Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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WalMart Admits Profits Depend Heavily On Corporate Welfare | Zero Hedge

Who’s paying for Wal-Mart’s addiction to paying its employees less than a living wage? You are.

You lying retards are something else..

Wal-Mart’s annual report, issued late last week, puts a different spin on things. Buried within the long list of risk factors disclosed to its shareholders–that is, factors “outside our control” that could materially affect financial performance–are these: “changes in the amount of payments made under the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Plan and other public assistance plans, (and) changes in the eligibility requirements of public assistance plans.”}

So if foodstamps are reduced to people like you, it could affect Walmart sales?

Well damn.

Now this lying scumbag Durden tried to claim this was somehow welfare to Walmart... because the illegal aliens SPEND their Obamabux at Walmart? :eek:

And you wonder why decent people recognize that leftists are utter scum without a hint of integrity..

Because Walmart gets tax breaks, is a multi-billion dollar company and doesn't pay it's employees a living wage, who do you think picks up the slack? We do.

Correct, we do, but that's because of the lax regulations on collecting welfare in our country--not because of Walmart.

People who work 20 to 25 hours at Walmart and have their food stamps, Obama phone, free Obama Care are not going to work 40 hours to give that all up. They are not going to take a second job besides to get ahead.

Our taxpayer give-aways discourage people from working hard and making the best of the situation they have. Based on all the help wanted signs I see everywhere, I'm sure many industries would love to see our politicians clamp down on all these Christmas presents so they can get enough help for their company.
This thread has gone on for way too long.......But a couple of observations.....

1. I had no idea of just how full of FEAR right wingers' lives must be....clutching their guns and constantly looking up to the sky for government helicopters.

2. Some folks will remember that machine guns were once outlawed with little opposition from conservatives (2nd amendment be damned), fearing that those pesky "Negroes" would get a hold of them and give racists something to really be concerned about.
Oh please.

I'm not a right winger.

I'm a Democrat.
This thread has gone on for way too long.......But a couple of observations.....

1. I had no idea of just how full of FEAR right wingers' lives must be....clutching their guns and constantly looking up to the sky for government helicopters.

2. Some folks will remember that machine guns were once outlawed with little opposition from conservatives (2nd amendment be damned), fearing that those pesky "Negroes" would get a hold of them and give racists something to really be concerned about.
Oh please.

I'm not a right winger.

I'm a Democrat

Then how come you're a sensible sorta person???

This thread has gone on for way too long.......But a couple of observations.....

1. I had no idea of just how full of FEAR right wingers' lives must be....clutching their guns and constantly looking up to the sky for government helicopters.

2. Some folks will remember that machine guns were once outlawed with little opposition from conservatives (2nd amendment be damned), fearing that those pesky "Negroes" would get a hold of them and give racists something to really be concerned about.
Oh please.

I'm not a right winger.

I'm a Democrat

Then how come you're a sensible sorta person???

Because I served my Country.

I don't think with emotion and fear.

I see a world that will not be so kind to those who disarm themselves and line up like sheep who trade their freedom for a false sense of security.
This thread has gone on for way too long.......But a couple of observations.....

1. I had no idea of just how full of FEAR right wingers' lives must be....clutching their guns and constantly looking up to the sky for government helicopters.

2. Some folks will remember that machine guns were once outlawed with little opposition from conservatives (2nd amendment be damned), fearing that those pesky "Negroes" would get a hold of them and give racists something to really be concerned about.
Oh please.

I'm not a right winger.

I'm a Democrat

Then how come you're a sensible sorta person???

Because I served my Country.

I don't think with emotion and fear.

I see a world that will not be so kind to those who disarm themselves and line up like sheep who trade their freedom for a false sense of security.

Very true indeed. Well on this we agree though I never served as you did. I thank you for that service. We had "gun laws" imposed by conservatives here (Oz) and frankly they were wrong, but then again we have no Constitutional Protection as you mob do. I find the perspective of a few Dems refreshing; unfortunately there is that pesky left wing bunch...

Fetuses aren't children? That's your argument? Seriously? Did your mother consider you her child when you were in the womb? On the off chance that you found a willing mate and procreated, were you indifferent to the life growing in your wife's womb? Did you actually care for it once it was born? What is it with you culture of death, pro-abortion types? Why do you hate humanity so much? Did your mother beat you as a child?

