Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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If the bottle manufacturer was specifically designing bottles to allow molotovs to have more cluster impact (which would increase its deadliness) and if the manufacturer use this as a marketing pitch rather than trying to prevent it, to have more profit, then yes of course, they would have responsibility for sure...
Unfortunately for you, none of this applies to any manufacturer of AR15-based rifles.
Oh yeah
Why they have blocks in the receivers now then...
Good thing someone here told you about those receiver blocks, else you'd have no clue.
In any case, nothing here illustrates an intentional design to facilitate full-auto conversion, nor marketing to that effect.
Why does it not bother you that you have to lie to make a point?
And a 12 gauge shotgun could of done the same, should they ban that also? How about the liberal leftwing nutjob that took semi auto pistols into the Virginia Tech University and shot up kids with the 9mm. Should they ban that? How about crock-pot bombs that killed people in Boston, should they ban crock-pots? Once again, Joe more kids are killed by unplanned parenthood, should they ban that? Oh yeah, children born outside of the womb are just Fetuses, just like those kids in Sandy Hook?

To answer you spew of crazy in order....

Lanza could not have killed as many people with a 12 gauge as he did with the AR-15

Cho wasn't "left wing". I'm not sure how you can apply left wing to people who had no political interests at all. BUt, um, yeah, they should have banned him from buying a gun. If VA Tech had to privately tutor him because his scary and erratic behavior made the other students uncomfortable, he should have been on a list.

But shit, we can't even get people on the No Fly list banned from buying guns.

You can't kill someone with a crockpot the minute you walk out of the store with it.

Fetuses still aren't people. I've known people who've lost kids and people who have had abortions and people who've had miscarriages. The only one who lose their shit are the ones who lose actual kids.
And not one person died from 3 Mile island. Oh you didn't know that, that the fail systems of a capitalist power plant did exactly what it was supposed to do? Nitwit4900, if you keep this up, you are going to prove to everyone, even the liberals that socialism sucks.

You're funny......dumber than a bucket of piss....but funny, nonetheless......Keep it up, we could use the levity.
And a 12 gauge shotgun could of done the same, should they ban that also? How about the liberal leftwing nutjob that took semi auto pistols into the Virginia Tech University and shot up kids with the 9mm. Should they ban that? How about crock-pot bombs that killed people in Boston, should they ban crock-pots? Once again, Joe more kids are killed by unplanned parenthood, should they ban that? Oh yeah, children born outside of the womb are just Fetuses, just like those kids in Sandy Hook?

To answer you spew of crazy in order....

Lanza could not have killed as many people with a 12 gauge as he did with the AR-15

Cho wasn't "left wing". I'm not sure how you can apply left wing to people who had no political interests at all. BUt, um, yeah, they should have banned him from buying a gun. If VA Tech had to privately tutor him because his scary and erratic behavior made the other students uncomfortable, he should have been on a list.

But shit, we can't even get people on the No Fly list banned from buying guns.

You can't kill someone with a crockpot the minute you walk out of the store with it.

Fetuses still aren't people. I've known people who've lost kids and people who have had abortions and people who've had miscarriages. The only one who lose their shit are the ones who lose actual kids.
Lanza could not have killed as many people with a 12 gauge as he did with the AR-15
Cho wasn't "left wing".
anyone who hates people who just want to live their lives in peace and happiness is a liberal, Cho shot up kids because they weren't miserable like him.
But shit, we can't even get people on the No Fly list banned from buying guns.
And now that same Federal Government is in charge of OUR healthcare, way to go dumbass.
Fetuses still aren't people.
at one time you only said kidney bean sized babies weren't people, now you are saying babies born outside the womb aren't people?

See sociopath #3
The peoples right to keep (own) and bear arms shall not be infringed

The militia does not have any rights the PEOPLE hold the right to keep and bear arms

Just because you say something doesn't make it so.

in March 2007 the federal appeals court overturned that ruling, striking down the D.C. gun law. Judge Lawrence Silberman wrote for the 2-1 majority:

U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (2007): The Amendment does not protect “the right of militiamen to keep and bear arms,” but rather “the right of the people.” The operative clause, properly read, protects the ownership and use of weaponry beyond that needed to preserve the state militias.

Court precedents can be overridden. Now that Scalia is being ass raped by demons in Hell, we can get this stupidity overturned pretty quickly.

Oops, the Militia Amendment is about Militias again...
Funny how when homosexual marriages(no rights given in the constitution) were decided by the supreme court a liberal didn't call it stupidity, yet when DC protection law(2nd amendment) was decided by the supreme court, as typical of the hypocrites. they call it stupidity. Joe, you definitely need a time out.

