Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power

Here's another tidbit for you to ponder, Kaz...(and tell us how many people have died because of wind or solar energy)

Remember 3 Mile Island? Almost 40 years have passed......and

The only independent study, by Dr. Stephen Wing et al., found that lung cancer and leukemia rates were two to 10 times higher downwind of the destroyed Three Mile Island reactor than upwind.

This supports the premise that far more radiation escaped from TMI than has been acknowledged by the authorities. Within hours of the beginning of the nuclear disaster, onsite radiation monitors went off scale and were shut down because radiation levels exceeded their measurement capacity.
That was generations of nuclear technology ago and very isolated on even a national scale, must less global. Your ignorance aside, you compare that to the global cataclysm you claim gobal worming and it's like saying you don't want to own a car because you heard someone burned their hand on a hot steering wheel left in the sun.

You are again just showing completely clearly that your claim of what global warming is going to do to the earth is a total lie, you don't believe it.

Well, sure, cities will drown, the earth will bake, but 35 years ago in a tiny percent of Pennsylvania "
"lung cancer and leukemia rates were two to 10 times higher"
With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power

Here's another tidbit for you to ponder, Kaz...(and tell us how many people have died because of wind or solar energy)

Remember 3 Mile Island? Almost 40 years have passed......and

The only independent study, by Dr. Stephen Wing et al., found that lung cancer and leukemia rates were two to 10 times higher downwind of the destroyed Three Mile Island reactor than upwind.

This supports the premise that far more radiation escaped from TMI than has been acknowledged by the authorities. Within hours of the beginning of the nuclear disaster, onsite radiation monitors went off scale and were shut down because radiation levels exceeded their measurement capacity.
And not one person died from 3 Mile island. Oh you didn't know that, that the fail systems of a capitalist power plant did exactly what it was supposed to do? Nitwit4900, if you keep this up, you are going to prove to everyone, even the liberals that socialism sucks.
With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power

Want to buy some choice (and very cheap) properties in Chernobyl???
Of course the libtard would take an example of when Socialists are in charge of nuclear power plant. Would you like to point to another socialist failure? Like Obama and Hope and Change?

Nice point. The failure of socialism is a constant justification to them for more socialism, isn't it?
So if someone kills someone with a knife, can they sue the knife manufacturers? Ridiculous.

If the knife can easily be transformed into an automatic killing machine that can massacre scores of people like in Sandy Hook, then I guess the knife manufacturer has a responsibility, I would think.

And this is a case especially when that gun manufacturer "intentionally" allows this to happen, as a marketing pitch...

With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power

Here's another tidbit for you to ponder, Kaz...(and tell us how many people have died because of wind or solar energy)

Remember 3 Mile Island? Almost 40 years have passed......and

The only independent study, by Dr. Stephen Wing et al., found that lung cancer and leukemia rates were two to 10 times higher downwind of the destroyed Three Mile Island reactor than upwind.

This supports the premise that far more radiation escaped from TMI than has been acknowledged by the authorities. Within hours of the beginning of the nuclear disaster, onsite radiation monitors went off scale and were shut down because radiation levels exceeded their measurement capacity.
And not one person died from 3 Mile island. Oh you didn't know that, that the fail systems of a capitalist power plant did exactly what it was supposed to do? Nitwit4900, if you keep this up, you are going to prove to everyone, even the liberals that socialism sucks.

I was in management at GE Nuclear Energy. Three mile island triggered massive advancements in nuclear safety. And that we haven't has a blip in the 35 years since shows that.

Yet, it's so shallow that because of that hysterical fear, liberals will let the oceans boil, the land bake and cities submerge and reject nuclear with a waive of their hand.

It's clearly a lie, they don't believe global warming is what they say they think
So if someone kills someone with a knife, can they sue the knife manufacturers? Ridiculous.

If the knife can easily be transformed into an automatic killing machine that can massacre scores of people like in Sandy Hook, then I guess the knife manufacturer has a responsibility, I would think.

And this is a case especially when that gun manufacturer "intentionally" allows this to happen, as a marketing pitch...

