Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Fetuses aren't children? That's your argument? Seriously? Did your mother consider you her child when you were in the womb? On the off chance that you found a willing mate and procreated, were you indifferent to the life growing in your wife's womb? Did you actually care for it once it was born? What is it with you culture of death, pro-abortion types? Why do you hate humanity so much? Did your mother beat you as a child?

Reported for attacking families.

My mom had several miscarriages. She didn't consider that the same as a baby she actualy had and raised. We don't hold funerals over tampons, we put them in the medical waste bin.

Next lame argument?
Joe, shame that your mother didn't have one extra miscarriage........
Just because it looks like one does not mean it's one, then you should know the difference between the two are like night and day. Come on Joe quit being a pussy… Lol

The only difference is that the selector switch doesn't go to full auto.

It still fires the same 5.56 MM round that makes a nice big hole when it hits a preschooler.
Meaning the ar15 is like every other sporting rifle... Dumbass
.22 cal... Lol
Just because it looks like one does not mean it's one, then you should know the difference between the two are like night and day. Come on Joe quit being a pussy… Lol

The only difference is that the selector switch doesn't go to full auto.

It still fires the same 5.56 MM round that makes a nice big hole when it hits a preschooler.
And a 12 gauge shotgun could of done the same, should they ban that also? How about the liberal leftwing nutjob that took semi auto pistols into the Virginia Tech University and shot up kids with the 9mm. Should they ban that? How about crock-pot bombs that killed people in Boston, should they ban crock-pots? Once again, Joe more kids are killed by unplanned parenthood, should they ban that? Oh yeah, children born outside of the womb are just Fetuses, just like those kids in Sandy Hook?
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do
This thread has gone on for way too long.......But a couple of observations.....

1. I had no idea of just how full of FEAR right wingers' lives must be....clutching their guns and constantly looking up to the sky for government helicopters.

2. Some folks will remember that machine guns were once outlawed with little opposition from conservatives (2nd amendment be damned), fearing that those pesky "Negroes" would get a hold of them and give racists something to really be concerned about.
This thread has gone on for way too long.......But a couple of observations.....

1. I had no idea of just how full of FEAR right wingers' lives must be....clutching their guns and constantly looking up to the sky for government helicopters.

2. Some folks will remember that machine guns were once outlawed with little opposition from conservatives (2nd amendment be damned), fearing that those pesky "Negroes" would get a hold of them and give racists something to really be concerned about.
Really now, at least we are NOT cowering in fear about something that "MIGHT" happen 100 years from now. You know the temperature 'MIGHT" rise another 1/10th of a degree in 100 years, and the sea levels "MIGHT" rise 1 inch. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

This thread has gone on for way too long.......But a couple of observations.....

1. I had no idea of just how full of FEAR right wingers' lives must be....clutching their guns and constantly looking up to the sky for government helicopters.

2. Some folks will remember that machine guns were once outlawed with little opposition from conservatives (2nd amendment be damned), fearing that those pesky "Negroes" would get a hold of them and give racists something to really be concerned about.
The fear and racism is all yours. You fooled nobody.
This thread has gone on for way too long.......But a couple of observations.....

1. I had no idea of just how full of FEAR right wingers' lives must be....clutching their guns and constantly looking up to the sky for government helicopters.

2. Some folks will remember that machine guns were once outlawed with little opposition from conservatives (2nd amendment be damned), fearing that those pesky "Negroes" would get a hold of them and give racists something to really be concerned about.
By the way, those liberal Southern White Democrats were the ones worried about Negroes and White Republicans which were hung by those Democrats. Now LIE to us once again.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
This thread has gone on for way too long.......But a couple of observations.....

1. I had no idea of just how full of FEAR right wingers' lives must be....clutching their guns and constantly looking up to the sky for government helicopters.

2. Some folks will remember that machine guns were once outlawed with little opposition from conservatives (2nd amendment be damned), fearing that those pesky "Negroes" would get a hold of them and give racists something to really be concerned about.
Really now, at least we are NOT cowering in fear about something that "MIGHT" happen 100 years from now. You know the temperature 'MIGHT" rise another 1/10th of a degree in 100 years, and the sea levels "MIGHT" rise 1 inch. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

Go massage your guns, nitwit......LOL
Really now, at least we are NOT cowering in fear about something that "MIGHT" happen 100 years from now. You know the temperature 'MIGHT" rise another 1/10th of a degree in 100 years, and the sea levels "MIGHT" rise 1 inch. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

Go massage your guns, nitwit......LOL

We know the left is lying about your belief in global warming anyway. If you actually believed in it, the last thing you would do is use global warming as a divisive political hammer to win elections. If you really thought it was like a meteor that is going to hit the earth, you'd reach out and say OMG, we have to put politics aside, this is cataclysmic.

