Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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With global warming, it's just a divisive wedge and you even reject the solutions that would have the greatest impact, such as nuclear power

Here's another tidbit for you to ponder, Kaz...(and tell us how many people have died because of wind or solar energy)

Remember 3 Mile Island? Almost 40 years have passed......and

The only independent study, by Dr. Stephen Wing et al., found that lung cancer and leukemia rates were two to 10 times higher downwind of the destroyed Three Mile Island reactor than upwind.

This supports the premise that far more radiation escaped from TMI than has been acknowledged by the authorities. Within hours of the beginning of the nuclear disaster, onsite radiation monitors went off scale and were shut down because radiation levels exceeded their measurement capacity.
How many people will die long term mining for the makings for the toxic materials that make the battery's for so called "green" energy??
So don't get all self righteous with your pseudoscience... Lol
Would that message be that the two of you (assuming there are actually two of you) are obsessed with male genitalia?

Actually, no...I'm a breast, legs and ass man.....Love women MUCH more than guns....
But you just keep "massaging" your guns fro gratification. LOL
Whatever the reason whoever buys whatever, I'm sure you have no clue as to their reasons for buying whatever and it is neither your or the federal governments business what anyone buys...

WOW, yet another wanna-be right wing Shakespearean prose writer ...
Such prose, such command of the language...such fucked up-ness. :ahole-1::ahole-1:
Deflection noted
Would that message be that the two of you (assuming there are actually two of you) are obsessed with male genitalia?

Actually, no...I'm a breast, legs and ass man.....Love women MUCH more than guns....
But you just keep "massaging" your guns fro gratification. LOL
Shame that you cant get a real woman but probably a Caitlin Jenner type. Because women like men to protect them, real women that is. A liberal fag in drag, would like pansy asses like you libs are. They even made a song about you.

Would that message be that the two of you (assuming there are actually two of you) are obsessed with male genitalia?

Actually, no...I'm a breast, legs and ass man.....Love women MUCH more than guns....
But you just keep "massaging" your guns fro gratification. LOL
There you go again, your odd obsession with penis... You anti-gun nutters are some odd dudes. Lol
Whatever the reason whoever buys whatever, I'm sure you have no clue as to their reasons for buying whatever and it is neither your or the federal governments business what anyone buys...

WOW, yet another wanna-be right wing Shakespearean prose writer ...
Such prose, such command of the language...such fucked up-ness. :ahole-1::ahole-1:
Deflection noted

Go back to posting those cute pictures......The less you write the slightly better off you'll come off. LOL
Because women like men to protect them, real women that is of the many reasons why your backwater ilk will keep losing presidential elections...

BTW, do those "real women" you speak of have all their teeth???? LOL
And when gun manufacturers push a rifle out to the market, which is "intentionally" easily convertible...
You cannot prove this to be the case.
Extensive machinist work has to be done to convert to fully auto, along with the need of m-4 ramps among other things. Anyone that says it's easily convertible to fully auto - does have their head up their ass 24 seven...

Progressives don't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to firearms, the dumbasses for some reason continue to think a AR15 is A military grade weapon. It's just a sporting rifle.... LOL
Wrong recipe idiot, do what you said, and watch yourself burning...

Izzatrite sploogy?


If the bottle manufacturer was specifically designing bottles to allow molotovs to have more cluster impact (which would increase its deadliness) and if the manufacturer use this as a marketing pitch rather than trying to prevent it, to have more profit, then yes of course, they would have responsibility for sure...

More lies from the anti-liberty scumbag.

All glass bottles can be used as molotovs. All will have "cluster impact."

You are simple an agenda driven moron trying lie your way through a debate you long ago lost.

How hard is it to understand the distinction?
You gotta be a real bone head for all this not to be able to penetrate into your head...

Killing people is easy, a propane tank, a truck full of fertilizer, a commercial airliner, CS gas like James Holmes made gallons of.

But you don't give a fuck about people dying, you want to end civil rights. You lie through your fucking teeth in your lust to strip others of rights, because lets face it, you lack even a shred of integrity, as is usual for gun grabbers and other leftists.
Then why they introduced the blocks in those receivers to prevent people from doing that, after they realized how they fucked it all up, faggot.....

So you admit you are a filthy liar and can't show any manufacturer doing what you claimed, then? :thup:

Hey, civil rights aren't going to crush themselves, you HAVE to lie to achieve your goal.
Extensive machinist work has to be done to convert to fully auto, along with the need of m-4 ramps among other things. Anyone that says it's easily convertible to fully auto - does have their head up their ass 24 seven...

Progressives don't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to firearms, the dumbasses for some reason continue to think a AR15 is A military grade weapon. It's just a sporting rifle.... LOL

The anti-liberty scumbags are just lying, pure and simple. Further, this Apline moron barely speaks English, clearly some Euro-weenie sticking his thug nose into the business of free people.
Because you are an extremist nut bar.

Oh I AM? :lol:

I am for freedom. Freedom for one to decide the path of one's own life, whether other people "agree" with it or not.

It's good that you're sensible regarding the right to protect oneself.

Still, what you advocated in confiscating the earnings of others to give to those the state views as more "needy" precludes your claim of being for freedom.

I can link back to the thread.

