Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Except for one crucial difference. Manufacturing weapons is not illegal and gun ownership is a constitutional right. :)

Surely there must be a grown up around your basement to explain my post to you......The Constitutional right to own a weapon was written when we had muskets........Any moron could then interpret the 2nd Amendment to also include the "right" to secure and own a nuclear devise, a bazooka, a tank , etc.

This thread (for those slow-witted, right wingers) is NOT about stopping the sale of any guns....BUT the sale of guns whose only purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest of time......(and, of course, for macho men to provide an extension to their small penises.)
Why are gun controllers obsessed with male genitalia?
It all goes back to liberal parenting. When a liberal parent doesn't allow their children to play war or cops and robbers, then those kids grow up mentally challenged. They don't understand that people kill people, not inanimate objects(Tools) which have no initiative to harm anyone, but the person wielding the Tool, does and those people are liberals(because liberals hate all humans - see sociopath #3). It has always been the plan of fundamentally transforming America, but as long as there is the 2nd amendment, the socialists/communists/Marxists/liberals/progressives, cannot completely take over America, because 100,000,000 Americans with guns wont allow it. Joe the pansie, and Nitwit9400 who want so much to not have to think, and just have the government GIVE them food, healthcare, free phone, and STUFF, would bend over backwards, to allow the government to SUPPRESS the rest of US. It really rankles them knowing that NORMAL "folks" who work hard, live with moral values, cherish life, just wont allow them to get what they really want. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Moron......I get anti-gun morons went to government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat reading plain english is beyond your ability....please...let the grown ups talk.........go to your room.

No, guy, I went to Catholic Schools. Which is why I want to level every church and burn every copy of the Bible.

But back to the point. The Militia Amendment says nothing about "guns". It just says that thepeople have the right to bear arms within a well regulated militia.

It does not say, "The right of crazy people to own machine guns shall not be infringed". Because that would be stupid.

Now, here's the problem with applying the reasoning of slave rapists who shit in a chamber pot to the modern world. In their day, you used the same gun to hunt game, , show up for a war, genocide the shit out of native Americans who just wanted to keep their land, or intimidate your slaves into not running away.

Today, we have very specialized guns for doing the things on that list we still do. Professionals use weapons of war that civilians just plain old should not have You aren't going to being your squirrel gun to a war and you shouldn't be using an AR-15 to hunt squirrels.

It says "arms"

it is an accepted definition that arms means weapons including firearms. Firearm is a synonym for gun

Get it?

Arms could also mean swords. It can also mean nukes. You see, that's where the "Well Regulated" part of that comes in. Clearly, we don't want neighbor McGrouchy to have a nuke. But if we take your "logic" to it's extreme, why shouldn't he? I mean, if your argument is "We done needs our arms to overthrow the government", then clearly a nuke is going to be more useful to do that than an AR-15.
So amend the amendment if you don't like what it says.
This is a lie.
Why does it not bother you that you have to lie to make your points?
Why does it not bother you that you can only make your points at the expense of innocent children?
Gnat marked your post "funny," which means he is a troll and has no integrity or intent to engage in rational discussions.
Like all the other anti-gun loons.
This thread has gone on for way too long.......But a couple of observations.....

1. I had no idea of just how full of FEAR right wingers' lives must be....clutching their guns and constantly looking up to the sky for government helicopters.

2. Some folks will remember that machine guns were once outlawed with little opposition from conservatives (2nd amendment be damned), fearing that those pesky "Negroes" would get a hold of them and give racists something to really be concerned about.

Yes....democrats are the very first gun banners in the country...they banned gun ownership from their slaves....and passed gun control in the 1960s as they were trying to murder Martin Luther King Jr. denying him a permit to carry a gun.....
it is interesting that the only people in the discussion of guns that talk about them in a sexual way are the ones who want them banned......
With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power

Want to buy some choice (and very cheap) properties in Chernobyl???
Obviously there is an inordinate amount of fear among right wingers; terrible way to live, clutching their guns, thumping their bibles and scared shit-less of "darkies".......Whenever there's a mass shooting by some deranged bastard, they flood the gun stores to get MORE guns and ammunition.

How many of these gun-loving right wingers on here alone are just one step away from a pissed off moment to become yet another Lanza?
Obviously there is an inordinate amount of fear among right wingers; terrible way to live, clutching their guns, thumping their bibles and scared shit-less of "darkies".......Whenever there's a mass shooting by some deranged bastard, they flood the gun stores to get MORE guns and ammunition.