With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power and working on cleaner fossil fuel solutions that would have huge impacts versus things like wind and solar that are decades or longer from producing significant portions of our energy.
This thread has gone on for way too long.......But a couple of observations.....

1. I had no idea of just how full of FEAR right wingers' lives must be....clutching their guns and constantly looking up to the sky for government helicopters.

2. Some folks will remember that machine guns were once outlawed with little opposition from conservatives (2nd amendment be damned), fearing that those pesky "Negroes" would get a hold of them and give racists something to really be concerned about.

Negroes with guns scare you, do they grand wizard?
Moron......I get anti-gun morons went to government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat reading plain english is beyond your ability....please...let the grown ups talk.........go to your room.

No, guy, I went to Catholic Schools. Which is why I want to level every church and burn every copy of the Bible.

But back to the point. The Militia Amendment says nothing about "guns". It just says that thepeople have the right to bear arms within a well regulated militia.

It does not say, "The right of crazy people to own machine guns shall not be infringed". Because that would be stupid.

Now, here's the problem with applying the reasoning of slave rapists who shit in a chamber pot to the modern world. In their day, you used the same gun to hunt game, , show up for a war, genocide the shit out of native Americans who just wanted to keep their land, or intimidate your slaves into not running away.

Today, we have very specialized guns for doing the things on that list we still do. Professionals use weapons of war that civilians just plain old should not have You aren't going to being your squirrel gun to a war and you shouldn't be using an AR-15 to hunt squirrels.

It says "arms"

it is an accepted definition that arms means weapons including firearms. Firearm is a synonym for gun

Get it?

Arms could also mean swords. It can also mean nukes. You see, that's where the "Well Regulated" part of that comes in. Clearly, we don't want neighbor McGrouchy to have a nuke. But if we take your "logic" to it's extreme, why shouldn't he? I mean, if your argument is "We done needs our arms to overthrow the government", then clearly a nuke is going to be more useful to do that than an AR-15.

So you see guns are included so what's your problem?

And it's not illegal for anyone to own the mechanical components to make a nuclear bomb it is however impossible for a civilian to legally obtain fissionable material which is clearly not included in the accepted definitions of the term "arms"

And nowhere in the second amendment does it say anything about overthrowing the government. The intention was so people could not only protect themselves and their communities by forming a militia but so they could also protect themselves from a government that would deny them the rights they deemed inalienable

No one I or even you for that matter know that owns a gun has any plans to overthrow the government
Just because it looks like one does not mean it's one, then you should know the difference between the two are like night and day. Come on Joe quit being a pussy… Lol

The only difference is that the selector switch doesn't go to full auto.

It still fires the same 5.56 MM round that makes a nice big hole when it hits a preschooler.

So what?

I have a mini 30 that fires a 6.8 mm round and it has never been used to shoot a person
In fact the vast majority of any weapons in the hands of law abiding people will never be used to kill anyone
Fetuses aren't children? That's your argument? Seriously? Did your mother consider you her child when you were in the womb? On the off chance that you found a willing mate and procreated, were you indifferent to the life growing in your wife's womb? Did you actually care for it once it was born? What is it with you culture of death, pro-abortion types? Why do you hate humanity so much? Did your mother beat you as a child?

Reported for attacking families.

My mom had several miscarriages. She didn't consider that the same as a baby she actualy had and raised. We don't hold funerals over tampons, we put them in the medical waste bin.

Next lame argument?
Joe, shame that your mother didn't have one extra miscarriage........

The best part of him ran down her leg and got lapped up by the dog
Just because it looks like one does not mean it's one, then you should know the difference between the two are like night and day. Come on Joe quit being a pussy… Lol

The only difference is that the selector switch doesn't go to full auto.

It still fires the same 5.56 MM round that makes a nice big hole when it hits a preschooler.

So what?

I have a mini 30 that fires a 6.8 mm round and it has never been used to shoot a person
In fact the vast majority of any weapons in the hands of law abiding people will never be used to kill anyone
Joe can't find the facts and his mother's basement...
Millions of people own millions of ARs and millions of them have never killed anybody… lol
Really now, at least we are NOT cowering in fear about something that "MIGHT" happen 100 years from now. You know the temperature 'MIGHT" rise another 1/10th of a degree in 100 years, and the sea levels "MIGHT" rise 1 inch. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

Go massage your guns, nitwit......LOL
are you offended? You seem to be very angry about me talking about your religious beliefs.

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