Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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But the word "arms" does.

Arms are guns.

That including weapons, armaments, ordnance, munitions and wouldn't you know. The big scary thing that makes your penis shrink... ARTILLERY!

But the point is, we don't let average citizens have artillery. Or nukes, or anthrax or any other "arms" they could use that could cause mass destruction.

So we've already established that the government can "Well regulated" what weapons "the people" can have.

AR-15's fall into that category. Whoops. There it is.
No Joe they don't fall into the artillery category. You just cant let it go. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
The liberal talking points say "AR-15s are assault rifles" and even when we prove you wrong, you just cant piss out that liberal Kool-aid. I guess when your penis is the size of a toothpick, peeing out the colored water is just too difficult. The liberals want our guns taken away, so they can take over the country and really turn it into a Socialist Utopia just like Venezuela and the old USSR. Problem with the liberals, is that as long as the 2nd amendment allows "LAW ABIDING CITIZENS" to protect themselves for governments foreign and domestic, the liberals will continue to rant and rave. Instead of the liberals punishing criminals with the full extent of the law(illegal guns) by the death penalty, then there will continue to have illegal gun deaths by criminals(who are liberal leftwing nutjobs). When America starts to turn out the lights like Socialist Venezuela, think illegal gun crimes will go down?
Venezuela’s woes are mounting as it turns the lights off
Venezuela's economic problems hit a new peak this week as rolling blackouts and a two-day working week were introduced to alleviate an energy crisis.
liberals want our guns taken away, so they can take over the country and really turn it into a Socialist Utopia just like Venezuela and the old USSR. Problem with the liberals, is that as long as the 2nd amendment allows "LAW ABIDING CITIZENS" to protect themselves for governments foreign and domestic, the liberals will continue to rant and rave. I

But you aren't shooting "criminals", guy. We have 33,000 gun deaths every year, and most of them aren't criminals. The ones who were weren't doing things that merited killing them.

Most western democracies ban private gun ownership, and they are just as capitalist as we are.
Sir, I don't cower in my house clinging to my gun nor do I cling to a Bible.

I am an agnostic.

I don't know about you but I am free.

Your fear is YOU!

No, my fear is picking up a newspaper on any given day and reading so many people were shot and so many people were killed and we are to accept this as normal. And don't ever try to change it because 200 year ago, some slave-raping asshole couldn't probably word a militia amendment.
Did you know that the DHS had known the terrorists of San Bernardino were on the no fly list, yet they allowed them to get guns? Shall we sue Obama and his justice department for failing to protect innocent people just celebrating a Christmas Party? Funny how liberals go after manufacturers while the government allows criminals to murder. Joe, if one of your family members get murdered by an illegal alien that was detained by ICE but had to be let go, on Obama's orders, would you blame the gun manufacturer or Obama? Dumbass....

ICE under fire for releasing thousands of illegal immigrants with rap sheets | Fox News
The Obama administration took fire at a House hearing Thursday for releasing back into society thousands of illegal immigrants who had committed crimes on U.S. soil – including those behind more than 200 murders.
liberals want our guns taken away, so they can take over the country and really turn it into a Socialist Utopia just like Venezuela and the old USSR. Problem with the liberals, is that as long as the 2nd amendment allows "LAW ABIDING CITIZENS" to protect themselves for governments foreign and domestic, the liberals will continue to rant and rave. I

But you aren't shooting "criminals", guy. We have 33,000 gun deaths every year, and most of them aren't criminals. The ones who were weren't doing things that merited killing them.

Most western democracies ban private gun ownership, and they are just as capitalist as we are.
American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015
While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend.
Okay Joe, first question.
1. Who has been the president for the past 7 /1 years of Hope and Change, and done nothing to make living conditions in the inner city better, but has been stirring up racial division, but black on black murders aren't part of the black lives matter?
2. Why is it every time a liberal opens their mouth about limiting US Citizens from owning "Legal Weapons and Ammo", but does nothing to keep criminals from getting illegal guns? Which most are not Assault style weapons but pistols?
Because Joe you are too stupid to know better. Now go rant and rave more and goosestep and salute Der Fuhrer.