How many of these gun-loving right wingers on here alone are just one step away from a pissed off moment to become yet another Lanza?
You're a Joe sock aren't you?
With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power

Here's another tidbit for you to ponder, Kaz...(and tell us how many people have died because of wind or solar energy)

Remember 3 Mile Island? Almost 40 years have passed......and

The only independent study, by Dr. Stephen Wing et al., found that lung cancer and leukemia rates were two to 10 times higher downwind of the destroyed Three Mile Island reactor than upwind.

This supports the premise that far more radiation escaped from TMI than has been acknowledged by the authorities. Within hours of the beginning of the nuclear disaster, onsite radiation monitors went off scale and were shut down because radiation levels exceeded their measurement capacity.
Because you are an extremist nut bar.

Oh I AM? :lol:

I am for freedom. Freedom for one to decide the path of one's own life, whether other people "agree" with it or not.

It's good that you're sensible regarding the right to protect oneself.

Still, what you advocated in confiscating the earnings of others to give to those the state views as more "needy" precludes your claim of being for freedom.

I can link back to the thread.

Taxes. Lol. Once that money leaves your hands, it's not "yours" anymore. It belongs to US. Just because you want to whine about poor people while excusing corporate welfare? Lol. You are a corporate shill and a peon.

Just curious.......are we free to NOT pay taxes if we don't want to? If we are not, then we are forced to by the government. That is not freedom my friend.
With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power

Want to buy some choice (and very cheap) properties in Chernobyl???

And if you compare Chernobyl to what you say global warming is going to do to the entire earth, you reject it. And that was Russia where you have no control and their nuclear technology is way behind ours. Again demonstrating you are lying, you don't believe in global warming. It's just a hammer to you
Nope, but his facination with mass shootings and his reclusive behavior would maybe make a person nervous about leaving guns laying about.

what evidence is there that she kept guns laying around

hint-GUN SAFES protect your weapons when you are away

YOU protect your weapons when you are present

fact-IF I AM WILLING to kill someone to get their weapons, I am probably willing to do something SHORT OF KILLING to get them to open a gun safe

Other then how you feel about it, how do you know they weren't on a rack on the wall? And still, how did he get the .22 he shot her in the head with 6 times ?

The following is a complete accounting of all the firearms, magazines, and ammunition that was available to Adam Lanza on December 14, 2012. All of this material had been legally purchased by Nancy Lanza.


Taken to Sandy Hook Elementary:

Izhmash Saiga 12-gauge semiautomatic shotgun
Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S .223-caliber semiautomatic rifle
Glock 20 10mm semiautomatic handgun
Sig Sauer P226 9mm semiautomatic handgun

Found in Lanza Home:

Savage Mark II bolt-action .22-caliber rifle
Enfield Albian bolt-action .323-caliber rifle
Volcanic .22-caliber starter pistol


The Savage Mark II bolt-action .22-caliber rifle that Adam Lanza used to kill his mother.


Taken to Sandy Hook Elementary:

Two 12-gauge shotgun magazines
10 30-round .223 magazines
6 30-round 9mm magazines
6 30-round 10mm magazines

Found in Lanza Home:

Clear plastic Ramline magazine for an AR-15
Three AGP Arms lnc. 12-gauge shotgun magazines (empty)
One Promag 20 round 12-gauge drum magazine
One MDArms 20 round 12-gauge drum magazine
Two AGP Arms lnc. 12-gauge shotgun magazines, taped together, each with 10 rounds
Surefire GunMag magazine with 8 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge 9 pellet buck
AGP Arms Inc. Gen 2 12-gauge shotgun magazine
Magazine with 10 rounds of .223-caliber bullets


Taken to Sandy Hook Elementary:

20 12-gauge shotgun rounds
301 rounds of .233-caliber ammunition
116 rounds of .9mm ammunition
90 rounds of 10mm ammunition

The Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S .223-caliber semiautomatic rifle that Adam Lanza used to kill 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Found in Lanza Home:

