element that not only wont' pay insurance, but will laugh at those that do.

and makes millions for insurance companies

Does anyone on the left think through these ideas before they spew them?
What assault weapon?

He had a Bushmaster M4.

Which is a semiautomatic, NOT an assault weapon

Oh, sorry.......the above will surely assuage those parentst in hat their children were NOT torn to pieces by an "asssault" rifle but from a semiautomatic one.......Very comforting....
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Oh, sorry.......the above will surely assuage those parentsthat their children were NOT torn to pieces by an "asssault" rifle but from a semiautomatic one.......Very comforting....

what do you think the death toll would have been if he had attacked with say you basic 5 shot pump shotgun loaded with say #4 buckshot which spews 30+ lethal projectiles with every pull of the trigger

those are the most popular hunting shotguns in the country and the woods, at least here in Ohio, are full of hunters using them to hunt turkeys

BTW assault rifles or the "scary firearms that cause you to soil yourself" don't "tear bodies to pieces"

that would be machetes like were used when african tribes were hacking each other up
so you are just a whining socialist teat suckler who wants a nanny government to take care of you

get a job slacker

For a "lawyer" you have a hard time reading more than one sentence?????
hey, maybe the sanitation dept. is hiring...Give it a shot...........LOL
What assault weapon?

He had a Bushmaster M4.

Which is a semiautomatic, NOT an assault weapon

Oh, sorry.......the above will surely assuage those parentsthat their children were NOT torn to pieces by an "asssault" rifle but from a semiautomatic one.......Very comforting....

No, it won't comfort them a bit.

but maybe, just MAYBE, one less idiot will continue calling it an 'assault' weapon.
For a "lawyer" you have a hard time reading more than one sentence?????
hey, maybe the sanitation dept. is hiring...Give it a shot...........LOL
we ought to compare resumes or cv's or even professions

what sort of degree did you get to be a panty soiler?
why is it that those who support these stupid suits or push for restrictionists on honest gun owners are INVARIABLY left wing Hildabeast or Bernie supporters?
I would be sympathetic to your argument but I believe it should be more like a car, you want one insure it... It is about personal responsibility... You take responsibility for the gun until you report it stolen...

Look at Sandy Hook situation, this woman had a small arsenal in her basement... No lock or gun safe with a son who was very mentally unstable...

Simple insurance would at least forced the woman to have proper security or pay very large premiums...

She paid with her life but her gross negligence cost so many more... Insurance company would pay out in this case...

What's wrong with that... Government just regulate the insurance business like they do today... Have a gun you need the right insurance(gun size, CCC, training...), your choice, your price. Government can keep away from any intrusive regulation.

What you think?

Excellent point regarding needed insurance....But of course, the majority of posters on this thread alone will bitch and moan that its yet another MANDATE.....

Yep......and is just another Poll Tax and Literacy test equivalent on the 2nd Amendment left wing regressives...first you use Poll Taxes to keep blacks from voting, now you want to use mandatory, expensive insurance, to keep poor people from owning guys never change.
People like you are cowards

Yes, using your fucked up "logic"....being against assault weapons that kill indiscriminately makes me a "coward" in your screwed up half brain.....Go massage your "weapon" gun kills indiscriminately.....the owner of the gun pulls the trigger with great discretion.......

And why is it you morons can't understand that with 3,750,000 million "Assault" rifles in private hands......about 2 are used in any year for any kind of crime at all.......can you even comprehend that these rifles are not a problem....?


3,750,000 milllion guns not used to commit murder....and of course you want to take them away from the people not using them to commit murder.....

You are freaking nuts....

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