Did you know that the DHS had known the terrorists of San Bernardino were on the no fly list, yet they allowed them to get guns?

Well, it's funny you mention that. Besides the fact the SB Shooters got their guns through a third party, the fact is, REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS specifically created a carve out that being on the "no fly list" should not be an impediment to your God Given Right to own enough firepower to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse.

In addition, opponents of using the no-fly list as a tool for gun control note that the two San Bernardino shooters, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, were not on the list.

So in short.

Republicans banned the NFL from being used to prevent bad guys from getting guns.

But the San Bernadino Terrorists didn't buy their guns directly, and they weren't on the list.
Okay Joe, first question.
1. Who has been the president for the past 7 /1 years of Hope and Change, and done nothing to make living conditions in the inner city better, but has been stirring up racial division, but black on black murders aren't part of the black lives matter?

Are you asking a question, or just repeating a list of talking points you've heard on Hate Radio yesterday?

Hey, guy, Obama isn't the guy stirring up racial divisions. That would be thug cops shooting unarmed children and then lying about it.

2. Why is it every time a liberal opens their mouth about limiting US Citizens from owning "Legal Weapons and Ammo", but does nothing to keep criminals from getting illegal guns? Which most are not Assault style weapons but pistols?

Where do you think the criminals are getting their "illegal" guns. They are usually buying them from "legal" straw buyers or they are stealing them from legal buyers when the legal buyer isn't home. So, uh, yeah, you dry up the "legal" supply, and the illegal supply will vanish. I'm sorry this very simple concept is beyond your grasp.

this isn't the goal of your beloved gun industry, though. Their goal is to sell guns to the crooks so people like you and Dick Tiny and Ray-Cist from Cleveland will all be really scared and want guns, too. And then when our inner cities become free fire zones, the police will need to arm themselves like soliders to break up simple domestic violence issues.
The "no fly list?"

When these individuals are found guilty by a court of law then and only then should they lose their rights.

If they are on a list and they are not citizens, then they have NO business in this country.

You want to start putting people on a list to deny their rights?

Let's put you on a list!

You'd be all ( pun intended) up in arms!

Speaking of this list. Who decided to compile this list?
Most western democracies ban private gun ownership, and they are just as capitalist as we are.

It's this little tidbit (above) that simply escapes right wing, gun "lovers".....which makes them either stupid or intentionally delusional.
Did you know that the DHS had known the terrorists of San Bernardino were on the no fly list, yet they allowed them to get guns?

Well, it's funny you mention that. Besides the fact the SB Shooters got their guns through a third party, the fact is, REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS specifically created a carve out that being on the "no fly list" should not be an impediment to your God Given Right to own enough firepower to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse.

In addition, opponents of using the no-fly list as a tool for gun control note that the two San Bernardino shooters, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, were not on the list.

So in short.

Republicans banned the NFL from being used to prevent bad guys from getting guns.

But the San Bernadino Terrorists didn't buy their guns directly, and they weren't on the list.
I am done with you Joe, you cant change stupid, democrats want legal guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, so then terrorists and criminals can walk into that gun free zone and start killing everyone. It happened in a Colorado Theater, Sandy Hook school, Fort Hood, San Bernardino, and monthly in Chicago, NYC and other inner cities. Gun Free Zone means killing zone. You are just stupid.....
Most western democracies ban private gun ownership, and they are just as capitalist as we are.

It's this little tidbit (above) that simply escapes right wing, gun "lovers".....which makes them either stupid or intentionally delusional.
Most western democracy's don't have a Constitution that says that is a no no!

Last time I checked this was a Republic.
The "no fly list?"

When these individuals are found guilty by a court of law then and only then should they lose their rights.

If they are on a list and they are not citizens, then they have NO business in this country.

You want to start putting people on a list to deny their rights?

Let's put you on a list!

You'd be all ( pun intended) up in arms!

Speaking of this list. Who decided to compile this list?

