Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Liberals love to paint liberal killers as rightwing, but once again, I prove you wrong.
Conservatives believe in "LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS".

No, you don't. Clearly, given your way, you'd oppress the shit out of gays, poor people, women seeking abortions, or anyone who doesn't pray to your magic sky pixie. You are a tool of the rich, and too stupid to realize it.
So gays are allowed to oppress normal people and you have no problem with that. Why is it after 7 1/2 years of Obama there are more poor people? Because liberals don't give a rats ass about the poor, children or anyone else, because it is all about the liberal. Women seeking abortions should of kept their legs closed, not fuck like Bill Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) and now you EVIL people want people like Bill in women's bathrooms. The difference between US and you is that we KNOW what is right and wrong, good and evil, while you insane ones have greyed everything to the point that a man with a pecker and balls, can have tits and THINK he is a girl. Guess you didn't realize that Warren Buffet is RICH. Bill Gates is RICH. Al GORE is RICH. Bill Clinton and the vagina candidate is RICH. Talk about a fool for the rich, go look in the mirror and say, "Joe, I do have a little Homer Simpson in me". Poison Pero is RIGHT!: Cass Sunstein (Obama Regulatory/'Manipulatory' Czar)
The "Homer Simpson" reference is a nice way to say we are all ignorant fools, but this kind of talking down to the American people is a given in Obamaville. So, I'm going to skip over it and go to the important part of the quote.
Such stupid people who continue to vote Dumbocrat.
With 33,000 born and unborn babies being executed on the abortion table each month, should they ban abortion clinics, which kills 10,000 times more babies in a year than an assault rifle?

No, those are good killings. The babies are happy to die to promote leftism.

You must understand "good die" and "bad die." Gnat is all for the death of babies, provided it is in the holy sacrament of Abortion (infant sacrifice.)

Gnat would have loved life with the Mayans, they had the same basic respect for human life.
We know how you think....AR-15s are not used in crime or mass shootings in a relevant way....compared to the 3,750,000 that were not used that year to commit any crime....

Given THAT stupid "rationale" then its OK to have Iran explode a nuke, since thousands of other nukes have not been used?

Given that you are just killed 35,000 people accidentally in 2013.....guns 8,124, intentionally, 505 obviously support banning all privately owned vehicles...right moron......if you keep the same logic as you do for guns...moron.
He's like a clown show, thinking any more laws will help any of this is stupidly ignorant.
Think of it as the war on drugs making them more "illegal" with more laws... did that help?
These dumbass gun grabbers don't have a lick of common sense… LOL
The OP feigns concern about the number of deaths of children by guns. I'm simply asking if they are equally concerned by the 10 times larger death of children by abortion.

Fetuses aren't children. Next lame argument?
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Funny how Joe thinks babies born outside the womb and killed on the table are Fetuses. Sociopaths feel that way.
Liberals love to paint liberal killers as rightwing, but once again, I prove you wrong.
Conservatives believe in "LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS".

No, you don't. Clearly, given your way, you'd oppress the shit out of gays, poor people, women seeking abortions, or anyone who doesn't pray to your magic sky pixie. You are a tool of the rich, and too stupid to realize it.
So gays are allowed to oppress normal people and you have no problem with that. Why is it after 7 1/2 years of Obama there are more poor people? Because liberals don't give a rats ass about the poor, children or anyone else, because it is all about the liberal. Women seeking abortions should of kept their legs closed, not fuck like Bill Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) and now you EVIL people want people like Bill in women's bathrooms. The difference between US and you is that we KNOW what is right and wrong, good and evil, while you insane ones have greyed everything to the point that a man with a pecker and balls, can have tits and THINK he is a girl. Guess you didn't realize that Warren Buffet is RICH. Bill Gates is RICH. Al GORE is RICH. Bill Clinton and the vagina candidate is RICH. Talk about a fool for the rich, go look in the mirror and say, "Joe, I do have a little Homer Simpson in me". Poison Pero is RIGHT!: Cass Sunstein (Obama Regulatory/'Manipulatory' Czar)
The "Homer Simpson" reference is a nice way to say we are all ignorant fools, but this kind of talking down to the American people is a given in Obamaville. So, I'm going to skip over it and go to the important part of the quote.
Such stupid people who continue to vote Dumbocrat.
The Democrats know they have the poor peoples vote… They're takers and users. LOL

So you don't care when babies are killed by butcher's knives(which is why you smiled) but because the liberal talking points is to ban guns, then you "act" indignant when some left wing lunatic goes into a GUN FREE ZONE, and kills 10,000's less babies?

