Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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These guns are easy to convert to auto, I even shared a youtube video showing how to.
This is a lie.
And the argument is that; gun manufacturers have done nothing to prevent such applications,
This is another lie.
Why do you need to lie to make your points?
Well, multiplying 2 by 2 is not easy for you either,
but that doesnt make it a hard question for the rest of the public with above the average IQ...
"Why do you have to lie to make your points" isn't a hard question?
You're right, it's not - you know have to lie because you know the truth doesn't support your mindless, bigoted position.
Good to see you understand this.
Most western democracies ban private gun ownership, and they are just as capitalist as we are.

It's this little tidbit (above) that simply escapes right wing, gun "lovers".....which makes them either stupid or intentionally delusional.

Most western democracies have voter ID laws and border protection too. So why won't left wing, mouth breathing, knuckle draggers like you climb on the train of enlightenment? Are you stupid or intentionally delusional?
These guns are easy to convert to auto, I even shared a youtube video showing how to.
This is a lie.
And the argument is that; gun manufacturers have done nothing to prevent such applications,
This is another lie.
Why do you need to lie to make your points?
Well, multiplying 2 by 2 is not easy for you either,
but that doesnt make it a hard question for the rest of the public with above the average IQ...
"Why do you have to lie to make your points" isn't a hard question?
You're right, it's not - you know have to lie because you know the truth doesn't support your mindless, bigoted position.
Good to see you understand this.

Only if you could type RNGLISH....
These guns are easy to convert to auto, I even shared a youtube video showing how to.
This is a lie.
And the argument is that; gun manufacturers have done nothing to prevent such applications,
This is another lie.
Why do you need to lie to make your points?
Well, multiplying 2 by 2 is not easy for you either,
but that doesnt make it a hard question for the rest of the public with above the average IQ...
"Why do you have to lie to make your points" isn't a hard question?
You're right, it's not - you know have to lie because you know the truth doesn't support your mindless, bigoted position.
Good to see you understand this.
Only if you could type RNGLISH....
I continue to accept your concession of the point.
Please -- lie some more.
I am done with you Joe, you cant change stupid, democrats want legal guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, so then terrorists and criminals can walk into that gun free zone and start killing everyone. It happened in a Colorado Theater, Sandy Hook school, Fort Hood, San Bernardino, and monthly in Chicago, NYC and other inner cities. Gun Free Zone means killing zone. You are just stupid..

Guy, man up and admit you didn't do your research when you made a stupid statement.

The thing is, Holmes, Lanza, Cho, Mercer, Loughner were not "Criminals" or "Terrorists". They were regular citizens who were able to get guns they had no business having, and killed dozens of people in the process.

They were mentally ill citizens who became criminals by their actions. They would have found a different way to kill if they didn't have a gun. You've already seen the stats on people killed by hand, knife and baseball bats. Or in McVeigh's case, a fertilizer/fuel oil bomb.
These guns are easy to convert to auto, I even shared a youtube video showing how to.
This is a lie.
And the argument is that; gun manufacturers have done nothing to prevent such applications,
This is another lie.
Why do you need to lie to make your points?
Well, multiplying 2 by 2 is not easy for you either,
but that doesnt make it a hard question for the rest of the public with above the average IQ...
"Why do you have to lie to make your points" isn't a hard question?
You're right, it's not - you know have to lie because you know the truth doesn't support your mindless, bigoted position.
Good to see you understand this.
Only if you could type RNGLISH....
I continue to accept your concession of the point.
Please -- lie some more.

Ok, "you are a smart person..."

Now you know that was a lie.......
This is a lie.
This is another lie.
Why do you need to lie to make your points?
Well, multiplying 2 by 2 is not easy for you either,
but that doesnt make it a hard question for the rest of the public with above the average IQ...
"Why do you have to lie to make your points" isn't a hard question?
You're right, it's not - you know have to lie because you know the truth doesn't support your mindless, bigoted position.
Good to see you understand this.
Only if you could type RNGLISH....
I continue to accept your concession of the point.
Please -- lie some more.
Ok, "you are a smart person..."
Now you know that was a lie.......
Nothing her changes the fact that you put up two lies and tried to pass them off an a reasoned, rational position.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?
Each of those babies slaughtered at Sandy Hook had 3 to 8 bullets in them.......Should make you gun lunatics really happy.

Hey, was that you I saw protesting the lunacy at the abortion clinic where babies were being ripped to pieces to be pulled out of the womb? No? Why not? Hypocrite.
Well, multiplying 2 by 2 is not easy for you either,
but that doesnt make it a hard question for the rest of the public with above the average IQ...
"Why do you have to lie to make your points" isn't a hard question?
You're right, it's not - you know have to lie because you know the truth doesn't support your mindless, bigoted position.
Good to see you understand this.
Only if you could type RNGLISH....
I continue to accept your concession of the point.
Please -- lie some more.
Ok, "you are a smart person..."
Now you know that was a lie.......
Nothing her changes the fact that you put up two lies and tried to pass them off an a reasoned, rational position.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?

No, the fact is that; ar15 guns were popular because they could have been easily altered to become mass shooting weapons.

This is a fact the whole world recognizes, including the court hearing this case.