Did you know that if you convert a rifle to fully automatic that it is a Felony Offense? Now what LAW ABIDING CITIZEN would want to convert their rifle to fully automatic? A liberal who hates Fetus's in or out of the womb, people who breathe CO2, drive cars other than electric, live in a house(not an apartment), their parents(who brought their liberal sorry asses into the world), and anyone who just wants to live their lives in happiness. That is who liberal leftwing nutjobs who modify their rifles would LOVE to kill.

See sociopath #3
I hate to break it to you, but it was Bush that created the plans on getting rid of the light bulb. I'm not familiar with what Obama did as you claim, but he didn't put the wheels into motion.

Bush was no peach, but it was Obama who handed his dear friend and "labor czar" Jeffery Immelt billions of tax payer money to move American jobs to China.

EDITORIAL: Obama’s twisty light-bulb logic
GE Closes Last Incandescent Light Bulb Plant, Jobs Sent to China | Heartlander Magazine
With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power

Here's another tidbit for you to ponder, Kaz...(and tell us how many people have died because of wind or solar energy)

Remember 3 Mile Island? Almost 40 years have passed......and

The only independent study, by Dr. Stephen Wing et al., found that lung cancer and leukemia rates were two to 10 times higher downwind of the destroyed Three Mile Island reactor than upwind.

This supports the premise that far more radiation escaped from TMI than has been acknowledged by the authorities. Within hours of the beginning of the nuclear disaster, onsite radiation monitors went off scale and were shut down because radiation levels exceeded their measurement capacity.
And not one person died from 3 Mile island. Oh you didn't know that, that the fail systems of a capitalist power plant did exactly what it was supposed to do? Nitwit4900, if you keep this up, you are going to prove to everyone, even the liberals that socialism sucks.

I was in management at GE Nuclear Energy. Three mile island triggered massive advancements in nuclear safety. And that we haven't has a blip in the 35 years since shows that.

Yet, it's so shallow that because of that hysterical fear, liberals will let the oceans boil, the land bake and cities submerge and reject nuclear with a waive of their hand.

It's clearly a lie, they don't believe global warming is what they say they think
Now I am going to give you the liberal argument about nuclear and how unsafe it I. Look at Japan, what happened there, oh my....

Of course Japan is a Volcanic Island that has Earthquakes frequently(are those caused by climate change?) So the Japanese in the infinite wisdom decided to build a nuclear reactor to survive a Cat 8 Earthquake. That reactor did survive the quake but the tsunami that came after that, was what ruined the reactor and its fallout. If there never was a tsunami that reactor wouldn't of leaked radiation.

The Earth is a dangerous place, during any given day, there is somewhere on the planet an event that will harm people. Just a shame that those events don't happen to more liberals. Soon the Earth would be a better place.
Obviously there is an inordinate amount of fear among right wingers; terrible way to live, clutching their guns, thumping their bibles and scared shit-less of "darkies".......Whenever there's a mass shooting by some deranged bastard, they flood the gun stores to get MORE guns and ammunition.

Watch out troll, there is a "right winger with a gun" under your bed.....

How many of these gun-loving right wingers on here alone are just one step away from a pissed off moment to become yet another Lanza?

Statistically zero, you cowardly little retard.
So if someone kills someone with a knife, can they sue the knife manufacturers? Ridiculous.

If the knife can easily be transformed into an automatic killing machine that can massacre scores of people like in Sandy Hook, then I guess the knife manufacturer has a responsibility, I would think.

And this is a case especially when that gun manufacturer "intentionally" allows this to happen, as a marketing pitch...

Did you know that if you convert a rifle to fully automatic that it is a Felony Offense? Now what LAW ABIDING CITIZEN would want to convert their rifle to fully automatic? A liberal who hates Fetus's in or out of the womb, people who breathe CO2, drive cars other than electric, live in a house(not an apartment), their parents(who brought their liberal sorry asses into the world), and anyone who just wants to live their lives in happiness. That is who liberal leftwing nutjobs who modify their rifles would LOVE to kill.

See sociopath #3

Thats is the point.

It is ILLEGAL to convert a rifle to auto.

And when gun manufacturers push a rifle out to the market, which is "intentionally" easily convertible, thats like writing on the box "well, this button will convert this rifle to auto, but it is 'illegal' to push it, you know ;) ;) ...."

