Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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How the hell would a gun manufacturer 5 states over have any idea who you are selling guns to in Chicago? Do you think the cattle rancher knows who is eating his steak at your restaurant? What is it with liberals and a general lack of logic?

Speaking of "logic".......Do you not comprehend that a gun manufacturer that sells assault weapons are selling those weapons UNAWARE that such a weapon may be used to kill as fast and as many people as possible?

in some cases that is proper


1) They are weapons of war and have no place on our streets.
2) The police aren't military.
3) The police need military firepower.

1 - They are not on our streets as proven by the virtually non-existent death rate from those weapons. IOW, there is no point whatsoever in banning or 'addressing' that particular class of weapon. They are not an issue in any way shape or form.

2 - correct. Which is why 3 is so confusing.

3 - No, they really do not. You do understand that the police and military have VASTLY different functions. The military is the absolute WORST police force you can ask for.

civilian police departments don't have any greater right to deploy lethal force against criminals than other civilians do. I know, I used to represent police departments in "use of force" cases. I also shot a mugger so I know the laws on civilian SD better than most. and if a government entity-state, city or federal government gives a civilian police officer or civilian LE Officer a certain weapon, that means that weapon has been found to be very suitable for CIVILIANS to use for self defense in civilian environments

SO HOW CAN other governmental entities claim that such a weapon has NO legitimate purpose whatsoever being owned by civilians who don't work for the government? many of us are better trained and know the law better than most cops

I certainly do

Pure Sophistry, ^^^, nothing more (by that I mean sagacious thought is missing).

False. Honduras has a rate of 67.18 gun deaths per 100,000 population. The U.S has 10.54 gun deaths per 100,000 population. Those figures all include homicides, suicides, and unintentional deaths related to firearms

Sorry, I did NOT know that Honduras has recently joined the "industrialized" fraternity....LOL
Limiting it to just "industrialized" is an attempt to make America's gun violence look worse than it is.

Dishonest. Murder and violence aren't simply restricted to "industrialized" nations.

Nat you notice how our bastions of individual responsibility want have nothing to do with responsible gun insurance that covers the violence we are talking about.

The whole process is simple before you sell a gun to someone you ask for their insurance and you just transfer ownership...

Why does the right want the government to subsidize gun accidents and incidents like Sandy Hook?
No one wants these things to happen, much like a car accident but you get insurance just in case...

This is about individual responsibility... No gun grabbing, just pay your way...

in automobiles, the insurance is apportioned by known risk

good drivers pay far less than members of groups (like teen boys) who have higher rates of claims. Those with lots of accidents or DUI convictions pay much higher rates than say those with 20 years of no claims

more than 80% of gun shot damages are perpetrated by those who cannot even LEGALLY own a gun. Making those who can legally own guns buy insurance means the 20% or so who cause little of the problems are being forced to subsidize the costs imposed by those who cannot be forced and will not buy insurance


I didn't say insurance companies would keep paying for a guns damage... I said until reported stolen.

This is about the individual responsibility of owning a gun... If someone buys a gun do you think the gun is there responsibility?

Accidents happen, shouldn't victims be compensated... Doesn't the general public deserve the protection if an accident happens while someone is exercising there right to carry a gun.

I will point out that the NRA already sells insurance very close to this... It is not hugely expensive... It only gets expensive if the insurer has not safety training (also provide by the NRA), doesn't secure their weapon and other high risk activity....

Why should the taxpayer pay for irresponsible behaviour... Financially Sandy Hook cost millions... Injuries are also high, about 235 people are shot every day not counting suicides...
Do 100,000 people get shot every year in U.S.? Facebook post says yes

This seems something you insure against... A lot of these are just innocent accidents...

This is not all about death... A serious injury causes a lot more financial stress...

While nobody is required to have gun insurance, the shooter is still financially responsible in an accident or even intentional shooting.

One of the first things we learned about the law in CCW class is that even if justified, the attacker or his family can sue you even if your own life was on the line. Somebody approaches me demanding my wallet. I take my wallet out quickly acting nervous and drop the wallet on the ground. By the time the attacker takes his focus off of me to retrieve the wallet, I pull my gun and kill him.

The police investigate and report that everything I said checked out, lets say there was a surveillance camera in the area. The family then claims a wrongful death suit against me under the guise that I did have an option; I could have just gave him my wallet and he "probably" would have left me alone.

Even police are held personally liable in a shooting on the job. It's one of the laws I really think needs to be changed.
That's your opinion

In my opinion the risk is worth it.

