Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Other then how you feel about it, how do you know they weren't on a rack on the wall? And still, how did he get the .22 he shot her in the head with 6 times ?
few firearms are easier to obtain than a 22 Bolt action rifle. I have the CMP version of that gun and I use it to train for service rifle and TNC competitions. Not exactly a firearm most people see as a weapon and a gun that even many Banoids would (at least publicly at this point) say are appropriate firearms for most people to own. My son bought one (with a check) right after he turned 18. They are commonly available at flea markets, swap meets etc.

I don't recall the bill of rights saying anything about abortion, sodomy or reproductive rights. Those "rights" were protected under the unenumerated catch all provisions of the 9th amendment. But guess what? if the 9th amendment protects sodomy and abortion, than certainly it also protects my firearms rights which the founders constantly showed approval for.

BTW I worked for PP and I support LGBT rights, gay marriage and abortion. Unlike you, I don't oppose rights just because the idiots who vote for Hillary or Goofy Bernie cherish those rights
Again, there's no constitutional right to weapon ownership. Sorry, I know you want to think there is, but there isn't.

Scalia's taking a dirt nap, and your bizarro interpretation of the MILITIA AMENDMENT is done.

You're pretty much seen as a moron on this issue. there is the enumerated right to keep and bear arms and there is the 9th amendment which will be the new frontier for the pro freedom movement. Plus scholars are starting to push back on the idiotic expansion of the commerce clause that FDR and his pet monkeys foisted on us. Now some marxist states will continue to make their regimes a Criminal friendly work area but federally, the jihad against gun rights is dying. and I hope if you live in a Banoid state, you are the one breaking down doors trying to seize guns, not some rookie cop who is merely following orders
There is a case where a Gun maker can be sued!

That is if the weapon in question is intended for illegal use.
Good luck trying to prove that one.

gonna be hard given how many AR 15 rifles are issued to CIVILIAN police departments and a similar weapon-the MI Carbine was sold by our GOVERNMENT (Dept of Civilian Marksmanship) to OVER A MILLION US CITIZENS

Wrong. A gun gives its possessor a sense of power, and has an impact on how s/he will act. The simple possession of a gun will impact judgment.

This is the kind of crap we see from someone who has spent to much time in the land of fruits and Nuts, Pelosi and Boxer.
"Comprehensive federal background check legislation. Background checks reduce gun trafficking, reduce the lethality of domestic violence, and reduce unlawful gun transfers to dangerous individuals. It is reprehensible that bipartisan legislation supporting background checks failed in Congress after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. But Hillary is not giving up—she will continue to fight for legislation to build on the Brady Bill’s success."

Brady bill hasn't managed to stop crime with guns. And it surely did not stop her friend Eric Holder from selling guns to criminals did it? Nothing but a consession to a guy stuck in a week chair.

Make straw purchasing a federal crime. When an individual with a clean record buys a gun with the intention of giving it to a violent felon—only so that felon can avoid a background check—it should be a crime. Hillary will fight to make so-called “straw purchasing” a federal crime."

Straw purchases are al ready and always have been a crime punishible by 10 years in prison.

"Close loopholes that let persons suffering from severe mental illness purchase and possess guns. Hillary will fight to improve existing law prohibiting persons suffering from severe mental illness from purchasing or possessing a gun. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives should finalize its rulemaking to close loopholes in our laws and clarify that people involuntarily committed to outpatient treatment, such as the Virginia Tech shooter, are prohibited from buying guns."

What does involuntary mean? Judging by all the bums I see in houston wondering around muttering, I don't think they do that any more.

  • "Keep military-style weapons off our streets. Military-style assault weapons do not belong on our streets. They are a danger to law enforcement and to our communities. Hillary will work to keep assault weapons off our streets and supports reinstating the assault weapons ban."
Reinstate the assault weapons ban? You should be offended by such a useless shiny thing. Removing a flash hider, a little metal nub, a collapsible stock, and 20 rounds out of a magazine were proven to do nothing to reduce crime. Nothing. What did work was when her husband had the hood rats who insist on shooting each other in prision. What ever happened to keeping it simple?
There is a case where a Gun maker can be sued!

That is if the weapon in question is intended for illegal use.
Good luck trying to prove that one.

gonna be hard given how many AR 15 rifles are issued to CIVILIAN police departments and a similar weapon-the MI Carbine was sold by our GOVERNMENT (Dept of Civilian Marksmanship) to OVER A MILLION US CITIZENS[/QUOT

The bright side of the crime bill coming back ? My Bushmaster and 10 thirty round magazines will be worth a crap ton of money.
Nope, but his facination with mass shootings and his reclusive behavior would maybe make a person nervous about leaving guns laying about.

what evidence is there that she kept guns laying around

hint-GUN SAFES protect your weapons when you are away

YOU protect your weapons when you are present

fact-IF I AM WILLING to kill someone to get their weapons, I am probably willing to do something SHORT OF KILLING to get them to open a gun safe

Other then how you feel about it, how do you know they weren't on a rack on the wall? And still, how did he get the .22 he shot her in the head with 6 times ?