Now; you can go out on the street and scream otherwise while masturbating, as much as you like.
I guarantee you, nothing will change, except the color of your dick.....
"Why do you have to lie to make your points" isn't a hard question?
You're right, it's not - you know have to lie because you know the truth doesn't support your mindless, bigoted position.
Good to see you understand this.
Only if you could type RNGLISH....
I continue to accept your concession of the point.
Please -- lie some more.
Ok, "you are a smart person..."
Now you know that was a lie.......
Nothing her changes the fact that you put up two lies and tried to pass them off an a reasoned, rational position.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?
No, the fact is that; ar15 guns were popular because they could have been easily altered to become mass shooting weapons.
This is a lie; you know you cannot prove your statement true.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?
Suicides don't count. People are allowed to kill themselves if they want to.

And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out

what fun would that be.

I want to live in the country that bans guns, and then all you pathetic, malignant narcissists will be standing on the sidewalk crying when the ATF comes by to take your guns to the smelting plant.

It'll never happen but i highly suggest you hold your breath until it does
sometimes wishes do come true.
Only if you could type RNGLISH....
I continue to accept your concession of the point.
Please -- lie some more.
Ok, "you are a smart person..."
Now you know that was a lie.......
Nothing her changes the fact that you put up two lies and tried to pass them off an a reasoned, rational position.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?
No, the fact is that; ar15 guns were popular because they could have been easily altered to become mass shooting weapons.
This is a lie; you know you cannot prove your statement true.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?

Your dick started to change color yet?
There you go again.

No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

Insults and tiny penis posts.

Peeking through people's Windows again?

Joe. You never served one minute in the Military.

You were never a Republican right winger turned liberal.

You sir are just a keyboard Coward with no life.

I've got a box of medals and a DD214 that says otherwise. But that's not the point.

I didn't "turn liberal" The Republican Party lost it's FUCKING MIND.

And we've got the dead pre-schoolers to prove it.
I continue to accept your concession of the point.
Please -- lie some more.
Ok, "you are a smart person..."
Now you know that was a lie.......
Nothing her changes the fact that you put up two lies and tried to pass them off an a reasoned, rational position.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?
No, the fact is that; ar15 guns were popular because they could have been easily altered to become mass shooting weapons.
This is a lie; you know you cannot prove your statement true.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?
Your dick started to change color yet?
Nothing her changes the fact that you put up two lies and tried to pass them off an a reasoned, rational position.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?
Hey Joe, CUBA is open now, move there and your dreams of socialist utopia can be met. I would even pay for your one way ticket as long as you keep your promise never to come back.

I've got a better idea. Why don't all you Wingnuts move to Somalia. They've got religious crazies and a shitload of guns... you'd probably be happy there... except for all the black people.
The only gun control that works is criminal control, enforse existing laws, don't make up new frivolous one. Leave law abiding citizens alone, by that Meaning stay out of their personal business. So Called "gun violence" is a non-issue in this country(putting homicides, suicides an accidental death all in one category is lying) all of the problems we have stem from criminal behavior most of which is repeat offenders...
New so-called "commonsense gun laws" is a waste of time and money and will only make matters worse, nutters… LOL
There you go again.

No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

Insults and tiny penis posts.

Peeking through people's Windows again?

Joe. You never served one minute in the Military.

You were never a Republican right winger turned liberal.

You sir are just a keyboard Coward with no life.

I've got a box of medals and a DD214 that says otherwise. But that's not the point.

I didn't "turn liberal" The Republican Party lost it's FUCKING MIND.

And we've got the dead pre-schoolers to prove it.
I was pulling your chain Joe.

Lighten up Slick.

Thanks for your service.

I'd like to see the link that the Republican Party killed those children.
Hey Joe, CUBA is open now, move there and your dreams of socialist utopia can be met. I would even pay for your one way ticket as long as you keep your promise never to come back.

I've got a better idea. Why don't all you Wingnuts move to Somalia. They've got religious crazies and a shitload of guns... you'd probably be happy there... except for all the black people.
Honduras is anti-gun nuts wet dream, they have absolute gun control no one is allowed by law to legally to own a firearm of any sort there… Check out for yourself what their crime rate is. LOL
Ok, "you are a smart person..."
Now you know that was a lie.......
Nothing her changes the fact that you put up two lies and tried to pass them off an a reasoned, rational position.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?
No, the fact is that; ar15 guns were popular because they could have been easily altered to become mass shooting weapons.
This is a lie; you know you cannot prove your statement true.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?
Your dick started to change color yet?
Nothing her changes the fact that you put up two lies and tried to pass them off an a reasoned, rational position.
Now, this clearly indicates that you're a mindless bigot -- but what does it say about your IQ?

Hope you get well soon my friend. You need a doctor soon...
Too much masturbation unfortunately has this impact. I warned you tho...

Well, since people who represent the other side of the argument got broken, like a record, means once again I prevail I guess :D
There you go again.

No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

Insults and tiny penis posts.

Peeking through people's Windows again?

Joe. You never served one minute in the Military.

You were never a Republican right winger turned liberal.

You sir are just a keyboard Coward with no life.

I've got a box of medals and a DD214 that says otherwise. But that's not the point.

I didn't "turn liberal" The Republican Party lost it's FUCKING MIND.

And we've got the dead pre-schoolers to prove it.
I was pulling your chain Joe.

Lighten up Slick.

Thanks for your service.

I'd like to see the link that the Republican Party killed those children.
Joe doesn't get out of his moms basement that much…

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