The Parents of the kids slaughtered at Sandy Hook disagree. Let's see what a jury decides after they see the autopsy and crime scene photos.
If the Jimmy Carter wouldn't of closed the insane asylums(liberal compassion) then the murderer of Sandy Hook would of been put away before he killed. Liberal compassion kills more children unborn or born every year.
Limiting it to just "industrialized" is an attempt to make America's gun violence look worse than it is.

Dishonest. Murder and violence aren't simply restricted to "industrialized" nations.

No, limiting it to industrialized countries is drawing an apt comparison. While I'm sure it's the goal of your Libertarian Sugar Daddies to make America more like Honduras, our political, economic and social peer groups Are the other industrialized democracies.
That will never happen. Too many people realize that all of our rights are precious. Most people in this country would not go for that.

Maybe you should have that conversation with the smokers at your workplace who have to smoke 20 feet away from the building after paying $9,00 a pack for their favorite vice.

We'll do the same for the gun nuts.
One of the first things we learned about the law in CCW class is that even if justified, the attacker or his family can sue you even if your own life was on the line. Somebody approaches me demanding my wallet. I take my wallet out quickly acting nervous and drop the wallet on the ground. By the time the attacker takes his focus off of me to retrieve the wallet, I pull my gun and kill him.

Yes, Ray sharing his snuff fantasies.

Look, everyone, a gun nut getting off on the thought of killing someone.

Even police are held personally liable in a shooting on the job. It's one of the laws I really think needs to be changed.

Hey, your city just had to pay off the family of Tamir Rice because officer Trigger couldn't tell the difference between a child with a toy and a crook with a gun.
Limiting it to just "industrialized" is an attempt to make America's gun violence look worse than it is.

Dishonest. Murder and violence aren't simply restricted to "industrialized" nations.

No, limiting it to industrialized countries is drawing an apt comparison. While I'm sure it's the goal of your Libertarian Sugar Daddies to make America more like Honduras, our political, economic and social peer groups Are the other industrialized democracies.
I guess you forgot what happened in the industrialized country of Norway where a liberal left wing nut job went out to a children's retreat and executed kids just having fun(why do liberals have to ruin the fun of others?) Mass Murderer Smirks at Sentence
The man who killed 77 people -- many of them teenagers -- in a bombing and shooting rampage in Norway last July appeared unable to conceal his happiness after he was declared sane and sentenced to 21 years in prison today.

Anders Breivik, a leftwing socialist extremist who admitted to carrying out the massacre in an effort to battle "multiculturalism" in Europe, had previously said that being declared insane -- as prosecutors requested -- would have been the "ultimate humiliation." The 21-year sentence is the maximum under Norwegian law but can be extended later if Breivik is still deemed to be a threat to society.
Oops, we weren't supposed to remember this right Joe? Instead of going after the inanimate object that does no harm, go after the EVIL liberals, execute them, and guess what? No repeat offenders. I say hang the murderers on national TV showing how they piss and shit their pants while they wiggle and squirm as their life breath slowly escapes their lips. Watch how their eyes bug out because there is no oxygen going to them or the brain. In todays technological world, there cant be a mix up where the courts could send an innocent man to the gallows.

If the Jimmy Carter wouldn't of closed the insane asylums(liberal compassion) then the murderer of Sandy Hook would of been put away before he killed. Liberal compassion kills more children unborn or born every year.

Jimmy Carter didn''t close the insane asylums.

Next false argument.
TIMELINE: Deinstitutionalization And Its Consequences
TIMELINE: Deinstitutionalization And Its Consequences
How deinstitutionalization moved thousands of mentally ill people out of hospitals—and into jails and prisons.
Damn Joe caught you in another LIE. Liberals love to lie, all the time. Here is the reason why. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
That will never happen. Too many people realize that all of our rights are precious. Most people in this country would not go for that.

Maybe you should have that conversation with the smokers at your workplace who have to smoke 20 feet away from the building after paying $9,00 a pack for their favorite vice.

We'll do the same for the gun nuts.
You still didn't answer how with the ultimate GUN FREE ZONE, how come Chicago is the Murder Capital of the US? It isn't legal concealed carry citizens out there breaking the law. Your answer, Joe?
I guess you forgot what happened in the industrialized country of Norway where a liberal left wing nut job went out to a children's retreat and executed kids just having fun(why do liberals have to ruin the fun of others?) Mass Murderer Smirks at Sentence Oops,

Do you even read your own links, Stupid?

