Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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He would support your side.......because he could still get an AR-15 if it was illegal....normal people would not.....

Find a grown up to read the above back to you...and see if it makes any kind of freaking sense.

Let me explain it to you.....

the Sandy Hook shooter was planning his crime for 2 years..... last year a 19 year old kid in Britain bought a Glock 19, ammunition and plastic explosives on the Dark Web....the only reason he didn't shoot up the university that had kicked him out was because he posted about it on the internet before he did an Island country, that confiscated all of their guns, that made hand guns illegal, and has extreme gun control on the limited number of hunting shotguns for gun clubs....he was able to get a glock 19 and enough ammo to double the number of kids killed at Sandy Hook.

So the Sandy Hook shooter would support you and your stupidity.....because nothing would have stopped him from getting that gun...
et the OP had to bring up Sandy Hook. Did you know that the Fort Hood Massacre more people were shot than at Sandy Hook?

Hey, moron.........This thread IS about Sandy Hook....NOT Ft. Hood......Sandy Hook had babies killed into pieces.
Abortion clinics killed babies into pieces and sold those pieces, all in the name of liberal compassion(Choice). Would you like to try again?
There is nothing in the product gun manufacturers make that causes addiction. Your argument is false.

Have you read 2AGuy's posts recently? He frankly makes a crack addict going through withdrawls look sedate when you suggest he can't have a gun.
A gun is just a gun, it has no hypnotic powers.

Wrong. A gun gives its possessor a sense of power, and has an impact on how s/he will act. The simple possession of a gun will impact judgment.

Are you for outlawing all guns?
et the OP had to bring up Sandy Hook. Did you know that the Fort Hood Massacre more people were shot than at Sandy Hook?
Hey, moron.........This thread IS about Sandy Hook....NOT Ft. Hood......Sandy Hook had babies killed into pieces.
By someone who murdered his mother and stole her legally manufactured and purchased guns.
Your conclusion: This is Bushmaster's fault!!
Are you for outlawing all guns?

Now, here's a rational question......The answer is NO...NO....NO......All that this thread was aiming at is the banning of sale of such guns that are STRICTLY for either making some idiots feel more manly.....and/or to kill as many people in the least amount of time.
Are you for outlawing all guns?

Now, here's a rational question......The answer is NO...NO....NO......All that this thread was aiming at is the banning of sale of such guns that are STRICTLY for either making some idiots feel more manly.....and/or to kill as many people in the least amount of time.
With 33,000 born and unborn babies being executed on the abortion table each month, should they ban abortion clinics, which kills 10,000 times more babies in a year than an assault rifle?
With 33,000 born and unborn babies being executed on the abortion table each month, should they ban abortion clinics, which kills 10,000 times more babies in a year than an assault rifle?

For slow-witted and ignorant right wingers...RE-READ the title of this thread....It is about the Sandy Hook murders.....

All your other bitching can go to another thread....or just stew in your own bile.
With 33,000 born and unborn babies being executed on the abortion table each month, should they ban abortion clinics, which kills 10,000 times more babies in a year than an assault rifle?

For slow-witted and ignorant right wingers...RE-READ the title of this thread....It is about the Sandy Hook murders.....

All your other bitching can go to another thread....or just stew in your own bile.
So you don't care when babies are killed by butcher's knives(which is why you smiled) but because the liberal talking points is to ban guns, then you "act" indignant when some left wing lunatic goes into a GUN FREE ZONE, and kills 10,000's less babies?
With 33,000 born and unborn babies being executed on the abortion table each month, should they ban abortion clinics, which kills 10,000 times more babies in a year than an assault rifle?

For slow-witted and ignorant right wingers...RE-READ the title of this thread....It is about the Sandy Hook murders.....

All your other bitching can go to another thread....or just stew in your own bile.
The more you call me slow-witted the more it makes you look like a r-tard.
Liberals love to paint liberal killers as rightwing, but once again, I prove you wrong.
Conservatives believe in "LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS".

No, you don't. Clearly, given your way, you'd oppress the shit out of gays, poor people, women seeking abortions, or anyone who doesn't pray to your magic sky pixie. You are a tool of the rich, and too stupid to realize it.
I really don't care if they agree or disagree.

People whose kids drown in pools might disagree that pools are safe too.

None of that has anything to do with me. I don't have kids and I am not going to go on a shooting spree so if I own one gun or one hundred it's none of anyone's fucking business

That what you say now, but every mass shooter stated out as a malignant narcissist...
Adam Lanza before 1976 would of been put in an insane asylum by his mother, but since Jimmy Carter's, liberal compassion, when she needed help, there wasn't any there. Liberalism is the death of millions.
As for relocation camps, if there wasn't a 2nd amendment, many of YOU would be working in those today. See picture below, dumbass.

Uh, no, he probably wouldn't have. The thing is, the asylums wer really only for those who had no one else to take care of them. Lanza's mother was as crazy as he was...
If the Jimmy Carter wouldn't of closed the insane asylums(liberal compassion) then the murderer of Sandy Hook would of been put away before he killed. Liberal compassion kills more children unborn or born every year.

It is rather amusing that even when right wing morons have been kicked to the curb....they don't even realize.

Besides all that, learn to write "WOULD HAVE" and NOT, "would of", you ignorant moron.

Godwins law, revised: the first one to go "grammar Nazi" has lost the debate.
We know how you think....AR-15s are not used in crime or mass shootings in a relevant way....compared to the 3,750,000 that were not used that year to commit any crime....

Given THAT stupid "rationale" then its OK to have Iran explode a nuke, since thousands of other nukes have not been used?
Deflection noted

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