Grown up people, adults, who knows the meaning of "responsibility" would agree this is a clear responsibility.

If you are a 20 year old, who thinks the world is created for your self pleasures and involve no responsibility whatsoever, you would think otherwise naturally.........
Thats is the point.

It is ILLEGAL to convert a rifle to auto.

Then your anti-gun law solves the issue

And when gun manufacturers push a rifle out to the market, which is "intentionally" easily convertible, thats like writing on the box "well, this button will convert this rifle to auto, but it is 'illegal' to push it, you know ;) ;) ...."

And you can show manufacturers who do this?

Oh, you're just lying, as you anti-liberty types like to do.

Grown up people, adults, who knows the meaning of "responsibility" would agree this is a clear responsibility.

If you are a 20 year old, who thinks the world is created for your self pleasures and involve no responsibility whatsoever, you would think otherwise naturally.........

Responsibility includes not lying through your fucking teeth - so you are not in the running.
So if someone kills someone with a knife, can they sue the knife manufacturers? Ridiculous.

If the knife can easily be transformed into an automatic killing machine that can massacre scores of people like in Sandy Hook, then I guess the knife manufacturer has a responsibility, I would think.

And this is a case especially when that gun manufacturer "intentionally" allows this to happen, as a marketing pitch...

Did you know that if you convert a rifle to fully automatic that it is a Felony Offense? Now what LAW ABIDING CITIZEN would want to convert their rifle to fully automatic? A liberal who hates Fetus's in or out of the womb, people who breathe CO2, drive cars other than electric, live in a house(not an apartment), their parents(who brought their liberal sorry asses into the world), and anyone who just wants to live their lives in happiness. That is who liberal leftwing nutjobs who modify their rifles would LOVE to kill.

See sociopath #3

Thats is the point.

It is ILLEGAL to convert a rifle to auto.

And when gun manufacturers push a rifle out to the market, which is "intentionally" easily convertible, thats like writing on the box "well, this button will convert this rifle to auto, but it is 'illegal' to push it, you know ;) ;) ...."

Grown up people, adults, who knows the meaning of "responsibility" would agree this is a clear responsibility.

If you are a 20 year old, who thinks the world is created for your self pleasures and involve no responsibility whatsoever, you would think otherwise naturally.........

First off if the 20 year old had Conservative parents, he/she would "KNOW" the difference between right and wrong, good vs evil. Now here is a test for the liberal on what is an assault rifle. Is it the picture on the left or the picture on the right?

10348828.jpg semi_automatic_assault_rifle_lg.jpg Choose wisely....
If the knife can easily be transformed into an automatic killing machine that can massacre scores of people like in Sandy Hook, then I guess the knife manufacturer has a responsibility, I would think.

A bottle can be, fill it with gas and put a rag in it.

Stupidity, it's what makes a leftist.

Wrong recipe idiot, do what you said, and watch yourself burning...

If the bottle manufacturer was specifically designing bottles to allow molotovs to have more cluster impact (which would increase its deadliness) and if the manufacturer use this as a marketing pitch rather than trying to prevent it, to have more profit, then yes of course, they would have responsibility for sure...

How hard is it to understand the distinction?
You gotta be a real bone head for all this not to be able to penetrate into your head...
Thats is the point.

It is ILLEGAL to convert a rifle to auto.

Then your anti-gun law solves the issue

And when gun manufacturers push a rifle out to the market, which is "intentionally" easily convertible, thats like writing on the box "well, this button will convert this rifle to auto, but it is 'illegal' to push it, you know ;) ;) ...."

And you can show manufacturers who do this?

Oh, you're just lying, as you anti-liberty types like to do.

Grown up people, adults, who knows the meaning of "responsibility" would agree this is a clear responsibility.

If you are a 20 year old, who thinks the world is created for your self pleasures and involve no responsibility whatsoever, you would think otherwise naturally.........

Responsibility includes not lying through your fucking teeth - so you are not in the running.

Then why they introduced the blocks in those receivers to prevent people from doing that, after they realized how they fucked it all up, faggot.....
If the knife can easily be transformed into an automatic killing machine that can massacre scores of people like in Sandy Hook, then I guess the knife manufacturer has a responsibility, I would think.

