Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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There is no right to smoke in the constitution. Again, you say nothing worthwhile, just lies. Nowhere do I fight against freedom of speech, religion or anything else, internut.

It's a lie that the freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms is explicitly protected by the Constitution? :eek:

You should go back to using your meds.

No, it's a lie what you said about me, dummy.
This is a lie.
Why does it not bother you that you have to lie to make your points?
Why does it not bother you that you can only make your points at the expense of innocent children?

Gnat marked your post "funny," which means he is a troll and has no integrity or intent to engage in rational discussions.

Well, honestly, neither do you have any integrity. You are just as fucked up and nasty and miserable, only on the other side of the spectrum, comrade. :D Lol.
No, it's a lie what you said about me, dummy.

You know Chris, I did assume you would jump in bed with Gnat, given your views on socialism and abortion.

But I was wrong about what position you were taking on this issue.

Because you are an extremist nut bar. I am for freedom. Freedom for one to decide the path of one's own life, whether other people "agree" with it or not.
Because you are an extremist nut bar.

Oh I AM? :lol:

I am for freedom. Freedom for one to decide the path of one's own life, whether other people "agree" with it or not.

It's good that you're sensible regarding the right to protect oneself.

Still, what you advocated in confiscating the earnings of others to give to those the state views as more "needy" precludes your claim of being for freedom.

I can link back to the thread.
Because you are an extremist nut bar.

Oh I AM? :lol:

I am for freedom. Freedom for one to decide the path of one's own life, whether other people "agree" with it or not.

It's good that you're sensible regarding the right to protect oneself.

Still, what you advocated in confiscating the earnings of others to give to those the state views as more "needy" precludes your claim of being for freedom.

I can link back to the thread.

Taxes. Lol. Once that money leaves your hands, it's not "yours" anymore. It belongs to US. Just because you want to whine about poor people while excusing corporate welfare? Lol. You are a corporate shill and a peon.
Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Sandy Hook families can sue gun industry

BRIDGEPORT — Gun-safety advocates hailed a judge’s ruling that victims’ families can sue the manufacturer of the military-style rifle used in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

hey called the Thursday decision by Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellisa landmark in the fight against the epidemic of mass shootings.

Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said it was an “important win” for the Newtown families and other victims.

“They deserve their day in court and we are pleased that at least for now they'll get it, despite the defendants' best efforts to derail this case,” Gross said. “Victims of gun violence are not second-class citizens.”

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, who became the state’s leading advocate for gun-control reforms after the Newtown school massacre, said firearms companies should not be allowed blanket immunity from wrongful-death lawsuits.

“I look at this as a moral victory,” Malloy said.

Gun makers, dealers and sellers had claimed the Newtown families did not have legal standing.

But Bellis ruled that the 2005 federal law shielding gun makers from liability does not override the claims by the Sandy Hook families that the Bushmaster XM-15 rifle is a military-style rifle that should never have been marketed to civilians.

The judge’s decisions comes in the middle of a contentious race for the nation’s presidency, in which the Sandy Hook families’ lawsuit has become pivotal.

Bellis ordered participating lawyers to her courtroom Tuesday for a conference to prepare for trial. An appeal of the decision, however, could delay the issue.

Josh Koskoff, the attorney from the Bridgeport-based Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, representing the Newtown families, said he was pleased with Bellis’s ruling.

“We are thrilled that the gun companies’ motion to dismiss was denied,” Koskoff said in a statement. “The families look forward to continuing their fight in court.”

Attorneys for the defendant gun makers, distributors and dealer did not respond for requests for comment on Thursday.Michael Bazinet, public affairs director for the Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation, said the organization is reviewing the decision and has no comment at this time.

U.S. Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, both Democrats, met with gun safety advocates Thursday and called for the repeal of the laws protecting the gun industry from lawsuits.

“It is a historic and seismic step to open the courthouse doors for gun violence survivors and others who have legitimate legal complaints against the gun industry,” said Blumenthal. “It is a powerful impetus and momentum for ongoing reform efforts to stop gun violence that is an epidemic and public health crisis in our nation.”

This next election is there will probably be 3 Supremes nominated.............Here in a lower court..............they say they can now sue the gun manufacturers..................incredible.......

