Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Except for one crucial difference. Manufacturing weapons is not illegal and gun ownership is a constitutional right. :)

Surely there must be a grown up around your basement to explain my post to you......The Constitutional right to own a weapon was written when we had muskets........Any moron could then interpret the 2nd Amendment to also include the "right" to secure and own a nuclear devise, a bazooka, a tank , etc.

This thread (for those slow-witted, right wingers) is NOT about stopping the sale of any guns....BUT the sale of guns whose only purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest of time......(and, of course, for macho men to provide an extension to their small penises.)

You and joe keep bringing up penis... Yes, yes we know your obsession with them, you don't have to remind us…
We are told by that silly bitch judge that the AR15 is not a good self defense weapon but its too deadly for people to own. So is that not a contradiction? Is that not exactly what you want in a self defense weapon? I do not want a squirt gun to piss off the people breaking down my door. This is a gun control by back door and nothing more. The AR15 in 223 is not a particularly lethal caliber. Its much less deadly than a 3006 or 308. But the libtard does not care about fact. A shot gun is much more deadly at the range Lanza was at then the AR. Never forget Fienstein who said after complaints about the Clintion crime bill in 94 "If I could have said Mr. and Mrs. America turn them all in I would have done it" The libtard does not want ARs and AKs and they will leave your shot guns and hunting rifles alone. They are like Hitler saying after Czechoslovakia that he would not take any more land. Don't buy this shit at all.
The founders determined that we the people have the right to defend ourselves, our livelihoods and our property. It's all part of being free in a free country.

Just because some crazy people or criminals will abuse the right and misuse weapons, that is not a good enough reason to punish the law abiding people who own weapons.

The vast majority of legal gun owners never shoot or kill anyone. That's a fact.
We are told by that silly bitch judge that the AR15 is not a good self defense weapon but its too deadly for people to own. So is that not a contradiction? Is that not exactly what you want in a self defense weapon? I do not want a squirt gun to piss off the people breaking down my door. This is a gun control by back door and nothing more. The AR15 in 223 is not a particularly lethal caliber. Its much less deadly than a 3006 or 308. But the libtard does not care about fact. A shot gun is much more deadly at the range Lanza was at then the AR. Never forget Fienstein who said after complaints about the Clintion crime bill in 94 "If I could have said Mr. and Mrs. America turn them all in I would have done it" The libtard does not want ARs and AKs and they will leave your shot guns and hunting rifles alone. They are like Hitler saying after Czechoslovakia that he would not take any more land. Don't buy this shit at all.
Ask any progressive on the specifics of a military grade weapon vs a sporting rifle like an ar15... Its crickets. Liken to a bag of hammers... They are Stupidly ignorant on the subject. Lol
Here's What the Mainstream Media WON'T Tell You About Mass Shootings - Allen B. West -

There are about 319 million people in the United States, so that means there are about 118 million gun owners in this nation.

The “Mass Shooting Tracker” counts any incident where four or more people are shot, whether fatally or not, as a mass shooting. For 2015 so far, this tracker counts 294 incidents — of those, there are names for only 45 of the shooters, which leads me to believe the others are gang or crime related. But let’s assume for a moment all 294 shooters were actually law-abiding, legal gun owners.

That means, out of 118 million gun owners, 249 or .00025 percent of the gun-owning population are potential mass shooters.

Of course, now the gun control activists are out in force. Any person who legally owns a gun must be a certified nut bag.

It is a sad truth that there are likely more mentally ill individuals in our nation who will one day get their hands on guns, legally or illegally, and take the lives of some innocent souls.

But some perspective is needed.

According to the Mass Shooting Tracker, 375 individuals have been killed during a mass shooting in 2015.

Now compare that number to 10,076. According to MADD, that’s the number of people killed during drunk driving crashes in 2013 alone. In fact, every day in America, another 28 people die in drunk driving crashes. Every. Single. Day.

Using the liberal logic of banning guns because of tragic (and thankfully, comparatively rare) mass shootings undertaken by crazy white folks (and some not so white), should we not then ban cars?

Cars clearly cause many more fatalities in terms of numbers each day than whack nuts with a gun.
Lets try to decipher slow-witted, right wingers' "logic"......

Any.....and I mean ANY drug dealer could pose a "defense" when caught by stating, "Hey, I only sell the stuff, how people who buy it use it, is THEIR concern, not mine...."

Now, the same slow-witted, right wingers will counter....."But, NO, drugs are illegal and THAT is why a drug dealer should/must be arrested and charged..."