Gnat seeks to end civil rights.

If saving children will aid in ending civil rights, he will support it.

If killing children will aid in ending civil rights, Gnat will call for the death of children.

Anything which strips the American people of rights is what Gnat, and all of the Khmer Rouge democrats, support.
The real reason why Joe and other liberals want guns out of the hands of working citizens? People like this teen couldn't stop Joe for raping, or stealing or killing unarmed citizens. That is why liberals are sociopaths. Teen Shoots Burglar With Dad's Assault Rifle - Blur Brain
This story is about two weeks old now. What’s that? You didn’t hear about it from the State Run Media? Well shucks! Truth is, stories about law abiding civilians using guns to thwart crime and defend themselves never seem to be as newsworthy as stories about nutjobs who misuse firearms. I wonder why? Maybe because they don’t promote the media’s anti-gun agenda.
Back in the day, people like Joe were admitted to the rubber room, now they run free in America.
The OP feigns concern about the number of deaths of children by guns. I'm simply asking if they are equally concerned by the 10 times larger death of children by abortion.

Fetuses aren't children. Next lame argument?

Fetuses aren't children? That's your argument? Seriously? Did your mother consider you her child when you were in the womb? On the off chance that you found a willing mate and procreated, were you indifferent to the life growing in your wife's womb? Did you actually care for it once it was born? What is it with you culture of death, pro-abortion types? Why do you hate humanity so much? Did your mother beat you as a child?
That will never happen. Too many people realize that all of our rights are precious. Most people in this country would not go for that.

Maybe you should have that conversation with the smokers at your workplace who have to smoke 20 feet away from the building after paying $9,00 a pack for their favorite vice.

We'll do the same for the gun nuts.

Is there a constitutional right to smoke?
I guess you forgot what happened in the industrialized country of Norway where a liberal left wing nut job went out to a children's retreat and executed kids just having fun(why do liberals have to ruin the fun of others?) Mass Murderer Smirks at Sentence Oops,

Do you even read your own links, Stupid?

Anders Breivik, a rightwing extremist who admitted to carrying out the massacre in an effort to battle "multiculturalism" in Europe, had previously said that being declared insane -- as prosecutors requested -- would have been the "ultimate humiliation." The 21-year sentence is the maximum under Norwegian law but can be extended later if Breivik is still deemed to be a threat to society.

Sweet evil Jesus, you do realize that "liberal" is an actual set of beliefs, and "not just something I can throw at anyone I don't like".

Oops, we weren't supposed to remember this right Joe? Instead of going after the inanimate object that does no harm, go after the EVIL liberals, execute them, and guess what? No repeat offenders. I say hang the murderers on national TV showing how they piss and shit their pants while they wiggle and squirm as their life breath slowly escapes their lips. Watch how their eyes bug out because there is no oxygen going to them or the brain. In todays technological world, there cant be a mix up where the courts could send an innocent man to the gallows.

wow, dude, do you like watch snuff films when you aren't here?

The problem with your approach is that it only takes effect AFTER the nutjob has killed a pre-school full of children. That really doesn't help the parents of the kids who are still dead.

Banning guns, or at least limiting their sale to RESPONSIBLE people, would keep that from happening altogether.

You seem to think that guns are just going to disappear. Lol.
Lets try to decipher slow-witted, right wingers' "logic"......

Any.....and I mean ANY drug dealer could pose a "defense" when caught by stating, "Hey, I only sell the stuff, how people who buy it use it, is THEIR concern, not mine...."

Now, the same slow-witted, right wingers will counter....."But, NO, drugs are illegal and THAT is why a drug dealer should/must be arrested and charged..."