Reported for attacking families.

My mom had several miscarriages. She didn't consider that the same as a baby she actualy had and raised. We don't hold funerals over tampons, we put them in the medical waste bin.

Next lame argument?
Joe, shame that your mother didn't have one extra miscarriage........

The best part of him ran down her leg and got lapped up by the dog
I hope the dog is OK.
But the word "arms" does.

Arms are guns.

That including weapons, armaments, ordnance, munitions and wouldn't you know. The big scary thing that makes your penis shrink... ARTILLERY!

But the point is, we don't let average citizens have artillery. Or nukes, or anthrax or any other "arms" they could use that could cause mass destruction.

So we've already established that the government can "Well regulated" what weapons "the people" can have.

AR-15's fall into that category. Whoops. There it is.
Except for one crucial difference. Manufacturing weapons is not illegal and gun ownership is a constitutional right. :)

Surely there must be a grown up around your basement to explain my post to you......The Constitutional right to own a weapon was written when we had muskets........Any moron could then interpret the 2nd Amendment to also include the "right" to secure and own a nuclear devise, a bazooka, a tank , etc.

This thread (for those slow-witted, right wingers) is NOT about stopping the sale of any guns....BUT the sale of guns whose only purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest of time......(and, of course, for macho men to provide an extension to their small penises.)
Why are gun controllers obsessed with male genitalia?
Because they don't have any. Why do you think they want to be allowed access to women's restrooms.
Correct, we do, but that's because of the lax regulations on collecting welfare in our country--not because of Walmart.

People who work 20 to 25 hours at Walmart and have their food stamps, Obama phone, free Obama Care are not going to work 40 hours to give that all up. They are not going to take a second job besides to get ahead.

It's more like, that extra 15 hours at minimum wage isn't going get them that much. So fifteen extra hours at 7.75/Hr. That's an extra $116 a week. Can they buy insurance at $116 a week?
Because I served my Country.

I don't think with emotion and fear.

I see a world that will not be so kind to those who disarm themselves and line up like sheep who trade their freedom for a false sense of security.

I served, too.

And I don't see my cowering in my home clinging to my gun and my bible as being "Free". I don't see sending my kids to school or the park or the movies and having to worry some asshole who didn't take his meds MIGHT show up with an AR-15 as being "free".
But the word "arms" does.

Arms are guns.

That including weapons, armaments, ordnance, munitions and wouldn't you know. The big scary thing that makes your penis shrink... ARTILLERY!

But the point is, we don't let average citizens have artillery. Or nukes, or anthrax or any other "arms" they could use that could cause mass destruction.

So we've already established that the government can "Well regulated" what weapons "the people" can have.

AR-15's fall into that category. Whoops. There it is.
No shit , Sherlock!

Where did I say I wanted idiots to have Artillery. I responded to your post about what arms are.

Militia. Again for the challenged individuals who spent their time hating school that they didn't learn 'nuffin'

Militia. An army comprised of ordinary citizens to supplement the regular Army.

Since there are millions of veterans in this country, I would assume that these millions are considered the "Militia" and that of the millions of "Arms" are more than likely owned by this Militia.

Class dismissed.
Because I served my Country.

I don't think with emotion and fear.

I see a world that will not be so kind to those who disarm themselves and line up like sheep who trade their freedom for a false sense of security.

I served, too.

And I don't see my cowering in my home clinging to my gun and my bible as being "Free". I don't see sending my kids to school or the park or the movies and having to worry some asshole who didn't take his meds MIGHT show up with an AR-15 as being "free".
Sir, I don't cower in my house clinging to my gun nor do I cling to a Bible.

I am an agnostic.

I don't know about you but I am free.

Your fear is YOU!
Obviously there is an inordinate amount of fear among right wingers; terrible way to live, clutching their guns, thumping their bibles and scared shit-less of "darkies".......Whenever there's a mass shooting by some deranged bastard, they flood the gun stores to get MORE guns and ammunition.

How many of these gun-loving right wingers on here alone are just one step away from a pissed off moment to become yet another Lanza?
I make my own ammunition.