Americans , who are FREE PEOPLE, have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to bears arms to defend their lives and for other lawful purposes

The right is protected PRIMARILY by the Constitution because no authority was conferred upon the federal government to regulate firearms. Since no authority was conferred then the right is also protected by the NINTH AMENDMENT. Our right to bear was was EMPHASIZED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.

This distinction is important because the scumbags are acting as if the 2A allows fedgov to regulate firearms - it doesn't. It is also not true that the COMMERCE CLAUSE allows fedgov the authority to criminalize the possession of firearms in certain cases. It doesn't. SCOTUS rulings to that effect are bald face USURPATIONS and must be ignored.

As free people Americans also have a Constitutional (1787) right protected by the main document and the NINTH AMENDMENT to pursue happiness . Therefore adults can consensually agree to get fucked in the ass. To each his own.

We don't want them infringing on our rights so lets not infringe on theirs.


Americans , who are FREE PEOPLE, have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to bears arms to defend their lives and for other lawful purposes

The right is protected PRIMARILY by the Constitution because no authority was conferred upon the federal government to regulate firearms. Since no authority was conferred then the right is also protected by the NINTH AMENDMENT. Our right to bear was was EMPHASIZED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.

This distinction is important because the scumbags are acting as if the 2A allows fedgov to regulate firearms - it doesn't. It is also not true that the COMMERCE CLAUSE allows fedgov the authority to criminalize the possession of firearms in certain cases. It doesn't. SCOTUS rulings to that effect are bald face USURPATIONS and must be ignored.

And a 12 gauge shotgun could of done the same, should they ban that also? How about the liberal leftwing nutjob that took semi auto pistols into the Virginia Tech University and shot up kids with the 9mm. Should they ban that? How about crock-pot bombs that killed people in Boston, should they ban crock-pots? Once again, Joe more kids are killed by unplanned parenthood, should they ban that? Oh yeah, children born outside of the womb are just Fetuses, just like those kids in Sandy Hook?

To answer you spew of crazy in order....

Lanza could not have killed as many people with a 12 gauge as he did with the AR-15

Cho wasn't "left wing". I'm not sure how you can apply left wing to people who had no political interests at all. BUt, um, yeah, they should have banned him from buying a gun. If VA Tech had to privately tutor him because his scary and erratic behavior made the other students uncomfortable, he should have been on a list.

But shit, we can't even get people on the No Fly list banned from buying guns.

You can't kill someone with a crockpot the minute you walk out of the store with it.

Fetuses still aren't people. I've known people who've lost kids and people who have had abortions and people who've had miscarriages. The only one who lose their shit are the ones who lose actual kids.

Bullshit. A 12 gauge shotgun is FAR more lethal at close range than an AR-15. Hell, if he had gone in their with a samurai sword he probably would have killed more. You are so incredibly stupid it is beyond belief. You truly don't know shit from shinola.
It means they think that I'm hiding behind every screen name that mocks their stupidity. I enjoy the space I occupy in their heads.

Good for you.......Right wing nitwits need to be mocked for their inanities and ignorant rants....
911 tape: 'Shoot him again!' husband tells wife hiding from home intruder
The recording of a 911 call made during a home invasion in Georgia reveals a chilling scene in which a husband coaches his wife -- home alone with her twin 9-year-old children -- to shoot a determined intruder.

The intruder used a crowbar to bust into the house last Friday and at first intended to rob the suburban Atlanta home in Loganville but shifted his focus to hunting down Melinda Herman and her son and daughter, Walton County investigators told NBC station WXIA in Atlanta.

The family had fled through three locked doors, into a bathroom and then to an upstairs crawl space, but the intruder busted the doors open to stalk the family, police said.
I personally prefer the .45 auto, when you shoot anyone with that caliber weapon, you don't have to shoot more than once, but like with this woman who wanted to defend herself it took 5 shots to finally stop the liberal. If the teachers of Sandy Hook had a weapon, Adam might of shot 1 person before being killed himself. But once again, liberals don't want this woman or young kids to be defended because then THEY(liberals) can rape, kill or murder anyone they want. As long as woman and law abiding citizens have the 2nd amendment, liberals will end up dead, and I wont shed a tear.
I personally prefer the .45 auto, when you shoot anyone with that caliber weapon, you don't have to shoot more than once, but like with this woman who wanted to defend herself it took 5 shots to finally stop the liberal. If the teachers of Sandy Hook had a weapon, Adam might of shot 1 person before being killed himself. But once again, liberals don't want this woman or young kids to be defended because then THEY(liberals) can rape, kill or murder anyone they want. As long as woman and law abiding citizens have the 2nd amendment, liberals will end up dead, and I wont shed a tear.
Gun free zones facilitate the anti-gun loon agenda in that they make sure those who seek to kill large numbers of helpless individuals have access to same.
Blood of innocents = means to push their mindless agenda.
911 tape: 'Shoot him again!' husband tells wife hiding from home intruder
The recording of a 911 call made during a home invasion in Georgia reveals a chilling scene in which a husband coaches his wife -- home alone with her twin 9-year-old children -- to shoot a determined intruder.