Anders Breivik, a rightwing extremist who admitted to carrying out the massacre in an effort to battle "multiculturalism" in Europe, had previously said that being declared insane -- as prosecutors requested -- would have been the "ultimate humiliation." The 21-year sentence is the maximum under Norwegian law but can be extended later if Breivik is still deemed to be a threat to society.

Sweet evil Jesus, you do realize that "liberal" is an actual set of beliefs, and "not just something I can throw at anyone I don't like".

Oops, we weren't supposed to remember this right Joe? Instead of going after the inanimate object that does no harm, go after the EVIL liberals, execute them, and guess what? No repeat offenders. I say hang the murderers on national TV showing how they piss and shit their pants while they wiggle and squirm as their life breath slowly escapes their lips. Watch how their eyes bug out because there is no oxygen going to them or the brain. In todays technological world, there cant be a mix up where the courts could send an innocent man to the gallows.

wow, dude, do you like watch snuff films when you aren't here?

The problem with your approach is that it only takes effect AFTER the nutjob has killed a pre-school full of children. That really doesn't help the parents of the kids who are still dead.

Banning guns, or at least limiting their sale to RESPONSIBLE people, would keep that from happening altogether.
I guess you forgot what happened in the industrialized country of Norway where a liberal left wing nut job went out to a children's retreat and executed kids just having fun(why do liberals have to ruin the fun of others?) Mass Murderer Smirks at Sentence Oops,

Do you even read your own links, Stupid?

Anders Breivik, a rightwing extremist who admitted to carrying out the massacre in an effort to battle "multiculturalism" in Europe, had previously said that being declared insane -- as prosecutors requested -- would have been the "ultimate humiliation." The 21-year sentence is the maximum under Norwegian law but can be extended later if Breivik is still deemed to be a threat to society.

Sweet evil Jesus, you do realize that "liberal" is an actual set of beliefs, and "not just something I can throw at anyone I don't like".

Oops, we weren't supposed to remember this right Joe? Instead of going after the inanimate object that does no harm, go after the EVIL liberals, execute them, and guess what? No repeat offenders. I say hang the murderers on national TV showing how they piss and shit their pants while they wiggle and squirm as their life breath slowly escapes their lips. Watch how their eyes bug out because there is no oxygen going to them or the brain. In todays technological world, there cant be a mix up where the courts could send an innocent man to the gallows.

wow, dude, do you like watch snuff films when you aren't here?

The problem with your approach is that it only takes effect AFTER the nutjob has killed a pre-school full of children. That really doesn't help the parents of the kids who are still dead.

Banning guns, or at least limiting their sale to RESPONSIBLE people, would keep that from happening altogether.
Liberals love to paint liberal killers as rightwing, but once again, I prove you wrong.
Conservatives believe in "LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS".
Liberals believe in "Death to children in or out of the womb, freedom for murderers and insane people, government control of the masses, and high taxes. Why else are liberals miserable, when other people are out having a good time? Because liberals can never be happy, they even hate their parents for bringing their sorry asses into the world. Sandy Hook Killer, shot his mother, because he hated her.
I guess you forgot what happened in the industrialized country of Norway where a liberal left wing nut job went out to a children's retreat and executed kids just having fun(why do liberals have to ruin the fun of others?) Mass Murderer Smirks at Sentence Oops,

Do you even read your own links, Stupid?

Anders Breivik, a rightwing extremist who admitted to carrying out the massacre in an effort to battle "multiculturalism" in Europe, had previously said that being declared insane -- as prosecutors requested -- would have been the "ultimate humiliation." The 21-year sentence is the maximum under Norwegian law but can be extended later if Breivik is still deemed to be a threat to society.

Sweet evil Jesus, you do realize that "liberal" is an actual set of beliefs, and "not just something I can throw at anyone I don't like".

Oops, we weren't supposed to remember this right Joe? Instead of going after the inanimate object that does no harm, go after the EVIL liberals, execute them, and guess what? No repeat offenders. I say hang the murderers on national TV showing how they piss and shit their pants while they wiggle and squirm as their life breath slowly escapes their lips. Watch how their eyes bug out because there is no oxygen going to them or the brain. In todays technological world, there cant be a mix up where the courts could send an innocent man to the gallows.

wow, dude, do you like watch snuff films when you aren't here?

The problem with your approach is that it only takes effect AFTER the nutjob has killed a pre-school full of children. That really doesn't help the parents of the kids who are still dead.

