Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Nat you notice how our bastions of individual responsibility want have nothing to do with responsible gun insurance that covers the violence we are talking about.

The whole process is simple before you sell a gun to someone you ask for their insurance and you just transfer ownership...

Why does the right want the government to subsidize gun accidents and incidents like Sandy Hook?
No one wants these things to happen, much like a car accident but you get insurance just in case...

This is about individual responsibility... No gun grabbing, just pay your way...

in automobiles, the insurance is apportioned by known risk

good drivers pay far less than members of groups (like teen boys) who have higher rates of claims. Those with lots of accidents or DUI convictions pay much higher rates than say those with 20 years of no claims

more than 80% of gun shot damages are perpetrated by those who cannot even LEGALLY own a gun. Making those who can legally own guns buy insurance means the 20% or so who cause little of the problems are being forced to subsidize the costs imposed by those who cannot be forced and will not buy insurance


I didn't say insurance companies would keep paying for a guns damage... I said until reported stolen.

This is about the individual responsibility of owning a gun... If someone buys a gun do you think the gun is there responsibility?

Accidents happen, shouldn't victims be compensated... Doesn't the general public deserve the protection if an accident happens while someone is exercising there right to carry a gun.

I will point out that the NRA already sells insurance very close to this... It is not hugely expensive... It only gets expensive if the insurer has not safety training (also provide by the NRA), doesn't secure their weapon and other high risk activity....

Why should the taxpayer pay for irresponsible behaviour... Financially Sandy Hook cost millions... Injuries are also high, about 235 people are shot every day not counting suicides...
Do 100,000 people get shot every year in U.S.? Facebook post says yes

This seems something you insure against... A lot of these are just innocent accidents...

This is not all about death... A serious injury causes a lot more financial stress...

Thing is, the people doing the shooting don't care much about insurance or law lawsuits.
Well, we have amply heard from the right wingers and their "love" of guns....a love mostly based on fear of the bad-ass government placing them into "relocation camps"...and a need to show how truly macho they can be on a message board.....

But there is a simple thought to ponder in everyone's privacy of one's own conscience:

Which side of this pro or anti assault weapons' argument would Adam Lanza be supporting???
Adam Lanza before 1976 would of been put in an insane asylum by his mother, but since Jimmy Carter's, liberal compassion, when she needed help, there wasn't any there. Liberalism is the death of millions.
As for relocation camps, if there wasn't a 2nd amendment, many of YOU would be working in those today. See picture below, dumbass.
Adam Lanza before 1976 would of been put in an insane asylum by his mother, but since Jimmy Carter's, liberal compassion, when she needed help, there wasn't any there. Liberalism is the death of millions.
As for relocation camps, if there wasn't a 2nd amendment, many of YOU would be working in those today. See picture below, dumbass.

...and here chimes in yet ANOTHER ignorant right wing idiot........It was NOT Carter who eliminated "insane asylum".....It was your "hero" Reagan.

Over 30 years ago, when Reagan was elected President in 1980, he discarded a law proposed by his predecessor that would have continued funding federal community mental health centers. This basically eliminated services for people struggling with mental illness.

He made similar decisions while he was the governor of California, releasing more than half of the state’s mental hospital patients and passing a law that abolished involuntary hospitalization of people struggling with mental illness. This started a national trend of de-institutionalization.
Did Reagan’s Crazy Mental Health Policies Cause Today’s Homelessness? – Poverty Insights
Adam Lanza before 1976 would of been put in an insane asylum by his mother, but since Jimmy Carter's, liberal compassion, when she needed help, there wasn't any there. Liberalism is the death of millions.
As for relocation camps, if there wasn't a 2nd amendment, many of YOU would be working in those today. See picture below, dumbass.

...and here chimes in yet ANOTHER ignorant right wing idiot........It was NOT Carter who eliminated "insane asylum".....It was your "hero" Reagan.

Over 30 years ago, when Reagan was elected President in 1980, he discarded a law proposed by his predecessor that would have continued funding federal community mental health centers. This basically eliminated services for people struggling with mental illness.