The intruder used a crowbar to bust into the house last Friday and at first intended to rob the suburban Atlanta home in Loganville but shifted his focus to hunting down Melinda Herman and her son and daughter, Walton County investigators told NBC station WXIA in Atlanta.

The family had fled through three locked doors, into a bathroom and then to an upstairs crawl space, but the intruder busted the doors open to stalk the family, police said.
I personally prefer the .45 auto, when you shoot anyone with that caliber weapon, you don't have to shoot more than once, but like with this woman who wanted to defend herself it took 5 shots to finally stop the liberal. If the teachers of Sandy Hook had a weapon, Adam might of shot 1 person before being killed himself. But once again, liberals don't want this woman or young kids to be defended because then THEY(liberals) can rape, kill or murder anyone they want. As long as woman and law abiding citizens have the 2nd amendment, liberals will end up dead, and I wont shed a tear.

Bullcrap. Real life isn't the movies. Bad guys often need to be shot multiple times before they stop. Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about either.
911 tape: 'Shoot him again!' husband tells wife hiding from home intruder
The recording of a 911 call made during a home invasion in Georgia reveals a chilling scene in which a husband coaches his wife -- home alone with her twin 9-year-old children -- to shoot a determined intruder.

The intruder used a crowbar to bust into the house last Friday and at first intended to rob the suburban Atlanta home in Loganville but shifted his focus to hunting down Melinda Herman and her son and daughter, Walton County investigators told NBC station WXIA in Atlanta.

The family had fled through three locked doors, into a bathroom and then to an upstairs crawl space, but the intruder busted the doors open to stalk the family, police said.
I personally prefer the .45 auto, when you shoot anyone with that caliber weapon, you don't have to shoot more than once, but like with this woman who wanted to defend herself it took 5 shots to finally stop the liberal. If the teachers of Sandy Hook had a weapon, Adam might of shot 1 person before being killed himself. But once again, liberals don't want this woman or young kids to be defended because then THEY(liberals) can rape, kill or murder anyone they want. As long as woman and law abiding citizens have the 2nd amendment, liberals will end up dead, and I wont shed a tear.

Bullcrap. Real life isn't the movies. Bad guys often need to be shot multiple times before they stop. Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about either.
Guess you don't know what a hollow point(made sure the liberal knew what I was talking about) .45 caliber bullet would do to a human body? I am ex military, the 9mm wont stop a liberal doped up on PCP, while a .45 will blow his arm off if I hit him in the shoulder. Want to debate some more.
So amend the amendment if you don't like what it says.

No, we just need a court to read it the way it was read from 1787 to 2008. Now that Scalia is taking a dirt nap, not a problem.
During a good bit of that time, kids could take guns with them to school so they could hunt on their way home. Is it that to which you are wishing to return?
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So amend the amendment if you don't like what it says.

No, we just need a court to read it the way it was read from 1787 to 2008. Now that Scalia is taking a dirt nap, not a problem.
During a good bit of that time, kids could take guns with them to school and so they could hunt on their way home. Is it that to which you are wishing to return?
once again a conservative child would know good vs evil, right from wrong, with liberals and their immorality, liberal kids end up shooting others or themselves. Maybe you libs should start trying the conservative way, you know because you guys are "For the Children". Yeah, sure , my ass you are.
Obviously there is an inordinate amount of fear among right wingers; terrible way to live, clutching their guns, thumping their bibles and scared shit-less of "darkies".......Whenever there's a mass shooting by some deranged bastard, they flood the gun stores to get MORE guns and ammunition.

How many of these gun-loving right wingers on here alone are just one step away from a pissed off moment to become yet another Lanza?
Whatever the reason whoever buys whatever, I'm sure you have no clue as to their reasons for buying whatever and it is neither your or the federal governments business what anyone buys...
The "deranged bastards" are fucked up control freaks like yourself... Lol
Whatever the reason whoever buys whatever, I'm sure you have no clue as to their reasons for buying whatever and it is neither your or the federal governments business what anyone buys...

WOW, yet another wanna-be right wing Shakespearean prose writer ...
Such prose, such command of the language...such fucked up-ness. :ahole-1::ahole-1:

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