Banning guns, or at least limiting their sale to RESPONSIBLE people, would keep that from happening altogether.
Sandy Hook was a GUN FREE ZONE. That means guns were banned from that area. Didn't do those kids or teachers much good. But what stopped that liberal nutjob in the end? Good guys with guns. Damn, got you again.
I guess you forgot what happened in the industrialized country of Norway where a liberal left wing nut job went out to a children's retreat and executed kids just having fun(why do liberals have to ruin the fun of others?) Mass Murderer Smirks at Sentence Oops,

Do you even read your own links, Stupid?

Anders Breivik, a rightwing extremist who admitted to carrying out the massacre in an effort to battle "multiculturalism" in Europe, had previously said that being declared insane -- as prosecutors requested -- would have been the "ultimate humiliation." The 21-year sentence is the maximum under Norwegian law but can be extended later if Breivik is still deemed to be a threat to society.

Sweet evil Jesus, you do realize that "liberal" is an actual set of beliefs, and "not just something I can throw at anyone I don't like".

Oops, we weren't supposed to remember this right Joe? Instead of going after the inanimate object that does no harm, go after the EVIL liberals, execute them, and guess what? No repeat offenders. I say hang the murderers on national TV showing how they piss and shit their pants while they wiggle and squirm as their life breath slowly escapes their lips. Watch how their eyes bug out because there is no oxygen going to them or the brain. In todays technological world, there cant be a mix up where the courts could send an innocent man to the gallows.

wow, dude, do you like watch snuff films when you aren't here?

The problem with your approach is that it only takes effect AFTER the nutjob has killed a pre-school full of children. That really doesn't help the parents of the kids who are still dead.

Banning guns, or at least limiting their sale to RESPONSIBLE people, would keep that from happening altogether.
Sandy Hook was a GUN FREE ZONE. That means guns were banned from that area. Didn't do those kids or teachers much good. But what stopped that liberal nutjob in the end? Good guys with guns. Damn, got you again.

. But what stopped that liberal nutjob in the end?

He ate one of his own bullets

Nat you notice how our bastions of individual responsibility want have nothing to do with responsible gun insurance that covers the violence we are talking about.

The whole process is simple before you sell a gun to someone you ask for their insurance and you just transfer ownership...

Why does the right want the government to subsidize gun accidents and incidents like Sandy Hook?
No one wants these things to happen, much like a car accident but you get insurance just in case...

This is about individual responsibility... No gun grabbing, just pay your way...

in automobiles, the insurance is apportioned by known risk

good drivers pay far less than members of groups (like teen boys) who have higher rates of claims. Those with lots of accidents or DUI convictions pay much higher rates than say those with 20 years of no claims

more than 80% of gun shot damages are perpetrated by those who cannot even LEGALLY own a gun. Making those who can legally own guns buy insurance means the 20% or so who cause little of the problems are being forced to subsidize the costs imposed by those who cannot be forced and will not buy insurance


I didn't say insurance companies would keep paying for a guns damage... I said until reported stolen.

This is about the individual responsibility of owning a gun... If someone buys a gun do you think the gun is there responsibility?

Accidents happen, shouldn't victims be compensated... Doesn't the general public deserve the protection if an accident happens while someone is exercising there right to carry a gun.

I will point out that the NRA already sells insurance very close to this... It is not hugely expensive... It only gets expensive if the insurer has not safety training (also provide by the NRA), doesn't secure their weapon and other high risk activity....

Why should the taxpayer pay for irresponsible behaviour... Financially Sandy Hook cost millions... Injuries are also high, about 235 people are shot every day not counting suicides...
Do 100,000 people get shot every year in U.S.? Facebook post says yes

This seems something you insure against... A lot of these are just innocent accidents...

This is not all about death... A serious injury causes a lot more financial stress...
So you want legalized extortion... Lol
That will never happen. Too many people realize that all of our rights are precious. Most people in this country would not go for that.

Maybe you should have that conversation with the smokers at your workplace who have to smoke 20 feet away from the building after paying $9,00 a pack for their favorite vice.

We'll do the same for the gun nuts.
Smoking is not a right... Firearm ownership is. Dumbass
One of the first things we learned about the law in CCW class is that even if justified, the attacker or his family can sue you even if your own life was on the line. Somebody approaches me demanding my wallet. I take my wallet out quickly acting nervous and drop the wallet on the ground. By the time the attacker takes his focus off of me to retrieve the wallet, I pull my gun and kill him.

Yes, Ray sharing his snuff fantasies.

Look, everyone, a gun nut getting off on the thought of killing someone.

Even police are held personally liable in a shooting on the job. It's one of the laws I really think needs to be changed.

Hey, your city just had to pay off the family of Tamir Rice because officer Trigger couldn't tell the difference between a child with a toy and a crook with a gun.
Shit happens

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