The following is a complete accounting of all the firearms, magazines, and ammunition that was available to Adam Lanza on December 14, 2012. All of this material had been legally purchased by Nancy Lanza.


Taken to Sandy Hook Elementary:

Izhmash Saiga 12-gauge semiautomatic shotgun
Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S .223-caliber semiautomatic rifle
Glock 20 10mm semiautomatic handgun
Sig Sauer P226 9mm semiautomatic handgun

Found in Lanza Home:

Savage Mark II bolt-action .22-caliber rifle
Enfield Albian bolt-action .323-caliber rifle
Volcanic .22-caliber starter pistol


The Savage Mark II bolt-action .22-caliber rifle that Adam Lanza used to kill his mother.


Taken to Sandy Hook Elementary:

Two 12-gauge shotgun magazines
10 30-round .223 magazines
6 30-round 9mm magazines
6 30-round 10mm magazines

Found in Lanza Home:

Clear plastic Ramline magazine for an AR-15
Three AGP Arms lnc. 12-gauge shotgun magazines (empty)
One Promag 20 round 12-gauge drum magazine
One MDArms 20 round 12-gauge drum magazine
Two AGP Arms lnc. 12-gauge shotgun magazines, taped together, each with 10 rounds
Surefire GunMag magazine with 8 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge 9 pellet buck
AGP Arms Inc. Gen 2 12-gauge shotgun magazine
Magazine with 10 rounds of .223-caliber bullets


Taken to Sandy Hook Elementary:

20 12-gauge shotgun rounds
301 rounds of .233-caliber ammunition
116 rounds of .9mm ammunition
90 rounds of 10mm ammunition

The Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S .223-caliber semiautomatic rifle that Adam Lanza used to kill 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Found in Lanza Home:

Five Winchester 12-gauge shotgun shells, cut open, with buckshot
White plastic bag containing 30 Winchester 12-gauge shotgun shells
Box with 20 Estate 12-gauge shotgun shells
Four boxes of SB buckshot 12-gauge, 40 rounds
Box of Lightfield 12-gauge slugs
Six “Winchester” 9 pellet buckshot shells (12-gauge)
Two Remington 12-gauge slugs
Winchester 12-gauge 9 pellet buck
10 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge 9 pellet buck
Planters can with numerous .22 and .45 caliber bullets
Wooden box with numerous rounds of Winchester .45-caliber bullets
Two boxes of PPU .45 caliber auto., 100 rounds
Box of “Fiocchi” .45-caliber auto with 48 rounds
Box of Magtech .45-caliber ACP with 30 rounds
Tan bag containing numerous Blazer .45-caliber bullets
Box containing 400 rounds of Winchester Wildcat .22-caliber bullets
Two boxes of .22-caliber long rifle Blazer, 100 rounds
80 rounds of CCI .22-caliber long rifle
31 .22-caliber rounds
Small plastic bag containing numerous .22 caliber bullets
Full box of Blazer .22 caliber long rifle, 50 rounds
Box of 20 Prvi Partizan .30-30 British rifle cartridges
Box of 20 Federal .303 British rifle cartridges
Box of PPU .303-caliber British cartridges with 9 rounds
Box of 20 rounds of Remington .223-caliber
Three Winchester .223-caliber rifle rounds
Six boxes of PMC .223-caliber, 20 rounds each
Three boxes of Blazer 40-caliber S&W, 150 rounds
Two boxes of Winchester 5.56mm, 40 rounds
Two boxes of Underwood 10mm auto, 100 rounds
Box of Underwood 10mm auto with 34 rounds
130 rounds of Lawman 9mm luger in 3 boxes
Box of miscellaneous 9mm rounds, 29 total
Two Win 9mm rounds
Small box of miscellaneous rounds

When Adam killed his sleeping, defenseless mother as she lay in bed, his choice of weapon was the Savage Mark II .22-caliber rifle, a bolt-action firearm that can accept a 10-round magazine. When it came time to travel to Sandy Hook to commit mass murder—and potentially expose himself to harm from responding law enforcement—Lanza discarded the Savage rifle and turned to the Bushmaster XM15-E2S, a semiautomatic rifle that he equipped with 30-round magazines so as to cut down on the number of times he would have to reload.

What Adam Lanza Took, and Didn't Take, to Sandy Hook Elementary

She had seven guns........thats it....? Really....and you nutters think she had an aresenal......I thought, from what you nutters went on and on about, that she had at least 30 or more........

You guys keep talking out of your asses.........what morons....

