Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Suicides don't count. People are allowed to kill themselves if they want to.

And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out

what fun would that be.

I want to live in the country that bans guns, and then all you pathetic, malignant narcissists will be standing on the sidewalk crying when the ATF comes by to take your guns to the smelting plant.

It'll never happen but i highly suggest you hold your breath until it does
I am done with you Joe, you cant change stupid, democrats want legal guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, so then terrorists and criminals can walk into that gun free zone and start killing everyone. It happened in a Colorado Theater, Sandy Hook school, Fort Hood, San Bernardino, and monthly in Chicago, NYC and other inner cities. Gun Free Zone means killing zone. You are just stupid..

Guy, man up and admit you didn't do your research when you made a stupid statement.

The thing is, Holmes, Lanza, Cho, Mercer, Loughner were not "Criminals" or "Terrorists". They were regular citizens who were able to get guns they had no business having, and killed dozens of people in the process.
Regular citizens like you Joe? Have you spilled the beans about liberals? That liberals and criminals mean the same thing? I am going to put a thank you on your last remark.
No shit , Sherlock!

Where did I say I wanted idiots to have Artillery. I responded to your post about what arms are.

Militia. Again for the challenged individuals who spent their time hating school that they didn't learn 'nuffin'

Militia. An army comprised of ordinary citizens to supplement the regular Army.

But the thing is, we don't need that. We have a "well-regulated" supplement to the armed forces, they are called "The National Guard". Where they keep all the "arms" in an "Arms vault".

Now, this might have made sense back in 1787, when we didn't have a regular army. Or Police Departments, and white people needed to have their guns on hand in case they needed to genocide some native Americans or put a slave revolt down. (Please note, they didn't let Native Americans or Slaves to have guns.)

Today, not so much.
Where does this " We don't need that" come from?

We don't care what you don't need.
The "no fly list?"

When these individuals are found guilty by a court of law then and only then should they lose their rights.

If they are on a list and they are not citizens, then they have NO business in this country.

You want to start putting people on a list to deny their rights?

Let's put you on a list!

You'd be all ( pun intended) up in arms!

Speaking of this list. Who decided to compile this list?

Your boy Bush did.

here's the thing. We compiled this list after 9/11. We also put in better metal detectors, replaced the minimum wage security guys with a professional TSA, put steel doors on the cockpits of airliners, deployed hundreds of Air Marshals.

In short, there was a tragedy, and we took appropriate action.

33,000 people die from guns every year, and every year the National Rampage Association fights tooth and nail against even the most reasonable precautions, like closing the gun show loophole or preventing people on the No fly List from buying guns.

None of these things would prevent a supposedly "law-abiding" gun owner like yourself from compensating for your tiny pecker.

They are just common sense.

But common sense doesn't sell guns. FEAR sells guns.
There you go again.

No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

Insults and tiny penis posts.

Peeking through people's Windows again?

Joe. You never served one minute in the Military.

You were never a Republican right winger turned liberal.

You sir are just a keyboard Coward with no life.

Good day.
Suicides don't count. People are allowed to kill themselves if they want to.

And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out

what fun would that be.

I want to live in the country that bans guns, and then all you pathetic, malignant narcissists will be standing on the sidewalk crying when the ATF comes by to take your guns to the smelting plant.
Hey Joe, CUBA is open now, move there and your dreams of socialist utopia can be met. I would even pay for your one way ticket as long as you keep your promise never to come back.
12/04 Cuba: Lessons In Gun Control And Medicine | By: Larry Pratt
Faria is a refugee from Fidel Castro's socialist "paradise." He still has family trapped inside that socialist island prison -- a prison that has imposed draconian gun controls throughout the island. Any prison will attempt to achieve total control of guns and restrict their possession to just the guards. Well, it turns out that the most effective tool for gun control in Cuba is the poverty spawned by socialism. Nobody can afford a gun.

Communist Cuba offers an interesting parallel to Nazi Germany. Both Hitler's Germany and Castro's Cuba were preceded by regimes that imposed gun control to keep guns out of the wrong hands. In both cases, gun control failed to keep the bad guys from getting all the guns they wanted and using them to consolidate their grip on power following seizure of the reins of government.
We conservatives, Joe, understand history, and we know what liberals would do to US if we gave up our guns that are our protection. Joe, you are just too stupid to know better. Please if guns scare the begeezus out of you so much, go to Cuba, get a nice government apartment there, free healthcare, and not have to worry about guns. What a moron, Joe is.
Why are you guys talking to that retard?

