Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Meaningless point.

Most people who support the second amendment do not have illusions of fighting the government. They just want to protect their right to defend themselves and their families.

Why would any of you have a problem with that?

Defending yourselves from EXACTLY WHAT?????

A burglar? A bear? A salesman?...............The point here is NOT to take away all your cute little guns....the point is that assault-style-kill-as-many-people-as-possible-in-shortest-time kind of weapons have NO place in a civilized society.

Please define "assault style" but first look at this post

Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

And it doesn't matter how many rounds a gun can fire. A gun is nothing but an inanimate object

and fyi if it weren't for weapons you'd find society a lot less civilized. Human beings are a very violent species after all
I guess you forgot what happened in the industrialized country of Norway where a liberal left wing nut job went out to a children's retreat and executed kids just having fun(why do liberals have to ruin the fun of others?) Mass Murderer Smirks at Sentence Oops,

Do you even read your own links, Stupid?

Anders Breivik, a rightwing extremist who admitted to carrying out the massacre in an effort to battle "multiculturalism" in Europe, had previously said that being declared insane -- as prosecutors requested -- would have been the "ultimate humiliation." The 21-year sentence is the maximum under Norwegian law but can be extended later if Breivik is still deemed to be a threat to society.

Sweet evil Jesus, you do realize that "liberal" is an actual set of beliefs, and "not just something I can throw at anyone I don't like".

Oops, we weren't supposed to remember this right Joe? Instead of going after the inanimate object that does no harm, go after the EVIL liberals, execute them, and guess what? No repeat offenders. I say hang the murderers on national TV showing how they piss and shit their pants while they wiggle and squirm as their life breath slowly escapes their lips. Watch how their eyes bug out because there is no oxygen going to them or the brain. In todays technological world, there cant be a mix up where the courts could send an innocent man to the gallows.

wow, dude, do you like watch snuff films when you aren't here?

The problem with your approach is that it only takes effect AFTER the nutjob has killed a pre-school full of children. That really doesn't help the parents of the kids who are still dead.

Banning guns, or at least limiting their sale to RESPONSIBLE people, would keep that from happening altogether.

You seem to think that guns are just going to disappear. Lol.
Not at all, with my 2nd amendment right, the liberals CANT take my guns away. If they try, they will have to pry them from my cold dead fingers. It wont be easy either.
Meaningless point.

Most people who support the second amendment do not have illusions of fighting the government. They just want to protect their right to defend themselves and their families.

Why would any of you have a problem with that?

Defending yourselves from EXACTLY WHAT?????

A burglar? A bear? A salesman?...............The point here is NOT to take away all your cute little guns....the point is that assault-style-kill-as-many-people-as-possible-in-shortest-time kind of weapons have NO place in a civilized society.

Please define "assault style" but first look at this post

Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

And it doesn't matter how many rounds a gun can fire. A gun is nothing but an inanimate object

and fyi if it weren't for weapons you'd find society a lot less civilized. Human beings are a very violent species after all
The deadliest place on Earth.

Are you for outlawing all guns?

Now, here's a rational question......The answer is NO...NO....NO......All that this thread was aiming at is the banning of sale of such guns that are STRICTLY for either making some idiots feel more manly.....and/or to kill as many people in the least amount of time.

Nope...wrong...they are great weapons for civilian defense, competition, plinking, collecting and tinkering.....and since 3,750,000 of them are in private hands and not used for any kind of crime.....there is no reason to ban them.....and if the police and military have them...we need them too...the Germans tried allowing only the police and military to have guns....and they murdered 12 million innocent men, women and children all through Europe....and just across our border with Mexico.....only the police and military get rifles...and the government and the drug cartels are murdering Mexican citizens in the thousands every year...

So yes...we need AR-15s for all sorts of reasons...........
Never mind nat and his comrade joe... They have an strange obsession of penis. They are Constantly bringing it up in their posts.
Very strange...

They probably want to outlaw penises too . . because theirs are too small. :D Lol.
Not at all, they want to outlaw the size of penises, because of liberal fairness. Real men have big stuff between their legs, while a liberal has a toothpick and peanuts. It isn't FAIR, so the liberals need to cut us down to size. All I can say to that "Bring it on, you liberal pansies".
Moron......I get anti-gun morons went to government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat reading plain english is beyond your ability....please...let the grown ups talk.........go to your room.

No, guy, I went to Catholic Schools. Which is why I want to level every church and burn every copy of the Bible.

But back to the point. The Militia Amendment says nothing about "guns". It just says that thepeople have the right to bear arms within a well regulated militia.