A bolt action .22......a .22 starter pistol.........did you break out into sweats typing that?........get guys need help

7 guys are nuts.
They would have a coronary if they saw my collection... LOL
Me too, I have at least 15 shotguns for just different competitive clay events

three for NSSA skeet
Two for ISU Skeet (the good stuff-K-80_
Three for ISU Trap
Two for ATA trap
5 for NSCA clays

For Pistol

Three "Bowling Pin" autos
Three PPC revolvers
Two USPSA Open Race guns
Three USPSA "Limited division" autos
Six USPSA "stock division" autos
Three "steel challenge" revolvers (8shot SWs)

that's just a small sampling
Gun companies do have special legal protections against liability that very few other industries enjoy.

To see what she's getting at, you have to back up 10 years. Clinton is talking about a 2005 law called the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, or PLCAA — a law she wants to repeal as part of her gun control proposals.

Lawmakers passed that law in response to a spate of lawsuits that cities filed against the gun industry in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Those lawsuits often claimed gun-makers or sellers were engaging in "negligent marketing" or creating a "public nuisance."

In 2000, for example, New York City joined 30 counties and cities in suing gun manufacturers, saying manufacturers should have been making their products safer and also better tracking where their products were sold. Manufacturers, one argument at the time went, should stop supplying stores that sell a lot of guns that end up being used in crimes.

In response to these lawsuits, the NRA pushed for the law, which passed in 2005 with support from both Republicans and Democrats. Then-Sen. Clinton voted against it; her current Democratic opponent, Bernie Sanders, voted for it.

FACT CHECK: Are Gun-Makers 'Totally Free Of Liability For Their Behavior'?

15 U.S. Code § 7901 - Findings; purposes

well if the courts would actually destroy the idiots who file those politically driven suits against the gun makers, then we wouldn't need it.

Sanders was proper in his vote.
How the hell would a gun manufacturer 5 states over have any idea who you are selling guns to in Chicago? Do you think the cattle rancher knows who is eating his steak at your restaurant? What is it with liberals and a general lack of logic?

Speaking of "logic".......Do you not comprehend that a gun manufacturer that sells assault weapons are selling those weapons UNAWARE that such a weapon may be used to kill as fast and as many people as possible?

in some cases that is proper

The public has legal protections. Guns.

Stupid, STUPID !!!!! For 2 reasons:

One, morons like you STILL think that government (especially with a black president) is after your sorry hide and you will fight them off from your bedroom.......and

Two, do you really think that your freakin assault rifle is preventing government from placing you in that dreaded "relocation" camp?????

MORON !!!!!

Lets THINK this through (this is a hypothetical so no need for you to put on your rubber panties and adult diapers)

You are the governor of say the peoples collective of NY. You start a program saying all NRA members must report to reeducation centers. 100 NRA members with bolt action rifles decide they are going to "terminate your tenure in office" with extreme prejudice after you declare martial law.

Question-what is your expected life span"

and after some patriot does a Randall Murphy on your head with a 180 grain "core loc" projectile doing 2850 FPS, what do you think the guy who takes your office is going to think?
Hey Nat, remember this question you ran away from? Are you a vegetarian? Or are you a civilized liberal who has other people kill your food for you?

Thanks for asking and caring....I've been a vegetarian for over 40 years......
(Now, go on and write a bunch of moronic posts about "vegetables have feelings too")

Nope, I'm a vegetarian too. Primarily because I hate vegetables, the little fucking bastards. I don't hate the way they taste, I just hate them. So I eat them.

I give you credit on this one. Most liberals who talk about guns are for killing aren't vegetarians. Don't get a big head though, everything else you say is still whacked ...
Do you even know what an so called "assault rifle" is?? Dumbass
The "AR" in ar15 does not mean Assault rifle... Of course if your head was out of your ass you would know that…

No doubt, you get an erection when you "correct" people that AR does not mean "assault rifle".....(yeah, yeah, ArmaLite was the original manufacturer)......

Hey moron, the term "assault" is a term that means soldiers attacking a fixed and defended position by using SELECT FIRE (that means fully automatic to the luddites) to pin down the defenders so other members of the assaulting forces can get close enough to take out the fixed position with a satchel charge, a flamethrower or a bazooka. Since semi auto rifles do not have full automatic fire capabilities, they are not suitable for such a military task

Banoid assholes call them "assault weapons" so that weak minded panty wetting wimps will think those firearms are made for "criminal assault"
Then you would know an "ar" is not a military grade weapon? It's just a sporting rifle...
Get your out of your ass and educate yourself... Lol

Sure, the AR15 is a "sporting rifle" if you want to either have instant deer ground meat, OR kill as many people as possible just for "sport"......
what stupidity. do you know why so many people own these rifles?

1) because they were trained on similar weapons in the military

2) because parts and service are easily available

3) ammo is cheaper due to military surplus

4) most police departments use them

given less than TWO PERCENT of all mURDERS involve ALL rifles, your claim is just coming out of your colon

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