He made similar decisions while he was the governor of California, releasing more than half of the state’s mental hospital patients and passing a law that abolished involuntary hospitalization of people struggling with mental illness. This started a national trend of de-institutionalization.
Did Reagan’s Crazy Mental Health Policies Cause Today’s Homelessness? – Poverty Insights
If a liberal says it enough, they believe that people will believe what they say(I did not have sexual relations with that woman)
Apr 27, 2016 at 7:31 AM #1451

andaronjimVIP Member

If the Jimmy Carter wouldn't of closed the insane asylums(liberal compassion) then the murderer of Sandy Hook would of been put away before he killed. Liberal compassion kills more children unborn or born every year.
Click to expand...
Jimmy Carter didn''t close the insane asylums.

Next false argument.
Click to expand...
TIMELINE: Deinstitutionalization And Its Consequences

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Well, we have amply heard from the right wingers and their "love" of guns....a love mostly based on fear of the bad-ass government placing them into "relocation camps"...and a need to show how truly macho they can be on a message board.....

But there is a simple thought to ponder in everyone's privacy of one's own conscience:

Which side of this pro or anti assault weapons' argument would Adam Lanza be supporting???
He was a progressive = pussy whipped
Meaningless point.

Most people who support the second amendment do not have illusions of fighting the government. They just want to protect their right to defend themselves and their families.

Why would any of you have a problem with that?

Defending yourselves from EXACTLY WHAT?????

A burglar? A bear? A salesman?...............The point here is NOT to take away all your cute little guns....the point is that assault-style-kill-as-many-people-as-possible-in-shortest-time kind of weapons have NO place in a civilized society.
It's none of the federal governments business who owns what, whether it be type firearms/number of firearms, how much money anyone makes or how much energy anyone consumes.
...anyway dip shits like yourself have no clue the difference between a sporting rifle and a military grade weapon.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle. Dumbass
Adam Lanza before 1976 would of been put in an insane asylum by his mother, but since Jimmy Carter's, liberal compassion, when she needed help, there wasn't any there. Liberalism is the death of millions.
As for relocation camps, if there wasn't a 2nd amendment, many of YOU would be working in those today. See picture below, dumbass.

...and here chimes in yet ANOTHER ignorant right wing idiot........It was NOT Carter who eliminated "insane asylum".....It was your "hero" Reagan.

Over 30 years ago, when Reagan was elected President in 1980, he discarded a law proposed by his predecessor that would have continued funding federal community mental health centers. This basically eliminated services for people struggling with mental illness.

He made similar decisions while he was the governor of California, releasing more than half of the state’s mental hospital patients and passing a law that abolished involuntary hospitalization of people struggling with mental illness. This started a national trend of de-institutionalization.
Did Reagan’s Crazy Mental Health Policies Cause Today’s Homelessness? – Poverty Insights
Yes, using your fucked up "logic"....being against assault weapons that kill indiscriminately makes me a "coward" in your screwed up half brain.....Go massage your "weapon"

What is an "assault weapon," gnat? If that is any rifle with a detachable magazine as you retards normally claim, then shouldn't the .22 that I've had for over 40 years have racked up a massive body count?

Yet it's never killed anyone... must be defective...

So gnat, just how many killings are these "assault weapons" responsible for each year? Must be a lot, right?

Unless, you're just an anti-liberty scumbag lying to promote your war on civil rights..

Oh, is THIS how you kick peoples asses. gnat? :dunno:
listen moron. assault weapons are rarely used in murders. Less than two percent of all homicides involve the class of firearms that "assault weapons" are a sub part of. Hammers and knives, fists and baseball bats are used in more murders than the style of firearms that cause you to void in your panties.

so you are both a moron and a liar. You hear the word "assault weapon" and your bladder fails. because you are ignorant of firearms, and a leftwing idiot who hates the NRA and its support of conservative candidates. That is what motivates your stupidity

Now you're just confusing the little Khmer Rouge fuck. Gnat has an aversion to fact and reality, as all leftists do...
If the Jimmy Carter wouldn't of closed the insane asylums(liberal compassion) then the murderer of Sandy Hook would of been put away before he killed. Liberal compassion kills more children unborn or born every year.