It does not say, "The right of crazy people to own machine guns shall not be infringed". Because that would be stupid.

Now, here's the problem with applying the reasoning of slave rapists who shit in a chamber pot to the modern world. In their day, you used the same gun to hunt game, , show up for a war, genocide the shit out of native Americans who just wanted to keep their land, or intimidate your slaves into not running away.

Today, we have very specialized guns for doing the things on that list we still do. Professionals use weapons of war that civilians just plain old should not have You aren't going to being your squirrel gun to a war and you shouldn't be using an AR-15 to hunt squirrels.

It says "arms"

it is an accepted definition that arms means weapons including firearms. Firearm is a synonym for gun

Get it?

Arms could also mean swords. It can also mean nukes. You see, that's where the "Well Regulated" part of that comes in. Clearly, we don't want neighbor McGrouchy to have a nuke. But if we take your "logic" to it's extreme, why shouldn't he? I mean, if your argument is "We done needs our arms to overthrow the government", then clearly a nuke is going to be more useful to do that than an AR-15.
Moron......I get anti-gun morons went to government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat reading plain english is beyond your ability....please...let the grown ups talk.........go to your room.

No, guy, I went to Catholic Schools. Which is why I want to level every church and burn every copy of the Bible.

But back to the point. The Militia Amendment says nothing about "guns". It just says that thepeople have the right to bear arms within a well regulated militia.

It does not say, "The right of crazy people to own machine guns shall not be infringed". Because that would be stupid.

Now, here's the problem with applying the reasoning of slave rapists who shit in a chamber pot to the modern world. In their day, you used the same gun to hunt game, , show up for a war, genocide the shit out of native Americans who just wanted to keep their land, or intimidate your slaves into not running away.

Today, we have very specialized guns for doing the things on that list we still do. Professionals use weapons of war that civilians just plain old should not have You aren't going to being your squirrel gun to a war and you shouldn't be using an AR-15 to hunt squirrels.

It says "arms"

it is an accepted definition that arms means weapons including firearms. Firearm is a synonym for gun

Get it?

Arms could also mean swords. It can also mean nukes. You see, that's where the "Well Regulated" part of that comes in. Clearly, we don't want neighbor McGrouchy to have a nuke. But if we take your "logic" to it's extreme, why shouldn't he? I mean, if your argument is "We done needs our arms to overthrow the government", then clearly a nuke is going to be more useful to do that than an AR-15.
Too bad you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, an ar15 is not military grade... It's just a sporting rifle. Dumbass
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Moron......I get anti-gun morons went to government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat reading plain english is beyond your ability....please...let the grown ups talk.........go to your room.

No, guy, I went to Catholic Schools. Which is why I want to level every church and burn every copy of the Bible.

But back to the point. The Militia Amendment says nothing about "guns". It just says that thepeople have the right to bear arms within a well regulated militia.

It does not say, "The right of crazy people to own machine guns shall not be infringed". Because that would be stupid.

Now, here's the problem with applying the reasoning of slave rapists who shit in a chamber pot to the modern world. In their day, you used the same gun to hunt game, , show up for a war, genocide the shit out of native Americans who just wanted to keep their land, or intimidate your slaves into not running away.

Today, we have very specialized guns for doing the things on that list we still do. Professionals use weapons of war that civilians just plain old should not have You aren't going to being your squirrel gun to a war and you shouldn't be using an AR-15 to hunt squirrels.

It says "arms"

it is an accepted definition that arms means weapons including firearms. Firearm is a synonym for gun

Get it?

Arms could also mean swords. It can also mean nukes. You see, that's where the "Well Regulated" part of that comes in. Clearly, we don't want neighbor McGrouchy to have a nuke. But if we take your "logic" to it's extreme, why shouldn't he? I mean, if your argument is "We done needs our arms to overthrow the government", then clearly a nuke is going to be more useful to do that than an AR-15.
Yes they should... Bitch

Moron......I get anti-gun morons went to government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat reading plain english is beyond your ability....please...let the grown ups talk.........go to your room.

No, guy, I went to Catholic Schools. Which is why I want to level every church and burn every copy of the Bible.

But back to the point. The Militia Amendment says nothing about "guns". It just says that thepeople have the right to bear arms within a well regulated militia.

It does not say, "The right of crazy people to own machine guns shall not be infringed". Because that would be stupid.

Now, here's the problem with applying the reasoning of slave rapists who shit in a chamber pot to the modern world. In their day, you used the same gun to hunt game, , show up for a war, genocide the shit out of native Americans who just wanted to keep their land, or intimidate your slaves into not running away.