The counter argument is blown apart, when we return to the original argument posed by this thread; i.e., a judge found enough evidence to conclude that a lawsuit against the gun manufacturer should be allowed to proceed and that case law would set a precedent against the indiscriminate sale of weapons which could basically be labeled, WMDs since their only true purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.
....against the indiscriminate sale of weapons which could basically be labeled, WMDs since their only true purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.
This is a lie.
Why does it not bother you that you have to lie to make your points?
Why does it not bother you that you can only make your points at the expense of innocent children?
Lets try to decipher slow-witted, right wingers' "logic"......

Any.....and I mean ANY drug dealer could pose a "defense" when caught by stating, "Hey, I only sell the stuff, how people who buy it use it, is THEIR concern, not mine...."

Now, the same slow-witted, right wingers will counter....."But, NO, drugs are illegal and THAT is why a drug dealer should/must be arrested and charged..."

The counter argument is blown apart, when we return to the original argument posed by this thread; i.e., a judge found enough evidence to conclude that a lawsuit against the gun manufacturer should be allowed to proceed and that case law would set a precedent against the indiscriminate sale of weapons which could basically be labeled, WMDs since their only true purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

Except for one crucial difference. Manufacturing weapons is not illegal and gun ownership is a constitutional right. :)
Lets try to decipher slow-witted, right wingers' "logic"......

Any.....and I mean ANY drug dealer could pose a "defense" when caught by stating, "Hey, I only sell the stuff, how people who buy it use it, is THEIR concern, not mine...."

Now, the same slow-witted, right wingers will counter....."But, NO, drugs are illegal and THAT is why a drug dealer should/must be arrested and charged..."

The counter argument is blown apart, when we return to the original argument posed by this thread; i.e., a judge found enough evidence to conclude that a lawsuit against the gun manufacturer should be allowed to proceed and that case law would set a precedent against the indiscriminate sale of weapons which could basically be labeled, WMDs since their only true purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

This is just a really stupid post. Lol.
Except for one crucial difference. Manufacturing weapons is not illegal and gun ownership is a constitutional right. :)

Surely there must be a grown up around your basement to explain my post to you......The Constitutional right to own a weapon was written when we had muskets........Any moron could then interpret the 2nd Amendment to also include the "right" to secure and own a nuclear devise, a bazooka, a tank , etc.

This thread (for those slow-witted, right wingers) is NOT about stopping the sale of any guns....BUT the sale of guns whose only purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest of time......(and, of course, for macho men to provide an extension to their small penises.)
Except for one crucial difference. Manufacturing weapons is not illegal and gun ownership is a constitutional right. :)

Surely there must be a grown up around your basement to explain my post to you......The Constitutional right to own a weapon was written when we had muskets........Any moron could then interpret the 2nd Amendment to also include the "right" to secure and own a nuclear devise, a bazooka, a tank , etc.

This thread (for those slow-witted, right wingers) is NOT about stopping the sale of any guns....BUT the sale of guns whose only purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest of time......(and, of course, for macho men to provide an extension to their small penises.)

It is a constitutional right, whether you like it or not. That is just a fact. Accept it.
Surely there must be a grown up around your basement to explain my post to you......The Constitutional right to own a weapon was written when we had muskets........Any moron could then interpret the 2nd Amendment to also include the "right" to secure and own a nuclear devise, a bazooka, a tank , etc.
More bigoted, mindless nonsense from the village useful idiot.

...BUT the sale of guns whose only purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest of time......(and, of course, for macho men to provide an extension to their small penises.)
Why does it not bother you that you have to lie to make your points?
Why does it not bother you that you can only make your points at the expense of innocent children?
Lets try to decipher slow-witted, right wingers' "logic"......

Any.....and I mean ANY drug dealer could pose a "defense" when caught by stating, "Hey, I only sell the stuff, how people who buy it use it, is THEIR concern, not mine...."

Now, the same slow-witted, right wingers will counter....."But, NO, drugs are illegal and THAT is why a drug dealer should/must be arrested and charged..."

The counter argument is blown apart, when we return to the original argument posed by this thread; i.e., a judge found enough evidence to conclude that a lawsuit against the gun manufacturer should be allowed to proceed and that case law would set a precedent against the indiscriminate sale of weapons which could basically be labeled, WMDs since their only true purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.
Firearm ownership is an right... Live with it...

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