A bottle can be, fill it with gas and put a rag in it.

Stupidity, it's what makes a leftist.

Wrong recipe idiot, do what you said, and watch yourself burning...

If the bottle manufacturer was specifically designing bottles to allow molotovs to have more cluster impact (which would increase its deadliness) and if the manufacturer use this as a marketing pitch rather than trying to prevent it, to have more profit, then yes of course, they would have responsibility for sure...

How hard is it to understand the distinction?
You gotta be a real bone head for all this not to be able to penetrate into your head...
Does Obama have responsibility for the deaths of the 4 Americans in Benghazi? The death of a border agent killed by real assault rifles that Eric Holder allowed to be sold to Mexican Drug dealers? The death of the young girl shot in front of her father in San Fran Sicko? The employee's gunned down the Married Muslims extremists that were on the terror watch list?
Dumbasses like you only want to ban guns, not the people who actually go out and kill. When the government strips all the guns away from the citizens, then those citizens become sheeple.

Live Free or Die Trying.
If the bottle manufacturer was specifically designing bottles to allow molotovs to have more cluster impact (which would increase its deadliness) and if the manufacturer use this as a marketing pitch rather than trying to prevent it, to have more profit, then yes of course, they would have responsibility for sure...
Unfortunately for you, none of this applies to any manufacturer of AR15-based rifles.
If the bottle manufacturer was specifically designing bottles to allow molotovs to have more cluster impact (which would increase its deadliness) and if the manufacturer use this as a marketing pitch rather than trying to prevent it, to have more profit, then yes of course, they would have responsibility for sure...
Unfortunately for you, none of this applies to any manufacturer of AR15-based rifles.

Oh yeah

Why they have blocks in the receivers now then...


Let em explain;

BECAUSE; it was tooo dam fucking easy to convert these rifles to auto
And they made good profit because of that
So they didnt bother to do anything about that

Everybody pays the price of their irresponsible behaviors.
Dont matter who you are,
Dont matter what you are,
If you fucked it up, you pay up...
Its that simple...
With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power

Here's another tidbit for you to ponder, Kaz...(and tell us how many people have died because of wind or solar energy)

Remember 3 Mile Island? Almost 40 years have passed......and

The only independent study, by Dr. Stephen Wing et al., found that lung cancer and leukemia rates were two to 10 times higher downwind of the destroyed Three Mile Island reactor than upwind.

This supports the premise that far more radiation escaped from TMI than has been acknowledged by the authorities. Within hours of the beginning of the nuclear disaster, onsite radiation monitors went off scale and were shut down because radiation levels exceeded their measurement capacity.
And not one person died from 3 Mile island. Oh you didn't know that, that the fail systems of a capitalist power plant did exactly what it was supposed to do? Nitwit4900, if you keep this up, you are going to prove to everyone, even the liberals that socialism sucks.

I was in management at GE Nuclear Energy. Three mile island triggered massive advancements in nuclear safety. And that we haven't has a blip in the 35 years since shows that.

Yet, it's so shallow that because of that hysterical fear, liberals will let the oceans boil, the land bake and cities submerge and reject nuclear with a waive of their hand.

It's clearly a lie, they don't believe global warming is what they say they think
Now I am going to give you the liberal argument about nuclear and how unsafe it I. Look at Japan, what happened there, oh my....

Of course Japan is a Volcanic Island that has Earthquakes frequently(are those caused by climate change?) So the Japanese in the infinite wisdom decided to build a nuclear reactor to survive a Cat 8 Earthquake. That reactor did survive the quake but the tsunami that came after that, was what ruined the reactor and its fallout. If there never was a tsunami that reactor wouldn't of leaked radiation.

The Earth is a dangerous place, during any given day, there is somewhere on the planet an event that will harm people. Just a shame that those events don't happen to more liberals. Soon the Earth would be a better place.

Yes, but global warming is something they claim to believe will be cataclysmic everywhere. Also, the US not building nuclear reactors has zero to do with Japan or Russia, they don't stop building because we don't build them. Yet according to them, they'd rather New York, Miami and other American cities drown because in a tiny section of Pennsylvania leukemia rates were 2 to 10 times higher 35 years ago

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