Scary, ain't it!
No shit , Sherlock!

Where did I say I wanted idiots to have Artillery. I responded to your post about what arms are.

Militia. Again for the challenged individuals who spent their time hating school that they didn't learn 'nuffin'

Militia. An army comprised of ordinary citizens to supplement the regular Army.

But the thing is, we don't need that. We have a "well-regulated" supplement to the armed forces, they are called "The National Guard". Where they keep all the "arms" in an "Arms vault".

Now, this might have made sense back in 1787, when we didn't have a regular army. Or Police Departments, and white people needed to have their guns on hand in case they needed to genocide some native Americans or put a slave revolt down. (Please note, they didn't let Native Americans or Slaves to have guns.)

Today, not so much.
Sir, I don't cower in my house clinging to my gun nor do I cling to a Bible.

I am an agnostic.

I don't know about you but I am free.

Your fear is YOU!

No, my fear is picking up a newspaper on any given day and reading so many people were shot and so many people were killed and we are to accept this as normal. And don't ever try to change it because 200 year ago, some slave-raping asshole couldn't probably word a militia amendment.
You need to close the top part tight to have a cluster impact, you child. Have never seen a molotov in his life and trying to lecture me, idiot.

Look, can we at least agree that you're a lying scumbag? A reprehensible bit of refuse in the human condition?

The molotov uses a rag in the as an ignition source AND because it blocks vapor escape. They will explode on impact as long as fuel remains in the bottle.

Trying to lie your way out of this just exposes you as stupidly desperate.

The reason you see this subject as shallow and simple, is not because this subject is a shallow simple one lacking details,
it is because your simple shallow mind cant grasp those details on this very subject.

The argument here, which Sandy Hook families are putting in front of a judge (who is apparently not as simple shallow minded as you people here since he agreed to hear it) is the same exact angle I am putting in front of you and you people are unable to understand.

These guns are easy to convert to auto, I even shared a youtube video showing how to. Just because you are stupid and incapable of doing so dont mean others will not, as an example in Sand Hook massacre.

The judge is violating the law with the hopes that a leftist SCOTUS justice with contempt for the Constitution will uphold the absurd and illegal ruling.

If your brother who lives in another state robs a liquor store, should you got to prison? Why, or why not?

And the argument is that; gun manufacturers have done nothing to prevent such applications, on contrary, they enjoyed the popularity of these guns because of this flaw. And they profited some good amounts of money.

A gun manufacturer must produce a product that operates to the specifications advertised. Nothing more.

I get it, you hate civil rights and want to end them. But this doesn't alter reality. As long as the product did not malfunction, causing injury, there is no standing for a suit. A leftist judge violating the law to promote an anti-liberty agenda notwithstanding.

The proof is that; now the gun control laws are pressing their way, they see it could end up bad for them, and started to take action and put proper blocks in place so these guns are not that easily modifiable anymore.

This is a case in court, and seems like there are enough evidence/proof that court agreed to hear it.

We all going to see the result.

But we all know something very OBVIOUS: people who think this case is something simple and they have all the answers in simple words, are simply simple minded who are INCAPABLE of thinking and analyzing, BLIND to see any angles, and more than all, STUPID to compare it with cars and knives and bottles (?@!##!@ wtf)

Its that simple, for your simple mind, so you can understand, as a change in your life........

First off, what country are you from? Clearly not America. You of the left seek to end civil rights, you are waging war on the United States Constitution. Many here have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. You are a foreign enemy, and this judge is a domestic enemy. You both must be stopped through any means. You will not end this nation without a fight that you have never reckoned for.

My suggestion to you, dont bother with subjects your brain cant get a hold of.
These are complicated issues that are way above your head. You are just a simpleton trying to survive day to day.

With this brain capacity, your civil rights are limited to what you are offered... You dont have the imagination for anything beyond.

You put marbles in the molotov for it to have any particle effect idiot. You have to block the tight end as good as you can with tight material, so it explodes to have the marbles spread around like bullets.

DO it the way you described in your first post, you wont only burn yourself alive, also will make a good youtube idiot video for us to laugh at....
Terrorist much!

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