Your boy Bush did.

here's the thing. We compiled this list after 9/11. We also put in better metal detectors, replaced the minimum wage security guys with a professional TSA, put steel doors on the cockpits of airliners, deployed hundreds of Air Marshals.

In short, there was a tragedy, and we took appropriate action.

33,000 people die from guns every year, and every year the National Rampage Association fights tooth and nail against even the most reasonable precautions, like closing the gun show loophole or preventing people on the No fly List from buying guns.

None of these things would prevent a supposedly "law-abiding" gun owner like yourself from compensating for your tiny pecker.

They are just common sense.

But common sense doesn't sell guns. FEAR sells guns.
Most western democracy's don't have a Constitution that says that is a no no!

Last time I checked this was a Republic.

We don't either. We have a Militia amendment. Not sure why we still need a militia amendment, any more than why we still need a "Army can't quarter troops in your house" amendment in 2015, these seem to be "concerns people don't have anymore in the modern age".
The "no fly list?"

When these individuals are found guilty by a court of law then and only then should they lose their rights.

If they are on a list and they are not citizens, then they have NO business in this country.

You want to start putting people on a list to deny their rights?

Let's put you on a list!

You'd be all ( pun intended) up in arms!

Speaking of this list. Who decided to compile this list?

Your boy Bush did.

here's the thing. We compiled this list after 9/11. We also put in better metal detectors, replaced the minimum wage security guys with a professional TSA, put steel doors on the cockpits of airliners, deployed hundreds of Air Marshals.

In short, there was a tragedy, and we took appropriate action.

33,000 people die from guns every year, and every year the National Rampage Association fights tooth and nail against even the most reasonable precautions, like closing the gun show loophole or preventing people on the No fly List from buying guns.

None of these things would prevent a supposedly "law-abiding" gun owner like yourself from compensating for your tiny pecker.

They are just common sense.

But common sense doesn't sell guns. FEAR sells guns.
My boy Bush?:lmao:

In case you missed the post.

I'm a Democrat.:oops-28:
I am done with you Joe, you cant change stupid, democrats want legal guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, so then terrorists and criminals can walk into that gun free zone and start killing everyone. It happened in a Colorado Theater, Sandy Hook school, Fort Hood, San Bernardino, and monthly in Chicago, NYC and other inner cities. Gun Free Zone means killing zone. You are just stupid..

Guy, man up and admit you didn't do your research when you made a stupid statement.

The thing is, Holmes, Lanza, Cho, Mercer, Loughner were not "Criminals" or "Terrorists". They were regular citizens who were able to get guns they had no business having, and killed dozens of people in the process.
liberals want our guns taken away, so they can take over the country and really turn it into a Socialist Utopia just like Venezuela and the old USSR. Problem with the liberals, is that as long as the 2nd amendment allows "LAW ABIDING CITIZENS" to protect themselves for governments foreign and domestic, the liberals will continue to rant and rave. I

But you aren't shooting "criminals", guy. We have 33,000 gun deaths every year, and most of them aren't criminals. The ones who were weren't doing things that merited killing them.

Most western democracies ban private gun ownership, and they are just as capitalist as we are.

Suicides don't count. People are allowed to kill themselves if they want to.

And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out
Suicides don't count. People are allowed to kill themselves if they want to.

And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out

what fun would that be.

I want to live in the country that bans guns, and then all you pathetic, malignant narcissists will be standing on the sidewalk crying when the ATF comes by to take your guns to the smelting plant.
Most western democracy's don't have a Constitution that says that is a no no!

Last time I checked this was a Republic.

We don't either. We have a Militia amendment. Not sure why we still need a militia amendment, any more than why we still need a "Army can't quarter troops in your house" amendment in 2015, these seem to be "concerns people don't have anymore in the modern age".
Come on Joe.

How many times do we have to say that we don't want certain people to have firearms.

I'm in Maryland. Do you think it was easy to transfer firearms from California to Maryland?

Disarming me is not going to stop these mentally challenged assholes from shooting each other.

I'm just making sure they can't shoot me.

I don't go out armed and everything is locked and nobody but me knows where the key is.

You're chasing your tail.

We won't be giving them up.

Even if you BAN them.

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