It is rather amusing that even when right wing morons have been kicked to the curb....they don't even realize.

Besides all that, learn to write "WOULD HAVE" and NOT, "would of", you ignorant moron.
Well, we have amply heard from the right wingers and their "love" of guns....a love mostly based on fear of the bad-ass government placing them into "relocation camps"...and a need to show how truly macho they can be on a message board.....

But there is a simple thought to ponder in everyone's privacy of one's own conscience:

Which side of this pro or anti assault weapons' argument would Adam Lanza be supporting???

He would support your side.......because he could still get an AR-15 if it was illegal....normal people would not.......thanks for supporting the side of a mass must be proud.
Meaningless point.

Most people who support the second amendment do not have illusions of fighting the government. They just want to protect their right to defend themselves and their families.

Why would any of you have a problem with that?

Defending yourselves from EXACTLY WHAT?????

A burglar? A bear? A salesman?...............The point here is NOT to take away all your cute little guns....the point is that assault-style-kill-as-many-people-as-possible-in-shortest-time kind of weapons have NO place in a civilized society.

Wrong....and doubly wrong......there is no mass shooting that has occurred that could not have been done with pistols and shotguns instead of the AR-15 that was used. Not one.

And that is the key...once they get the AR-15.......3,750,000 in private hands and 2 were used in 2012 for mass you understand those numbers? Once they get rid of the AR-15 and the next shooter uses pistols and shotguns...then we have to get rid of those weapons which they will say were only designed to kill as many people as possible part 2......

We know how you think....AR-15s are not used in crime or mass shootings in a relevant way....compared to the 3,750,000 that were not used that year to commit any crime....

If the police have the weapon.....if the military has a weapon...we get that weapon...history has shown why that is some....look up Germany 1920-1945......
If the Jimmy Carter wouldn't of closed the insane asylums(liberal compassion) then the murderer of Sandy Hook would of been put away before he killed. Liberal compassion kills more children unborn or born every year.

It is rather amusing that even when right wing morons have been kicked to the curb....they don't even realize.

Besides all that, learn to write "WOULD HAVE" and NOT, "would of", you ignorant moron.
Only ignorant morons are those that voted for Obama twice. Those that voted for him the first time, realized that they were duped. The second time, just plain stupid. Have you notice that in the inner cites like Chicago(where Obama was from) blacks killing blacks don't seem to matter? Yet the OP had to bring up Sandy Hook. Did you know that the Fort Hood Massacre more people were shot than at Sandy Hook? Allah uh Akbar is another reason an armed citizenry is needed. This Administration is allowing 20,000 Syrian refugees in, with 5% being terrorists. That means 100 of them are out to kill US citizens. So much for Obama swearing to protect the citizens of the US.
et the OP had to bring up Sandy Hook. Did you know that the Fort Hood Massacre more people were shot than at Sandy Hook?

Hey, moron.........This thread IS about Sandy Hook....NOT Ft. Hood......Sandy Hook had babies killed into pieces.
We know how you think....AR-15s are not used in crime or mass shootings in a relevant way....compared to the 3,750,000 that were not used that year to commit any crime....

Given THAT stupid "rationale" then its OK to have Iran explode a nuke, since thousands of other nukes have not been used?
He would support your side.......because he could still get an AR-15 if it was illegal....normal people would not.....

Find a grown up to read the above back to you...and see if it makes any kind of freaking sense.
We know how you think....AR-15s are not used in crime or mass shootings in a relevant way....compared to the 3,750,000 that were not used that year to commit any crime....

Given THAT stupid "rationale" then its OK to have Iran explode a nuke, since thousands of other nukes have not been used?

Given that you are just killed 35,000 people accidentally in 2013.....guns 8,124, intentionally, 505 obviously support banning all privately owned vehicles...right moron......if you keep the same logic as you do for guns...moron.

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