I don't have a problem with Joe.

I could care less what he thinks.

I'm just here to discuss issues and to understand why people believe what they believe.

Actually I'm just having fun with this place.

I haven't been here long. He doesn't know me.

He posts the same thing in damned near every post and I've seen his ass handed to him every time.

Sometimes he can be tedious but I'm not going to let him bother me.

If you Google " Yousaidwhat" you will find that it is all about parody and lampoon.

Like Bon Scott said.

I'm just having fun!
Suicides don't count. People are allowed to kill themselves if they want to.

And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out

what fun would that be.

I want to live in the country that bans guns, and then all you pathetic, malignant narcissists will be standing on the sidewalk crying when the ATF comes by to take your guns to the smelting plant.

Pack your bags and move OUT!
Why are you guys talking to that retard?

I don't have a problem with Joe.

I could care less what he thinks.

I'm just here to discuss issues and to understand why people believe what they believe.

Actually I'm just having fun with this place.

I haven't been here long. He doesn't know me.

He posts the same thing in damned near every post and I've seen his ass handed to him every time.

Sometimes he can be tedious but I'm not going to let him bother me.

If you Google " Yousaidwhat" you will find that it is all about parody and lampoon.

Like Bon Scott said.

I'm just having fun!
He doesn't care about anything but being an asshole. It's what he does. Filter him out and the forum improves noticeably.
Why are you guys talking to that retard?

I don't have a problem with Joe.

I could care less what he thinks.

I'm just here to discuss issues and to understand why people believe what they believe.

Actually I'm just having fun with this place.

I haven't been here long. He doesn't know me.

He posts the same thing in damned near every post and I've seen his ass handed to him every time.

Sometimes he can be tedious but I'm not going to let him bother me.

If you Google " Yousaidwhat" you will find that it is all about parody and lampoon.

Like Bon Scott said.

I'm just having fun!
He doesn't care about anything but being an asshole. It's what he does. Filter him out and the forum improves noticeably.
Then what am I gonna do for fun? lol.

I might miss a chance to see someone hand him ass again.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Once you understand the sociopath and their behaviors you can understand why Joe acts the way he does. Obama on the other hand, shows all 10 of the sociopathic behavior and he is extremely dangerous to the common US citizen and doesn't give a rats ass, when blacks kill blacks, or tells US to be tolerant to Islam when Muslims kill Christians while yelling Allah Uh Akbar.
And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out

Ah, the "parting statement" of right wing imbeciles...."move the fuck out....: and leave this country to lunatic morons like you and your ilk? Nahhhhh.
And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out

Ah, the "parting statement" of right wing imbeciles...."move the fuck out....: and leave this country to lunatic morons like you and your ilk? Nahhhhh.
I just don't get this whole move out if you don't like it.

We are all here. We are all citizens.

What ever happened to coming together and resolving problems rationally and as adults.

Back to the subject at hand.

Nobody has to move and I'm not gonna be disarmed.
And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out

Ah, the "parting statement" of right wing imbeciles...."move the fuck out....: and leave this country to lunatic morons like you and your ilk? Nahhhhh.
Of course not, just like with Cuba, now that it is open to idiots like you, instead of packing your bags and moving to your utopian paradise, you must stay here in the US and piss the fuck off every one of US who want to live our lives without some pansy ass liberal breathing down our throats demanding that we relinquish(that means give up) our weapons, so people like those who took over Cuba could fundamentally transform this country to be the same. Sorry nitwit4900 but it ain't going to happen, now if you are man enough, bring your sorry ass over to Virginia and try to take the guns away from US. Chicken shit will just sit in his parents basement, smoke dope, get government welfare, have his parents healthcare, and use electricity generated by fossil fuels, while the whole time bitch and moan that HE cant own a weapon because he is a pansy(scratch that) a pussy.
And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out

Ah, the "parting statement" of right wing imbeciles...."move the fuck out....: and leave this country to lunatic morons like you and your ilk? Nahhhhh.
Honduras has absolute total gun control no one there can legally own a gun, move there for your gun free Utopia... Lol
Shrapnel are not particles ha...

Thats how smart you are...

You are a leftist, ergo a liar.

Of course I did not say what you claim.

Are you part of Hamas? Putting nuts and ball bearings in explosives is a favorite trick of Muslim terrorists.

But a molotov will have particles from the glass and burning gasoline regardless of whether you place shrapnel in the bomb.

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