Taxes. Lol. Once that money leaves your hands, it's not "yours" anymore. It belongs to US. Just because you want to whine about poor people while excusing corporate welfare? Lol. You are a corporate shill and a peon.

financial assistance, as tax breaks or subsidies,given by the government to profit-makingcompanies, especially large corporations.

Origin of corporate welfare
1990-95, Americanism

the definition of corporate welfare

Walmart and others have never received subsides like those green companies did. Walmart and profit producing companies do pay taxes. When or if they get a tax break, that is also considered corporate welfare even though it's not welfare at all. Taking less from people (or companies) is not welfare in my opinion.

According to the definition above, the term was created during the Clinton administration. Imagine that! So if we end up with President Trump, and he lowers payroll taxes, will you then be receiving welfare???

How McDonald's and Wal-Mart Became Welfare Queens
Wrong recipe idiot, do what you said, and watch yourself burning...

Izzatrite sploogy?


If the bottle manufacturer was specifically designing bottles to allow molotovs to have more cluster impact (which would increase its deadliness) and if the manufacturer use this as a marketing pitch rather than trying to prevent it, to have more profit, then yes of course, they would have responsibility for sure...

More lies from the anti-liberty scumbag.

All glass bottles can be used as molotovs. All will have "cluster impact."

You are simple an agenda driven moron trying lie your way through a debate you long ago lost.

How hard is it to understand the distinction?
You gotta be a real bone head for all this not to be able to penetrate into your head...

Killing people is easy, a propane tank, a truck full of fertilizer, a commercial airliner, CS gas like James Holmes made gallons of.

But you don't give a fuck about people dying, you want to end civil rights. You lie through your fucking teeth in your lust to strip others of rights, because lets face it, you lack even a shred of integrity, as is usual for gun grabbers and other leftists.

You need to close the top part tight to have a cluster impact, you child. Have never seen a molotov in his life and trying to lecture me, idiot.

The reason you see this subject as shallow and simple, is not because this subject is a shallow simple one lacking details,
it is because your simple shallow mind cant grasp those details on this very subject.

The argument here, which Sandy Hook families are putting in front of a judge (who is apparently not as simple shallow minded as you people here since he agreed to hear it) is the same exact angle I am putting in front of you and you people are unable to understand.

These guns are easy to convert to auto, I even shared a youtube video showing how to. Just because you are stupid and incapable of doing so dont mean others will not, as an example in Sand Hook massacre.

And the argument is that; gun manufacturers have done nothing to prevent such applications, on contrary, they enjoyed the popularity of these guns because of this flaw. And they profited some good amounts of money.

The proof is that; now the gun control laws are pressing their way, they see it could end up bad for them, and started to take action and put proper blocks in place so these guns are not that easily modifiable anymore.

This is a case in court, and seems like there are enough evidence/proof that court agreed to hear it.

We all going to see the result.

But we all know something very OBVIOUS: people who think this case is something simple and they have all the answers in simple words, are simply simple minded who are INCAPABLE of thinking and analyzing, BLIND to see any angles, and more than all, STUPID to compare it with cars and knives and bottles (?@!##!@ wtf)

Its that simple, for your simple mind, so you can understand, as a change in your life........
So if someone kills someone with a knife, can they sue the knife manufacturers? Ridiculous.

If the knife can easily be transformed into an automatic killing machine that can massacre scores of people like in Sandy Hook, then I guess the knife manufacturer has a responsibility, I would think.

And this is a case especially when that gun manufacturer "intentionally" allows this to happen, as a marketing pitch...

Wrong. There was nothing wrong with the weapon and it wasn't illegal to sell it. The lawsuit is frivolous.
WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

Who’s paying for Wal-Mart’s addiction to paying its employees less than a living wage? You are.

You lying retards are something else..

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”}

So if foodstamps are reduced to people like you, it could affect Walmart sales?

Well damn.

Now this lying scumbag Durden tried to claim this was somehow welfare to Walmart... because the illegal aliens SPEND their Obamabux at Walmart? :eek:

And you wonder why decent people recognize that leftists are utter scum without a hint of integrity..
WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

Who’s paying for Wal-Mart’s addiction to paying its employees less than a living wage? You are.

You lying retards are something else..

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”}

So if foodstamps are reduced to people like you, it could affect Walmart sales?

Well damn.

Now this lying scumbag Durden tried to claim this was somehow welfare to Walmart... because the illegal aliens SPEND their Obamabux at Walmart? :eek:

And you wonder why decent people recognize that leftists are utter scum without a hint of integrity..

Because Walmart gets tax breaks, is a multi-billion dollar company and doesn't pay it's employees a living wage, who do you think picks up the slack? We do.
WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

Who’s paying for Wal-Mart’s addiction to paying its employees less than a living wage? You are.

You lying retards are something else..

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”}

So if foodstamps are reduced to people like you, it could affect Walmart sales?

Well damn.

Now this lying scumbag Durden tried to claim this was somehow welfare to Walmart... because the illegal aliens SPEND their Obamabux at Walmart? :eek:

And you wonder why decent people recognize that leftists are utter scum without a hint of integrity..

What kind of welfare do you get? You certainly don't work, that much is obvious. Lol. :D

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