Today, we have very specialized guns for doing the things on that list we still do. Professionals use weapons of war that civilians just plain old should not have You aren't going to being your squirrel gun to a war and you shouldn't be using an AR-15 to hunt squirrels.

It says "arms"

it is an accepted definition that arms means weapons including firearms. Firearm is a synonym for gun

Get it?

Arms could also mean swords. It can also mean nukes. You see, that's where the "Well Regulated" part of that comes in. Clearly, we don't want neighbor McGrouchy to have a nuke. But if we take your "logic" to it's extreme, why shouldn't he? I mean, if your argument is "We done needs our arms to overthrow the government", then clearly a nuke is going to be more useful to do that than an AR-15.
Talk about a BIGOT to people of religious background. Why are liberals Bigots, when they say they are for the common person?
Moron......I get anti-gun morons went to government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat reading plain english is beyond your ability....please...let the grown ups talk.........go to your room.

No, guy, I went to Catholic Schools. Which is why I want to level every church and burn every copy of the Bible.

But back to the point. The Militia Amendment says nothing about "guns". It just says that thepeople have the right to bear arms within a well regulated militia.

It does not say, "The right of crazy people to own machine guns shall not be infringed". Because that would be stupid.

Now, here's the problem with applying the reasoning of slave rapists who shit in a chamber pot to the modern world. In their day, you used the same gun to hunt game, , show up for a war, genocide the shit out of native Americans who just wanted to keep their land, or intimidate your slaves into not running away.

Today, we have very specialized guns for doing the things on that list we still do. Professionals use weapons of war that civilians just plain old should not have You aren't going to being your squirrel gun to a war and you shouldn't be using an AR-15 to hunt squirrels.

It says "arms"

it is an accepted definition that arms means weapons including firearms. Firearm is a synonym for gun

Get it?

Arms could also mean swords. It can also mean nukes. You see, that's where the "Well Regulated" part of that comes in. Clearly, we don't want neighbor McGrouchy to have a nuke. But if we take your "logic" to it's extreme, why shouldn't he? I mean, if your argument is "We done needs our arms to overthrow the government", then clearly a nuke is going to be more useful to do that than an AR-15.
Now you see the liberal Joe with the Red Herring argument. Assault Rifle is a weapon that can be selected to put out a spray of bullets like a machine gun, did you know that Joe. StG 44 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MP 43, MP 44, and StG 44 were different designations for what was essentially the same rifle with minor updates in production. The variety in nomenclatures resulted from the complicated bureaucracy in Nazi Germany. Developed from the Mkb 42(H) "machine carbine," the StG44 combined the characteristics of a carbine, submachine gun, and automatic rifle.
The AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon that has to have the trigger pulled each time to have the bullet spent. Want to get technical Joe, I just did with your sorry ass. The Ruger 10/22 is a semi-automatic weapon that has to have the trigger pulled each time to have the bullet spent. Liberals are the dumbest people on Earth.

Too bad you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, an ar15 is not military grade... It's just a sporting rifle.\

Then why does it look JUST LIKE the M16 I used to carry in the Army?
Just because it looks like one does not mean it's one, then you should know the difference between the two are like night and day. Come on Joe quit being a pussy… Lol
Too bad you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, an ar15 is not military grade... It's just a sporting rifle.\

Then why does it look JUST LIKE the M16 I used to carry in the Army?
Why do liberal look JUST LIKE normal everyday US citizens? Because loony lefties can look like the rest of US but are totally insane. Once Trump gets in, I am going to make a suggestion that the insane asylums be opened again. That way, America could start being safe again.
Talk about a BIGOT to people of religious background. Why are liberals Bigots, when they say they are for the common person?

Yes, I am totally bigoted against BRONZE AGE superstitions

that have been debunked by modern science.

Come and try to take my weapons away Joe, find out....

You gun whacks talk smack all day, but will meekly comply when the day comes.
Talk about a BIGOT to people of religious background. Why are liberals Bigots, when they say they are for the common person?

Yes, I am totally bigoted against BRONZE AGE superstitions

that have been debunked by modern science.

Come and try to take my weapons away Joe, find out....

You gun whacks talk smack all day, but will meekly comply when the day comes.
Come on Joe if you want to talk the talk, lets walk the walk, come take my guns away.. otherwise you are dickless.
Just because it looks like one does not mean it's one, then you should know the difference between the two are like night and day. Come on Joe quit being a pussy… Lol

The only difference is that the selector switch doesn't go to full auto.

It still fires the same 5.56 MM round that makes a nice big hole when it hits a preschooler.

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