Five Winchester 12-gauge shotgun shells, cut open, with buckshot
White plastic bag containing 30 Winchester 12-gauge shotgun shells
Box with 20 Estate 12-gauge shotgun shells
Four boxes of SB buckshot 12-gauge, 40 rounds
Box of Lightfield 12-gauge slugs
Six “Winchester” 9 pellet buckshot shells (12-gauge)
Two Remington 12-gauge slugs
Winchester 12-gauge 9 pellet buck
10 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge 9 pellet buck
Planters can with numerous .22 and .45 caliber bullets
Wooden box with numerous rounds of Winchester .45-caliber bullets
Two boxes of PPU .45 caliber auto., 100 rounds
Box of “Fiocchi” .45-caliber auto with 48 rounds
Box of Magtech .45-caliber ACP with 30 rounds
Tan bag containing numerous Blazer .45-caliber bullets
Box containing 400 rounds of Winchester Wildcat .22-caliber bullets
Two boxes of .22-caliber long rifle Blazer, 100 rounds
80 rounds of CCI .22-caliber long rifle
31 .22-caliber rounds
Small plastic bag containing numerous .22 caliber bullets
Full box of Blazer .22 caliber long rifle, 50 rounds
Box of 20 Prvi Partizan .30-30 British rifle cartridges
Box of 20 Federal .303 British rifle cartridges
Box of PPU .303-caliber British cartridges with 9 rounds
Box of 20 rounds of Remington .223-caliber
Three Winchester .223-caliber rifle rounds
Six boxes of PMC .223-caliber, 20 rounds each
Three boxes of Blazer 40-caliber S&W, 150 rounds
Two boxes of Winchester 5.56mm, 40 rounds
Two boxes of Underwood 10mm auto, 100 rounds
Box of Underwood 10mm auto with 34 rounds
130 rounds of Lawman 9mm luger in 3 boxes
Box of miscellaneous 9mm rounds, 29 total
Two Win 9mm rounds
Small box of miscellaneous rounds

When Adam killed his sleeping, defenseless mother as she lay in bed, his choice of weapon was the Savage Mark II .22-caliber rifle, a bolt-action firearm that can accept a 10-round magazine. When it came time to travel to Sandy Hook to commit mass murder—and potentially expose himself to harm from responding law enforcement—Lanza discarded the Savage rifle and turned to the Bushmaster XM15-E2S, a semiautomatic rifle that he equipped with 30-round magazines so as to cut down on the number of times he would have to reload.

What Adam Lanza Took, and Didn't Take, to Sandy Hook Elementary

And since you brought up alleged Assault is the rational basis test that you fail...

Assault Weapon Bans: Can They Survive Rational Basis Scrutiny? by Clayton E. Cramer :: SSRN

VII. AW Bans Fail Rational Basis Analysis

The evidence is clear that AW bans fail rational basis scrutiny because AWs are seldom criminally misused relative to more readily accessible weapons.

The disproportionate minimum sentences in California’s AWCA law relative to much more dangerous weapons suggests a panic reaction that is hardly rational.

The comments of journalists, elected officials, and gun control activists reveal bigotry that makes Colorado Amendment 2 seem pretty calm by comparison.

Even the courts are reduced to arguing that perceived benefit as opposed to actual benefit is a sufficient reason to uphold bans.

One of the points made in the paper......rape and owning a hand grenade carry less of a sentence than an illegal assault weapon not used in a crime.

V. Sentence Length As An Indicator of Irrationality

Looking at the minimum sentences provided for AW violations relative to other crimes gives a pretty clear picture of what the legislatures considered the level of public safety hazard associated with AWs.

California’s minimum sentence for possession of an unlicensed machine gun56 is substantially shorter than the minimum sentence for sale or importation of an “assault weapon.”57 Even more curiously, possession of a hand grenade is even a lighter sentence than either.58 (This is a prohibition on functional hand grenades; possession or importation of a “metal military practice handgrenade or metal replica handgrenade” is prohibited elsewhere.59)

Adding to this strange disparity, the minimum sentence for forcible rape60 is less than the minimum sentence for import or transfer of an “assault weapon.”

Clearly, the California legislature considers “assault weapons” a greater public safety hazard than machine guns, grenades, or rapists, if the severity of the sentence is any indicator. This suggests a panic reaction, not a rational decision.
With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power

Want to buy some choice (and very cheap) properties in Chernobyl???
Of course the libtard would take an example of when Socialists are in charge of nuclear power plant. Would you like to point to another socialist failure? Like Obama and Hope and Change?

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