The counter argument is blown apart, when we return to the original argument posed by this thread; i.e., a judge found enough evidence to conclude that a lawsuit against the gun manufacturer should be allowed to proceed and that case law would set a precedent against the indiscriminate sale of weapons which could basically be labeled, WMDs since their only true purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.
Here's What the Mainstream Media WON'T Tell You About Mass Shootings - Allen B. West -

There are about 319 million people in the United States, so that means there are about 118 million gun owners in this nation.

The “Mass Shooting Tracker” counts any incident where four or more people are shot, whether fatally or not, as a mass shooting. For 2015 so far, this tracker counts 294 incidents — of those, there are names for only 45 of the shooters, which leads me to believe the others are gang or crime related. But let’s assume for a moment all 294 shooters were actually law-abiding, legal gun owners.

That means, out of 118 million gun owners, 249 or .00025 percent of the gun-owning population are potential mass shooters.

Of course, now the gun control activists are out in force. Any person who legally owns a gun must be a certified nut bag.

It is a sad truth that there are likely more mentally ill individuals in our nation who will one day get their hands on guns, legally or illegally, and take the lives of some innocent souls.

But some perspective is needed.

According to the Mass Shooting Tracker, 375 individuals have been killed during a mass shooting in 2015.

Now compare that number to 10,076. According to MADD, that’s the number of people killed during drunk driving crashes in 2013 alone. In fact, every day in America, another 28 people die in drunk driving crashes. Every. Single. Day.

Using the liberal logic of banning guns because of tragic (and thankfully, comparatively rare) mass shootings undertaken by crazy white folks (and some not so white), should we not then ban cars?

Cars clearly cause many more fatalities in terms of numbers each day than whack nuts with a gun.
This why so called "gun" violence is an nonissue in this country... Criminal behavior is the real issue.
Are you for outlawing all guns?

Now, here's a rational question......The answer is NO...NO....NO......All that this thread was aiming at is the banning of sale of such guns that are STRICTLY for either making some idiots feel more manly.....and/or to kill as many people in the least amount of time.

Nope...wrong...they are great weapons for civilian defense, competition, plinking, collecting and tinkering.....and since 3,750,000 of them are in private hands and not used for any kind of crime.....there is no reason to ban them.....and if the police and military have them...we need them too...the Germans tried allowing only the police and military to have guns....and they murdered 12 million innocent men, women and children all through Europe....and just across our border with Mexico.....only the police and military get rifles...and the government and the drug cartels are murdering Mexican citizens in the thousands every year...

So yes...we need AR-15s for all sorts of reasons...........
I really don't care if they agree or disagree.

People whose kids drown in pools might disagree that pools are safe too.

None of that has anything to do with me. I don't have kids and I am not going to go on a shooting spree so if I own one gun or one hundred it's none of anyone's fucking business

That what you say now, but every mass shooter stated out as a malignant narcissist...

And you only want them to have are a freaking genius....
Lets try to decipher slow-witted, right wingers' "logic"......

Any.....and I mean ANY drug dealer could pose a "defense" when caught by stating, "Hey, I only sell the stuff, how people who buy it use it, is THEIR concern, not mine...."

Now, the same slow-witted, right wingers will counter....."But, NO, drugs are illegal and THAT is why a drug dealer should/must be arrested and charged..."

The counter argument is blown apart, when we return to the original argument posed by this thread; i.e., a judge found enough evidence to conclude that a lawsuit against the gun manufacturer should be allowed to proceed and that case law would set a precedent against the indiscriminate sale of weapons which could basically be labeled, WMDs since their only true purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

No...the left wing, anti gun judge ignored existing law in order to push a political attack on a gun manufacturer......and to expose them to the massive expense of defending themselves.....
Except for one crucial difference. Manufacturing weapons is not illegal and gun ownership is a constitutional right. :)

Surely there must be a grown up around your basement to explain my post to you......The Constitutional right to own a weapon was written when we had muskets........Any moron could then interpret the 2nd Amendment to also include the "right" to secure and own a nuclear devise, a bazooka, a tank , etc.

This thread (for those slow-witted, right wingers) is NOT about stopping the sale of any guns....BUT the sale of guns whose only purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest of time......(and, of course, for macho men to provide an extension to their small penises.) are on a device that by your logic is not covered by the first Amendment.........since it didn't exist at the time of the Founding.....

The purpose of the AR-15 is to keep the owner alive.......and to protect the owner from violent attack.

Any murder committed by an AR-15 can just as easily be done with a shotgun or pistol....which is the point....get the AR....then come back after the next mass shooting and get the shotgun and the pistol.

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