They should sue the store the knowingly sold the guns to the mother of the seriously disturbed boy.
Taxes. Lol. Once that money leaves your hands, it's not "yours" anymore. It belongs to US. Just because you want to whine about poor people while excusing corporate welfare? Lol. You are a corporate shill and a peon.

Then you just go grab a pile of that which belongs to "us" Comrade, and test that theory..


Oh, and the only one who excused corporate welfare was you. I have no love for GM, Tesla, Solar City, et al.

I pointed out that you were lying about Walmart, as you leftists love to do, but for actual corporate welfare, I did and do condemn it.
Taxes. Lol. Once that money leaves your hands, it's not "yours" anymore. It belongs to US. Just because you want to whine about poor people while excusing corporate welfare? Lol. You are a corporate shill and a peon.

Then you just go grab a pile of that which belongs to "us" Comrade, and test that theory..


Oh, and the only one who excused corporate welfare was you. I have no love for GM, Tesla, Solar City, et al.

I pointed out that you were lying about Walmart, as you leftists love to do, but for actual corporate welfare, I did and do condemn it.

We already do that here in this country, comrade. You pay taxes and they go into the "pool."

Walmart is amongst the worst of the worst.
Taxes. Lol. Once that money leaves your hands, it's not "yours" anymore. It belongs to US. Just because you want to whine about poor people while excusing corporate welfare? Lol. You are a corporate shill and a peon.

Then you just go grab a pile of that which belongs to "us" Comrade, and test that theory..


Oh, and the only one who excused corporate welfare was you. I have no love for GM, Tesla, Solar City, et al.

I pointed out that you were lying about Walmart, as you leftists love to do, but for actual corporate welfare, I did and do condemn it.

The average taxpayer pays about $36 a year to support the poor, but thousands of dollars to support corporate welfare.
We already do that here in this country, comrade. You pay taxes and they go into the "pool."

Uh, no sparky, it sure doesn't.

Walmart is amongst the worst of the worst.

ThinkProgress told you so!

Funny how you could never point to even one cent of federal money paid to Walmart as "welfare."

"WAHHHHH Mexicans with 17 children working as help get FOODSTAMPS.."

There is a reason I noticed that you're fucking stupid, Chris....
The average taxpayer pays about $36 a year to support the poor, but thousands of dollars to support corporate welfare.

Yeah, more leftist lies.

BUT if there were truth to your claim, why do you lie about which corporations get welfare?

Walmart doesn't and never did.

GE does though, Obama paid the relocation costs for them to move their light bulb manufacturing to China. As a leftist, the stupid fuck was intent on getting rid of incandescent bulbs, so he used taxpayer funds to ship American jobs to China.

But that's okay with you leftists. Now Walmart giving a job to a woman who has 4 kids, THAT pisses you scumbags off.
Taxes. Lol. Once that money leaves your hands, it's not "yours" anymore. It belongs to US. Just because you want to whine about poor people while excusing corporate welfare? Lol. You are a corporate shill and a peon.

Then you just go grab a pile of that which belongs to "us" Comrade, and test that theory..


Oh, and the only one who excused corporate welfare was you. I have no love for GM, Tesla, Solar City, et al.

I pointed out that you were lying about Walmart, as you leftists love to do, but for actual corporate welfare, I did and do condemn it.

The average taxpayer pays about $36 a year to support the poor, but thousands of dollars to support corporate welfare.
Thanks to career politicians on both sides isle equally...
The average taxpayer pays about $36 a year to support the poor, but thousands of dollars to support corporate welfare.

Yeah, more leftist lies.

BUT if there were truth to your claim, why do you lie about which corporations get welfare?

Walmart doesn't and never did.

GE does though, Obama paid the relocation costs for them to move their light bulb manufacturing to China. As a leftist, the stupid fuck was intent on getting rid of incandescent bulbs, so he used taxpayer funds to ship American jobs to China.

But that's okay with you leftists. Now Walmart giving a job to a woman who has 4 kids, THAT pisses you scumbags off.

I hate to break it to you, but it was Bush that created the plans on getting rid of the light bulb. I'm not familiar with what Obama did as you claim, but he didn't put the wheels into motion.
Is there a constitutional right to smoke?

No, and there isn't one to own guns, either. In fact, the word "Gun" appears nowhere in the constitution.

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